Greetings Parents and Family of ________________, November 12th, 2014 The 8th grade team is pleased to announce that this upcoming April 29-May 1, 2015, our class will be taking our first ever overnight field trip to Washington, DC! This is an incredible educational opportunity for our students to tour our Nation’s Capital. We are extremely excited to be the first class EVER at Berryhill, to attempt this educational journey with our students. We believe this will start a legacy of opportunity for our students in years to come. The trip will consist of a variety of activities—traveling via charter bus, attending museums, stopping at the White House, staying at a hotel and all meals will be included—the cost of this trip provides everything the students will need for three days. The trip’s itinerary is included on the attached handout. The full price for this trip is $325 per child. We realize funds might be an issue, so we want to encourage all families to begin thinking about fundraising for this now. Our goal is for all 8th grade students to attend, that being said, if your family would require financial assistance, please send to your child’s homeroom teacher, a detailed Financial Aid Letter by December 1st, including the following: Full Name of Student Name of Parent/Guardian and contact information (Phone number, email, etc.) How much family is able to pay towards the trip How much student will need to fundraise towards the trip **It is important to note that by turning in a financial aid letter, it is not a guarantee that funds will be available for those students. We will have to fundraise the remaining balance of what families cannot afford to pay.** The 8th grade team will be organizing an upcoming Washington, DC Informational Night, for parents to learn more about this trip. This will be on Tuesday November 18th from 5:00-6:00pm. Please consider attending to learn more about this educational opportunity. The 8th grade team will also be fundraising every month for this trip. We will be sending letters home with students about these events, should they wish to attend and raise money. We do encourage them and you to begin fundraising NOW. Along with the itinerary, a list of fundraising activities is included. Students will also have to sign a behavior contract which must be followed and be in good standing at Berryhill to attend this field trip. This includes having NO Out of School Suspensions for 2nd semester. **It is important to note that this trip is not guaranteed. If funds cannot be raised, we will not be able to attend and the trip will be canceled. This said, we encourage all to begin fundraising now.** Thank you in advance. If you have any questions, please feel free to call Elisa Wallace, the 8th Grade Language Arts teacher. She can be reached at 910-200-4915 or Berryhill at 980-343-6100. Graciously Yours, Elisa D. Wallace, Language Arts Teacher Allison Robbins, Social Studies Teacher Steven Fieler, Mathematics Teacher Laura Bartos, Science Teacher Melanie Bell, Middle School Counselor