INTERNATIONAL & AREA STUDIES BA AND MS THESIS RUBRIC Instructor________________________ Course___________________ Excellent Mastery (5) Good Mastery (4) Semester_____________ Date_____________ Score_______ Some Mastery (3) Minimal Mastery (2) No Mastery (1) Generally describes the international complexities of research questions Generally frames topic and maintains some focus Limited description of international complexities, unclear research questions Research questions not related to international issues Over-simplifies topic and maintains no focus Topic is not identifiable. Generally uses theoretical and/or comparative literature Inconsistent use of theoretical and/or literature, may over-rely on too few sources No use of theory and/or literature Limited description of argument Inconsistent use of methods related to research Unclear or inappropriate methods Thoroughly describes historical and cultural complexities related to research questions Thoroughly frames complex topic and maintains appropriate focus Thoroughly situates work within existing theoretical and/or comparative literature and makes contribution Clearly situates work within existing theoretical and/or comparative literature Argument Thoroughly develops defensible argument Clearly describes argument Approach and Methodology Thoroughly uses appropriate methods Clearly uses methods related to research Generally describes argument Generally uses methods related to research Use of Data and Evidence Thoroughly uses data and evidence Clearly uses data and evidence Generally uses data and evidence Inconsistent use of data and evidence Presents no data and evidence Insight and Conclusions Thoroughly connects ideas and develops insightful conclusions Clearly connects ideas and draws conclusions Generally describes ideas and draws some conclusions Limited description of ideas and draws simplistic conclusions No description of ideas and draws unclear conclusions International Competency Scope and Complexity of Topic Use of Literature and Theory Clearly describes the international complexities of research questions Clearly frames complex topic and maintains focus No argument Grammar, Spelling and Usage Virtually no errors Some minor errors Frequent or serious errors Errors begin to impair readability Significantly impairs readability Organization Structure enhances the argument; Strong sections and seamless flow Structure supports the argument; Clearly ordered sections Structure has choppy transitions and/or redundancies or disconnections Structure is of inconsistent quality Needs significant reorganization Clarity and Style Mastery of the genre, including elegant style, established voice Effective prose style; Follows relevant scholarly conventions; Emerging voice Beginning to be comfortable with appropriate conventions Style is inconsistent or uneven Style gets in the way of reading for content