HORNER JUNIOR HIGH HOME OF THE HORNETS January/February 2015 Julie Forbes, Principal jforbes@fremont.k12.ca.us Anne Renoir, Vice Principal arenoir@fremont.k12.ca.us Dayna Lai, Counselor dlai@fremont.k12.ca.us Sarah Nahigian, Counselor snahigian@k12.ca.us Leilani Velasquez, Counselor lvelasquez@k12.ca.us ************************************************************************ Principal’s Message ************************************************************************ Dear Parents and Guardians: Happy New Year! I hope everyone is healthy and well rested from winter break. January 23rd marks the end of our 1st semester. Please continue to check in with your student regarding his/her grades and how things are going in their classes. School Loop is a great tool for monitoring your student’s progress and I recommend that all families take advantage of this great tool. If you have any concerns regarding your student’s progress, please don’t hesitate to reach out to your student’s counselor and teachers. Please continue to enjoy the winter months! Sincerely, Julie Forbes Principal, Horner Junior High jforbes@fremont.k12.ca.us 1 NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 VICE PRINCIPALS MESSAGE In the last week of January, I will be visiting the 7th and 8th grade PE classes to review student expectations and to answer any questions about school procedures and policies. The focus for eighth grade classes will also be on the eligibility requirements for the end of the year activities. These activities include the Great America Award Trip, Promotion and Promotion Dance. You can review the 8th grade activity disqualifications on page 6 of the student handbook which can be found in the student agenda and on our website. Ms. Renoir, Assistant Principal, Horner Junior High (510) 656-4000 ext. 48110 JANUARY CALENDAR 01/05 ---------- Back To School 01/08 11/10-11 2:45 – 5:30 Away game vs. Hopkins 01/13 2:45 – 5:30 Home game vs. Newark 01/15 2:45 – 5:30 Home game vs. Centerville 01/19 NO SCHOOL Martin Luther King Holiday 01/20 2:45 – 5:30 Away game vs. Thornton 01/22 2:45 – 5:30 Away game vs. Walters 01/23 ---------- End of Second Quarter 01/23 ---------- End of First Semester NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 FEBRUARY CALENDAR 02/02 2:30–3:30 MUR Talent Show Rehearsal 02/04 11/10-11 02/05 02/10 02/10 7:00pm-Rm14 2:30–3:30 MUR 2:30 – 4:00 2:45 - 5:30 PTSA Meeting Talent Show Rehearsal Talent Show Dress Rehearsal Home game vs. Newark 02/11 02/11 02/12 02/13 02/16 02/17 02/19 02/24 02/26 --------6:00p-8:00p 2:45 – 5:30 8:15 – 12:59 NO SCHOOL 2:45 – 5:30 2:45 – 5:30 2:45 – 5:30 2:45 – 5:30 Talent Show Assembly Talent Show Evening Perform. Away game vs. Centerville Minimum Day President’s Day Holiday Home game vs. Thornton Home game vs. Walters Away game vs. Hopkins Away game vs. Newark 02/27 5:30p – 7:30p Social* *Date changed MINIMUM DAYS FOR 2015 Schedule 8:15 – 12:59 FEB 13 APRIL 2 JUNE 8, 9, 10, 11 NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 UPCOMING EVENTS MAR. TBA CST (7th grade) MAR. TBA District Writing Assessment (8th grade) MAR. TBA CST/District Writing Assessment Make-ups MAR. 18 MAR. 31 Open wri House: 5:30pm – 6:30pm End of 3rd Quarter APR. 1 PTSA Meeting: 7pm – Room 14 APR. 2 Minimum Day 8:15 – 12:59 APR. 3 Staff Develop. Day: No School APR. 6-10 APR. 24 Spring Break – No School Social, 5:30pm – 7:30pm APR. TBA Spring Pictures MAY TBA Star Testing Window – make up days MAY 8-10 Band and Choir Disneyland Trip MAY TBA Panoramic Pictures (8th Grade) MAY 19 Spring Concert, Choir MAY 20 Spring Concert, Band May 21 Assembly MAY 25 Memorial Day Holiday – No School MAY 29 Great America Reward Trip JUNE 2 8th Grade Awards Night: 6:30pm – 7:30pm, Gym JUNE 3 PTSA Meeting – Room 14, 7:00pm JUNE 5 8th Grade Promotion Party – 6pm – 9pm JUNE 8-11 Minimum Day: 8:15 – 12:59 JUNE 10 8th Grade Promotion Ceremony – 5pm – 6pm JUNE 11 Last Day of School; End of 4th Quarter JUNE 12 Teacher Work Day NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 ANNOUCEMENTS & REMINDERS DRESS CODE REMINDER – T-shirts conveying messages relating to the use of tobacco, alcohol, drugs or with derogatory or inflammatory language are never acceptable as clothing on campus. Parents please make sure that your daughter/son doesn’t wear this type of clothing to school. Please refer to Horner’s dress code policy in the Homework Assignment Book. MEDICATION AT SCHOOL REMINDER – If your student is required to take medication during school hours, a doctor’s signed form must be on file in our office. These “Hold Harmless” forms