Huawei Wireless Network User Group Newsletter, Oct 2012

WUGM Newsletter 2012.01
Huawei Wireless Network User Group Newsletter, Oct 2012
All eight Top N projects determined at the 2011 Huawei Wireless User Group Meeting (WUG 2011) have now
passed the Deploy & Verify phase milestones. In October 2012, Huawei will select appropriate projects that
meet the requirements to summarize and standardize.
WUG 2011 Top N Project Milestones
All the results of improvements and customer feedback are detailed as follows:
Issue 1: Local Support
Sub-Project #1: Frontline Technical Skills Improvement
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Training and learning mechanisms
Identify specific team to analyze typical network
need to improve. Usability of
problems and complete development of 34 training
training documents concerning
courses by Q2 2012.
typical network problems (relevant
to voice, speed, dropped calls, and
IP problems) needs to improve.
Skills transfer processes from
Optimize process for skills transfer from headquarters
headquarters to local staff need to
to local offices: 80% of senior supervisors will be
be optimized. Responsibilities of
assigned to oversee transfer of skills to frontline staff in
local offices need to be clearly
Training programs not effectively
Set skills improvement targets and encourage local
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Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
implemented at local offices.
staff to self-study. Organize headquarters experts to
Improvement targets for local staff
deliver training at local offices on a regular basis (550
skills are not clearly defined.
local staff will receive training in 2012). Select key local
staff to attend long-term training programs at R&D on
a regular basis (70 key local staff will receive in 2012).
Sub-Project #1 Result:
New 34 typical troubleshooting guides have been published on a support website. We have pushed them to
the frontline through on-site training, the support website and emails to help engineers improve their
technical skills.
So far, 75% of senior supervisors have been assigned and are working on skills transfers.
Huawei has trained 4,223 staff using four training methods. The total number of trained engineers increased
by 100%.
After one year of improvements:
The number of qualified senior engineers increased by 50%;
and qualified mid-level engineers increased by 37%;
The frontline-resolved critical issue rate increased by 8%
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WUGM Newsletter 2012.01
Sub-Project #2: Standardized Network Operations
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Part-time roles exist in some
Reinforce project-based operations of
network maintenance and
maintenance projects. Update
engineering delivery teams,
appointment of maintenance teams for
resulting in insufficient input for
Q2 2012.
network maintenance.
Routine network maintenance is not Establish mechanism to implement
effective enough, resulting in
network maintenance Standard
possible risks that become
Operation Procedures (SOP) on a
semi-annual basis.
Sub-Project #2 Result:
This year, we have set up maintenance teams for more networks. The changeover rate for Operation
Directors has decreased from 40% to 12%, and the changeover rate for Technical Directors decreased from
36% to 9%.
Implemented Maintenance SOP on 174 networks during H1 2012. Number of critical issues decreased by
50%, with a 20% drop in time for recovery.
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Sub-Project #3: Project Delivery Improvement
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Local delivery teams do not meet five Headquarters to establish five subject matter teams
metrics for project delivery: network
to develop corresponding guide documents and tools
design, site solution, swap solution,
and transfer required subject matter skills to local
deployment solution, and acceptance
teams to enable local teams to independently perform
testing (they are greatly dependent
these tasks (for at least 70 projects in 2012).
on headquarters support in these
Sub-Project #3 Result:
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Optimized delivery of five weak solution areas: Network Design, Effective Site Solutions, Effective Testing
Work, Effective Swapping and Effective BTS Deployment.
Practiced 106 projects and trained 1,036 engineers. For Effective Swapping: correct mapping rate reached 98%
after delivery of an Algorithm Parameter Mapping solution; issues related to antenna system installations
were reduced by 90% after delivery of an Antenna System Check solution.
Issue 2: Documentation
Sub-Project #1: Provide “Engineering Guidelines” in Feature Parameter Description
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Improve writing standards, specify requirements
requirements for the
for content accuracy, and add example cases as
content of documents
should be made clearer.
