ADDITIONAL FILES Additional File 1. Search Strategy to Identify Papers Indexed in MEDLINE and EMBASE and Reporting Data on Post-Transplantation Survival Among Patients with IPF MEDLINE Search (via PubMed) 1. “lung transplantation”[MeSH] OR lung transplant* OR lung graft 2. “idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis”[MeSH] OR “IPF”[tiab] OR “pulmonary fibrosis”[MeSH] OR “pulmonary fibrosis” OR “lung diseases, interstitial”[MeSH] OR interstitial lung disease* OR “ILD”[tiab] OR “fibrosing alveolitis” OR “CFA”[tiab] OR “usual interstitial pneumonia” OR “UIP”[tiab] OR idiopathic interstitial pneumonia* OR “IIP”[tiab] 3. “animals”[MeSH] NOT “humans”[MeSH] 4. (#1 AND #2) NOT #3 Limits: English, Published from 1990/01/01 to 2013/03/28 Embase Search 1. ‘lung transplant’ OR ‘lung transplants’ OR ‘lung transplantation’ OR ‘lung transplantations’ OR ‘lung graft’ OR ‘lung grafts’ OR ‘lung grafting’ OR ‘lung graftings’ 2. ‘fibrosing alveolitis’/exp OR ‘fibrosing alveolitis’ OR ‘pulmonary fibrosis’ OR ‘interstitial lung disease’ or ‘interstitial lung diseases’ OR ‘usual interstitial pneumonia’ OR ‘idiopathic interstitial pneumonia’ or ‘idiopathic interstitial pneumonias’ 3. [animals]/lim NOT [humans]/lim 4. [cochrane review]/lim OR [systematic review]/lim OR [conference paper]/lim OR [conference abstract]/lim OR [editorial]/lim OR [erratum]/lim OR [note]/lim OR [review]/lim 5. (#1 AND #2) NOT (#3 OR #4) Limits: English, Published from 1990/01/01 to 2013/03/28 Additional File 2. Summary of the 56 sources included in the review Reference Sample source No. of IPF Mean + SD age patients % females ISHLT data ISHLT website[10] ISHLT data (website)1995 – 2012 8,904 NR NR Christie, et al[48] ISHLT data (2012 annual report), 1995 – 2011 7,925 NR NR Trulock, et al[49] ISHLT data, All adult IPF lung transplant recipients, 2,318 NR NR 1,271 NR NR 1994–2004 OPTN data OPTN website[16] OPTN data, All adult IPF lung transplant recipients, 1997 – 2004 McCurry, et al[20] OPTN data, All IPF lung transplant recipients, 2007 NR NR NR Edwards, et al[19] OPTN data, Adult IPF lung transplant recipients 786 NR NR 3,860 SLT: 56.5 + 9.5 39.7 1987–2002 Force, et al[51] OPTN data, All IPF lung transplant recipients, 1987–2008 Freitas, et al[22] OPTN data, All IPF lung transplant recipients, BLT: 51.8 + 12.2 4,475 NR NR 1,241 NR NR NR NR NR 429 NR NR 4,190 65.4 ± 10.1 31.9 3,327 SLT: 57.1 + 9.0 32.0 1987–2010 Merlo, et al[58] OPTN data, All IPF lung transplant recipients, 2002 - 2008 Meyer et al[17] OPTN data, All IPF lung transplant recipients, 1988 - 1999 Nwakanma, et OPTN data, All IPF lung transplant recipients, 1998 al[52] - 2004 Takagishi, et al[23] OPTN data, All IPF lung transplant recipients, 1991 - 2009 Thabut, et al[18] OPTN data, Adult IPF lung transplant recipients, 1987 - 2009 BLT: 54.0 + 10.0 Reference Sample source No. of IPF Mean + SD age patients Weiss, et al[53] OPTN data, Adult IPF lung transplant recipients, % females NR NR NR NR NR NR 454 56 ± 9 33 2,115 51.4 ± 9.6 39.3 261 NR NR 104 NR NR 16 51.4 ± 7.7 18.8 26 52.1 ± 6.0 23.1 231 NR NR 61 NR NR 16 45.2 ± 10.5 56.3 45 49.5 ± 10 42.2 1987 – 1997 Chen, et al[21] OPTN data, IPF lung transplant recipients, 2002 2008 Lederer, et al[63] OPTN data, IPF patients listed for lung transplant, 2004 - 2005 Shorr, et al[64] OPTN data, All IPF patients on the waiting list for lung transplantation, 1995 - 2000 Other registry data or large databases Coll, et al[24] IPF lung transplant recipients, Spanish