SUPPLEMENTAL DATA Supplemental Fig. S1 Plastid RNA editing profiles insiliques (Sil),flowers (F),stems (St), leaves (L),androots (R)from 6-week-old Arabidopsis. Bulk sequencing of the RT-PCR products containing the RNA editing sites are shown as sequence chromatograms. Arrows indicate the editing sites. 1 Supplemental Fig. S2 RT-PCR analysis of total RNA extracted from roots with primers used for ndhB-1255 and ndhD-2. PCR products were not detected in reactions without reverse transcriptase (- RT), indicating that contamination of genomic DNA was negligible in the analysis of ndhB-1255 and ndhD-2 editing in roots. Supplemental Fig. S3 RNA gel blot analysis of plastid genes in different organs from 6-week-old Arabidopsis. R, roots; L, leaves; St, stems; F, flowers; Si, siliques. 2 Supplemental Fig. S4 Arabidopsis plastid RNA editing profiles were similar in 3day-old green (G) and etiolated (E) seedlings. Bulk sequencing of the RT-PCR products containing the RNA editing sites are shown as sequence chromatograms. Arrows indicate the editing sites. 3 Supplemental Fig. S5TheArabidopsis ispG null mutant is albino lethal.(A) The IspG gene encodes HMBPP synthase (HDS) of the nonmevalonate pathway for IPP and DMAPP biosynthesis in the plastid, which are precursors of isoprenoids including carotenoids and chlorophylls. (B) Schematic diagram of the IspG gene and the TDNA insertion site of the ispG mutant (SALK_017595). (C) Progeny of a green heterozygous ispG mutant segregate green and albino seedlings in a ratio of ~3:1. (D) RNA gel blot analysis revealed that the IspG transcripts were not detectable in the ispG albino seedlings. (E) The ispG mutant chloroplast contained large vesicles and lipid droplets. 4 Supplemental Fig. S6 Plastid RNA editing profilesin wild type (WT),and cia5-2, ispF, and ispG albino mutants. Bulk sequencing of the RT-PCR products containing the RNA editing sites are shown as sequence chromatograms. Arrows indicate the editing sites. 5 Supplemental Fig. S7 Plastid RNA editing profilesin green (G),lincomycin (Lin)and norflurazon (NF)-treated seedlings. Bulk sequencing of the RT-PCR products containing the RNA editing sites are shown as sequence chromatograms. Arrows indicate the editing sites. 6 Supplemental Fig. S8 Editing of ndhB-467, ndhB-586, and ndhB-746 on spliced and unsplicedndhBtranscripts.Bulk sequencing results of the RT-PCR products containing the RNA editing sites are shown as sequence chromatograms. Arrows indicate the editing sites. These editing sites were sequenced from spliced and unspliced RT-PCR products purified from the same reaction and amplified by primers located on different exons. In NF-treated seedlings, both spliced and unsplicedndhB transcripts were amplified. The editing of ndhB-467, ndhB-586, and ndhB-746 was more affected in unspliced transcripts. In Lin-treated seedlings, only unsplicedndhB transcripts were amplified. 