In “Parameter Reference”
In SingleRAN7.0 “Parameter Reference”,
documents, description of
improvements will be made to the description of
restrictions between
parameter interdependencies between frequently
parameters needs to
used commands.
In SingleRAN8.0 “Parameter Reference”,
improvements will be made in the description of
parameter interdependencies involved in all
major commercially used features.
In “MML Command
In SingleRAN7.0 “MML Command Reference”
Reference” documents,
documents, check default values for all
default values for some
parameters, locate default values for parameters
parameters need to be
related to the set command, and complete all
missing default values.
Sub-Project #1 Results:
The template’s optimization of “Feature Parameter Description” has been achieved:
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Detailed descriptions for engineering guideline have been added to “Feature Parameter Description,” which
was implemented in the following versions:
SingleRAN 6.0 (GBSS13.0 / RAN13.0 / eRAN2.1)
SingleRAN 7.0 (GBSS14.0 / RAN14.0 / eRAN3.0)
Feedback from customers:
Thanks, improvement look very promising, you should publish it to all the customers. (From Teliasonera
Implemented enhancements are very much appreciated by DT.Design Team had the chance to work with the
enhanced FPD already. (From T-Mobile Germany)
Sub-Project #2: Optimize Parameter Reference & MML Command Reference
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Document template needs to
Analyze missing content in instructions for engineering
improve to meet the
deployment of features, optimize document template.
engineering needs of
The Feature Configuration
Add the following information about engineering deployment
part includes only descriptions to the new and enhanced features in the SingleRAN7.0
about "activation,
“Feature Parameter Description” documents:
deactivation, and
Feature enablement recommendation: advises when and
verification," which cannot
where to enable a feature or a combination of features
adequately guide feature
Information collection prior to deployment: provides
information to be collected before a feature is deployed
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Network planning: provides recommendations, principles,
key tips, and restriction information about radio frequency
planning, networking planning, and hardware planning
Feature deployment: describes processes, requirements,
data preparation, precautions, hardware installation,
activation, configuration, enablement observations, and
adjustment for feature deployment
Performance optimization: provides information about
performance monitoring and guidance for incumbent
network parameter adjustment
Sub-Project #2 Results:
Optimized more than 5,000 unclear descriptions, providing more accurate information. Documentation issues
were reduced by 30%. For example:
Added more than 400 parameter relationships, ensuring visibility for all relevant parameter changes. For
Added more than 300 default values for SET commands. For example:
Feedback from customers:
There have been significant improvements in the amount of details provided in the documentation (From Bell
Sub-Project #3: Streamline Document Obtaining & Feedback Channel
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
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Information about
From SingleRAN7.0 on, add information about access
documentation organizations
channel to the document packages on the support website
and access channel to product
for the LMT and M2000 clients.
documentation are not well
From SingleRAN8.0 on, embed HedEx documentation in
communicated to all local
product packages to implement automatic installation and
offices and customers.
upgrade HedEx documentation. (Huawei e-document
Publicize Huawei’s documentation system and access to
documentation for local offices and customers on a regular
Some customers do not have
Review customers’ accounts and permissions for the
necessary permissions for the
support website and optimize the account application
Huawei Support website.
Sub-Project #3 Results:
The following platform has been improved:
HedEx: Added documentation overview chapter for how to obtain different components (SingleRAN7.0).
M2000/LMT Software: Automatic reminders of document package download, whenever you upgrade the
network (SingleRAN8.0).
Customers can much more easily obtain documentation:
Streamlined more than 30,000 old customer accounts.
Added more than 3,000 new customer accounts.
Issue 3: O&M (E2E Network Management)
Sub-Project #1: Control of Northbound Interface Changes
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
O&M baseline needs to be
Improve O&M baseline in Q2 2012: reinforce O&M planning
and design baseline restrictions.
