ACCT # ___________________________ DATE SET ________________________ PAID $______ __ CASH __CK __ CARD RECEIPT # ____________ METER INSTALL ___ METER DEPOSIT ______ SERIAL # ______________ EID _____________ THE CITY OF DEMOREST APPLICATION FOR RESIDENTIAL WATER SERVICE APPLICANT NAME LAST NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME FIRST NAME MIDDLE NAME SPOUSE/ROOMMATE NAME LAST NAME SERVICE ADDRESS YES STREET CITY STATE ZIP CODE NO INSIDE CITY MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT FROM SERVICE ADDRESS) STREET OR P O BOX CITY STATE ZIP CODE APPLICANT DRIVER’S LICENSE NUMBER APPLICANT SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER SPOUSE/ROOMMATE DRIVER’S LICENSE NUMBER SPOUSE/ROOMMATE SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER HOME TELEPHONE CELL PHONE EMAIL ADDRESS SPOUSE/ROOMMATE CELL PHONE ALTERNATE EMAIL ADDRESS IF THIS IS A RENTAL PROPERTY: OWNER NAME OWNER ADDRESS OWNER TELEPHONE APPLICANT EMPLOYER EMPLOYER ADDRESS EMPLOYER TELEPHONE SPOUSE/ROOMMATE EMPLOYER EMPLOYER ADDRESS EMPLOYER TELEPHONE HAVE YOU PREVIOUSLY HAD WATER SERVICE WITH THE CITY OF DEMOREST? YES NO IF YES, LIST PREVIOUS SERVICE ADDRESS: “The following information is requested by the Federal Government in order to monitor compliance with Federal Laws prohibiting discrimination against applicants seeking to participate in the program. You are not required to furnish this information, but are encouraged to do so. This information will not be used in evaluating your application or to discriminate against you in any way. However, if you choose not to furnish it, we are required to note the race, national origin of individual applicants on the basis of visual observation or surname.” __ White, not of Hispanic origin __ Hispanic __ Black, not of Hispanic origin __ Asian or Pacific Islander __ American Indian or Alaskan native __ Bi-Racial “This is an Equal Opportunity Program. Discrimination is prohibited by Federal law. Complaints of discrimination may be filed with the Secretary of Agriculture, Washington, DC 20250.” I am applying for service with the City of Demorest. I have received the Water User Agreement provided with this application, and I understand the terms and conditions of this application and the Water User Agreement and agree to abide by the terms and conditions. APPLICANT SIGNATURE DATE SERVICE TERMS AND CONDITIONS 1. Bills are prepared once a month and are due and payable on the due date indicated on the bill. A 10% charge will be added to any unpaid balance after the due date. 2. Non-payment within 30 days from the due date shall result in water being disconnected from the property. Payment cannot be made in the field. The disconnection crew lacks authority to accept payment. 3. Once service has been disconnected, restoration of service will require payment in full of the outstanding invoice, a security deposit approved by the Mayor and City Council, and a service charge of $40.00 paid in cash or certified funds. The service charge will increase based upon the number of disconnections required at the location during the previous six months. A second disconnection with six months will require a service charge of $60.00. A third disconnection within six months will require a service charge of $80.00. All disconnected accounts paid after 2:00 p.m. will be reconnected the next business day. 4. Office hours are 8:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Payments may be made after business hours in the night deposit box located on the outside of the building directly past the drive-through window. Timely payments may be made by cash, check, money order or cashier check. We will accept payment, to be made in person by credit or debit card, using a Visa/MasterCard/ Discover. There will be a $2.50 convenience charge for this option. You may also make payments at United Community Bank, or South State Bank, or online at We do not take credit or debit card payments by telephone. 5. Service may be refused to anyone who has defaulted on payment of any obligation to the City, or has had service disconnected because of a violation of the rules and regulations of the City. DEPOSIT INFORMATION All customers requesting service will pay a $100.00 deposit. This deposit is refundable under the conditions listed: a. When water &/or sewer service is discontinued by request of the user, and all outstanding invoices are paid in full, the security deposit shall be refunded to the user by the City, provided that the user has given a forwarding address. b. If service is discontinued for nonpayment of invoices, the security deposit shall be applied by the City to the outstanding balance. Any remaining balance of the security deposit shall be refunded to the user; however, if the deposit is not sufficient to pay the outstanding invoice, the City may proceed with collection of the balance from the user. c. Any user who enters the meter box and turns on service after service has been cut off shall be in violation of City ordinances and shall be subject to applicable penalties. All customers must provide a copy of their driver’s license, and a copy will be made by City office staff to include in the customer file.