Year 8 Cells - Revision Questions

Year 8 Cell and Organisation - Revision 2014
Name: ________________ Form: _________
Words: function, respiratory, multicellular, cells, level, circulatory, tissues, nervous system
1. The Human Body is very complex. The Human Body, as a ________________ organism,
is composed of several ____________of organization that include cells, tissues, organs and
organ systems.
2. Each smaller level combines together to make the next level.
3. ____________ are the building blocks of all living things.
4. A tissue is a group of similar cells that perform the same ______________ .
5. Organs are groups of different _____________ with a specific function.
6. Finally, organ systems are groups of organs that work together to perform a specific
job. Give 3 systems in our body: _________________, __________________ and
________________ systems.
7. The Human Body is made up of many systems that work together to perform complex
tasks on a daily basis.
8. Arrange the 6 different levels of organisation of human body:
tissue, cell, organ, organism, organelle, organ system
9. Match the following organelles with their role in a cell.
The correct structure:
Cell Wall
Stores water in plants
Cell Membrane
Jelly-like substance where chemical
reactions happen
Structures found in living cells
Gives energy to a cell
A skin that lets substances into and
out of a cell
Barrier of a plant cell
Control centre of cell, where cell
division starts (mitosis)
Makes own food using
10. Why are cells important? (Check the Internet for answers if needed)
11. Label the following diagrams: chloroplast, cytoplasm, cell wall, vacuole, nucleus, cell
12. Give three differences between an animal cell and a plant cell.
13. What is the difference between a unicellular and multicellular organism?
14. Label the parts: eyepiece, objective, stage, diaphragm, arm, nosepiece, base, stage, fine
adjustment, coarse adjustment, body tube, stage clip, mirror
15. What do the following parts of a microscope do?
 Stage  Diaphragm Objective Lenses Mirror16. When you see an image under a microscope what happens to the image:
a. It stays the same
b. It becomes a mirror image
c. It looks upside down and left to right
d. It just flip downward
17. Fill in the magnification of a microscope:
Objective lens
X 10
X 10
X 10
X 10
X 80
18. Give 2 differences between Light Microscope and Dissecting Microscope.
19. What are the steps to preparing an onion cell?
20. Our body is made up of many specialised cells, what do the following cells do in our body:
 Red blood cell
 Fat cells
 Nerve cells
 Muscle cells
21. Which is the only cell in our body that doesn’t have a nucleus?
22. What is a tissue? Give 3 examples.
23. Why are tendons and ligaments in our body called connective tissue?
24. What is an organ made up of?
The building block of all living things
At least two different types of tissues
Two or more different organs that work together
A group of cells that do the same thing in the body
25. What is mitosis?
26. What structure/chemical makes the mitosis possible?
27. Arrange different stages of mitosis in the correct sequence.
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