From SingleRAN8.0 on, realize consistent alarms and
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consistent software upgrade model.
O&M changes and
Minimize changes of O&M model and northbound interfaces
interconnection interfaces
for SingleRAN7.0.
changes occur due to software
Northbound interfaces are not
Northbound control team monitors the freezing of
strictly frozen within three
northbound interfaces within three months prior to GA on a
months prior to the GA point.
regular basis and ensures the accuracy of interface
Sub-Project #1 Result:
To resolve O&M planning and design restrictions, we outputted an O&M baseline “Operational Process and
Pain Point Overview” to guide SingleRAN 8.0 planning and design.
Achieved minimal changes to O&M models and northbound interfaces.
Succeeded to freeze northbound interfaces within three months prior to GA in SingleRAN 7.0.
Sub-Project #2: O&M Efficiency Improvement
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Focus on MBB O&M
Capacity Visibility: Through use of the network capacity monitor tool,
scenarios, provide high
detected the cell with capacity bottleneck on GIS system, and auto
efficiency features
analysis issue by network KPI
Efficient Network Tuning: Optimized the BTS refarming solution, the
new program will improve the efficiency by 90%
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Whole Network Configuration Verification: Data consistency across OSS
system verification to ensure the consistency and validity of the data
configuration of the entire network to protect the terminal user quality
of service and experience
Sub-Project #2 Result:
Capacity Visibility for Precise Expansion: New PRS (Performance Surveillance) tool provides MBB capacity
visibility and locates RAN bottlenecks.
Efficient Network Tuning: Time reduced to 1/10
Simplified MML Commands and Optimized Mechanism
Cross-OSS Parameter Consistency Check: Time significantly reduced
Reduced time spent on auditing whole-network parameter consistency from 24 hours to 1 hour
Sub-Project #3: GUI Usability Improvement
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
GUI design does not meet
Develop unified GUI specifications and standards;
customers’ habits.
optimize the iManager 12.0 before September 30, 2012.
Sub-Project #3 Result:
Improved in five aspects; 110 GUI improvement requirements have been fulfilled for iManager 12.0.
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Feedback from customer:
Operations teams have stated that improvements for the M2000 GUI over the last release (R12) are very
impressive and do meet most requirements. (From DT)
Issue 4: Capacity
Sub-Project #1: Improve Capacity Planning Capability
Problem Analysis
Capacity visibility tools
or services need to be
Proposed Solutions
Include capacity visibility tools to be used for regular planning. Provide
capacity visibility reports in the Performance Surveillance (PRS) by Q3
2012 and GUI support in 2013.
Give guidance service about capacity planning to customers by Q3 2012.
Sub-Project #1 Result:
Capacity monitor will be changed from a counter to a GUI in 2012 Q3, which is clearer in observing resource
usage and finding bottlenecks.
Close to a 20% improvement in air interface capacity in RAN14.0.
Sub-Project #2: Improve Capacity Processing Efficiency
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
A resource sharing mechanism
For SinleRAN8.0, launch new BSC6910 that supports dynamic
should be developed between
configuration of CP/UP and CP pool, and BSC6910 supports
RNCs and between SPUs within forming the RNC pool with BSC6900.
the same RNCs.
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Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
NodeB signaling processing
Increase NodeB signaling processing capability of SingleRAN7.0
capability needs to improve.
to ten times higher than that of SingleRAN6.0.
Sub-Project #2 Result:
BSC6910 (new RNC) will improve capacity efficiency by supporting pools on three levels: dynamic CP/UP on
one board, CP pool and UP pool between boards in RNC, pool between RNCs. BSC6910 will be GA in 2013 Q2.
Signaling capacity for NodeB has been improved to 1,500 CNBAP/s from 250 CNBAP/s for SingleRAN 8.0 with
new hardware.