Lung Transplant Registry, 2006 - 2010 Smits, et al[50] Adult IPF lung transplant recipients, Eurotransplant database, 1997-1999 Grossman, et al[44] IPF single-lung transplant recipients, Toronto Lung Transplant Group, 1983 - 1989 Kadikar, et al[65] IPF patients evaluated for lung transplantation, Toronto Lung Transplant Program, 1991–1995 Teo, et al[25] Adults with IPF (ICD-9 code) as primary inpatient diagnosis and inpatient lung transplantation codes, Nationwide Inpatient Sample database, 1988–2006 Paik, et al[54] All IPF patients on the lung transplant waiting list, KONOS registry, 1996–2011 Single center data, North America Davis, et al[43] All adult IPF single-lung transplant recipients, Washington University/Barnes Hospital 1988 - 1993 Meyers et al, [38] All IPF lung transplant recipients, Washington University/Barnes Hospital, 1988–1998 Reference Sample source No. of IPF Mean + SD age patients De Oliveira, et Consecutive IPF lung transplant recipients, al[46] University of Wisconsin Hospital and Clinics, 1993 - 79 % females Pre-LAS: 52.5 ± 9.9 19 Post-LAS: 57.9 ± 6.5 2009 Di Giuseppe, et al All IPF lung transplant recipients, University of [35] Pittsburgh, 1986 - 2007 Mason, et al[45] All IPF lung transplant recipients, Cleveland Clinic, 79 54.5 ± 10.3 32.9 82 52 ± 11 36.6 32 CMV-: 51 + 6 28.1 1990 - 2005 Milstone et al [40] IPF lung transplant recipients, Vanderbilt University Medical Center, 1990–1998 Nathan, et al[28] IPF lung transplant recipients, Inova Fairfax CMV+ 54 + 9 23 Hospital, 1996–2002 Patients with PE 39.1 event: 58.7 + 4.3 No PE event: 54.7 + 7.0 Nathan, et al[27] IPF patients evaluated for lung transplantation, 521 65 + NR 28.3 73 NR NR 135 58 ± 7 27 38 58.8 + NR 23.7 70 55.7 ± 8.6 40.0 27 NR NR 48 55.8 ± 7.9 41.7 Inova Fairfax Hospital,2000 - 2009 Nathan, et al[66] IPF patients listed for lung transplantation, Inova Fairfax Hospital, US, 2000–2005 Rivera-Lebron, et IPF patients evaluated for lung transplant with ECG al[37] and RHC reported, Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania, 2005–2010 Saggar, et al[39] All IPF bilateral lung transplant recipients, University of California, Los Angeles, 2003–2007 Schachna, et al[36] All IPF lung transplant recipients, Johns Hopkins Hospital; University of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 1989–2002 Smith, et al[41] Adult IPF lung transplant recipients, University of Virginia, 1995–2005 Wille, et al[42] All IPF lung transplant recipients, University of Reference Sample source No. of IPF Mean + SD age patients % females Alabama at Birmingham, 1994–2004 De Oliveira, et Consecutive IPF patients who underwent lung al[47] transplantation, University of Wisconsin Hospital 79 SLT: 56.8 ± 7.2 19 BLT: 43.4 ± 12.3 and Clinics, 1993–2009 Horai, et al[59] Consecutive IPF lung transplant patients, University 140 NR NR 25 NR NR 55 NR NR 11 NR NR 17 53.8 + NR NR 76 SLT: 53.74 ± 1.15* 43.4 of Pittsburgh Medical Center, 2005–2010 Timmer, et al[67] Adult lung transplant candidates with a pathological diagnosis of UIP, University of California San Diego, 1990–1999 Erasmus, et al[68] IPF lung transplant recipients with large airway complications, Mayo Clinic Jacksonville, US, 2001– 2007 Single center data, Europe McNeil, et al [29] IPF single-lung transplant recipients, Papworth Hospital, UK, 1984–1994 Mackay, et al[69] All IPF lung transplant recipients, Freeman Hospital, UK, 1999–2004 Neurohr, et al[31] Consecutive IPF lung transplant recipients, LudwigMaximilians