Chapter 2 PACKET


Name: ____________________________________________ Period: ____


This chapter provides students with the essential chemical background needed to understand the physiology of the body. Among the topics considered are chemical elements, atomic structure, molecule formation, ionic, covalent and hydrogen bonding, and chemical reactions. The structure and importance of the inorganic substances such as water, acids, bases, and salts are e emphasized. The structure and importance of the organic substances described include carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids (DNA and RNA), ATP, and cyclic AMP. The concept of pH and the role of buffer systems in maintaining homeostasis are also considered.



Define a chemical element, atom, ion, molecule, and compound.


Explain how chemical bonds form.


Describe what happens in a chemical reaction and explain why it is important to the human body.


Discuss the functions of water and inorganic acids, bases, and salts.


Define pH and explain how the body attempts to keep pH within the limits of homeostasis.


Discuss the functions of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.


Explain the importance of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), and adenosine triphosphate (ATP).



Read Chapter 2; pages 25-44.


Complete this packet as you read and listen to classroom lectures or discussions.


Numbered items in squares; WELLNESS Questions, all Figures questions and

Checkpoint Questions are homework.


Choose two of the four ‘Critical Thinking Applications’ on page 13 of this packet to do, provide your answers on a separate sheet of paper and attach it to this packet.


Chapter 2: Introductory Chemistry

Focus on Wellness…DID YOU KNOW? (Pages 25 and 43)


Your Aunt Mary tells you she is taking an herbal weight-loss supplement. “It’s natural, so it’s safe,” she says. In fact, it’s not working as well as it was two weeks ago, so she is now taking double the recommended dose. What do you say to her?






Introduction To Chemistry

OBJ: Define chemical, element, atom, ion, molecule, and compound.

Explain how chemical bonds form.

Describe what happens in a chemical reaction and explain why it is important to the human body.


Define chemistry:



Define matter: __________________________________________________________________


Define mass: ___________________________________________________________________


Chemical Elements and Atoms

4. ________________________ are substances that cannot be broken down into a simpler form by ordinary chemical means.

Recall: Elements are made up of atoms. Each atom consists of a nucleus and one or more electrons (e-). Protons (p+) and neutrons (neutral, n 0 ) are found in the nucleus. The number of protons in the nucleus is called the atom’s atomic number. Protons plus neutrons in the atom give you its mass number. The area in which electrons orbit the nucleus of an atom is called the electron shell.

5. How many elements are recognized by scientists according to your textbook? ______

6. How many different elements are found in the human body? ______

7. Which four elements make up about 96% of the human body (list their name and chemical symbol)?

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

8. Which elements make up about 3.8% of the human body (list their name and chemical symbol)?

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____


9. Which elements make up about 0.2% of the human body (list their name and chemical symbol)?

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

______________________ _____ ______________________ _____

10. What are the 14 elements listed in number 7 above called? ______________________

ACTIVITY: Refer to pg. 23 of your textbook, Table 2.1: Main Chemical Elements in the Body.

Make flashcards using the sheets provided for this activity as follows (see below): a.

Fold each card in half, on the outside write the name on one half of the card and the chemical symbol of the other half….then b.

On the inside, write (in your own words) the significance of the element. c.

Study your cards and learn the information, you will be quizzed on it and the other information learned in this section on ‘Chemical Elements and Atoms’.

Element a.

_ _____

Chemical symbol

Significance of the


_______ _____


Ions, Molecules, and Compounds

_______ _____

11. Distinguish between an ion, a molecule, and a compound.


_ _____ _ _____


_______ _____



12. Look at the molecular chemical formula given below: Identify the elements in it by

_______________ _______________

_______ _____

2 H






Compare the meanings of atomic number, mass number, ion, and molecule.






What is the significance of the valence (outer) electron shell of an atom?





Chemical Bonds

13. Define chemical bond: _____________________________________________________


14. When is an atom chemically stable?


15. Will chemically stable atoms form chemical bonds? ________

16. What is the octet rule? ____________________________________________________



Ionic Bonds a.

Define ionic bond: _____________________________________________________

____________________________________________________________________ b.

What is a cation? ______________________________________________________ c.

What is an anion? _____________________________________________________ d.

In the human body, where are ionic bonds mainly found and for what purpose?

