INTERMEDIATE PHASE GRADE 5 LESSON PLANS 2012 Platinum MATHEMATICS CONTENTS PAGE MATHEMATICS WORKSCHEDULE GRADE 5 ................................................................................... 3 TERM 1.....................................................................................................................................................................3 TERM 2.....................................................................................................................................................................4 TERM 3.....................................................................................................................................................................5 TERM 4.....................................................................................................................................................................6 EXEMPLAR TEACHING PLAN– GRADE 5 ........................................................................................... 7 TOPIC 1: COUNT, ORDER, COMPARE AND REPRESENT WHOLE NUMBERS ......................................................7 TERM 1: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 ......................................................................... 13 TOPIC 1: COUNT, ORDER, COMPARE AND REPRESENT WHOLE NUMBERS ................................................... 13 TOPIC 2: NUMBER SENTENCES ........................................................................................................................... 14 TOPIC 3: ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION ............................................................................................................ 15 TOPIC 4: NUMERIC PATTERNS ............................................................................................................................ 16 TOPIC 5: MULTIPLICATION AND DIVISION ........................................................................................................ 17 TOPIC 6: TIME ....................................................................................................................................................... 18 TOPIC 7: DATA HANDLING................................................................................................................................... 19 TOPIC 8: PROPERTIES OF 2D SHAPES................................................................................................................ 20 TOPIC 9: CAPACITY AND VOLUME ...................................................................................................................... 21 TERM 2: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 ......................................................................... 22 TOPIC 10: COUNT, ORDER, COMPARE AND REPRESENT WHOLE NUMBERS ................................................. 22 TOPIC 11: ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION ......................................................................................................... 23 TOPIC 12: COMMON FRACTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 24 TOPIC 13: LENGTH ............................................................................................................................................... 25 TOPIC 14: MULTIPLICATION .............................................................................................................................. 26 TOPIC 15: PROPERTIES OF 3D OBJECTS............................................................................................................ 27 TOPIC 16: GEOMETRIC PATTERNS ..................................................................................................................... 28 TOPIC 17: SYMMETRY .......................................................................................................................................... 29 TOPIC 18: DIVISION.............................................................................................................................................. 30 TERM 3: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 ......................................................................... 31 TOPIC 19: COMMON FRACTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 31 TOPIC 20: MASS .................................................................................................................................................... 32 TOPIC 21: COUNT, ORDER, COMPARE AND REPRESENT WHOLE NUMBERS ................................................. 33 TOPIC 22: ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION ......................................................................................................... 34 TOPIC 23: VIEWING OBJECTS .............................................................................................................................. 35 TOPIC 24: PROPERTIES OF 2-D SHAPES ........................................................................................................... 36 TOPIC 25: TRANSFORMATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 37 TOPIC 26: TEMPERATURE ................................................................................................................................... 38 TOPIC 27: DATA HANDLING ................................................................................................................................ 39 TOPIC 28: NUMERIC PATTERNS ......................................................................................................................... 40 TOPIC 29: MULTIPLICATION ............................................................................................................................... 41 TERM 4: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 ......................................................................... 42 TOPIC 30: COUNT, ORDER, COMPARE AND REPRESENT WHOLE NUMBERS ................................................. 42 TOPIC 31: ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION ......................................................................................................... 43 TOPIC 32: PROPERTIES OF 3-D OBJECTS .......................................................................................................... 44 TOPIC 33: COMMON FRACTIONS ........................................................................................................................ 45 TOPIC 34: DIVISION.............................................................................................................................................. 46 TOPIC 35: PERIMETER, AREA AND VOLUME ..................................................................................................... 47 TOPIC 36: POSITION AND MOVEMENT .............................................................................................................. 48 TOPIC 37: TRANSFORMATIONS .......................................................................................................................... 49 TOPIC 38: GEOMETRIC PATTERNS ..................................................................................................................... 50 TOPIC 39: NUMBER SENTENCES......................................................................................................................... 51 TOPIC 40: PROBABILITY ...................................................................................................................................... 