
District Advisory Committee
October 10, 2013
Brian Larson- MS Admin.
Dawn Kelly- Bingham
James Maughan- West Hills
Jennifer Boehme – JEA
June LeMaster – Admin. HR-Excused
Kyle Hansen – HR Admin.
Laura Black – JEA
Mallory Record- Sunset Ridge
Melissa Brown- Riverton High
Mike Kochevar- HS Admin.
Norman Emerson – Elem. Admin.
The Board authorizes the establishment of a
Certificated Advisory Council for the purpose of
communicating areas of concern by employee
groups within the District.
Concern: Chinese Dual Immersion concerns regarding core instruction has been expressed.
Comments: In the 1-3 grades, the Chinese teacher teaches Chinese literacy, Math, Science. The English teacher
teaches English LA and vocabulary for Math and Science.
“In the 4-6 grades it switches so Chinese teacher only does Science and Chinese literacy. The English teacher is
required to do all assessments and report cards. They also teach the entire English LA, Math core, and Science
vocabulary in only half the day. The USOE says you can’t grade Chinese literacy because it is not in the
core. Should the District have a modified scope and sequence for English literacy (apparently other districts have
provided this). There is only 140 minutes to teach everything. Extra programs take time away from instruction
time, because they are in English and must be done during the English portion of the day. They want the English
LA core paired down to the basics to be taught. Math program is different in Chinese than in English. Students
are thrown into Math Expressions in 4th grade and haven’t had that in the past. None of the English LA concepts
transfer to Chinese. Chinese teacher cannot teach paragraphing, punctuation, capitalization because it doesn’t
transfer languages. All test scores follow English teacher, not Chinese teacher."
Action: Kyle met with Robyn Bishop and Leticia Thomas regarding the DLI questions. The following
information was shared: The English teacher of the DLI team has about 180 minute each day (120 on Friday) as
listed in the Chinese DLI Curriculum Map manual. Traditional schools have a little less time each day.
The Chinese Language partner should be teaching Chinese Literacy, Science, reinforcement of the Math concepts
(literally reinforcing what the English teacher has taught), Language, Music, Art, and PE. It is also recommended
that the students receive support services (such as interventions, resource, etc.) during the second language time. It
was recommended that teachers follow the provided manual because a supportive cross-curriculum scope and
sequence will significantly reduce preparation/planning time. Assessments can be given during the second
language class time. Report cards should be completed by both teachers.
Steven Harward explained that schools should enter both teachers as teachers of record for each session of the day
on Skyward. The English teacher is listed as teacher 1 and the second language teacher is listed as teacher 2. By
doing this, testing data is associated with both teachers (same as job share teachers).
Robyn and Leticia will be meeting with the Chinese Dual Immersion teams in the very near future to offer training
and support.
Concern: Elementary Track Change Days. Are teachers compensated for the time? How much Time? Should
schools hold meetings on the track change days?
Comments: “They are paid the 3 hours like traditional grade prep day pay for 3 track on days per year. This is
now built into their salary, but they are expected to work those hours. We negotiated flexibility for this, so the
teacher needs to work out with the principal if they are doing these hours other than on track change day. B & C
have 4 track on days, which has always been an issue. They can divide the 9 hours up by 4 and work shorter time
each track on.”
If they move classrooms, there is the $100 stipend when they track on. B &C are eligible for this all 4 times if
they are moving rooms.
Tracking on teachers are only paid for three hours, Principals should be cautious about holding additional
meetings during the 3 hours.
* It is important to note that most YRE Principals hold faculty meetings on track change days because it is the
only day where all teachers should be in the building.
District Advisory Committee
Action: YRE principals will be reminded of the procedures and asked to share with their staff. Kyle will share the
information with the Administrators of Schools.
Concern: We are heading into the poor air quality and weather and would like to clarify concerns about how
schools can handle this time. Elementary schools deal with inclement weather every year.
Comments: SAC and SCC should be involved with the inclement weather processes. It would be wise to discuss
inclement weather processes on the next SAC and SCC agenda. Norm shared how his school uses assistants
during lunch to allow teachers a little more time to eat before supervising students.
Action: Kyle will share the information with Anthony Godfrey and Teri Timpson.
4. Next Meeting
Nov. 14, 2013
Purpose of DAC: Provide a safe forum to communicate concerns. Be sure to develop a relationship with others who can share
with you an accurate perspective of all employees.