____________________________________________________________________ e.

What is an electrolyte? _________________________________________________ f.

Below are diagrams of a Lithium atom with 1 electron in its outer shell and a

Fluorine atom with 7 electrons in its outer shell. Using Figure 2.4 on page 26 of your textbook for help, in the space below depict with labels how an ionic bond would form between the lithium atom and the fluorine atom. Identify valence electron(s), cation, and anion.

Lithium atom Fluorine atom



Covalent Bonds a.

How do covalent bonds form?


____________________________________________________________________ b.

Do covalent bonds easily break apart in water? ___________ c.

What type of bond is shown here O=O? ______________________ d.

Explain the differences between structural formulas and molecular formulas.



____________________________________________________________________ e.

Describe the difference between nonpolar and polar covalent bonds.





Figure 2.5; Page 31:

What is the main difference between an ionic bond and a covalent bond?




Hydrogen Bonds a.

Are hydrogen bonds nonpolar covalent bonds or polar covalent bonds? __________ b.

Why are hydrogen bonds so weak and what is their function in molecules, like DNA?



17. What is a free radical?



Example: _________________________________


Chemical Reactions

18. How do chemical reactions occur?


19. What things are able to happen in human bodies because of chemical reactions?





Forms of Energy and Chemical Reactions a.

List the two main forms of energy. __________________ and _________________ b.

What is chemical energy and where is it stored?





Synthesis Reactions



Decomposition Reactions

Exchange Reactions

These topics will be completed independently on the

‘Chemical Reactions and Compounds’ worksheet, which will be given for homework…


Reversible Reactions



Distinguish among ionic, covalent, and hydrogen bonds.





Explain the difference between anabolism and catabolism. Which involves synthesis reactions?

Which involves decomposition reactions?







Chemical Compounds and Life Processes

OBJ: Discuss the functions of water and inorganic acids, bases, and salts.

Define pH and explain how the body attempts to keep pH within the limits of homeostasis.

Discuss the functions of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins.

Explain the importance of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), ribonucleic acid (RNA), and adenosine triphosphate (ATP).


Explain the main difference between inorganic and organic compounds and give examples of each type.







Inorganic Compounds


Water a.

List and briefly discuss five reasons why water is vital to human health.

1. ___________________________________________________________________


2. ___________________________________________________________________


3. ___________________________________________________________________


4. ___________________________________________________________________


5. ___________________________________________________________________



Inorganic Acids, Bases, and Salts a.

Chemicals that produce H+ ions in water are acids / bases (circle one)

Ex: HCl  ____ + _____ b.

Chemicals that produce OH- ions in water are acids / bases (circle one)

Ex: NaOH  ____ + ____ c.

Circle the compound(s) below that will become acid in water:






3 d.

How are salts formed?

____________________________________________________________________ e.

Complete the “Chemical Compound’ portion part of your ‘Chemical Reactions and

Compounds’ worksheet, now if you have not already done so.


Acid-Base Balance: The Concept of pH a.

Draw a simple pH scale below and place the following substances at the correct places: bile, blood, saliva, spinal fluid, stomach juices, and urine. b.

Which of these substances is the most acidic? _____________ basic? ____________


Maintaining pH: Buffer Systems a. How does the body compensate for the intake of extremely acidic or alkaline foods?




Organic Compounds


Carbohydrates a.

Elements composed of: ________________________________________________ b.

Ratio of elements: approximately and usually 1:2:1 c.

What three major groups are carbohydrates divided into based on size?

____________________________________________________________________ d.

Which group(s) are the simple sugars? ____________________________________ e.

Which group(s) are the complex carbohydrates? ____________________________


Monomer or building block of carbohydrates.

What is the primary function of glucose? ________________________________


Examples of monosaccharides: ________________________________________


What do they consist of? and what type of bond holds them together?


What is lost when they are formed? and what is this type of reaction called?



What type of reaction forms them? and what are they composed of?


What type of reaction breaks down polysaccharides and disaccharides? and

what is added in order for this type of reaction to occur?


What is the main polysaccharide in the human body, where is it stored, and

what is its function?



Humans cannot digest a plant polysaccharide called cellulose, so why would we

consume plants? ___________________________________________________


Lipids a.

