1 Van der Heijden et al. 2 Supporting Information 3 4 Experimental microcosms: Using closed growth chambers and sterile conditions we 5 established novel experimental microcosms (Figure S2; see van der Heijden and Wagg (2013) 6 and Wagg et al. (2014) for further details). To avoid outside greenhouse-borne microbial 7 contamination, incoming air was filtered through a hydrophobic filter with a pore size of 0.2 8 μm (Millex®-FG50; Millipore Corporation, Billerica, USA) and water was filtered through a 9 hydrophilic filter with a 0.22 μm pore size (Millex®-GP50; Millipore Corporation, Billerica, 10 USA). Microcosms were assembled, inoculated, and planted within a laminar flow hood. All 11 parts used for the microcosms were sterilized by autoclaving for 30 min at 121 °C, with the 12 exception of the Plexiglas tops and the PVC microcosm bottoms. The bottom and top of the 13 microcosms were sterilized by submersing in 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 20–30 minutes, 14 then in 70% Ethanol with a few drops of Tween 20 for a few minutes and air-dried within the 15 Laminar flow hood. Each microcosm, which had a diameter of 23.5 cm and a depth of 12 cm 16 was filled with 6.45 kg sieved and autoclaved (110°C for 2h) dune sand. 17 18 P and N fertilization: The microcosms were maintained in a greenhouse, watered weekly 19 and randomized every 2-4 weeks. A modified low N and P Hoagland nutrient solution 20 (Hoagland and Arnon, 1950) was supplied at regular time-intervals and a total of 39.7 mg N 21 kg soil-1 and 4.2 mg P kg soil-1 (or 45.3 kg N ha-1 year-1 and 4.8 kg P ha-1 year-1) was added to 22 each microcosm. To increase the relative abundance of 23 atom% enriched) was mixed with the soil prior to the establishment of the microcosms and a 24 total of 0.806 mg 15N-K15NO3 and 0.366 mg 15N-15NH415NO3 (both 98 atom% enriched) was 25 supplied with the nutrient solution during the experiment. By doing this we enhanced the 15N 15 N, 0.017 mg 15 N (K15NO3, 98 1 26 concentration of plant available soil nitrogen to 1036 ‰ (the average δ15N of plant N in 27 microcosms without a symbiont). This δ15N concentration contrasts with the δ15N 28 concentration of atmospheric nitrogen, which is assumed to be 0 ‰. Subsequently, by using 29 the difference in 30 nitrogen we calculated the amount of biological nitrogen fixation. 31 Quality control of treatments: It is difficult to test the ecological function of microbes 32 because non-inoculation treatments get easily contaminated (Read, 2002). At final harvest we 33 examined the microcosms for the purity of the microbial inoculation treatments. For the AM 34 fungi treatment we quantified in all microcosms the fungal colonization of plant roots and the 35 hyphal length in the soil (Table S1). Root colonization by AM fungi varied from 0% in all 36 non-mycorrhizal microcosms (control and rhizobia treatments) to 71.8% and 83.0% in 37 microcosms with only AM fungi or with AM fungi and rhizobia, respectively. Similarly, 38 hyphal length varied from 0.25 meter in control and rhizobia microcosms and up to 18.6 39 meter in microcosms inoculated with AM fungi. Hyphal length in the non-mycorrhizal 40 microcosms possibly reflect non-mycorrhizal structures or dead hyphae, which were already 41 present in the sterilized soil. We screened the roots for nodules in all microcosms and nodules 42 were only observed in microcosms where rhizobia had been added (Table S1). In summary, 43 neither AM fungi nor rhizobia colonization was observed in microcosms to which these had 44 not been added, demonstrating that we successfully manipulated the AM fungi and rhizobia in 45 the microcosms without the contamination of AM fungi or rhizobia from the outside during 46 the entire course of the experiment (16.5 months). Although we minimized the exposure of 47 the microcosms to possible environmental contaminations by working in a laminar flow hood, 48 we cannot exclude that bacteria and fungi other than AM fungi and rhizobia could have made 49 it into the microcosms (e.g. endophytic bacteria and fungi colonizing plant seeds). 