are available in our office. This applies to prescription drugs as well as over-the-counter medications such as aspirin, Tylenol, decongestants, bronchial mists, etc. Medications must be kept in the office unless appropriate forms are on file. SEMESTER 2 SCHEDULES – Second semester/3rd Quarter begins on January 26, 2015. Semester 2 student schedules will be distributed on Friday, January 23rd in 6th period classes. SECOND SEMESTER BUS PASSES: Second semester bus passes are available for purchase in January. Order forms can be picked up at the Transportation Dept, 43770 Grimmer Blvd., 510-6571450, or through your bus driver. Please call Transportation for updated pass fees. EARLY ARRIVALS – Supervision of students on campus in the morning does not begin until 7:45 AM. Students should not arrive at school before 7:45 AM in the morning. Upon arrival at school, students should immediately proceed to the blacktop. FORGOTTEN ITEMS – This is a reminder that Horner enforces a “No Classroom Interruption” policy. If you have forgotten ANYTHING including lunches, books, homework, PE clothes, etc., PLEASE come to the office to check the “Blue Cart” provided specifically for “Forgotten items”. You are encouraged to check the office whether or not you have made arrangements to have forgotten items dropped off. Any bagged lunches not claimed, will be disposed of at the end of the day and all lunch boxes will be placed in the Lost and Found. NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 HEALTHY CHILDREN LEARN BETTER! An increasing number of our students have severe food allergies, especially nuts, peanuts, tree nuts, milk and eggs. When exposed to these allergens, especially by eating them, but sometimes just by touching them or their oils, or breathing their fumes, these students may break into hives, or even have their airway swell up and they COULD STOP BREATHING! A few ways to keep our students safe are: Talk to your children about not sharing their food at lunch ect. If you bring or send food to school for parties, etc, please do not send food that has any nuts or nut products. All food brought to school for class events must be prepackaged and must include the nutritional label. NO HOMEMADE FOOD! Please notify our school nurse and the office staff if your child has or develops such allergies. Thank you for helping us keep the Horner students healthy. DELIVERIES TO SCHOOL – Horner Junior High will not accept delivery of balloons/flowers, etc. at school. Students are also not allowed to bring balloons/flowers, etc. to school with them. In the past, these deliveries had to be left in the office until after school, but we simply do not have the room to store them. Please help us by reminding your students not to bring flowers/balloons to school. Thank you for your assistance. SCHOOL ATTENDANCE – Missing school is a major cause of academic difficulties. When a student has 6 periods, and misses just one it’s easy to fall behind. Missing 2-3 days a month makes getting good grades extremely difficult. Every absence should be considered in light of its impact on school. In no case is keeping a student home to babysit a legal absence. Legal absence is limited to illness, medical and dental appointments and death in family (Please call every day your child is sick). If your child is going to be absent, please report it to our attendance clerk, Ms. Salena Yung. PARKING LOT – Reminder, Hopkins Junior High parents are NOT allowed to park in the Hirsch Staff Parking Lot. Students should be dropped off in the side parking lot located on Irvington. NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 HORNER’S WEB SITE: www.fmtusd.org/horner ---- Please be reminded you may obtain school and class information on our school wide web site. You may also send comments to the principal and teachers through the site. We hope you will find this avenue of communication helpful and beneficial to you and your students. VOICEMAIL FOR STAFF— If you would like to leave a message for a staff member at Horner, contact the school at 656-4000 and enter the appropriate extension number from the list below: Mrs. Forbes, Principal Mrs. Renoir, VP Mrs. Erickson, Secretary Mrs. Lai, Counselor Ms. Nahigian, Counselor ARCA BENJAMIN CAINE FERRY JACOBSON LEE LOERA McCLURE MUGFORD PADRON RACKAGES SCHMEEL SNOW TRUBEY, J WARNERT 48038 48041 48034 48020 48445 48011 48032 48021 48006 48013 48344 48018 48026 48008 48036 48109 48110 48106 48112 48212 Ms. Velasquez, Counselor Mrs. Flores, Registrar Ms. Yung, Attendance Mrs. Mackie, Clerk BAUMGARTNER BIRBECK CHIU