Sub-Project #3: Ensure KPIs for Key Events
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
VIP assurance needs to
For SingleRAN7.0, ensure system stability and service experience
be improved and service
through intelligent access controls. For SingleRAN8.0, provide resource
assurance solutions need
reserves for VIP customers to ensure access and service experience.
to be optimized.
Sub-Project #3 Result:
In RAN 14.0, new features are provided to ensure KPIs and VIP user experience during key events:
Intelligent Access Control doubles access users; Platinum User Experience Guarantee solution provides
assurance for VIP users.
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Issue 5: Knowledge Sharing
Sub-Project #1: Establish a Two-Way Interaction Platform
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Knowledge sharing needs
“Knowledge Sharing” is an all-encompassing topic concerning our
to be optimized to meet
customers’ expectations to be able to share information with each other
customer concerns, like
on a variety of issues such as:
industry changes,
Operations experience and industry best practices
operation experience, etc.
Network issues and advice for efficient operations of Huawei networks
Applications of new technologies
Industry developments that change network deployment and operations
Knowledge sharing needs
The current plan is to develop a channel within the existing framework of
to establish a two-way
Huawei’s web services, and allow registered customers to search and
interaction platform.
select information according to their own interests
Sub-Project #1 Result:
A customer knowledge sharing forum is available now
Three main topics: industry insight, wireless technologies and O&M experience; more than 30 articles
available at its launch
Visit for registering, log-in and learning or sharing experience
Sub-Project #2: Local Expert Training Programs
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Huawei need to increase
Huawei improve staff skill by the following ways:
skills among the people we Sparkle 2012 training program
“Zhu Jian Action” training program
Global wireless expert (GEO) joint meeting
Sub-Project #2 Result:
“Sparkle” local face to face training has been delivered during the first half of 2012 as follows:
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80 classes in 13 regions
Staff coverage rate: 67.7%
Special training in 10 regions: Done
Local staff satisfaction score: 78.1
“Zhu Jian Action” training program (HQ-Local remote training) has been running since 2012 Q3
148 classes and 6,106 attendances from May to Aug. in total
40+ sessions each month, nearly 40 attendees per session
GUL classes: 50%, RF network planning: 27%
Global wireless experts (GEO) meeting every month: More than 170 attendees globally each month
Issue 6: Software Upgrade/Patches
Sub-Project #1: Patch Implementation Improvement
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
A regular patch
Huawei’s Assurance & Managed Service Department (AMS)
issues an official document that requires that patch
communication mechanism
implementation plans for the future three months must be
should be established at
developed with customers for commercial networks.
local offices.
Unified plans for patch
Local service operation directors or CTOs update patch
implementation for different
implementation plans for all the product lines on the networks
products should be made.
they are responsible for and conduct regular communication
with customers.
Sub-Project #1 Result:
At the end of 2011, the notification Notice Concerning Implementing Version & Patch Management was
published which demands frontline engineers communicate three-month version and patch plans to the
customer. Until now, 95% of wireless networks have been successfully implemented.
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Sub-Project #2: Patch Planning Improvement
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Patches are not released by
Fully consider risks in patch plans and communicate with
headquarters on time as planned.
customers in advance when exceptions occur.
Patch release notes are not updated Improve patch release process from headquarters and
in time when patch scope changes.
require that Bug Fix Lists should be updated on time
when patch scope changes.
Sub-Project #2 Result:
By optimizing the patch development process, patch planning punctuality rate reached zero deviations since
June 2012.
By improving IT platform efficiency, frontline engineers can get patch plans and all fixed-bug lists ahead of
Sub-Project #3: Patch Quality Improvement
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Design of patch application
Improve library of patch application scenarios to guide
scenarios needs to improve.
development design and verification
Sub-Project #3 Result:
In order to enhance the quality of patches, we designed test strategies based on patch requirements,
commercial scenarios and patch documents.
Through September 2012, the number of network problems has been reduced by 33.4%, and the number of
required patches has been reduced by 16.4%.