15 N concentration between plant available soil nitrogen and atmospheric 50 2 51 References 52 Van der Heijden MGA, Wagg C. (2013). Soil microbial diversity and agro-ecosystem 53 functioning. Plant Soil 363:1–5. 54 Hoagland DR, Arnon DI. (1950). The water-culture method for growing plants without soil. 55 Calif Agric Exp Stn Circ 347:1–32. 56 Read DJ. (2002). Towards Ecological Relevance - Progress and Pitfalls in the Path Towards 57 an Understanding of Mycorrhizal Functions in Nature. In:Mycorrhizal Ecology, Van der 58 Heijden, MGA & Sanders, IR (eds) Ecological Studies Vol. 157, Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 59 pp. 3–29. 60 Wagg C, Bender SF, Widmer F, van der Heijden MGA. (2014). Soil biodiversity and soil 61 community composition determine ecosystem multifunctionality. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 62 111:5266–70. 63 3 64 65 Figure S1: Photographic impression of the nutrient poor dune grassland reference site at the 66 Noordhollands Duinreservaat at Egmond Binnen (the Netherlands). 4 67 68 Figure S2: Experimental microcosms. Drawing (a) and photograph (b, c) of the gnotobiotic 69 microcosms in which plants were grown under controlled conditions without microbial 70 contamination from the outside. The photograph in (c) illustrates the experimental grassland 71 plant community after 5 months of growth in a microcosm containing AMF and rhizobia. 72 Note that incoming pressured air was filtered through a 0.2 μm hydrophobic filter (right 73 arrow), while water was filtered through a 0.22 μm hydrophilic filter (left arrow). 74 5 75 76 Figure S3: Productivity of microcosms by harvests. Total shoot biomass in microcosms 77 after the first harvest (5.5 months), the second harvest (11 months) and the third harvest (16.5 78 months). Microcosms contained no plant symbionts (C), only rhizobia (R), only AM fungi 79 (M) or microcosms contained both symbionts (MR). Bars represent means (n=9; ± sem) and 80 statistical details are given in Table S3. 81 6 82 83 Figure S4: Plant survival. The survival of the plant species by functional group was 84 determined at the third harvest in microcosms containing no plant symbionts (C), only 85 rhizobia (R), only AM fungi (M) or both symbionts (MR). Bars represent means (n=9; ± sem) 86 and statistic details of functional groups are given in Table S1. 87 7 88 89 Figure S5: Correspondence between symbiont presence and biomass production. The 90 correspondence analysis (CCA) was constrained for the variables AM fungi * rhizobia to 91 quantify their influence on the variation in biomass production of the individual plant species. 92 Microcosms (“sample scores”) containing no plant symbionts (C), only rhizobia (R), only AM 93 fungi (M) or both symbionts (MR) are depicted with triangles and the Eigenvectors of the 94 individual plants species (“species scores”) reported with arrows (color-coded by functional 95 plant groups): Luzula campestris (Luc), Anthoxanthum odoratum (Ano), Festuca ovina (Feo), 96 Koeleria macrantha (Kom), Carlina vulgaris (Cav), Senecio jacobaea (Sej), Achillea 97 millefolium (Acm), Hieracium pilosella (Hip), Plantago lanceolata (Pll), Trifolium repens 98 (Trr) and Lotus corniculatus (Loc). 