FICKES KENDALL LENOARD LORIGAN MONK NATHAN PAPA, C RAMIREZ SEREMETA SONG TRUBEY, T WOU 48033 48002 48010 48031 48544 48018 48050 48005 48007 48028 48030 48040 48037 48545 48035 BEDI BURKE ESLAMI HUANG LAU LOCKE MAZERLEV MUEHLING OJEDA PAPA, R RUZICKA SHAFFER STRONG VAN HORN 48251 48103 48101 48111 48022 48025 48250 48017 48023 48009 48027 48001 48024 48016 48042 48004 48444 48039 MARCH IS PRE-REGISTRATION MONTH: In March, all students will need to show proof of residence for Fremont Unified School District per Board policy. Two proofs of residency are required. Please make a copy of your February or March PG&E bill plus 2nd bill to submit with the registration paperwork for each of your students. THE SCHOOL OFFICE CANNOT MAKE COPIES FOR YOU. If you have a Declaration of Residence, you must attach a copy of the Declaration AND a copy of 2 monthly bills that show your current address. NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 HAPPENINGS AT HORNER FEBRUARY SOCIAL: Our next social is February 27, 2015!! Socials are highlights of the Horner Junior High social calendar. ASB and PTSA work hard to provide a fun filled evening with a DJ, games, decorations and refreshments. To have a great time it is essential that we adhere to the following rules: 1. Students must have both their student ID and Social Ticket (signed by their parent) to get into the Social. i. An ID is given to each student at the beginning of the year. If the ID is lost it much be replaced. ASB makes replacements for $2. Don’t delay having one made. The week before a Social is always busy. ii. Social tickets are sold in Room 4 during lunch the week of the Social. An ID is required to purchase a ticket. iii. SOCIAL TICKETS WILL NOT BE SOLD AFTER SCHOOL OR AT THE DOOR!! NO EXCEPTIONS. Students will be disqualified (not allowed to participate) from the socials for the reasons cited below: 1. Absence the day of the activity. 2. Overdue library books and/or unpaid fines. 3. Five (5) hours of detention assigned. 4. Any In-house or at home suspension. 5. Kicked out of the last social. 6. Truancy 7. 15 or more tardies, cumulative (any period) Socials begin at 5:30 pm and end at 7:30 pm. NO STUDENT WILL BE ADMITTED AFTER 6:00 PM, no exceptions. No student may leave before 7:30 pm. STUDENTS MUST BE PICKED UP IMMEDIATELY FOLLOWING THE SOCIAL. STUDENTS STILL AT SCHOOL PAST 7:45 PM MAY LOSE THEIR CHANCE TO ATTEND THE NEXT SOCIAL. Remember, cell phone use is prohibited at socials, no pictures, to texting, no calls. Parents, we hope this addresses any questions you may have concerning our Socials. We certainly appreciate the wonderful support you give us by being chaperones and serving refreshments. We couldn’t manage without you! If you would like to volunteer to “join the fun,” please leave a message for the PTSA officers. NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 10TH ANNUAL TALENT SHOW – Dust off your dancing shoes! On February 11th at 6:00pm in the multi-purpose room, ASB, with the assistance of the Music Department, will be hosting our 10th Annual Talent Show! Our audition dates are January 14 (for anyone not performing music) and 21 (for musicians), so get your talent ready!! ASB will be asking for a $5.00 donation at the door to benefit the Horner Math Department. Come try out in January, and put the performance on your calendar so you can enjoy and celebrate our multi-talented students in February!! CALIFORNIA MUSIC EDUCATIORS ASSOCIATION – On Saturday, January 10, nine students from Horner Junior High will perform at the California Music Educators Association (C.M.E.A.) annual Winter Conference. Each year, the best singers and instrumentalists from over 70 Bay Area schools are selected to perform with the conference honor choir, band, and orchestra. This year Lily Son, Ami Shalabh, Kimberley Mae Sanchez, Sua Choi, and Anton Lumactud will perform with the choir; Katie Lee and Roselene Chen with the band; Raymond Zhao and Elaine Chan with the orchestra. WHAT’S NEW IN THE LIBRARY- THE BOOK FAIR IS COMING!!! It will be held in the library from March 16th - 20th. I will need parents to help before school (7:45am to 8:15am), when classes visit and during lunch (11:40am to 12:20pm). Please check the PTSA website for sign up opportunities. Scholastic Easy Scan cash register experience is very much appreciated. I will also need student helpers before and after school and at lunch; there will be a meeting to sign up for different jobs at the end of February. As always, donations of age appropriate books and tissue supplies are much appreciated. Thank