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Issue 7: Lifecycle
Sub-Project #1: EOX Communication
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
The EOX operation process
Optimize the EOX operation process and clearly define the initiation
should be optimized and some
time, operation period, organizations, and local offices’
local offices have not effectively responsibilities. Promote local offices to actively communicate with
performed their EOX
customers on a regular basis and conduct the first round of
communication duties.
communication in Q2 2012.
Sub-Project #1 Result:
In 2012, we developed a new dedicated IT support system (Front Communication Workflow) to support EOX
communications. Based on the new platform, EOX information is exchanged more efficiently and
communication processes are visible and clear for each step.
We also added clear schedules for EOX communications in the EOX/PCN operation process (EOX
communications twice a year).
2012 H1 EOX communications were based on new IT systems. Customer communications will be finished by
Sub-Project #2: EOX Documents Quality Improvement
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Capability of document
Develop the requirements for writing EOX documents and require SE
writers needs to improve
participation as a key role.
and design of document
Optimize EOX document templates and add key information that
templates should be
customers focus on (such as the specifications and compatibility of
new hardware and suggestions for customers after hardware
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Improve review checklist for EOX documents.
Sub-Project #2 Result:
Based on the feedback from frontline staff and customers, we optimized the EOX document template by
adding descriptions:
Specification comparisons
Customer changes
Response suggestions
We have released the latest EOX documents for 2012 H1.
Sub-Project #3: Hardware Compatibility Enhancement
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Communication with customers
Collect and summarize customer feedback, complete design
about O&M is not effective
specifications, and improve hardware compatibility by Q2 2012.
enough and design
specifications need to improve.
Sub-Project #3 Result:
In 2012, we developed compatibility criteria to maintain hardware design standards and reduce the impact of
hardware upgrades on customer network operations.
Issue 8: Smartphone Ecosystem/Industry Alignment
Sub-Project #1: Hot Topic Issues Collected & Solution Promoted
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Platform and solutions
Regular meetings
Hot topic issues collection
Sub-Project #1 Result:
Operator hot topic issues collected
Solutions promoted accordingly
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Series of whitepapers for better smartphone networks and user experience released based on real network
Sub-Project #2:
Industrywide Smartphone Initiative
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
Industrywide Smartphone
Proposed cooperation
Discussing within industries bodies
Sub-Project #2 Result:
Cooperation proposed to identify:
Common issues found in the industry created by Smartphones
Industry requirements that can address those issues
Sub-Project #3: mLAB Openness, Innovative Solutions, Apps Evaluation System
Problem Analysis
Proposed Solutions
mLAB Openness,
mLABs established for long-term openness, innovative solutions
Innovative Solutions, Apps
Creation of an Apps Evaluation System using the Apps Insider tool
Evaluation System
Sub-Project #3 Result:
Established mLABs in Shanghai and Silicon Valley
mLABs outputted series of insight reports about: FaceTime, iOS and Android behavior analysis, future
network traffic forecasts
Completed development of Apps Insider tool; Apps Insider used to analyze and generation solutions for
better network friendliness and more balanced user experience
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The main white papers can be downloaded from Huawei website:
Paper1: Analyzing the Network Friendliness of Mobile Applications
Paper2: Smartphone Solutions white paper
Paper3: Future smartphone solution white paper
For all Top Issues spanning from 2011 to 2012, Huawei would like to thank the following operators for their
collaboration and support: TELUS, Telenor, Bell Canada, Ufone, Vodafone, Belgacom, Zain, Telefonica, Maxis,
Deutsche Telekom, TeliaSonera, Optus, Mobinil, FT&Orange, PCCW, Etisalat, Robi Axiata, China Unicom, and
BYT. Their help has allowed Huawei to further improve itself and become the industry-leading company that
it is today.
As always, your feedback on our progress is welcome. Please send any comments to:
View the previous newsletter
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