GENERAL EDUCATION COMMITTEE MINUTES, 1/28/15 CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL Members present: S. Bradford, L. Calderon, S. Caro, M Cracolice, R. Fanning, K. Reiser, T. Squires, T. Shearer, G. Weix Ex-officio Members present: B. Howard, N. Lindsay Members Absent/ Excused: N. McCrady, J. Randall Minutes: The minutes from 11/19/14 were approved. COMMUNICATION ITEM BUSINESS ITEMS The Follow-up items appended were approved. The language exemption request for Parks, Tourism and Recreation Management was not approved. It did not meet the credit requirement. The Committee briefly discussed the program modifications for PTRM and RSCN. These were made to allow students the option of the exemption by adding additional course work. ASCRC delayed action on the forms until after the General Education Committee voted on the language exemptions. The Assessment Subcommittee met before the break with 7 natural science or mathematics faculty who have volunteered to participate in the pilot this semester. There will be another meeting early February to review assessment plans which will likely involve questions on the mid-term or final exam. The revised General Education Review Form will be sent again for feedback. The revised general education language exemption section (appended) was briefly reviewed as well. It will go to ASCRC and the Senate as information. ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m. GROUP 1 (Professor Cracolice) Course M 132 CSD 131 CSD132 Title Mathematics for Elementary Teachers American Sign Language I (Group 1) American Sign Language II (Group 1) Pharm D M162 and STAT 216 or PSYX 222 or SOCI 202 Group Mathematics Language Language Language Exemption GROUP 2 (Professor Shearer) Course NASX 141 NASX 142 * ARTH 201 Title Blackfoot Blackfoot II Art of World Civilization Group Language Language American & European Biochemistry/Health Biochemistry/Health M162 or M171 Profession Option Profession Option Language Exemption Chemistry BS Environmental & M 162 Applied Calculus or M 171 Calculus I (or any course for which M 162 or M 171 is a Forensic Options prerequisite) BA- Teaching Chemistry Track *After clarification follow-up communication GROUP 3 (Professor Reiser) LSH 191 LSH 191 PSYX 222 SOCI 202 Elementary Hindi I (one-time-only) Elementary Hindi II (one-time-only) Psychological Statistics Social Statistics Language Language Symbolic Systems Symbolic Systems Revised Catalo Language for language exemptions: Major Accounting & Finance Biochemistry/Health Profession Option Biology Cell and Molecular Biology Option Ecology and Organismal Biology Option Field Ecology Option Genetics and Evolution Option Human Biological Sciences Option Natural History Option Biological Education Option General Science Broadfield Track Chemistry Bachelor of Science Environmental Chemistry Option Forensic Chemistry Option Bachelor of Art- Teaching Chemistry Track Computer Science Curriculum & Instruction BA Education – Elementary Education Ecological Restoration Forestry Geoscience Bachelor of Science and Earth Science Education Option Health and Human Performance Bachelor of Science: Exercise Science Applied Option Exercise Science Pre Professional Exercise Science Pre Athletic Training Health and Human Performance Symbolic Systems Course(S) STAT 216, SOCI 202, FORS 201, or PSYX 222 M162 or M171 M 162 or M171 M 162 Applied Calculus or M 171 Calculus I (or any course for which M 162 or M 171 is a prerequisite) CSCI 135 and CSCI 136 M 133 and 234 FORS 201 or STAT 216 FORS 201 or STAT 216 M 162 or M 171 M 121 or 151 and STAT 216, PSYX 222 or EDU 421 M 117 and STAT 216. PSYX 222 or EDU 421 Bachelor of Science: Health Enhancement Option Community Health Management Information Systems STAT 216, SOCI 202, FORS 201, or PSYX 222 Management & Marketing STAT 216, SOCI 202, FORS 201, or PSYX 222 Mathematics - Bachelor of Art: Without an option or with the following options: Applied Mathematics Combinatorics and Optimization Pure Mathematics Statistics Mathematics Education Bachelor of Science: Combined Major in Mathematics / Computer Science or Computer Science / Mathematics Media Arts Bachelor of Fine Arts Medical Technology 3 +1 or 4 + 1 Track Microbiology Microbial Ecology Option Music - Bachelor of Music Voice Performance Piano Performance Piano Performance and Pedagogy Composition Instrumental Performance Organ Performance Music – Bachelor of Music Education Neuroscience Molecular and Cognitive options Pharmacy Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm D) Parks, Tourism and Recreation Management Resource Conservation Theatre - Bachelor of Fine Arts (Acting Emphasis) M 171 or any course for which it is a prerequisite MART 340 and 341 M 162 or M171 M 162 or M 171 MUSI 105, 106, 140 & 141 M 162 and STAT 216 or PSYX 222 M162 and STAT 216 or PSYX 222 or SOCI 202 FORS 201 or STAT 216 or SOCI 202 FORS 201, STAT 216, WILD 240 or SOCI 202 THTR 210, 211 & 310 Theatre - Bachelor of Fine Arts (Design/Technology Emphasis) Wildlife Biology THTR 255 & THTR 345 or 355 M 162 or higher and WILD 240 Students are advised that most courses meeting the symbolic systems exception have prerequisites, as indicated in the chart below: Course Title Pre-requisite(s) Computer programming experience in a language such Fundamentals of Computer as BASIC, Pascal, C, etc.; coreq., M 095 D or consent CSCI 135 Science I of instr. CSCI 104 highly recommended as prereq. or coreq Fundamentals of Computer CSCI 136 CSCI 135 ; coreq., M 151 or consent of instr Science II Statistical Procedures in EDU 421 M 115 Education FORS 201 Forest Biometrics M 115, M121, M122, M151, M162, M171 or M172 Statistical Procedures in HHP 486 M 115 or equiv. or consent of instr Education Geometry and Measurement M 133 for Elementary School M 132 Teachers Mathematics for K-8 M 136 M 135 Teachers II M 162 Applied Calculus ALEKS placement >= 5 or one of M 121, 122, or 151 M 171 Calculus I M 122 or 151 or ALEKS placement >= 5 Higher Mathematics for M 234 M 132 Elementary School Teachers MART Principles of Interactive 340 Media MART Introduction to Web Design 341 MUSI 105 Music Theory I Coreq., MUSI 140 MUSI 106 Music Theory II Coreq, MUSI 141 MUSI 139 Language of Music II MUSI 138 MUSI 140 Aural Perception I Coreq., MUSI 105 MUSI 141 Aural Perception II Coreq,MUSI 106 PSYX 222 Psychological Statistics PSYX 100S, 120: M 115, 162, or 171 SOCI 202 Social Statistics M 115 or consent of instructor M 115 (preferred), or one of M 121, 135, 151, 162 or STAT 216 Statistics 171, or ALEKS placement >= 4 STAT 451 Statistical Methods THTR 255 Drafting for the Theatre I THTR 211 Voice and Speech II THTR 310 Voice and Speech III Flat Pattern Design and THTR 345 Drafting One year of college mathematics including M 115 or equiv. course in probability or consent of instr. THTR 210 THTR 211 THTR 255 Computer-Aided Drafting THTR 355 and Computer Applications THTR 255 for the Theatre WILD 240 Introduction to Biostatistics M162