you… Catherine McConnell, Ext. 48012 FALL CHARITY DRIVES - We had great participation at Horner in our Canned Food Drive and Pennies for Patients! In the Canned Food Drive, Ms. Burke’s class took 1st place with Mr. Van Horn’s class in 2nd and Mrs. Warnert’s class in 3rd place. In all, the school collected a total of 1169 cans!! In our Pennies for Patients drive we raised a total of $3145.72 with Ms. Bedi’s class in first, Ms. Chiu’s class in second and Mrs. Trubey’s class in third place. Thank you to all who participated in making the drives a success!! NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 PARENTS OF EL STUDENTS - We will have our second English Language Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting, and discuss our students’ academic performance in first semester, CELDT scores, after school intervention, and reclassification criteria. We will also answer your questions and hear your thoughts about Horner’s English Language Learner Program. Our first meeting will take place on Wednesday, February 11, 2015 in the school library at 2:45 p.m. We hope you are able to attend. We will provide translation services in Mandarin and Spanish. Please contact the school office if you need translation services for other languages. Please feel free to call our English Language Liaison, Ms. Seung Song, 510-656-4000 (ext. 48037) HORNER DEBATE TEAM – We had a great tournament in San Hose this year! All teams won at least one round and six students took home speaker awards. 11th –Sara K, 10th – Isha B, 7th – Priyanka S, 5th – Aditi V, 3rd – Reetam G, and taking home the first place gavel – Isha S!! Team results were also excellent, with team SKV (Pryanka S, Sara K, Aditi V) placing 3rd and team GBK (Isha S, Manjari G, Reetam G) placing 1st! Many thanks to the Irvington Mentors who also attended and to the team members who showed up to cheer us on!! CLOSED CAMPUS The Board of Education has established a policy (514.5) of closed campuses for the junior high schools. Students are to come directly to school from home and may not leave until their last class is over. Students cannot leave campus for lunch unless their parent picks them up. Students arriving by bus or being dropped at the school in the morning must remain on campus. If your child has a medical appointment or some other need that requires he/she leave campus during the day, you must provide a written note indicating the time the student is to be released and indicate if the student will be picked up by someone other than yourself or if the student is walking from school on his/her own. This note must be turned into the office before 8:05am. Your child then must follow offgrounds procedures. Also, there are no student guests or visitors allowed on campus. NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 NAEP 2015 PARENT/GUARDIAN NOTIFICATION LETTER Grades 4, 8, and 12: Mathematics, reading, and science technology-based pilot assessments January 5, 2015 Dear Parent or Guardian: We are pleased to notify you that Horner Junior High School has been selected to represent schools across the nation by participating in the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP). First administered in 1969, NAEP is the largest nationally representative and continuing assessment of what students know and can do in various subject areas. It is administered by the National Center for Education Statistics, within the U.S. Department of Education. NAEP is different from state assessments because it provides a common measure of student achievement across the country. The results of NAEP are released as The Nation's Report Card, which provides information about student achievement to educators, parents, policymakers, and the public. In our school, the NAEP assessment will be given on Wednesday, January 28, 2015. Your child may be selected to take a mathematics, reading, or science pilot assessment on a tablet. In addition to answering questions in one of these subjects, students will be asked questions about themselves and their educational experiences, such as the amount of reading they do and the types of classes they take. These questions provide contextual information for the assessment, as well as information that may be related to students’ learning. If you would like to view sample subject area and contextual questions, please visit http://nationsreportcard.gov/parents.asp. It will take about 120 minutes for most students to participate in the pilot assessment. The results are completely confidential (in accordance with the Confidential