7 Supplemental Fig. S9 RNA gel blot analysis of Arabidopsis plastid genes in cia5-2, ispF, and ispG albino mutants. W, wild type; C, cia5-2; F, ispF; G,ispG. Supplemental Fig. S10 RNA gel blot analysis of Arabidopsis plastid genes in green (G),lincomycin (L)- and norflurazon (N)-treated seedlings. 8 Supplemental Table S1 Primers used for making DIG-labeled probes and probe locations Gene Primer sequence 5'→3' Probe location accD atpF clpP matK ndhB ndhD ndhF ndhG petL psbE psbF psbZ rpl23 rpoA rpoB rpoC1 GAAAGCGGAAAGATTCGTGA / ATGGAGCTGAAATAACTCGC TAGATAACCGAAAGCAGAGG / GTTATTTCTTTCATCGTACC ATGATCCATCAACCCGCTAG / TATTGAACCGCTACAAGATC CGGCAATCCTAGGGTTGCTC / AAATACCAAATTCGCACTCG ATGGCTATAACAGAGTTTCT / CGCAATAATCGGGTTCATTG CATGGATTTATTGGCGCTGC / GATTCGACCTTGTCACTTGC GTGGCTCCTTCTATTCACTC / GAAGAGATGCGACTTCCACC GGATTTGCCTGGACCAATAC / TGACGAGCCACAGAAATTGC ATGCCTACTATAACTAGTTA / TCAAATAAGTCGTATTTTGC TCTGGAAGCACAGGAGAACG / TACTAAATTCATCGAGTTGT ATGACTATAGATAGGACCTA / TTATCGTTGGATGAACTGCA GACTATTGCTTTCCAATTGG / AAGAGATAAGAGAATTAAGG GGATGGAATCAAATATGCAG / TAAGTTCTTTTCTTTCTAAG CGGACACTACAGTGGAAGTG / ATGAATACAGCATCGATAGG ATGCCTTATTTGCAAGACGG / GATCGTAGTTCTCGAACAAG TTTTCTTTTGCTAGGCCCATAA / TTCGCAAATCTAAATCGGCT rps 12 ATGCCAACCATTAAACAACT / ATACACCCGAGTACATGTTC rps 14 ATGGCAAAGAAAAGTTTGAT / TTACCAGCTTGATCTTGTTG Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 3 Exon 1 Exon 1+Exon 2 Exon 1 Exon 1 Exon 1 Exon 1 (orf31) Exon 1 Exon 1 Exon 1 Exon 1 Exon 1 Exon 1 Exon 2 Exon 1 (ATCG00065) Exon 1 9 Supplemental Table S2 Primers used for RT-PCR and analysis of plastid RNA editing Editing site Primer sequence 5'-->3' accD-794 accD-1568 atpF-92 clpP-559 matK-640 TGAAAGCGGAAAGATTCGTG/ATGGAGCTGAAATAACTCGC TGGATGCAATGGTACCACGTA/AGAATCTGATCTAACAACAGGGAA CCGATTCTTTCGTTTACTTG/AGGGTTCCTATAGCTCCTTG ATGATCCATCAACCCGCTAG/TATTGAACCGCTACAAGATC CGTTACCGGGTAAAAGATGC/AGCGGCGTATCCTTTGTTGC TTCCGTAAATATTCCATTCCAAA/ ndhB-149 AAACATTCCTCCTAGAGTAGCTGTTAAT ndhB-467 CATTGAATGTACAGAAATGGCTATAA/TCCGATTTGACCTATGGACG ndhB-586 CATTGAATGTACAGAAATGGCTATAA/TCCGATTTGACCTATGGACG ndhB-746 CATTGAATGTACAGAAATGGCTATAA/TCCGATTTGACCTATGGACG ndhB-830 GGACTCCTGACGTATACGAA/TCCGATTTGACCTATGGACG ndhB-836 GGACTCCTGACGTATACGAA/TCCGATTTGACCTATGGACG ndhB-872 GGACTCCTGACGTATACGAA/TCCGATTTGACCTATGGACG ndhB-1255 GTCGTTGCTTTTCTTTCTG/CTAAAAAGGGTATCCTGAGC ndhB-1481 GTCGTTGCTTTTCTTTCTG/CTAAAAAGGGTATCCTGAGC ndhD-2 GACTGTGTTGGTTGTAAGAGATGTG/TCGATCCATTTATAATCTTCGGA ndhD-383 GGACCTGGTGTATCTTGTC/TAGCCGAATACAGACGTTTC ndhD-674 TATGGTTCGAACGAACCAAC/CATAACTCGTTCATGCCAAG ndhD-878 TATGGTTCGAACGAACCAAC/CATAACTCGTTCATGCCAAG ndhD-887 TATGGTTCGAACGAACCAAC/CATAACTCGTTCATGCCAAG ndhF-290 AAAACCTTCGCCGCATGTGG/GCATTCGCTGCAATAGGTCG ndhG-50 