99 8 100 101 Figure S6: Plant nutrient acquisition by functional groups. P content (a) and mineral N 102 content (b) in plants (colored by functional group) of the grassland microcosms containing no 103 plant symbionts (C), only rhizobia (R), only AM fungi (M), both symbionts (MR). The 104 nutrient content refers to the overall nutrient uptake in the microcosms (sum of the three 105 harvests). Bars represent means (n=9; ± sem) and letters (colored by functional group) 106 indicate statistical significance; treatments not sharing a letter differ at P<0.05 (Tukey’s 107 HSD). Statistic details are reported in Table S1. 108 9 109 Supplementary Dataset Legends 110 Supplementary Data 1: Productivity. The text file “Supplementary_data_1_productivity 111 .txt” contains the raw biomass recordings [in mg] of each species at each harvest and from 112 each microcosm. The file also contains the biomass of the combined root systems at the third 113 harvest. 114 Supplementary Data 2: Plant survival. The text file “Supplementary_data_2_plant_survival 115 .txt” contains the raw survival recordings [in %] of each species from each microcosm at the 116 third harvest. 117 Supplementary Data 3: Nutrients. The text file “Supplementary_data_3_nutrients.txt” 118 contains the raw P and N measurements [in mg] of plants of each functional group from each 119 microcosm. The file contains the nutrient measures of the first and second harvests 120 (combined) and of the third harvest. The file also contains the nutrient analyses of the 121 combined root systems at the third harvest. 122 Supplementary 123 “Supplementary_data_4_seedling_establishment.txt” comprises the shoot biomass recordings 124 [in mg] of the planted seedlings in each microcosm. 125 Supplementary Data 5: R code. The zip file “Supplementary_data_5_R_code.txt” contains 126 all custom R scripts and functions utilized for the statistical examination of the data and 127 plotting of the figures. Data 4: Seedling establishment. The text file 128 129 10 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 138 139 Supplementary Table S1: AM fungal colonization levels, hyphal length, root length, occurrence of root nodules, plant diversity, plant P content, plant N content, plant productivity, plant survival of three plant functional groups and the total plant community; and productivity of four legume seedlings and five non-legume seedlings (mean (± se)) in nutrient poor grassland microcosms where the presence and composition of plant symbionts was manipulated. Plant productivity of each plant species is reported in Table S21. Microcosms contained no plant symbionts (C), only rhizobia (R), only AM fungi (M), or microcosms contained both symbionts (MR). Variables were untransformed (§), natural log transformed (∞) or ranked (†) to meet the requirements to perform the analysis. F-values and significance levels for a two-way analysis of variance with rhizobia (R) and AM fungi (M) as separate factors and their interaction term (R*M) are shown (ns not significant, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001). #Hyphae in the non-mycorrhizal treatments represent non-mycorrhizal hyphae or dead hyphae that were already present in the soil before starting the experiment. Variable Root colonization by AM fungi [%]§ Hyphal length [m g soil-1]#† Root length [m g soil-1]† Root nodules Plant productivity1 [g] Total including roots∞ Grasses (Shoots)† Herbs (Shoots)† Legumes (Shoots)† Roots† C Mean (±se) 0.00 (0.00) 0.25 (0.05) 0.55 (0.06) Absent R Mean 0.00 0.37 0.48 Present 21.71 (1.58) 12.15 (0.50) 0.13 (0.01) 0.06 (0.00) 9.37 (1.21) 19.40 11.51 0.12 0.05 7.71 (±se) (0.00) (0.08) (0.04) M Mean (±se) 71.78 (3.10) 18.67 (1.12) 0.28 (0.01) Absent MR Mean 83.00 16.52 0.25 Present R F (±se) (1.77) (0.93) (0.01) 0.017 2.348 ns (0.98) (0.61) (0.00) (0.00) (0.53) 19.69 (0.48) 1.59 (0.21) 7.76 (0.25) 0.78 (0.10) 9.56 (0.26) 22.21 1.32 7.96 2.40 10.53 (0.98) (0.08) (0.28) (0.21) (0.63) 0.011 0.738 0.099 7.878 0.000 ns ns ns ns ** ns M F 9,882 110.356 77.871 R*M F ** *** *** 0.311 98.801 103.425 151.017 7.888 ns *** *** *** ** 4.579 0.355 * 4.786 0.094 2.270 10.151 3.206 * ns ns ns ** ns Plant diversity (H)§ 1.22 (0.05) 1.21 (0.06) 1.35 (0.05) 1.43 (0.06) 0.370 ns 10.829 ** 0.758 ns Plant survival [%] Total† Grasses† Herbs† 35.67 (2.29) 85.25 (2.92) 6.91 (2.67) 34.47 (2.58) 77.11 (5.09) 7.49 (1.73) 84.40 (0.93) 89.33 (2.57) 82.73 (2.27) 85.23 (1.88) 87.64 (2.24) 81.84 (3.12) 0.133 1.121 0.214 ns 97.127 3.634 99.722 *** 0.093 0.307 0.001 ns ns ns ns *** ns ns 11 Legumes† 8.39 (2.77) 16.67 (3.40) 78.72 (1.47) 88.89 (3.92) 7.527 ** 129.871 *** 0.000 ns 55.951 99.787 119.181 209.168 48.776 *** 1.678 0.973 3.560 4.784 0.565 ns 48.911 97.020 106.629 159.115 133.388 *** Plant P content [mg] Total including roots§ Grasses (Shoots)† Herbs (Shoots)† Legumes (Shoots)† Roots† 11.69 (0.80) 8.38 (0.52) 0.05 (0.00) 0.02 (0.00) 3.25 (0.59) 11.39 8.65 0.04 0.02 2.68 (0.66) (0.62) (0.00) (0.00) (0.14) 15.42 (0.54) 1.05 (0.13) 7.29 (0.17) 0.65 (0.09) 6.43 (0.41) 16.69 0.90 7.57 1.83 6.40 (0.31) 0.641 (0.08) 0.186 (0.23) 0.223 (0.14) 25.443 (0.33) 0.894 ns Plant N content [mg] Total including roots† Grasses (Shoots)† Herbs (Shoots)† Legumes (Shoots)† Roots† 211.79 (5.18) 167.65 (4.37) 2.35 (0.18) 1.05 (0.06) 40.74 (2.16) 207.90 165.02 2.31 1.18 39.39 (5.38) (5.33) (0.13) (0.11) (1.14) 211.22 (3.20) 20.28 (2.33) 99.67 (2.60) 10.42 (1.49) 80.85 (0.96) 292.49 18.10 106.20 57.23 110.96 (8.85) 41.483 (1.37) 0.237 (2.11) 1.467 (4.90) 14.557 (5.62) 2.033 *** 8.01 (0.97) 5.57 (1.27) 22.77 (2.72) 4.91 (0.36) 4.46 4.29 20.66 4.32 (1.18) (1.47) (3.07) (0.78) 4.16 (0.64) 3.23 (0.52) 30.86 (3.98) 9.18 (1.48) 3.72 2.54 23.90 7.16 (0.39) (0.41) (2.58) (1.21) 5.344 2.053 2.091 2.213 * 7.83 (0.38) 4.90 (0.54) 2.79 (0.34) 3.53 (0.36) 9.96 5.99 2.82 5.13 (0.84) (0.51) (0.37) (0.34) 9.64 (1.12) 2.46 (0.49) 1.50 (0.34) 2.02 (0.37) 57.13 70.98 33.96 76.17 (9.47) (16.8) (7.29) (21.8) 25.192 68.902 35.205 94.277 Seedling establishment [mg] Non Legumes: (Shoot productivity) Festuca ovina† Koeleria macrantha∞ Plantago lanceolata§ Senecio jacobaea∞ Legumes: (Shoot productivity) Lotus corniculatus† Trifolium repens† Trifolium arvense† Trifolium dubium† ns ns *** ns ns ns *** ns ns ns ns *** *** *** *** 4.624 3.450 3.267 9.936 21.640 0.838 1.963 1.030 *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** * ns ns ** *** ns ns ns 50.247 0.004 1.966 6.208 10.292 2.898 0.111 0.597 0.018 4.964 37.491 36.190 32.690 ns ns * ns *** ns ns * ** ns ns ns ns * *** *** *** 140 12 141 142 143 144 145 146 147 Supplementary Table S2: Plant productivity of each plant species (mean (± se)) in nutrient poor grassland microcosms where the presence and composition of plant symbionts was manipulated. Microcosms contained no plant symbionts (C), only rhizobia (R), only AM fungi (M), or microcosms contained both symbionts (MR). Variables were untransformed (§), natural log transformed (∞) or ranked (†) to meet the requirements to perform the