52 2 MATHEMATICS WORKSCHEDULE GRADE 5 TERM 1 WEEKS 1 1–2 2 TOPIC TIME ALLOCATION AS PER CAPS Topic 1: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers 2 hours Topic 2: Number sentences 3 hours Revision 5 hours 3 Topic 4: Numeric patterns 4 hours 4 Revision Topic 5: Multiplication and division 6 hours 5 Formal Assessment: Assignment – Find patterns 0.5 hours 6 Topic 6: Time Revision 1. Read and write time 2. Convert units of time 3. Measure and calculate time 0.5 hours Topic 7: Data handling 10 hours 8–9 Topic 8: Properties of 2D shapes 7 hours Revision 1. Find factors and multiples 2. Multiply two-digit numbers 3. Divide whole numbers 4. Solve multiplication or division Problems 6 hours 6–8 9 1. Round off and estimate 2. Add whole numbers 3. Subtract whole numbers 1. Patterns and flow diagrams 2. Discover more numeric patterns 0.5 hours 4–5 5–6 1. Place value 2. Read, write and round off numbers 3. Count forwards and backwards 4. Compare and order numbers 1. Addition and subtraction number sentences 2. Division and multiplication number sentences 3. The order in a number sentence 4. Group numbers in different ways 5. Addition and subtraction facts 0.5 hours Topic 3: Addition and subtraction 2–3 UNITS WITHIN EACH TOPIC 1. Collect , organise and display data 2. Order data and find the mode 3. Work through a data cycle 4. Interpret and analyse data 5. Think about where data comes from 1. What is a 2D shape? 2. Identify polygons 3. Polygons and angles 4. Describe and draw 2D shapes 0.5 hours 10 Topic 9: Capacity and volume 5 hours 10 Formal Assessment: Test 1 hour 1. Estimate capacity 2. Estimate, measure and record capacity 3. Compare, order and record capacities 4. Convert units of capacity 5. Calculate and solve problems that involve capacity 3 TERM 2 WEEKS TOPIC TIME ALLOCATION AS PER CAPS 1 Topic 10: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers 1 hour Topic 11: Addition and subtraction 5 hours 1–2 2 Revision Topic 12: Common fractions 5 hours 3–4 Topic 13: Length 7 hours Revision Topic 14: Multiplication 6 hours 6 Formal Assessment: Test 1 hour 6–7 Topic 15: Properties of 3D objects 6 hours 7–8 Revision 4 hours 8 Topic 17: Symmetry 2 hours 8 Revision 10 1. Work with factors and multiples 2. Multiply three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers 3. Division is the inverse of multiplication 4. Solve multiplication problems 1. Recognise and name 3D objects 2. Construct models of 3D objects 3. Work with diagrams of 3D objects 0.5 hours Topic 16: Geometric patterns 8 - 10 1. Name and recognise fractions 2. Equivalent fractions 3. Count, compare and order fractions 4. Make fractions by sharing and grouping 5. Add fractions 6. Solve problems that involve fractions 1. Estimate and measure length 2. Convert units of length 3. Calculate with units of length 4. Solve problems that involve length 0.5 hours 4–6 7 1. Count, read and write whole numbers 2. Round off and compare whole numbers 1. Add whole numbers 2. Subtract whole numbers 3. Solve addition and subtraction problems 0.5 hours 2–3 4 UNITS WITHIN EACH TOPIC 1. Describe and extend geometric patterns 2. Investigate geometric patterns 1. Line symmetry 2. Rotational symmetry 0.5 hours Topic 18: Division 8 hours Formal Assessment: Exam practice 1 hour 1. Work with factors and multiples 2. Use multiplication facts to divide 3. Divide by a two-digit number 4. Division with remainders 5. Compare two quantities by dividing 6. Solve problems that involve division 4 TERM 3 WEEKS TOPIC TIME ALLOCATION AS PER CAPS 1–2 Topic 19: Common fractions 5 hours 2–3 Topic 20: Mass 5 hours 3 3 3–4 4 4–5 Revision Topic 21: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers Topic 22: Addition and Subtraction Revision 1. Add and subtract common fractions 2. Mixed numbers 3. Add and subtract mixed numbers 4. Solve problems that involve fractions 1. Estimate, measure and compare masses 2. Convert units of mass 3. Calculate with units of mass 4. Solve problems that involve mass 0.5 hours 1 hour 5 hours 1. Round off numbers 2. Expand and compare whole numbers 1. Add numbers in columns 2. Subtract numbers in columns 3. Solve addition and subtraction problems 0.5 hours Topic 23: Viewing objects 3 hours 5 Topic 24: Properties of 2D Shapes 4 hours 5 Revision 5–6 UNITS WITHIN EACH TOPIC 1. Identify objects from different viewpoints 2. Match the view with the position of the viewer 1. Identify, describe and compare 2D shapes 2. Draw 2D shapes 0.5 hours Topic 25: Transformations 3 hours 6 Topic 26: Temperature 2 hours 6 Revision 1. Use transformations to describe the movement of shapes 2. Use transformations to make composite shapes 1. Estimate temperature 2. Measure temperature 3. Read and order temperatures 0.5 hours 1. Collect , organise and display data 7–8 8 8–9 9 9 – 10 10 Topic 27: Data handling 9 hours 2. Find the mode 3. Work through a data cycle 4. Interpret and analyse data 5. Compare graphs Formal Assessment: Project – Data Handling Topic 28: Numeric patterns Revision 5 hours 1. Create number patterns 2. Find the rule for a number pattern 3. Investigate number sequences 0.5 hours Topic 29: Multiplication 7 hours Formal Assessment: Test 1 hour 5 1. Multiples and factors 1. Multiply three-digit numbers by two digit numbers 3. Compare quantities 4. Solve multiplication problems TERM 4 WEEKS TOPIC TIME ALLOCATION AS PER CAPS 1 Topic 30: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers 1 hour Topic 31: Addition and subtraction 5 hours 1–2 2 2–3 3–4 4 4 Revision Topic 32: Properties of 3D objects Topic 33: Common fractions Revision Formal Assessment: Assignment – Travelling times and distances 5 hours 5 hours 0.5 hours 7 hours 6–7 Topic 35: Perimeter, area and Volume 7 hours 7 1. Factors and multiples 2. Inverse operations 3. Use a clue board for division 4. Solve division problems 1. Measure perimeter 2. Calculate perimeter 3. Area 4. Volume 5. Find the volume of a container 0.5 hours 2 hours 7–8 Topic 37: Transformations 4 hours 8 Revision Formal Assessment: Investigation – Palindromes 0.5 hours 8 1. Recognise and name 3D objects 2. Sort and compare 3D objects 3. Compare and order fractions 4. Calculate fractions of whole numbers 5. Solve problems that involve fractions 0.5 hours Topic 34: Division Revision Topic 36: Position and movement 1. Round off large numbers 2. More practice with whole numbers 1. Add numbers in columns 2. Subtract numbers in columns 3. Solve addition and subtraction Problems 0.5 hours 4–5 7 UNITS WITHIN EACH TOPIC 1. Locate positions on a grid 2. Locate positions on a map 3. Use transformations to create tessellations 4. Describe patterns around us 0.5 hours 8–9 Topic 38: Geometric patterns 2 hours 9 Topic 39: Number sentences 3 hours 9 Revision 10 Topic 40: Probability 2 hours Formal Assessment: Exam Practice 1 hour 1. Extend a geometric pattern 2. Change the shape of a geometric pattern 3. A different type of geometric pattern 4. Another type of pattern 1. Use number sentences to solve problems 2. Multiple choice questions 0.5 hours 6 1. List possible outcomes of experiments 2. Record outcomes of experiments Subject: Mathematics EXEMPLAR TEACHING PLAN– GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 1: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers Duration: 2 hours CAPS Content Term 1, Week 1 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONS HIPS 1.1 Whole numbers Counting, Ordering Comparing Place value of digits Unit 1: Place value Unit 2: Read, write and round off numbers Unit 3: Count forwards and backwards Unit 4: Compare and order numbers LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Place value TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 60 minutes Preparation and suggested resources The following resources will be useful for learners to understand the value of each digit that makes up a whole number: • place value cards • number lines • whiteboards • whiteboard markers • place value tables. Common errors and misconceptions: • Learners sometimes have difficulty in crossing the place value bridges from 9 000 to 10 000 and from 10 000 to 100 000. Practice counting forwards and backwards from various starting points and in different multiples. • Use the place value cards and place value table to assist the learners that find working with larger numbers difficult. Key words whole number place value digit Teaching guidelines 1. Ask the learners for a three-digit number to write on the board. Ask a volunteer to read the number out loud. 2. Now draw a place value table underneath the number and ask the learners to work out what the value of each number will be. Learners may use their place value cards to help them. 3. Explain a few examples on the board and write a number on the place value table. Ask the class to work out the place value and/or value of each digit. 