Information Protection provisions of Title V, Subtitle A, Public Law 107-347), and the information provided will be used for statistical purposes only. Your child’s grades will not be affected. Your child may be excused from participation for any reason, is not required to complete the assessment, and may skip any question. While NAEP is voluntary, we depend on student participation to provide an accurate measure of student achievement that will inform improvements in education. Your child will represent many other students, so participation is very important. However, if you do not want your child to participate, please notify me in writing by Wednesday, January 14, 2015. There is no need to study in preparation for NAEP. We do ask, however, that you encourage your child to do their best and get plenty of rest the night before the assessment. A brochure that explains what participation in NAEP means for you and your child is available at http://nces.ed.gov/nationsreportcard/pdf/parents/2012469.pdf. Should you have questions, or if you would like a copy of the brochure, please contact me at (510) 656-4000 or at jforbes@fremont.k12.ca.us. We are excited that our school will be participating in NAEP and pleased that your child may be selected. We know that Horner's students will help us show what our nation’s students know and can do. Sincerely, Julie Forbes Principal NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 CLUBS AND EXTRA CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Art Club: Christian Experience: Debate: FBLA: Meets in room 20 and is open to any Horner Jr. High student who is interested in the fine arts or crafts. Meetings will happen once a month at lunch time, and dates will be announced in the bulletin. Art classes need your empty cardboard toilet paper rolls, paper towel rolls and wrapping paper rolls! Please send them to room 20 at any time during the school year! -Ms. Ferry Ext. 48020 Meets in room 1 at lunch on Wednesdays. Students from all religions are welcome. -Mr. Muehling Ext. 48001 Interest in the After School Debate Club was very high. There were many student applicants. Our 36 club members will make up 12 teams who will compete on site for the chance to go attend league tournaments. We have set the bar high in terms of participation. Students must attend all meetings, complete research on time, rehearse with each other, and stay in contact via our online group. Parents and guardians are also committed, as we need them to act as volunteer judges and league hosts. -Ms. Caine Ext. 48034 Future Business Leaders of America Unite! The FBLA club meets throughout the school year in room 7 during lunch. We do fundraisers, learn about Profit and Loss and also go for Business Competitions. Please listen in to upcoming announcements to find out when the next meeting is. -Ms. Nathan Ext. 48007 Game Club: Students interested in playing a game they know, learning a new game, or teaching a game to others can bring one to share or play an available game (Chess, Scrabble, and more) in Room 26 at lunch. We'll see you every other Monday! Jan 21(Wed), Feb 2, Feb 17, Mar 2, Mar 16, Mar 30 -Ms. Snow Ext. 48026 History Club: The history club meets weekly throughout the school year. Students should listen to the announcements for upcoming meeting dates. We are collecting Box Tops! You can drop your Box Tops off with your student’s history teacher. -Ms. Burke Ext. 48025 NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 Interact: Math Club: P.E. Club: Recycling Club: Robotics Club: Running Club: Science Club: TED-Ed Club: We meet in Room 22 during lunch every 3rd Wednesday of the month. This club is open to any Horner Jr. High student who is interested in bringing a change to the community with their actions. We are part of the Interact Club, Irvington High and the youth branch of Rotaract Club. The dates for the meetings will be announced in the student bulletin and via school loop. Thank you! For further information -Mrs. Bedi ext 48022 Math Club: Tryouts questions and answers are posted in School Loop under Math Club page. Please visit Math Club page in school loop for complete information on our Math Club. Math Club meets Tuesdays from 2:30-4:30 in room 10. -Ms. Chiu Ext. 48010 Meets every day and works out at lunch running intramural sports and handing out equipment. Students who volunteer and work this may earn free “Go to Head of Lunch Line” passes. -Mr. Strong Ext.48444 Recycling club meets throughout the school year. Students should listen for upcoming announcements in the bulletin to find