Agromet Advisory Bulletin for the State of Punjab Bulletin No. 71/2015 issued on Friday 04.09.2015 To 07.09.2015 Part A: Realized and forecast weather Summary of past weather over the State during (01st to 03rd September): Rainfall occurred at isolated places on 02nd and 03rd . Weather remained dry during the rest period. Maximum temperatures were between 34-36OC which were 1-2OC above normal. Minimum temperatures were between 24-26OC which were also 1-2OC above normal. Chief amounts of rainfall in cms: 01st – Rajpura(AWS) 1; 03rd - R.S. Dam site and Phangota 2 each. Highest Maximum Temperature: 35.4OC at Patiala on 01st , 38.0OC and 38.4OC at Hoshiarpur on 02nd and 03rd September respectively. State forecast valid until 0830 hrs. of 08.09.2015: Mainly dry weather with partly cloudy days. Outlook for subsequent two days: No large change. Part B Crop information and Agromet Advisories Stages of the major Kharif/Rabi crops (Crop stages and state as collected from AMFUs and State Department of Agriculture, Punjab) Name of crop Paddy Sugarcane Fruits Vegetables Fodder Cotton Maize Stage Tillering Grand growth stage Planting Fruiting/Maturity Sowing/Tillering Flowering Fruiting Crop Advisories and Plant Protection: Paddy: Incidence of sheath blight is noticed in Rice crop. Spray of Folicur 25 EC (tebuconazole) @200 ml or Tilt 25 EC (propiconazole) @ 200ml in 200 litres of water/acre is recommended. To manage the leaf blast disease in rice crop, spray of Indofil Z-78, 75 WP (zineb) @ 500 g per acre in 200 litre of water is recommended. Kharif Pulses: Check weeds in mash, moong and arhar by giving one or two hoeings. Alternatively in moong, use Stomp 30 EC (pendimethalin) @ 1 litre/acre preemergence application or Basalin 45 EC (fluchloralin) @ 600 ml/acre or Treflan 48 EC (Trifluralin) @ 800 ml/acre as pre-plant application. Stomp 30 EC can be used for controlling weeds in Mash. Cotton: Due to dry and cloudy weather, weeding/ hoeing should be done manually to clean the cotton crop. Provide irrigation to cotton crop. To get higher yields, give 4 sprays of 2% potassium nitrate at weekly interval. Regular monitoring of the cotton crop for attack of Sucking pests viz., whitefly, jassid and thrips. Wherever the ETL of sucking pests crossed, Spray of Triazophos @ 600ml/acre or Ulalla @ 80g/acre or Oberon @ 200ml/acre or ethion @ 800ml/acre provides good management of sucking insect-pests. Sugarcane: Iron deficiency is observed both in the ratoon and plant crop on light textured and calcareous soils. To correct this deficiency, 1 % ferrous sulphate solution (one kg ferrous sulphate in 100 litres of water per acre) may be sprayed 2-3 times at weekly intervals soon after the symptoms appear. Collect and destroy the infected shoots affected with different borers particularly that of Gurdaspur borer at weekly interval regularly to prevent further infestation of the healthy canes. Maize: Maize hybrid (PMH 1or PMH 2) can be sown during the second fortnight of this month in rows 60 cm apart and plant to plant distance of 20 cm. Treat the seed before sowing with Bavistin @ 3 g per kg seed. The yield of maize sown during this month is higher than the crop sown in June. To control leaf blight, spray the crop with Indofil M 45 @ 200 g in 100 litres of water after about a fortnight of sowing. Give two more sprays at 10 day intervals. The attack of maize borer can be checked by spraying 40 ml of Sumicidin 20 EC/Ripcord 10 EC or 80 ml of Decis 2.8 EC in 60 litres of water per acre. Bioagent Trichogramma can also be used to control this pest. Vegetable: Provide irrigation to the vegetables crop. Monitor the Okra crop for the incidence of Jassid, whitefly and fruit borer and spray recommended insecticides. Spray once or twice at fortnightly interval with 560ml Malathion 50 EC in 100-125 litres of water per acre to control sucking pests. Horticulture: Provide irrigation to the newly planted fruit plants. Provide irrigation to the fruit bearing ber and guava orchards. To control pathological fruit drop and rot in citrus give four spray of Bavistin (500g/500Lof water) or Aureofungin solution (20g/500L of water) at 15 days interval. In grapes spray the vines with Bavistin @400g/400L of water to control anthracnose. Animal Husbandry & Dairy: Separate the pregnant animal two weeks before expected calving and observe the animal daily for normal calving. Call a veterinarian in case of difficult calving. Feed wheat dalia @ 1 kg after boiling and mixing with half kg of gur twice daily for first 3-4 days to the mother after calving. Supplement the feed with mineral mixture to save the animal from milk fever. If the animal has a wound, protect it from flies so that maggots do not develop into it. This month is hot, humid during which flies, lice and ticks are very common. These suck blood, cause skin irritation and spread diseases. To check these, spray Asuntol 0.05%, Butox 0.02% and Taktic(12.5%) 0.02 % on the animals as well as on the sheds and repeat the spray after 10-15 days. Do not spray animals below 6 months of age. Poultry: Feed the birds with ration rich in protein, minerals and vitamins. Damp litter and high temperature are good media for the growth of protozoa which cause Coccidiosis in the chicken so avoid dampness in the deep litter house by stirring the litter 2-3 times in a week. Place the nests inside the sheds, 1-2 weeks prior to the start of egg production. Do not store the compound feed for more than 15 days to avoid aflatoxins. Ventilation should be proper as it helps to remove excess heat, moisture, dust and odours from the poultry house.