Elements composed of: _________________________________________________ b.

Ratio of hydrogen to oxygen atoms smaller than in carbohydrates, thus fewer polar covalent bonds and lipids are hydrophobic c.

What does it mean to be ‘hydrophobic’? ___________________________________ d.

What is the most plentiful type of lipid in the human body? ____________________



What form of matter does the lipid in item ‘d’ on the previous page exhibit at room temperature?

____________________________________________________________________ f.

How much energy does this particular lipid store compared to proteins and carbohydrates? _______________________________________________________ g.

What is adipose tissue?

____________________________________________________________________ h.

Draw and label the structure of a triglyceride molecule below, you do not need to show every single atom…show the molecules it is composed of. i.

Fatty acids chains of triglycerides can be saturated, monounsaturated, or polyunsaturated. Describe the basic structure of each type below and list examples of products they are found in.

Saturated fats: ________________________________________________________


Monounsaturated fats: _________________________________________________


Polyunsaturated fats: ___________________________________________________

Example(s):________________________________________________________ j.

How is the structure of a phospholipid different from that of a triglyceride?

____________________________________________________________________ k.

Below is a picture of a phospholipid cell membrane that has two layers arranged nonpolar tail to nonpolar tail with the polar heads on the outer surfaces. The tails are hydrophobic and the heads are hydrophilic, what important property does this give to phospholipid bilayers(not in textbook, you’ll have to ponder)?

____________________________________________________________________ l.

What is unique about the structure of steroids? _____________________________ m.

Which steroid can be synthesized by the human body into other steroids?




What is estradiol?

____________________________________________________________________ o.

What is testosterone?

____________________________________________________________________ p.

What other three types of steroids can be synthesized by the human body?

____________________________________________________________________ q.

Which body cells store glycogen? _________________________________________


Proteins a.

Elements composed of: _________________________________________________ b.

What are the roles of proteins in the human body?




_______________________________________________________________ c.

Amino acids are the monomers or building blocks of proteins, label the three parts of their structure (side chain, amino group, and carboxyl group) below: d.

Which is the only part of the amino acid structure that varies from amino acid to amino acid? __________________________________________________________ e.

Describe what peptides, dipeptides, tripeptides, and polypeptides are below:








____________________________________________________________________ f.

What is denaturation?





Enzymes a.

What do enzymes do?


____________________________________________________________________ b.

Enzymes are catalysts. What does this statement mean?

____________________________________________________________________ c.

List the three important properties of enzymes below and briefly explain each one:

(1). _______________________



(2). _______________________



(3). _______________________




Nucleic Acids: Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) and Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) a.

Elements composed of: _________________________________________________ b.

Nucleotides are the monomers or building blocks of nucleic acids. In the table below list the three parts of nucleotides found in DNA and RNA:



Adenosine Triphosphate a.

What is the main function of ATP? ________________________________________ b.

List some of its cellular activities below:





________________________________________________________________ c.

What is adenosine composed of? _________________________________________ d.

What energy-transferring reaction releases energy from ATP? __________________




How do inorganic compounds differ from organic compounds?




What functions does water perform in the body?






What is a buffer?




Distinguish among saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats.






What are the important properties of an enzyme?






How do DNA and RNA differ?






Why is ATP biologically important?






Critical thinking applications:


While having a tea party, your three-year old cousin Sabrina added milk, lemon juice, and lots of sugar to her tea. The tea now has strange white lumps floating in it. What caused the milk to curdle?


Joy is very proud of her healthy diet. “I drink only pure spring water and eat organic foods. I have a chemical-free body.” Sonia replied, “Ever hear of H


O?” Explain the error in Joy’s reasoning.


Albert Jr. was trying out the new Super Genius Home Chemistry Kit that he got for his birthday.

He decided to check the pH of his secret formula: lemon juice and diet cola. The pH was 2.5.

Next he added tomato juice. Now he had a really disgusting mix with a pH of 5. “Wow!” That’s twice as strong!” Does Albert Jr., have the makings of a “Super Genius”? Explain.


There’s been a mix up at the hospital. Little Dennis snuck into the nursery and cut off the babies’ identification bracelets. How can the hospital be sure to match the babies with the correct parents using the information you learned in this chapter?

