Allegato 1 1. Academic Year 2015-2016 2. Faculty 3. Learning activity 4. Disciplinary scientific area SPS/04 5. Professor GABRIELE NATALIZIA – MICHAEL VAN WALT 6. E-mail address to be published in the degree programmes – INTERNATIONAL POLITICS The course of International politics is divided in two modules: 7. Learning goals 1. The aim of the first module course is to provide a survey of the main interpretative theories about the international system and relations among States, presenting the two most important schools of International Relations: the Liberal and the Realist. During classes will be analysed the roots of the international anarchy, connecting it to the nature of the units of the international system. These issues will be studied also supporting a debate among students and encouraging them to introduce the conditions of their countries of origin. 2. The second module is designed to stimulate critical thinking on evolving issues in international politics that are shaping our future and pose challenges to the existing structures and rules created to manage international relations. The module will introduce a number of topics, each representing an area of change and tension that requires adaptation or a re-thinking of the way we have explained and attempted to regulate political relations. Case studies will help shape the discussion of these topics. a) First module - The pillars of International politics - The concept of power; - International system and international anarchy; - Polarity and units; - The Emergence of a Global System of States; - The Liberal School; - The Realist School; - War and its causes. 8. Course Contents b) Second module – Managing international relations in a changing world - Shifting boundaries of sovereignty; - International rulemaking/law and domestic jurisdiction; - Changing nature of actors in international politics; - Changing nature of war: intrastate and transnational conflicts; - Legitimacy, governance and international politics; 1 Allegato 1 Text: - - J. GRIECO, G.J. IKENBERRY, M. MASTANDUNO, International Relations. Enduring Questions & Contemporary Perspectives, London: Palgrave, 2015 (Chapters I & II); J. BAYLIS, S SMITH, P. OWENS, The Globalization of World Politics. An introduction to international relations, Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014. - Students who attend 70% of classes will discuss a paper in December - Non attending students are required to study a book more to choose from: - E.H. CARR, Twenty Years’ Crisis, Palgrave, New York, 2001; S.D. KRASNER, Soverignty. Organized Hypocrisy, Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1999; S.P. HUNTINGTON, The Third Wave. Democratization in the Late Twentieth Century, University of Oklahoma Press, Oklahoma, 1992. 9. Exam textbooks - 10. Type of assessment test ORAL EXAMINATION 2