analysis. F-values and significance levels for a two-way analysis of variance with rhizobia (R) and AM fungi (M) as separate factors and their interaction term (R*M) are shown (ns not significant, * P < 0.05, ** P < 0.01, *** P < 0.001). Letters report significant differences in pairwise comparisons (Tukey’s HSD) between treatments (treatments differing at P < 0.05 are marked with different letters). Plant productivity [mg] Grasses Anthoxanthum odoratum† Festuca ovina† Koeleria macrantha† Luzula campestris† C mean (±se) 5040.44 1875.67 1334.00 3898.56 R mean (±se) R*M F (227.24) (30.36) (23.69) (43.99) B B B B 739.67 289.89 238.00 49.33 (88.03) (34.41) (8.49) (11.28) B B B B 0.003ns 0.452ns 1.147ns 0.133ns 77.073*** 98.063*** 31.024*** 97.245*** 0.253ns 0.135ns 0.007ns 0.182ns (0.65) (1.99) (1.29) (4.43) (1.51) A B A A A 242.44 56.56 384.11 6513.00 559.00 (22.27) (5.50) (32.09) (264.91) (93.79) B A B B B 224.11 46.11 422.11 6846.67 420.22 (57.99) (5.57) (47.52) (359.93) (76.09) B AB B B B 0.705ns 5.265* 1.807ns 0.473ns 0.919ns 101.457*** 6.726* 102.566*** 102.584*** 100.359*** 0.349ns 0.003ns 0.118ns 1.564ns 0.345ns 36.44 (4.12) 17.89 (0.92) A A B B 1847.44 (217.20) C 553.56 (36.13) C 5.479* 9.266** 149.632*** 134.628*** 12.064** 3.079ns A AB A A A 7.44 33.89 12.44 54.67 7.67 A A 38.67 (2.92) 16.56 (1.08) M F 923.33 333.22 216.22 113.67 (1.60) (6.06) (1.82) (5.43) (2.75) Legumes Lotus corniculatus† Trifolium repens† R F A A A A A A A A 8.78 45.22 10.44 59.33 9.78 MR mean (±se) (606.79) (205.31) (174.71) (945.02) (920.46) (308.47) (311.92) (649.98) Herbs Achillea millefolium† Carlina vulgaris∞ Hieracium pilosella† Plantago lanceolata† Senecio jacobaea† M mean (±se) 4293.44 1669.11 1183.44 4365.33 522.56 (58.94) 260.78 (53.23) 148 13 149 150 151 152 153 154 Supplementary Table S3: Statistics (F-ratios, degrees of freedom and significance level) of repeated measures analysis of variance for the effects of Block (B), AM fungi (M), Rhizobia (R), Harvest (H), the AM fungi × Harvest interaction term (M x H), the Rhizobia × Harvest interaction term (R × H) and the AMF × Rhizobia × Harvest interaction term (M × R × H) for shoot biomass data of Anthoxanthum odoratum (Ao), Luzula campestris (Lu) Festuca ovina (Fo), Koeleria macrantha (Km), Lotus corniculatus (Lc), Trifolium repens (Tr), Hieracium pilosella (Hp), Plantago lanceolata (Pl), Achillea millefolium (Am), Senecio jacobaea (Sj) and Carlina vulgaris (Cv) and total above ground shoot biomass (Sh). The degrees of freedom are the same for each plant species and only shown for the first plant species (Ao). 155 156 157 Plant species Source of variation Ao Lu Fo Km Lc Tr Hp Pl Am Sj Cv Sh B F8,24=4.9** 1.2ns 0.7ns 1.1ns 1.5ns 1.0ns 1.1ns 0.2ns 1.1ns 1.1ns 0.6ns 1.8ns M F1,24=71.3*** 148.9*** 51.4*** 33.7*** 1422.0*** 742.5*** 228.7*** 2736*** 230*** 394*** 3.3ns 8.2** R F1,24=0.0ns 0.47ns 0.4ns 1.7ns 24.0*** 13.3** 0.1ns 0.0ns 0.8ns 3.3ns 4.3* 2.4ns H F2,64=423.0*** 443.0*** 494.8*** 287.9*** 198.0*** 340.8*** 216.0*** 199.9*** 242.4*** 175.0*** 1731*** 1790*** M×R F1,64=0.2ns 0.2ns 0.0ns 0.2ns 36.0*** 8.5** 0.5 ns 0.2 ns 0.5ns 2.2ns 0.0ns 5.2* M×H F2,64=265.5*** 105.9*** 171.5*** 83.8*** 79.9*** 101.0*** 12.7*** 373.3*** 16.8ns 15.2*** 1.5ns 230.9*** R×H F2,64=2.8ns 1.6ns 0.6ns 3.3* 2.8ns 30.4*** 1.1 ns 0.7ns 0.3ns 1.4ns 1.1ns 0.4ns R×M×H F2,64=0.33ns 0.8ns 0.0ns 1.2ns 3.9* 35.6*** 0.4 ns 0.0ns 0.1ns 2.3ns 0.0ns 3.4* ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ns, not significant; *, P < 0.05; **, P < 0.01; ***, P < 0.001. 158 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 14