Individual Tracking Checklist Student Emergent Letter Name

Greek Suffixes -ism, ist, -ize, -logue, -logy
Greek Prefixes -ant-, bio-, geo-, hyper-, neo
Greek Roots -chron- (time) -dem-, -phon-, -path-
Latin Suffixes -able (worthy, capable) -ation, -ment, -ible
Latin Prefixes trans-, sub-, pre-, post-
Latin Roots -dict- (to say) -duc-, -gress-, -ject-
Bases & Roots an introduction
Assimilated Prefixes prefix spelling changes so we can say it easily
C C 2 tch, dge, scr, kn, squa
Complex Consonants1 hard/soft c, g
O V sounds 4 u/oo, oo/ew, au/aw
O V sounds 3 ar, or, er. ir, ur
O V sound 2 ow, ou
Other Vowel sounds 1 ‘o’
Harder vowel diagraphs
Y as vowel or consonant
Long Vowels (V V, V=VCV, CV, igh)
Blends 2
Blends 1
Digraphs 6 th, wh, ch, ck, sh
Digraphs 5 sh
Digraphs 4 ck
Digraphs 3 ch
Digraphs 2 wh
Digraphs 1 th
Short Vowels a, e, i, o, u
Consonants 5 all
Consonants 4 t, v, w, x, y, z
Consonants 3 n, p, q, r, s
Consonants 2 h, j, k, l, m
Consonants 1 b, c, d, f, g
Emergent Letter Name-Alphabetic
Reduced Vowels in Unaccented Syllables confident
Syllables and Affixes
Affixes: Suffixes -ure, -ate, -ent, -ize, -tion
Affixes 4 -ence, -ance
Affixes 3 -sion, -tion
Affixes 2 ible, able
Affixes 1 un, dis meaning ‘not’ or ‘opposite’
Harder Affixes cyber-, super-, mult-, -er, -ful, -est
Unaccented Final Syllables 2 al, el, le
Unaccented Final Syllables 1 ‘er sound or, ar
Syllable Junctures middle consonants, double, single
Inflected Endings 5 whether or not to drop the e
Inflected Endings 4 three sounds of ‘ed’
Inflected Endings 3 adding s or es
Inflected Endings 2 change y to and I, f to a v
Inflected Endings 1 doubling the consonant
Individual Tracking Checklist
Student ______________________
Within Word Pattern
Derivational Relations