7 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Place value cards, number lines, whiteboards, whiteboard markers, place value tables 4. Reinforce the learners’ understanding with questions such as, ‘What is the value of the 6 in this number?’ 5. Read through the examples in the Learner’s Book on page 4, which explains place value and value. Once the learners know how to use the place value table confidently, allow them to sit in groups and play with four-digit numbers. 6. Monitor their progress. Lesson 2: Unit 2: Read, write and round off numbers Support and extension Learners can now complete Exercise 1.1, Questions 1, 2 and 3 on page 4 in the Learner’s Book. Once learners have completed Exercise 1.1, they can attempt the Challenge on page 4 in the Learner’s Book. Learners can work in pairs or individually. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 1.1 (LB page 4) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 2) Duration: 30 minutes Preparation and suggested resources The following resources will be useful for learners to understand the value of each digit that makes up a whole number: • place value cards • number lines • whiteboards • whiteboard markers • place value tables. Common errors and misconceptions: Learners sometimes have difficulty in crossing the place value bridges from 9 000 to 10 000 and from 10 000 to 100 000. Practise counting forwards and backwards from various starting points and in different multiples. Use the place value cards and place value table to assist the learners who have difficulty with larger numbers. Learners either miss ‘hidden’ zeros or put in too many, for example, learners write 15 057 as 15 57 or 15 00057. Ask them to practise looking carefully at each placeholder, making sure there is a digit in every place, even if it is a zero. Key words rounding estimate Teaching guidelines 1. Call out some numbers for learners to write down, for example: four hundred and seventy six, and include numbers that have zeros in them, such as one thousand and sixty-six. 2. Ask volunteers to write the numbers on the board. Play ‘Guess my number’ whereby you think of a number and the learners use ten or twenty questions to identify the number. They can only ask one question at a time, to which the answer is either ‘yes’ or ‘no’, for example ‘Is it tens’ digit less than 5?’, ‘Does it have more than six hundreds?’ and ‘Is its thousands’ digit even?’ You can either let the learners know how many digits the number has, or make them guess that as well. 8 3. To make this activity more exciting, you can divide the class into two teams so that they can compete against each other. The fewer questions asked before the number is correctly guessed, the higher the ‘score’ for the team. 4. Do Exercise 1.2 Question 1 orally, or ask the learners to work in pairs to practice saying the numbers. 5. Ask the learners to complete Question 2 orally before they write the numbers in words in their exercise book. 6. Read through the ‘Did you know?’ feature on page 6 of the Learner’s Book. This shows how the Zulu people use the fingers of both hands to name the numbers from one to ten. 7. Learners should then complete Question 3 and Exercise 1.3 in their exercise books. Lesson 3: Unit 3: Count forwards and backwards Support and extension Ask learners to write down ten four-digit numbers. They must then write out the ten numbers in words. You will have to mark their work to ensure that they understand this section of work. Read through the ‘Did you know?’ feature on page 6 in the Learner’s Book. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 1.2 & 1.3 (LB page 5) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 4) Duration: 90 minutes Preparation and suggested resources The following resources will be useful so that learners will understand the value of each digit that makes up a whole number: • place value cards • number lines • whiteboards • whiteboard markers • place value tables. Common errors and misconceptions: If learners sometimes have difficulty in crossing the place value bridges from 9 000 to 10 000 and from 10 000 to 100 000, practise counting forwards and backwards from various starting points and in different multiples, for example in 3s and 4s, as well as in the usual 5s and 10s. Use number lines as a support. Teaching guidelines 1. Practice counting in 10s, starting from any two-digit number, and then from any three-digit number and then any four-digit number. 2. Repeat this activity, first counting in 5s, then in 100s and finally in 1 000s. 3. Make sure that the learners are clear about what happens at the place value bridges. 9 4. Do the following activity with the learners: Ask learners to draw a 4 × 4 grid and write a four-digit number in each row. Explain that they have to cross out any of the numbers that match your statements. The winner will be the first one to have crossed out all of their numbers. Use statements such as ‘A number with six 10s’, ‘A value of two 1 000s’ and ‘A 4 in the hundreds’ place’. Depending on how much time you have, you could ask learners to cross out only one number each time or cross out all the numbers that apply. Remember to include zeros in your statements and keep a record of the values you have used. Demonstrate counting forwards and backwards using a number line. Write 997 and 998 on the middle of the line and then count forwards, writing down the numbers as they are said. Point out where the number of digits changes from three digits to four digits. Next, write the numbers 1 002 and 1 003 on the middle of the number line. This time, count backwards and point out where the number of digits changes from four digits to three digits. Repeat this activity for the 9 999 to 10 000 bridge. Now practice counting in 2s, 5s, 10s, 100s and 1 000s, starting at different points. Use the number line as support, and point to each mark as you count. Make sure that learners can also count backwards over these bridges. Write a number on the number line, for example 10 005 and ask the learners if they know what 5 less than this number is and then repeat the 5 less again. If necessary, count backwards together. 5. Learners can now do Exercise 1.4. Support and extension Ask learners to make up some four-digit numbers of their own and then practice counting forwards and backwards from these numbers. Learners should practice counting from 9 900 to 10 010. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 1.4 & 1.5 (LB page 6) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 6) 10 Lesson 4: Duration: 30 minutes Unit 4: Compare and order numbers Preparation and suggested resources The following resources will be useful for learners to understand the value of each digit that makes up a whole number: • place value cards • number lines • whiteboards • whiteboard markers • place value tables Common errors and misconceptions If learners order numbers by reading from left to right and ignore the place value, give them sets of five three-digit numbers to order. Ask them to write the numbers in a blank place value chart and then to order them, using their charts. Once the learners are comfortable with this, you can include fourdigit numbers for them to order. Keywords compare ascending order descending Teaching guidelines 1. Ask two volunteers to give you a pair of four digit numbers, which you write on the board. Ask for the numbers in a place value table; once they understand the value of each digit ask them which number is bigger, the first or second. 2. Repeat this activity with a few more numbers. 3. Now ask for three numbers and follow the same procedure. Increase the numbers that the children have to compare and order. 4. Read through the rules on how to order whole numbers on page 7 in the Learner’s Book. Explain the meaning of ‘ascending order’ and ‘descending order’, using the examples on the board. Now go through the example on page 7 in the Learner’s Book using the place value table. 5. You can include some more examples of four digit numbers with the same ten thousand and thousand place values, for example: 4 576, 4 675 and 4 567. Ask the learners which digit will help them to decide which number is larger. 6. Learners could draw a place value table in their books to help them. Revise the use of the symbols < and > with the learners. Remind them that the ‘mouth’ of the crocodile will always face the largest number. 7. Learners should now complete Exercise 1.6. If they have coped well with Exercise 1.6, then they must attempt the Challenge in which they put all numbers in Exercise 1.6 Question 1 in order. Support and extension • Learners can complete outstanding class work for homework. • They can write down a variety of four-digit numbers and then place them in ‘ascending’ and ‘descending’ order, using the ‘rules’ explained in class. • Learners can also attempt the Challenge. • Once learners have completed the Topic, they can complete Target Worksheet 1A or 1B. 11 Challenge This challenge builds on Exercise 1.6. Learners are asked to order all the numbers in Exercise 1.6 in descending order. Ask them to work in pairs for this challenge. If they have coped well with Exercise 1.6, they should be able to do this fairly easily. An important mathematical skill is to be able to realise that previous answers can be used to save time and effort. In Question 1, learners should realise that their answers to Exercise 1.6 are already in ascending order. They should then simply merge their five ordered lists from Exercise 1.6 in order to produce one long list. Observe the pairs at work and which of them are working efficiently and which pairs have adopted the tedious approach of ordering all the numbers from scratch. Intervention may be necessary in assisting struggling pairs. Explain to them how they can approach the challenge. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 1.6 (LB page 7) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 6) 12 Subject: Mathematics TERM 1: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 1: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers Duration: 2 hours CAPS Content Term 1, Week 1 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.2 Whole numbers Counting Ordering Comparing Place value of digits Unit 1: Place value Unit 2: Read, write and round off numbers Unit 3: Count forwards and backwards Unit 4: Compare and order numbers LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Place value TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 60 minutes Write a three-digit number on the board. Now draw a place value table underneath the number and ask the learners to work out what the value of each number will be. Reinforce the learners’ understanding with questions. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 1.1 (LB page 4) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 2) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Read, write and round off numbers Duration: 30 minutes Call out some numbers for learners to write down. Play ‘Guess my number’ whereby you think of a number and the learners use ten or twenty questions to identify the number. LESSON 3: Unit 3: Count forwards and backwards Duration: 90 minutes Practise counting in 5’s, 10s, 100’s, 1 000’s. Make sure that the learners are clear about what happens at the place value bridges. Demonstrate counting forwards and backwards using a number line. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 1.2 & 1.3 (LB page 5) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 4) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 1.4 & 1.5 (LB page 6) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 6) LESSON 4: Unit 4: Compare and order numbers Duration: 30 minutes Read through the rules on how to order whole numbers on page 7 in the Learner’s Book. Explain the meaning of ‘ascending order’ and ‘descending order’. Revise the use of the symbols < and > with the learners. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 1.6 (LB page 7) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 6) 13 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Place value cards, number lines, whiteboards, whiteboard markers, place value tables Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 2: Number sentences Duration: 3 hours CAPS Content Term 1, Weeks 1 - 2 PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 2.1 Number sentences Write number sentences to describe problem situations Solve and complete number sentences by – inspection, trial and improvement Check the solution by substitution Unit 1: Addition and subtraction number sentences Unit 2: Division and multiplication number sentences Unit 3: The order in a number sentence Unit 4: Group numbers in different ways Unit 5: Addition and subtraction facts LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Addition and subtraction number sentences TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 30 minutes Consolidate the properties of zero and the fact that addition and subtraction are inverse operations. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 2.1 & 2.2 (LB page 8) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 10) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Division and multiplication number sentences Duration: 30 minutes Revise the principle of division and multiplication being inverse operations. Emphasise the property of the number 1 in multiplication and division. LESSON 3: Unit 3: The order in a number sentence Duration: 30 minutes Explain to the learners that changing the order of numbers being added together does not affect the answer. Explain that when two numbers are being subtracted and the order is changed, it results in trying to subtract a bigger number from a smaller. LESSON 4: Unit 4: Group numbers in different ways Duration: 30 minutes As an introduction to the lesson, ask learners to answer these questions: 17+ = 20 37+ = 50 ... LESSON 5: Unit 5: Addition and subtraction facts REVISION: Topics 1 - 2 Duration: 60 minutes Work through the examples given in the Learner’s Book with the class. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 2.3 – 2.5 (LB page 9) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 76) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 2.6 – 2.8 (LB page 10) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 22) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 2.9 & 2.10 (LB page 11) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 46) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 2.11 & 2.12 (LB page 12) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 70 ) Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 12 14 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Counters or small stones Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 3: Addition and subtraction Duration:5 hours CAPS Content Term 1, Weeks 2 - 3 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers, addition and subtraction Number range for calculations: addition and subtraction of whole numbers with at least 5-digit numbers Calculation techniques: using a range of techniques to perform and check calculations Properties of whole numbers: recognize and use the commutative, associative and distributive properties Solving problems Unit 1: Round off and estimate Unit 2: Add whole numbers Unit 3: Inverse operations Unit 4: Subtract whole numbers LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Round off and estimate LESSON 2: Unit 2: Add whole numbers TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 60 minutes Explain the rules of rounding off to the nearest 10. Explain to the learners that for Exercise 3.1, they will either use rounding off to the nearest 10 or 100 so that they can estimate the answers. Learners will need to use the expanded method of addition to complete their calculations. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 3.1 (LB page 14) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 98) Place value cards, number lines, whiteboards, whiteboard markers, place value tables, hundred, tens and units apparatus Duration: 90 minutes Throughout this lesson, remind learners to estimate their answers using rounding. Revise the expanded method taught in Grade 5. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 3.2 & 3.3 (LB page 15) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 54) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Inverse operations Duration: 60 minutes Practise adding three numbers with the learners. Emphasise that addition can be done in any order, so using number bonds to 10 is a useful strategy. Reinforce the inverse calculations used to find missing numbers. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 3.4 & 3.5 (LB page 16) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 56) LESSON 4: Subtract whole numbers Duration: 90 minutes Explain the ‘breaking down of both numbers’ method on the board and show the learners how to use the brackets in order to keep track of their numbers. Explain how the learners should ‘exchange’ amounts from one number to another, so that they can be subtracted from one another. Remind learners how we use an inverse operation to check the accuracy of our answers. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 3.6 (LB page 17) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 62) 15 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 4: Numeric patterns Duration: 4 hours CAPS Content Term 1, Week 3 PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 2.1 Numeric patterns Investigate and extend patterns: investigate and extend numeric patterns looking for relationships or rules of patterns Input and output values: determine input values, output values and rules for patterns and relationships using flow diagrams Equivalent forms: determine equivalence of different descriptions of the same relationship or rule Unit 1: Patterns and flow diagrams Unit 2: Discover more numeric patterns LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Patterns and flow diagrams TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 120 minutes Ensure that learners are clear that multiplication and division are inverse operations. Learners are to carry out exercises in which they use multiplication to check division. Give learners additional similar examples to consolidate this process. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 4.1 – 4.4 (LB pages18 - 19) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 120) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Discover more numeric patterns Duration: 120 minutes Ensure that learners are able to recognise that when two numbers are multiplied together, the answer remains the same if the numbers are reversed. Explain that to multiply by a multiple of 100 or 1 000, it is easier first to multiply by the multiple, and then by the 100 or 1 000. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 4.5 – 4.7 (LB page 20) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 122) REVISION: Topics: 3 - 4 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 19 16 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 5: Multiplication and division Duration: 6 hours CAPS Content Term 1, Weeks 4 - 5 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers, multiplication and division Number range for calculations: multiplication of at least whole -3-digit by 2-digit numbers Calculation techniques: using a range of techniques to perform and check calculations Number range for multiples and factors: multiples of 2-digit whole numbers to at least 100; Factors of 2 digit whole numbers to at least 100 Properties of whole numbers: recognize and use the commutative; associative; distributive properties Solving problems Unit 1: Find factors and multiples Unit 3: Divide whole numbers Unit 2: Multiply two-digit numbers Unit 4: Solve multiplication or division problems LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Find factors and multiples TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 60 minutes Explain the difference between a factor and a multiple. Show the inverse relation between factors and multiples. Point out that a factor must not leave any remainder when it divides into the given number. Remind learners that multiplying or dividing by 1 does not change a number. Remind the learners that ‘between’ does not include the given boundary numbers. Show the learners how to use factors to multiply in steps Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 5.1 & 5.2 (LB page 22) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 16, 18) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Multiply twodigit numbers Duration: 120 minutes Use a diagram to show how to break up a group of 15 coins or counters. Ensure that the learners know how to use brackets. Show learners how to use factors together with brackets to do multiplication in steps. Remind learners how important it is to first estimate the answer to check that their answer makes sense. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 5.3 (LB page 23) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 114) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Divide whole numbers Duration: 120 minutes Revise doubling and halving and how to set up a clue board. Explain again that multiplication and division are inverse operations. In all the examples, stress how important it is to first round off numbers to estimate the answer. Show how they can use multiplication to check each division answer. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 5.4 (LB page 24) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 76) LESSON 4: Unit 4: Solve multiplication and division problems Duration: 60 minutes Suggest to learners that they follow the seven steps used to solve a word problem. Encourage learners to draw pictures if this helps. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 5.5 (LB page 25) Incorporate the exercises in DOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 116) FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK Assignment: Finding patterns: TG page 24 17 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Factor and multiple wall charts, counters, multiplication fact boards (tables) Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 6: Time Duration: 6 hours CAPS Content Term 1, Weeks 5 - 6 MEASUREMENT 4.4 Time Reading time and time instruments: read, tell and write time in 12-hour and 24-hour formats on both analogue and digital instruments Reading calendars Calculations and problem solving related to time History of time Unit 1: Read and write time Unit 2: Convert units of time Unit 3: Measure and calculate time LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Read and write time LESSON 2: Unit 2: Convert units of time TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 120 minutes Ask learners to use the hands on their cardboard clocks to find specific times. Discuss analogue and digital clocks. Explain how to convert between 12-hour time and 24-hour time. Explain that we use seconds when measuring time in smaller units. Work with a calendar and encourage learners to investigate the number of weeks and days in a month before trying to formalise the learning. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 6.1 & 6.2 (LB pages 28- 29) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 154) Clocks made from cardboard, watches with second hands, stopwatches, a poster that shows the units of time and how to convert them, calendars, timetables Duration: 120 minutes Revise how many minutes there are in 1 hour and how many seconds there are in 1 minute. The focus of this lesson is on converting between seconds, minutes and hours. Remember to revise the concept of ‘leap year’ and ‘decade’. Explain that in order to convert weeks to months and vice versa, they should work on the premise that there are 4 weeks in a month. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 6.3 & 6.4 (LB page 30) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 154) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Measure and calculate time Duration: 120 minutes Discuss with learners how they calculate the amount of time that has elapsed and how much time until an activity is over. Discuss calendars and how we use them to plan our lives and to prepare for certain events. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 6.5 & 6.6 (LB pages31 - 32) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 156) REVISION: Topics: 5 - 6 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 29 18 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 7: Data handling Duration:10 hours CAPS Content Term 1, Weeks 6 - 8 DATA HANDLING 5.1 Collecting and organising 5.2 Representing data: draw a variety of graphs to display and interpret data 5.3 Analysing, interpreting and reporting data: critically read and interpret data Unit 1: Collect, organise and display data Unit 4: Interpret and analyse data Unit 2: Order data and find the mode Unit 5: Think about where data comes from Unit 3: Work through a data cycle LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Collect, organise and display data TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 180 minutes Ensure that learners are able to collect data, draw up tables to organise and record data, work with tallies, and draw simple pictographs and bar graphs. Revise the key words. Spend some time discussing the pictograph and the key on page 34 in the Learner’s Book. Remind learners that the graph needs a title and that bars and the scale on the other axis must be labelled. Make sure the learners can see that the pictograph and bar graph show the same set of data in different ways. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 7.1 (LB page 35) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 44) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Order data and find the mode Duration: 60 minutes Introduce the concept of mode / average practically by tossing a coin. Explain the term mode. LESSON 3: Unit 3: Work through a data cycle Duration: 180 minutes Use the diagram on page 37 in the Learner’s Book to talk about the data cycle. Point out that they also need to interpret and summarise the data that they collect. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 7.2 (LB page 36) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 44) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 7.3 (LB page 37) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 174) LESSON 4: Unit 4: Interpret and analyse data Duration: 90 minutes In this lesson the learners will practise interpreting data shown in different graphs, in words and in tables. Read through the guidelines on page 38 with the class. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 7.4 & 7.5 (LB pages 39 - 40) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 176) LESSON 5: Think about where data comes from Duration: 90 minutes The main focus in this lesson is for learners to understand that the source of the data and the context in which it was collected can affect the results of an investigation. Explain the meaning of the words ‘source’ and ‘context’. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 7.6 (LB page 41) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 176 ) 19 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Statistics/survey results Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 8: Properties of 2D shapes Duration:7 hours CAPS Content Term 1, Weeks 8 - 9 SPACE AND SHAPE 3.1 2-D shapes Shapes learners need to know and name Distinguish, describe, sort and compare shapes Draw 2-D shapes on grid paper Unit 1: What is a 2-D shape? Unit 2: Identify polygons Unit 3: Polygons and angles Unit 4: Describe and draw 2-D shapes LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: What is a 2-D shape? LESSON 2: Unit 2: Identify polygons TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 30 minutes Discuss with learners how to tell if something is 2-D or 3-D. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 8.1 (LB page 42) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 40) Duration: 120 minutes Revise some basic information about 2-D shapes. Ensure that the learners know the names of shapes. Demonstrate the use of markers to show which sides are equal in length. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 8.2 (LB page 43) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 168) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Polygons and angles Duration: 150 minutes Ask learners to point out right angles in the classroom. Explain that polygons can have interior angles that are right angles, or are bigger than or smaller than right angles. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 8.3 & 8.4 (LB pages44- 45) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 126) LESSON 4: Unit 4: Describe and draw 2-D shapes Duration: 120 minutes Discuss the properties of various shapes with the class and ask learners to give either a similarity or a difference of the shapes. REVISION: Topics: 7 - 8 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 38 Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 8.5 (LB page 46) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 126) 20 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 3-D objects, pictures, wall chart of shapes, cardboard, matchsticks, grid paper Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 9: Capacity and volume Duration: 5 hours CAPS Content Term 1, Week 10 MEASUREMENT 4.3 Capacity/Volume Practical measuring of 3-D objects Calculations and problem-solving related to capacity / volume Unit 1: Estimate capacity Unit 2: Estimate, measure and record capacity Unit 3: Compare, order and record capacities Unit 4: Convert units of capacity Unit 5: Calculate and solve problems that involve capacity LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Estimate capacity TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 30 minutes Revise the terms capacity and volume. Show the learners a range of empty containers. Let them order them from greatest to smallest capacity. Discuss how people use the word ‘capacity’ in different contexts. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 9.1 (LB page 48) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 38) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Estimate, measure and record capacity Duration: 60 minutes Explain carefully how to measure the amount of liquid in a measuring jug or cylinder. Ensure that the learners are aware that they should take the error of parallax into account. Spend some time looking at a variety of scales to help learners to work out what each division stands for. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 9.2 (LB page 49) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 38) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Compare, order and record capacities Duration: 60 minutes This unit deals with converting units of capacity using litres and millilitres. Revise the basic conversion facts. Revise how to multiply and divide by 1 000 quickly. Discuss why it is necessary to be able to convert millilitres to litres and vice versa. LESSON 4: Unit 4: Convert units of capacity Duration: 60 minutes Revise the conversion factors. LESSON 5: Calculate and solve problems that involve capacity Duration: 90 minutes In this lesson, the focus is on calculating with units of capacity. Stress that one can only add and subtract capacities when using the same units. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 9.3 (LB page 50) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 142 ) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 9.4 (LB page 51) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 142) Mental Maths (TG page 190) Exercise 9.5 (LB page 53) Incorporate the exercises in DOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 142) FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK 60 minutes Assessment Test: TG page: 44 21 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Containers, measuring dropper /syringe, sand, teaspoons, measuring jugs Subject: Mathematics TERM 2: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 10: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers Duration: 1 hour CAPS Content Term 2, Week 1 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers Counting Ordering Representing Place value of digits Unit 1: Count, read and write whole numbers Unit 2: Round off and compare whole numbers LEARNING TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Duration: 30 minutes Unit 1: Count, Explain to the class how the number line works. read and Get the learners to count forwards and backwards. write whole Explain how to work out the intervals between the numbers, so that they know by what amount to count forwards or backwards. numbers Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 10.1 (LB page 56) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 46) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Round off and compare whole numbers Duration: 30 minutes Explain the rule for rounding off and introduce rounding to 1 000. Point out that the important digit when rounding to the nearest thousand is the hundreds’ digit. Use a number line when explaining rounding off. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 10.2 & 10.3 (LB page 57) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 4) 22 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Place value cards, number cards, number lines, dice Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 11: Addition and subtraction Duration: 5 hours CAPS Content Term 2, Weeks 1 - 2 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers, addition and subtraction Number range for calculations: addition and subtraction of whole numbers with at least 5-digit numbers Calculation techniques: using a range of techniques to perform and check calculations Properties of whole numbers: recognize and use the commutative; associative; distributive properties Solving problems Unit 1: Add whole numbers Unit 2: Subtract whole numbers Unit 3: Solve addition and subtraction problems LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Add whole numbers TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 120 minutes Give learners two three-digit numbers. Let them add a 1 000 to each number and then add the two numbers together using the expanded method. Ask the class how they would check the accuracy of the answers to a calculation. Explain that there are easier methods that can be used when calculating five- or six-digit numbers. Explain both methods carefully. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 11.1 &11.2 (LB pages 58 - 59) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 10) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Subtract whole numbers Duration: 120 minutes Repeat the same introductory activity that was done for Unit 1, using subtraction instead of addition. Allow the learners to participate and explain the methods used. As this section is done over a few lessons, it may be necessary that you explain only one or two methods per day to avoid confusing the learners. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 11.3 – 11.5 (LB pages 60 - 61) Incorporate the exercises in the BDOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 12) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Solve addition and subtraction problems Duration: 60 minutes Revise the expanded column method. Revise the way they are to set out the problem solving calculations. Explain that they have to show all their working out. REVISION: Topics: 10-11 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 53 Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 11.6 (LB page 62) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 66) 23 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Place value cards Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 12: Common fractions Duration: 5 hours CAPS Content Term 2, Weeks 2 - 3 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.2 Common fractions Concepts, skills and number range: describing and ordering; counting forwards and backwards; compare and order Calculations with fractions: addition of common fractions with the same denominator; recognize, describe and use the equivalence of division and fractions Solving problems Equivalent forms: recognise and use Unit 1: Name and recognise fractions Unit 4: Make fractions by sharing and grouping Unit 2: Equivalent fractions Unit 5: Add fractions Unit 3: Count, compare and order fractions Unit 6: Solve problems that involve fractions LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Name and recognise fractions LESSON 2: Unit 2: Equivalent fractions LESSON 3: Unit 3: Count, compare and order fractions LESSON 4: Unit 4: Make fractions by sharing and grouping LESSON 5: Add fractions LESSON 6: Solve problems that involve fractions TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 60 minutes All the fraction lessons must be very concrete and practical. Remind learners of the role of the denominator and the numerator. It is important for learners to realise that the two numbers are part of the same concept. Encourage the learners to read each fraction that they work with, and to check that they can write them in words. