UMD Department of Mathematics and Statistics Undergraduate Scholarship Application Form Every year the UMD Department of Mathematics and Statistics offers several awards that recognize student scholarship and/or financial need. In addition, the Department regularly allocates student scholarships based on scholarships established through the UMD College of Science and Engineering. While some recipients are based on nominations from departmental faculty members, students can also apply for consideration. In order to apply for any or all of these awards, an interested student should fill out the following application form and turn it in to the Director of Undergraduate Studies, c/o The Department of Mathematics and Statistics, 140 Solon Campus Center. The application form should be accompanied by a recent (unofficial) transcript and copy of your APAS. For full consideration applications should be submitted by the first Monday in April. Applicant’s Name: Student ID Number: Today’s date: Local Address: Hometown Address: Email Address: Local Phone: Expected term of graduation: Major(s): Minor(s): Have you been a UMD papergrader? Tutor? (If so, indicate which terms): Have you been involved in a math or stat research project? (If so, explain.): The total number of credits (beyond the current term) that you need to take in order to complete your degree: Next academic year, do you expect to be a full-time student in the: Fall Term?_____ Spring Term?______ Overall GPA: Math/Stat GPA for Calculus and above: List grades and terms for all mathematics and statistics courses you have taken at UMD. Enter IP for any courses in progress. MATH Courses: Course 1290 1296 1297 1596 1597 2326 3110 3280 3298 3299 3320 3355 3810 Grade Term Instructor Course 4201 4230 4240 4326 4371 5110 5120 5201 5233 5260 5270 5280 Grade Term Instructor Course 5327 5330 5365 5366 5371 5372 5384 5810 5830 5840 5850 Grade Term Instructor STAT Courses: Course 3411 3611 Grade Term Instructor 4101 4995 5411 5511 5515 5531 5571 5572 List any additional college Math/Stat courses you have taken, including AP courses and transferred courses. Please provide a brief statement regarding your activities (academic and otherwise) and honors. Include membership in clubs, offices held, awards, scholarships, and contests other recognition. If you wish to be considered for a need-based award, please attach a brief statement describing your financial needs, and how a scholarship might help you achieve your academic goals.