University of Munich, 1997–2008 Thabut, et al[30] IPF lung transplant recipients, Beaujon Hospital, BLT: 50.38 ± 1.34* 28 49.3 + NR 28.6 89 51 ± 11 28.1 21 NR NR 53 NR NR Clichy, France, 1988–2001 Algar, et al[32] IPF lung transplant recipients, University of Cordoba, Spain, 1993–2009 Burton, et al[26] All IPF patients receiving deceased donor lung transplants, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen University Hospital, Denmark, 1992–2004 Callegari, et al[56] IPF patients enrolled at a lung transplant program, Pulmonary Division Medical Centre of Montescano, Reference Sample source No. of IPF Mean + SD age patients % females Italy, 1991–1999 Jastrzebski, et al[55] Adult IPF lung transplant candidates, Silesian 24 NR NR 85 NR NR 51 58 ± 11 43.1 61 61 ± 7 32.8 20 56.3 ± 1.4 35.0 33 NR NR 53 NR NR 67 NR NR School of Medicine, Zabrze, Poland, 1999–2005 Shitrit, et al[70] Consecutive IPF patients registered on the waiting list for lung transplantation, Rabin Medical Center, Israel, 1997–2006 Shitrit, et al[71] IPF patients with progressive symptomatic and/or physiologic deterioration despite treatment with prednisone ± immunosuppresive agents, Rabin Medical Center, Israel, 2004 Rusanov, et al[72] IPF patients with progressive symptomatic and/or physiologic deterioration despite treatment with prednisone ± immunosuppresive agents, Rabin Medical Center, Israel, 2009 Adamali, et al[57] All Irish citizens with IPF who underwent lung transplantation at MMUH, Freeman Hospital in Newcastle, Harefield Hospital in Middlesex, or Great Ormond Street in London, 2000–2011 Single center data, South America, Australia Costa da Silva, et IPF patients at a single institution in Brazil al[73] registered on the waiting list from 2001 to June 2008 Machuca, et al [33] All IPF lung transplant recipients, Santa Casa de Misericordia de Porto Alegre, Brazil, 2004 - 2009 Keating, et al[34] IPF lung transplant recipients, Alfred Hospital, Melbourne, 1990 - 2008 MMUH: Mater Misericordiae University Hospital [Dublin, Ireland]; PE: Pulmonary Embolism; UIP: usual interstitial pneumonitis; * standard error Additional File 3. Summary of cause of death in IPF patients Source Yr. of No. of No. of transplant patients deaths 1987 - 2009 3,327 1,556 Cause of death OPTN Data Analysis of Infection: 23.6% OPTN data Primary graft failure: 5.4% (Thabut et al) Cancer: 10.2% [18] Chronic rejection: 8.4% Respiratory failure: 11.7% Other: 30.1% Missing data: 10.6% Single Center Studies in Europe Hopital Beaujon, 1988 - 2001 28 12 Sepsis: 50.0% France (Thabut, et Chronic rejection: 33.3% al) [30] Carcinoma: 8.3% Primary graft failure: 8.3% University of 1997 - 2008 76 33 Technical complications/others: 9.1% Munich, Germany CMV: 3.0% (Neurohr, et al) Non-CMV pulmonary infection: 18.2% [31] BOS ≥ stage 1: 42.4% Graft failure: 27.3% Single Center Studies in North America Two centers (Johns Hopkins Hospital and the University of Pittsburgh 1989 - 2002 70 23 Primary graft failure and infection were the leading causes of death Source Yr. of No. of No. of transplant patients deaths 2003 - 2007 38 11 Cause of death Medical Center), US (Schachna, et al)[36] University of BOS complications: 27.3% California, Los Sepsis/pneumonia: 36.4% Angeles, US Community acquired adenoviral infection: 9.1% (Saggar, et al) Perforated bowel: 9.1% [39] Air embolus: 9.1% Thorocosternotomy wound dehiscence: 9.1% University of 1994 - 2004 48 24 Infection: 25.0% Alabama, US BOS: 20.8% (Wille, et