out when the next meeting is. -Mrs. Ojeda Ext. 48024 Information about Robotics club can be found on School Loop. If there are any further questions on how the club is ran, please contact the club advisor Ms. McClure. -Ms. McClure Ext.48021 Running Club meets throughout the school year on Mondays and Thursdays afterschool from 2:30-3:30pm. -Ms. Nahigian Ext. 48212 This year we are featuring our National Science Bowl, which is a nationwide academic competition that tests students’ knowledge across all areas of science. We will prepare via a fast paced question-and-answer format equivalent to that of Jeopardy. Teams are comprised of five students. Good Luck Hornets! -Ms. Seremeta Ext.48040 TED-Ed is a new club on campus where students will learn about the popular Technology, Entertainment and Design (TED) talks that are readily available online. Students will discuss certain talks and learn how to create TED-like presentations. -Ms. NahigianExt.48212 NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 Dear Parents/Guardians: January 2015 As you may have heard, the California Department o f Education (CDE) has ended the STAR (Standardized Testing and Reporting) program and has replaced it with CAASPP (California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress). STAR included the California Standards Tests (CSTs) as the primary assessment of student learning. From now on, CAASPP will use the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) online assessments. Smarter Balanced is aligned to the Common Core State Standards in literacy and mathematics and includes more rigorous content than the previous CSTs. Through CAASPP, districts will be able to gain valuable information and monitor student progress to ensure that all students master the new standards and are prepared for college and career opportunities beyond high school. Last spring, many Fremont Unified students participated in the field test of the Smarter Balanced assessments. This allowed staff and students a valuable experience to prepare for the technology requirements and academic content of the new system. This year, the Smarter Balanced computer adaptive assessments will be required for all students in grades 3-8 and 11 in the areas of English language arts and Mathematics. There will also be a paper-based Science test required for students in grades 5, 8, and 10, which was a part of the previous STAR program. We expect that in the future, the Science tests will also be converted to a computer-based system aligned to the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Between May 4 and May 29, 2015, FUSD students will take the new Smatter Balanced assessments. It is important that your child be present during his or her school's testing window. To learn about the types of questions on the computer-based Smatter Balanced assessments, you and your child can view the practice tests online at: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sa/practicetest.asp. We anticipate that individual student reports will be sent home to families in August 2015, and will include an overall score and a description of the student's achievement level in English language arts, Mathematics and Science. It is important to note that these scores cannot be compared to scores that your child previously received on the CSTs in the STAR program tests because: • Smarter Balanced is based on the new Common Core State Standards • Smarter Balanced involves very different types of test questions at higher difficulty levels • Smatter Balanced results will not be reported using the former STAR program categories • This year is considered a baseline for the new assessment format and content. Because the Smarter Balanced assessments are more demanding than the previous California Standard Tests (CSTs) and they are testing student knowledge and skills in different ways, we expect that overall proficiency scores for students, schools, districts, and the state will not be as high. In fact, states where early pilots of scoring have taken place have found that student scores on the Smarter Balanced assessments are much lower than on the previous state assessments. This does not mean that students are any less proficient than they used to be. It simply means that we are holding our students to a higher standard of learning. We expect that over time, the scores will increase as our students become more adept at the new learning challenges and technology skills needed to be successful. If you would like more information, please visit the Parent/Student tab of the CDE CAASPP