Subject: Disadvantaged Subject Leader Action Plan 2015-2016 Subject Leader: Laura Benardout Aims for the year: 1. 2. 3. Teaching, Learning and Assessment – To further enhance teaching, learning and assessment for Pupil Premium Pupils so that they achieve in line with their (group) cohort. Cultural/pastoral – To provide a culturally rich and supportive environment for the Pupil Premium Pupils so that they receive a broad and balanced experience. Parents - To establish the parents and carers of Pupil Premium Pupils so that they become fully engaged stakeholders Objective 1. Teaching, Learning and Assessment To further enhance teaching, learning and assessment for Pupil Premium Pupils so that they achieve in line with their (group) cohort. Action To use classroom coaching to develop the use of mastery teaching Teachers to assess children through gap analysis to identify specific needs Teachers to be held accountable for the progress their children make. Teachers and LSAs use Passports to Success to support metacognition and target setting PP Lead drives standards forward across the school through observations, learning walks, book scrutinies and pupil voice Wordshark intervention supports accelerated progress in spelling Person responsible Date Outcomes PP Lead LB December 2015 Class teachers Teachers are confident in their delivery of the mastery curriculum and the impact this will have on the Pupil Premium Pupils Pupils make good or better progress due to improved standards of teaching Teachers are acutely aware of what is needed for these children to close the gap or deepen learning further. Teachers will identify the strengths and areas for development of their Pupil Premium Pupils (through case studies) Standards of work and attainment are consistently high across the curriculum and the school. IPads support and enhance teaching and learning IMPACT HT 1 Teachers have used benchmark assessments to establish where their children are in relation to year expectations. Learning walks have shown that pupil engagement is good and teachers are accountable for the engagement and learning of this group. PPA teachers and support staff are not always aware and this has been addressed through staff meetings. Development of Cost £2600 £1000 STATUS Monitored by SLT Evaluated by HT Passports to success will also support this. Class teachers are developing the passports themselves this year, with the children and there has been an introduction of three targets which will further support closing of the gap. Also see impact report below. HT 2 HT 3 HT 4 HT 5 HT 6 Objective 2. Cultural/pastoral To provide a culturally rich and supportive environment for the Pupil Premium Pupils so that they receive a broad and balanced experience. Action All Pupil Premium children are invited to attend Homework club All Pupil Premium Pupils are funded for school trips Pupil Premium Pupils to be offered a Pledge which they can chose to spend on academic enhancement Pupil Premium Pupils have access to gardening club and the ELSA for emotional support Person responsible PP Lead LB Date Outcomes Cost Monitored by Evaluated by December 2015 £4000 SLT HT IMPACT HT 1 Homework club supports children to complete homework tasks to a high level. All pupil premium pupils have participated in extracurricular activities that are dependent on funding 39% of PP children attend homework club 8% of PP children have music lessons 25% of PP go to gardening club (50% of total club) HT 2 HT 3 HT 4 Pupil Premium children are supported to engage in homework tasks that consolidate and deepen their learning All Pupil Premium Pupils benefit from learning that extends beyond the classroom Pupil Premium Pupils benefit from sports and music clubs Pupil Premium Pupils are emotionally supported and cared for. £8000 £500 £1000 £1500 STATUS HT 5 HT 6 Objective 3. Parents To establish the parents and carers of Pupil Premium Pupils so that they become fully engaged stakeholders Action To maintain a dialogue with parents on the progress of their children To actively engage parents in supporting their children and providing help where necessary Person responsible Date Outcomes Cost LB December 2015 £6000 Parents of Pupil Premium children are actively engaged in supporting their children’s learning and are appropriately supported by the school Parents of Pupil Premium children know how they can support their children effectively. Parents are confident to seek advice and support from school. Funding in place for childcare after/before/school holidays IMPACT Monitored by SLT Evaluated by HT STATUS HT 1 More parents are actively seeking support and advice from the Lead. Time is allocated on a needs basis so that parents feel fully supported and enabled to help their children. Links are made with the ELSA, SENCO, behaviour lead and class teachers to provide strong and effective support HT 2 HT 3 HT 4 HT 5 HT 6 Impact Report October 2016 Leadership has focused on assessing strengths and areas of development within the staff; class teachers understand their accountability for this group of pupils and facilitate the learning through robust planning which uses appropriate scaffolding including concrete resources and modelling. Learning walks have shown that pupil engagement is good but there is a need for more directed, sharply focused questioning for this group of pupils in some classes. This is being developed through classroom coaching and CPD. Class teachers and LSAs are responsible for the updating and development of the Pupil Passports to Success that started last year; with teachers and LSAs working jointly on this, the aim is to further deepen their knowledge of these pupils so that outcomes can be improved. To further develop the impact of the passports in closing the gap, targets are now be included in the passports and reviewed half termly. Wordshark has begun this term as an intervention to support spelling as this was an area for development from last year; impact will be evaluated after six weeks of the programme that commences week beginning 12.10.15 Gardening is used to promote wellbeing and behaviour and this has been successful for a number of disadvantaged children. This has had a very positive impact on those pupils that have been struggling with issues going on at home as well as at school, including emotional, social and behavioural difficulties. Working in the garden with an experienced LSA has allowed them the time and space they need to refocus their learning and make better behaviour choices as well as having a significant impact on their self-esteem and attitudes to school. Peer mediation is being put in place this term; the aim of this programme is to give pupils the skills they need to facilitate resolving disputes between other pupils and thus improving behaviour. Impact will be evaluated in terms of improvement in self-esteem, listening and critical thinking skills, and school climate for learning, as well as reduced negative behaviour sanctions.