October Liaison Reports

Liaison Reports for October
EMF Committee Summary for Council 10/13/2015
Jennifer Garst of Story County Community Foundation, administrator of our $19K endowment will
speak at adult forum on November 1. The endowment brochure has been updated. Three funds in
the EMF account are being looked at to be “put to use”, have larger balances not being used.
Memorial monies in EMF are being considered for the altar railing project.
Property Team liaison report:
The property team and various church members continue to perform much needed maintenance on
the church and surrounding properties. Joel Paulson installed a new roof on the church garage. Phil
Parsons performed custodial duties in Harold Dorr's absence. Please check the property committee
report on the church website to see the many tasks completed.
Tanzania Ministry Team liaison report:
On September 26, the Tanzanian and Pine Ridge Ministry teams hosted Trivia night, raising a total
of $2,250. Approximately 40 people participated. TMT proceeds will support integrated farming
projects and the orphanage in Hedaru, Tanzania. On October 11, Joseph Kimbwereza, coordinator of
our integrated farming projects in Hedaru, visited St. Andrew's and gave an update on the growth of
the farms and their future plans, during adult forum.
October Stewardship & Finance Liaison Report:
The 2015 Stewardship Campaign, "Fear Less Be More" runs from Sept. 27-Oct.18. Videos of
members sharing experiences on this theme were produced by Tom Haggas. Newly designed time
& talent sheets and pledge cards have been distributed. Members are encouraged to turn these in
on Commitment Sunday (Oct.18) which includes a luncheon provided by all committees/ministries.
Education Committee liaison report:
Sunday School is off to a great start due to the effort of teachers, organizers, drama people, set
builders, music helpers and sound system staff.
Worship and Arts meets this Thursday.
Fellowship Committee liaison report:
Fellowship Committee met Monday, October 12. Primary discussion was about the menu for
Sunday's Commitment Sunday dinner. Fellowship members will make the soup and other
committees will provide sides and desserts. Also some labor is needed for setup and cleanup
Pine Ridge Ministry Team liaison report:
Had a very successful trip, lots of donations distributed, helped at the art sales, help with a funeral,
met with new and old friends.
Have two more avenues for donations; already have a good start for donations for the next trip.
USagain has discontinued service in Iowa due to high costs. We are looking for different ways to
discard our leftovers. If anyone needs rags for rag rugs or cleaning, jeans for crafts or has ideas for
recycling clothing, please let me know.