al) [42] Primary grafit failure: 16.7% Mulitple orgain failure: 12.5% Airway dehiscence: 8.3% Malignancy: 4.2% Toronto Lung 1983 - 1989 16 6 Perioperative deaths: n=1 gram-negative sepsis; n=1 air Transplant Group, embolism; n=1 viral pneumonia. Post-operative deaths, n=1 Canada viral pneumonia; n=2 chronic rejection (Grossman, et al) [44] Cleveland Clinic, 1990 - 2005 82 40 Respiratory infection 32.5% US (Mason, et al) Sepsis or multisystem organ failure: 22.5% [45] Malignancy: 12.5% Other: 32.5% Source Papworth hospital Yr. of No. of No. of Cause of death transplant patients deaths 1984 - 1994 11 6 Death within 3 months: n=4 (67%) infection 2009 20 3 Acute lung rejection: 66.7% (UK) (Meyers et al)[38] Pulmonary Institute of Rabin Sepsis: 33.3% Medical Center, Israel (Rusanov et al)[72] Pulmonary 2004 - 2005 15 3 2 of acute lung rejection and 1 of sepsis. 2001 - 20007 19a 5 Graft failure: 40.0% Institute of Rabin Medical Center, Israel (Shirit et al)69 Mayo Clinic Jacksonville Lung Lymphoma: 20.0% Transplant Non small cell lung carcinoma: 20.0% Database Sarcoma pleura: 20.0% (Erasmus et al)[68] a IPF patients with Large airway stenosis, and/or bronchomalacia Additional File 4. Post-transplant length of stay and adjunct interventions in IPF patients Days in hospital following transplantation Davis, et All adult IPF single-lung transplant al[43] recipients, Washington University/Barnes Hospital 1988 - 1993 16 37.2 ± 35.1 (ICU stay: 12 ± 19.9) De Oliveira, Consecutive IPF lung transplant 79 et al[46] recipients, University of Wisconsin Pre-LAS: 23 Post-LAS: 11 (p<0.01) Hospital and Clinics, 1993 - 2009 Pre-LAS: ICU stay 6 Post-LAS: ICU stay 3 (p<0.01) Meyers et al, All IPF lung transplant recipients, 45 [38] Washington University/Barnes Hospital, 22 (14–33) ICU stay: 5 (4–12) 1988–1998 231 Length of stay ≥14 days: 116 (50.2%); Teo, et Adults with IPF (ICD-9 code) as primary al[25] inpatient diagnosis and inpatient lung There was a non-significant trend for shorter length of transplantation codes, Nationwide stay in SLT vs BLT (46.2% LOS ≥14 days vs 58.7%, Inpatient Sample database,1988–2006 Thabut, et IPF lung transplant recipients, Beaujon al[30] Hospital, Clichy, France, 1988–2001 p=0.075). 28 longer median hospital stay (14 days [IQR, 9 to 24 days] vs. 17 days [IQR, 11 to 31 days]; P< 0.001) Indicators of Inadequate Pulmonary Status Davis, et All adult IPF single-lung transplant al[43] recipients, Washington University/Barnes 16 25% needed tracheostomy (after ≥7 days on ventilator) Hospital 1988 - 1993 De Oliveira, Consecutive IPF lung transplant et al[46] recipients, University of Wisconsin 79 Inhalation of nitric oxide: 45 (57.0%) ≥48 hours of nitric oxide inhalation: 17 (21.5%) Hospital and Clinics, 1993 - 2009 Reintubation: 16 (20.3%) ≥48 hours of ventilator support: 31 (39.2%) There were significant differences between Pre-LAS and LAS IPF patients in terms of postoperative inhalation of nitric oxide (36.4% vs 71.7%, p<0.01), 48+ hours of inhalation (33.3% vs 13.0%, p=0.03), length of mechanical ventilation (2.8 days vs 1.1 days, p<0.01), 48+ hours of ventilation (57.6% vs 26.1%, p<0.01), Meyers et al, All IPF lung transplant recipients, [38] Washington University/Barnes Hospital, 45 Mechanical ventilation mean: 3 days (2–10 days) Tracheostomy: 7/45 (15.6%) 1988–1998 There were no significant differences between SLT and BLT in terms of tracheostomy, or days of postoperative hospital stay, mechanical ventilation, or ICU stay.