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 12.1 (LB page 64) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 28) Duration: 30 minutes Learners must be able to recognise equivalent fractions from fraction walls and division diagrams. All problems must be solved through direct physical comparisons. Explain how to use fraction strips. Exercise 12.2 (LB page 65) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 84) Duration: 60 minutes Use number lines to assist learners when counting in fractions. Spend a great deal of time discussing where to find one half on the number line, one quarter, three quarters, and so on. Remind learners of how to use a fraction wall. Ensure that learners understand how to compare fractions using diagrams and remind learners of the meanings of the symbols < and >. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 12.3 & 12.4 (LB page 66) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 86) Duration: 30 minutes Show different fractions by sharing counters into equal groups. Mental Maths (TG page180) Exercise 12.5 (LB page 67) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 92) Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Duration: 60 minutes Do plenty of practical adding with concrete apparatus. Keep stressing that the denominator stays the same and that only the numerators are added. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 12.6 (LB page 68) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 42) Duration: 60 minutes Do the example on the board to show how to apply each of the steps. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 12.7 (LB page 69) Incorporate the exercises in DOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 148) 24 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Wall charts, fraction strips, fraction shapes, number lines, fraction chains, geo-boards, paper, fraction diagram, counters, oranges, apples Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 13: Length Duration: 7 hours CAPS Content Term 2, Weeks 3 - 4 MEASUREMENT 4.1 Length Practical measuring of 2-D shapes and 3-D objects Calculations and problem-solving related to length Conversions Unit 1: Estimate and measure length Unit 2: Convert units of length Unit 3: Calculate with units of length Unit 4: Solve problems that involve length LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Estimate and measure length TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 120 minutes Start by asking the learners to estimate the lengths of objects. This lesson requires learners to work flexibly with different units of length as they estimate and measure in millimetres, centimetres and metres. Do not expect learners to be able to estimate lengths with any degree of accuracy yet. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 13.1 (LB page 71) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 34) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Convert units of length Duration: 60 minutes Establish that the learners understand that they must multiply by 10 to convert from centimetres to millimetres and divide by 10 to convert from millimetres to centimetres. Establish that 100 cm = 1 m. Introduce the concept of 1 000 m = 1 kilometre. Tell learners that kilo means one thousand, and reinforce the bigger to smaller rule Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 13.2 (LB page 72) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 34) LESSON 3: Duration: 120 minutes Unit 3: This lesson focuses on the ability of learners to do operations with units of length. Calculate with Make sure that all the learners understand the rules that apply. units of length Ensure that the learners always include the unit of measurement in the answer. Mental Maths (TG page180) Exercise 13.3 (LB page 73) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 90) LESSON 4: Unit 4: Solve problems that involve length Duration: 120 minutes Revise the meaning of the words sum, difference, order, etc. and emphasise the importance of reading problems carefully to understand what is being asked. REVISION: Topics:12 -13 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 63 Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 13.4 (LB page 74) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 160) 25 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Ruler, metre stick, measuring tape, trundle wheels, wall charts, string Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 14: Multiplication Duration: 6 hours CAPS Content Term 5, Weeks 4 - 6 OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers, multiplication Number range for calculations: multiplication of at least whole 3-digit by 2-digit numbers Calculation techniques: using a range of techniques to perform and check calculations Number range for multiples and factors: multiples of 2-digits whole numbers to at least 100; factors of 2-digit whole numbers to at least 100 Properties of whole numbers: recognize and use the commutative; associative and distributive properties Solving problems Unit 1: Work with factors and multiples Unit 2: Multiply three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers Unit 3: Division is the inverse of multiplication Unit 4: Solve multiplication problems LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Work with factors and multiples TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 120 minutes Remind learners of the meaning of a factor and multiple. Show them how to use the rules for division to help them to find factors of larger numbers. Revise how to estimate the answer first and then how to multiply by 10 and by 100. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 14.1 & 14.2 (LB pages 76 -77) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 14) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Multiply three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers Duration: 120 minutes The learners can multiply numbers by either splitting up a number or by using factors. Remind learners how to break down numbers and form groups to multiply. Encourage learners to combine the strategies of factors and of breaking down numbers. Remind them to round off numbers first to estimate the answers. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 14.3 – 14.5 (LB pages 78 -79) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 16) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Division is the inverse of multiplication Duration: 60 minutes Remind learners how to use division to work out the missing number in a multiplication statement. Remind learners that they can use the one operation to check the answer of the other operation. LESSON 4: Unit 4: Solve multiplication problems Duration: 60 minutes Make sure that they know that the word ‘per’ means ‘for one’, so that per kilogram means for one kilogram. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 14.6 (LB page 80) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 114) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 14.7 (LB page 81) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 116) FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK 60 MINUTES Test: TG page: 67 26 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Wall lists of factors and multiples, counters, magazines, newspapers Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 15: Properties of 3D objects Duration: 6 hours CAPS Content Term 2, