Name: __________________ Date_________________Chapter 9: Antebellum Era in Louisiana 1. _______________ is a Latin phrase meaning “before war.” In the American South, it refers to the period before the __________ ________. The Americans who came to Louisiana wanted a typical ______________ territory. The ___________ language of the people going to ________________ Mass was foreign to them. The Americans’ ________________ offended the French Creoles, who resented the criticism of their ________ _____ ________. They spoke _____________ and continued their long-established lifestyle. (antebellum, Civil War, American, French, Catholic, attitude, way of life, French) 2. The Creoles who came from ___________ included many free people of color, or __________ ___ _________ __________. Free people of color had to carry _____________ to prove they were free. ______________ unrest in France had pushed more French people to Louisiana during and after the _____________ ________________. The state’s native French people labeled these newcomers the “_____________ ______________.” Other ________________ (those who move into a new country in order to settle there) added more ______________ to Louisiana. The Acadians maintained their own culture during this time. They continued to live their ___________ lifestyles on the prairies and along the _______________. There they ______________ and fished, continued to speak ___________,and practiced French folkways that had developed through the years. By 1850, many of the first inhabitants of Louisiana had _______________. ______________ created a lifestyle for themselves within the slave community. (Haiti, gens de couleur libre, papers, political, French Revolution, foreign French, immigrants, cultures, simple, bayous, farmed, French, disappeared, slaves) 3.National party issues were not important in the developing state; every election focused on the _________________ versus the ______________. (A _________________ is a small group with common goals within a larger group.) Each faction struggled to gain ______________ power. In a ___________________, each group gives way a little in its demands in order to settle a ______________________. The American legislators objected to meeting in ______ ______________, the center of ______________ power. In 1832, they tried to move the capital to the West Florida region, the _______ stronghold. The ____________ blocked the move, and this argument almost started a riot. (Americans, Creoles, faction, political, compromise, New Orleans, Creole, Anglo, Creoles) 4. Andrew Jackson’s campaign for president created Louisiana’s first strong interest in national ________________ ______________. Those who supported Jackson called themselves the ______________________________, which later shortened to Democrats. But by 1828, many states had extended __________________ (the right to vote) to all ____________ males over ___________-_______ years of age. The American newcomers in ___________ Louisiana welcomed these ideas and joined the _________________ Party. The ____________ Party was formed in the 1830s to oppose Jackson, and many ______________ became Whigs. Increasing tensions in a growing country led to the formation of a new party about this time. Officially called the _______________ Party, the party was opposed to ___________________ and Catholics. (political parties, Democratic-Republicans, suffrage, white, 21, North, Democratic, Whig, Creoles, American, immigrants) 5.The growth of Jacksonian democracy eventually led to a new ____________________ for Louisiana. An economic depression, called the ________ ___ _____, showed that the state constitution needed ________________ and banking controls. (A ________________ is a severe, continued downturn in the economy where sales and prices ____________, manufacturing _____________, businesses _________, banks ________, and people lose their ________.) The constitution of 1845 was more ____________________. Owning _________________ was no longer a requirement for __________ or holding office. Each faction wanted to have the most votes so it would control the _________________ and have the __________________ power. In a compromise, the two groups shared the power. Representation in the house of representatives was based on the number of ________________ ______________; in the senate, it was based on the _________________ ________________. (constitution, Panic of 1837, economic, depression, drop, decreases, close, fail, jobs, democratic, property, voting, legislature, political, registered voters, total population) 6.The profitable plantation economy relied on the port city of _______ _______________. The only larger United States port was _________ __________ and only three world ports had a larger export volume. _______________ are goods sent or sold to another country. (New Orleans, New York, exports) 7.The factor system developed partly from the ________________ need for quick financial and _____________ assistance. A ___________ is a commercial agent. The factor represented the _____________ in the sale of a ____________ and earned a percentage of the _______________. During the year, the factor might advance ______________ to the planter for various expenses. Some factors also represented the planter by buying needed ___________ and sending them to the plantation. If the planter needed a large loan, the factor often agreed to __________ the loan if the planter could not. (planters, business, factor, planter, crop, profit, money, goods, repay) 8 An invention by _____________ _______________, a free man of color from New Orleans, revolutionized _____________ __________________, just as the _____________ ________ increased cotton production. Rillieux invented a vacuum pan evaporator for refining ______________. This invention resulted in finer, ____________sugar with a huge reduction in ______________ and _________________. (Norbert Rillieux, sugar production, cotton gin, sugar, whiter, costs, labor) 9. Slavery supported this _________________ and economic structure. ___________ labor produced the plantation crops. But slaves also did basic manual ___________, worked in the _________________ houses, and performed ______________ tasks. The work day usually was from “_______ ____ _______,” meaning from __________________ (“can see”) to ___________ (“can’t see”). Slaves were disciplined when they stole, __________ _____________, or did not __________________. _____________________ was the most common form of punishment. (lifestyle, slave, labor, plantation, skilled, can to can’t, daylight, dark, ran away, work, whipping) 10. The _________________ became the main transportation in Louisiana. Not only did the steamboats travel the state’s rivers, but they also transported freight through _______________, manmade waterways that connected Louisiana’s ________________ and _________________. The political and economic focus on ______________ ________________ (roads, bridges, canals, and other transportation needs) increased with the coming of the _______________________. Americans believed the entire continent waited for their _______________. This idea was labeled _____________. (steamboat, canals, rivers, bayous, internal improvements, railroad, arrival, manifest destiny) 11.The lack of good ______________ isolated people and made _____________________ and the spread of information difficult. The speed of communication changed dramatically in July 1848 when the _____________________ reached New Orleans. Bringing this “___________________ _____________” to Louisiana presented obstacles. Despite the problems, Samuel Morse’s dot-and-dash code improved ___________________ and brought ____________________. (roads, communication, telegraph, lightning system, communication, progress) 12. The first schools in colonial Louisiana were taught by _____________ and __________________. Some children were taught at ___________, and the wealthy planters often hired ________________ (private teachers). The constitution of 1845 was the first to establish __________ __________ schools in the state and fixed the school age between _________ and ________________. (nuns, priests, home, tutors, free public, 6, 16) 13. Medical progress in this era did not include conquering the most dangerous enemies. _____________ and ________ __________ frequently attacked the population. Poor ______________ and limited ________________ knowledge made nineteenth-century Louisiana an unhealthy place. (cholera, yellow fever, sanitation, medical) 14. In the city of New Orleans, visitors and locals found a fascinating variety of ____________________. More than two thousand people could attend performances at the ________________ ______________ _______________. ______________ were very popular, and traveling troupes visited the small town to perform. Louisiana also loved ____________ racing. (entertainment, French Opera House, theaters, horse)