ATAATGGATTTGCCTGGACC/CTTATTAAATCTTGCTCTAGAATCTGGTT petL-5 AGGGAAGTACTTTAAGAATC/ATTAGACCTAAGACGATTCC psbE-214 ACAGGAGAACGTTCTTTTGC/CGTTGGATGAACTGCATTGC psbF-77 ACAGGAGAACGTTCTTTTGC/CGTTGGATGAACTGCATTGC AGAACATAGCCCTATGAGTTAATACGA/ psbZ-50 GATAAGAGAATTAAGGATACCCACCA rpl23-89 AATTCCTACTGGATGCACGC/AAGAGGTGGAATAGAATAACCCG rpoA-200 CGGACACTACAGTGGAAGTG/ATGAATACAGCATCGATAGG rpoB-338 TATCGGTTTATTGATCAGGG/GCAGCTGCTAACACATCTCG rpoB-551 TATCGGTTTATTGATCAGGG/GCAGCTGCTAACACATCTCG rpoB-2432 AACACCTCAAGTGGCGAAAG/GTCCTACATTCATGCGTGAG rpoC1-497 TTTTCTTTTGCTAGGCCCATAA/TTCGCAAATCTAAATCGGCT rps12-intron CAAGACAGCCAATCCGAAAC/CTTGTACAATTCACATTCTTTGGC rps14-50 TTCTTAATTTCCTGGCGTGG/TCCATTTCTCACTTAGCGACG rps14-149 TCATTTGATTCGTCGATCCTC/TACCAGCTTGATCTTGTTGC 10 Supplemental materials and methods The proteins used for amino acid sequence alignments can be found in the GenBankdatabase under the following accession numbers. Nicotianatabacum: accD, NP_054508; atpF, NP_054482; clpP, NP_054525; matK, NP_054478; ndhB, NP_054547; ndhD, NP_054557; ndhF, NP_054554; ndhG, NP_054560; petL, NP_054519; psbE, NP_054517; psbF, NP_054516; psbZ, NP_054494; rpl23, NP_054541; rpoA, NP_054532; rpoB, NP_054488; rpoC1, NP_054487; rps14, NP_054495. Oryza sativa: atpF, NP_039379; clpP, NP_039410; matK, NP_039361; ndhB, NP_039432; ndhD, NP_039444; ndhF, NP_039441; ndhG, NP_039447; petL, NP_039404; psbE, NP_039403; psbF, NP_039402; psbZ, NP_039368; rpl23, NP_039392; rpoA, NP_039417; rpoB, NP_039373; rpoC1, NP_039374; rps14, NP_039381. Zea mays: atpF, NP_ 043021; clpP, NP_043048; matK, NP_043005; ndhB, NP_043076; ndhD, NP_043087; ndhF, NP_043084; ndhG, NP_043090; petL, NP_043042; psbE, NP_043041; psbF, NP_043040; psbZ, NP_043011; rpl23, NP_043068; rpoA, NP_043055; rpoB, NP_043015; rpoC1, NP_043016; rps14, NP_043023. Marchantiapolymorpha: accD, NP_039307; atpF, NP_039281; clpP, NP_039323; ndhB, NP_039271; ndhD, NP_039348; ndhF, NP_039343; ndhG, NP_039351; psbE, NP_039315; psbF, NP_039314; psbZ, NP_039296; rpl23, NP_039342; rpoA, NP_039331; rpoB, NP_039275; rpoC1, NP_039276; rps14, NP_039297. Physcomitrella patens: accD, NP_904193; atpF, NP_904217; clpP, NP_904176; matK, NP_904210; ndhB, NP_904166; ndhD, NP_904238; ndhF, NP_904235; ndhG, NP_904241; petL, NP_904182; psbE, NP_904183; psbF, NP_904184; psbZ, NP_904205; rpl23, NP_904234; rpoB, NP_904223; rpoC1, NP_904222; rps14, NP_904204. Chlamydomonasreinhardtii: atpF, NP_958410; clpP, NP_958364; petL, NP_958424; psbE, NP_958396; psbF, NP_958399; psbZ, NP_958383; rpl23, NP_958368; rpoA, NP_958389; rps14, NP_958381. Synechocystissp. PCC 6803: atpF, NP_440057; clpP, NP_441889; ndhB, NP_440041; ndhD, NP_441967; ndhF, NP_442460; ndhG, NP_442812; psbE, NP_440412; psbF, NP_440413; psbZ, NP_440888; rpl23, NP_440668; rpoA, NP_440645; rpoB, NP_440685; rpoC1, NP_441586. 11