web page at http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/ca/. You may also visit our website at www.fremont.k l 2.ca.us for updates. We are committed to keeping our parents informed about the new Common Core State Standards and the forthcoming Smarter Balanced assessments. Sincerely, Kim Wallace, Ed.D Assistant Superintendent of Instruction NEWSLETTER #4 Jan/Feb 2015 Estimados Padres de Familia/Tutores Legales: enero de 2015 Como usted ya habra escuchado, el Departamento de Educacion de California (CDE por sus siglas en ingles) ha eliminado el examen STAR (Examen y Reporte Estandarizado) y lo ha remplazado con el CAASPP (Evaluaci6n del Desempeno y Progreso Estudiantil de California). El STAR incluia el Examen de los Estandares de California (CST), como Ia evaluacion principal del aprendizaje de los estudiantes. De ahora en adelante, el CAASPP utilizara Ia Evaluacion Smarter Balanced (SBAC por sus siglas en ingles) en Ia computadora. Esta evaluaci6n esta alineada con los Estandares Basicos Comunes del Estado en el area de alfabetizaci6n y matematicas e incluye un contenido mas riguroso que en el CST. En el CAASPP, los distritos podran obtener valiosa informacion y monitorear el progreso de los estudiantes para garantizar que dominan los estandares nuevos y estan preparados para Ia universidad y las can·eras profesionales despues de Ia preparatoria. En Ia primavera pasada, muchos estudiantes del Distrito Unificado de Fremont participaron en un ensayo de Ia evaluacion Smarter Balanced. Esto permitio a personal y a los estudiantes experimentar y prepararse para Ia tecnologia y el contenido academico del sistema nuevo. Este ano, la evaluacion del Smarter Balanced en Ia computadora sera obligatoria para todos los estudiantes del 3 al 8 grado y del 11 grado en Lengua y Literatura en ingles y Matematicas. Tambien los estudiantes del 5, grado 10 grado tendran que tomar un examen escrito de ciencias, el cual formaba parte del STAR anterior. Esperamos que en el futuro, el examen de ciencias alineado con los Estandares de Ciencias de Ia Proxima Generacion (NGSS por sus siglas en ingles) tambien se haga en Ia computadora. Del 4 al 29 de mayo de 2015, los estudiantes del FUSD tomaran Ia nueva evaluacion Smarter Balanced. Es importante que su hijo(a) venga a l a escuela durante ese periodo. Para ver el tipo de preguntas que se hacen en la evaluacion Smarter Balanced, usted y su hijo(a) pueden practicarlas en: http://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tg/sa/practicetest.asp. Despues de los examenes de mayo de 2015, se enviaran a casa los reportes de los estudiantes e incluira una calificaci6n global y una descripci6n del nivel de aprovechamiento de los estudiantes en Lengua y Literatura en ingles, matematicas y ciencias. Es importante hacer notar que este resultado no se puede comparar con el que su hijo(a) recibio anteriormente en el CST en los examenes STAR porque: • • • • El Smarter Balanced se basa en los Estandares Basicos Comunes del Estado El Smarter Balanced aborda preguntas muy diferentes, a un nivel mas dificil Los resultados del Smarter Balanced no se reportaran usando las categorias del STAR Este ano se considera como la base para el formato y contenido de Ia evaluacion nueva. Ya que la evaluacion Smarter Balanced es mas dificil que el Examen de Estandares de California (CST) y examina el conocimiento y las destrezas de los estudiantes en forma diferente, esperamos que los resultados de los estudiantes, escuelas, distritos y estado no sean muy altos. De hecho, los estados en donde se llevaron a cabo resultados piloto han descubierto que los resultados en la evaluacion Smarter Balanced son mucho mas bajos que en Ia evaluacion estatal anterior. Esto no significa que los estudiantes son menos competentes que antes. Simplemente significa que se espera que nuestros estudiantes tengan un estandar superior de aprendizaje. Esperamos que con el tiempo, los resultados de los estudiantes mejoren mientras que se adaptan mejor a los retos del aprendizaje nuevo y a las destrezas tecnol6gicas necesarias para triunfar. Si desea mas informacion, visite la pagina web del CDE CAASPP, haciendo clic en Ia pestana Parent/Student en: h ttp://www.cde.ca.gov/ta/tglca/. Si desea estar al tanto sobre este tema, tambien puede visitar nuestro sitio web en www.fremont.k12.ca.us. Estamos comprometidos a mantener a nuestros padres de familia infornados sobre los Estandares Basicos Comunes del Estado y sobre la proxima evaluacion Smarter Balanced. Atentamente, Kim Wallace, Ed.D. Superintendente Adjunto de Instruccion