RP762 v17 KOZAN HEPP SER-ER ENERJI ELEKTRIK URETIM A.S. REPORTING FORM FOR LAND ACQUISITION REPORTING FORM FOR LAND ACQUISITION SER-ER ENERJİ ELEKTRİK ÜRETİM A.Ş. 1. Information About Project Name &Location of Sub-project KOZAN HEPP located in Kozan village, committed to Adana province. Project Sponsor SER-ER ENERJİ ELEKTRİK ÜRETİM A.Ş. 4,365,106 USD 2 unit*2.335 MW/unit=4.67 MW Pre-permission from Ministry of Environment and Forest For Construction Facilities HEPP Building Lands Belongs to General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works. Project Cost Installed Generation Capacity Key Dates of Implementation General Information The Project was built at the downstream of KOZAN dam and it utilizes the stream of the dam. It’s over the Ceyhan river basin. KOZAN HEPP has been constructed by General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works for the purpose of irrigation and flood protection. All of the land which the project is built on belongs to General Directorate of State Hydraulic Works. Hydraulic energy is converted into electrical energy by the help of 2 x 2.335MW Francis turbines. 2.Inventory of Land & Assets Acquired from Private Owners Name of Owners/land user No land is acquired from prom private owners. Project Component: Area(s) / plots(s) acquired (ha) - Owner’s/user’s total land holding (ha); % taken for project. Land use: pasture, agriculture, residence, etc. - Inventory of any structures or other fixed or productive assets (wells, fences, trees, field crops, etc) affected. - Indicate if land was rented or informally used by another party. - Indicate if non-owner users had assets, trees, crops, etc affected - Indicate if land-based activity is primary source of income for owner or land user. Compensation paid. - Dates delivered. - Impact on income of owner. - - 2.1. Inventory of Land & Assets Acquired from Private Owners (completely volunteer purchased) Name of Owners/land user No land is acquired from private owners. Project Component: Area(s) / plots(s) acquired (ha) - Owner’s/user’s total land holding (ha); % taken for project. Land use: pasture, agriculture, residence, etc. - Inventory of any structures or other fixed or productive assets (wells, fences, trees, field crops, etc) affected. - Indicate if land was rented or informally used by another party. - Indicate if non-owner users had assets, trees, crops, etc affected - Indicate if land-based activity is primary source of income for owner or land user. Compensation paid. - Dates delivered. - Impact on income of owner. - - 3.Inventory of Public, Community, or State Land Acquired Land parcels / plots acquired (ha). Land type / land use: Forest, commons for grazing, other. Ownership: State, community, other. 4.696 m2 Forest State. No structure or other fixed assets. Structures or other fixed assets. Compensation, land transfer, or other measures to mitigate impacts on land users. Specify measures and dates of delivery. Not applicable for this project. Land belongs to Government. 4.Public Awareness, Consultations, and Communication In order to exchange views and give information on the possible effects of the project a public meeting was arrenged on 11 July 2010 in Durmuş village. Also during the consultation the owners of the land users were informed about areas that would be taken both from the private owners and government. There were no concerns raised at the meeting. Because the land users have no economical and social loss. 5.Status of Land Acquisition Pending Court decision Completed On-going Follow-up X 6.Other Measures or Assistance provided (beyond cash compensation) Beneficiary(s) Relocation assistance Alternative Land Livelihood restoration measures - Summary of impact addressed - 7.Identification of Vulnerable People Beneficiary Method of identification - Assistance or other measures provided. - 8.Grievance Redress Mechanism(s) made available for project-affected persons to register grievances or complaints. It was announced that project affected persons (if any) could register complaints to the construction site manager directly or by the village headman. Up to now no complaints were received. No affected people. Were affected people made aware of grievance redress mechanism? If so, when and where? Was the grievance redress mechanism easy to access and free of Yes. cost to affected parties? Was an independent third party engaged in facilitating The village headman. grievance redress. E.g.: community leaders, NGOs, or other mutually-respected independent parties.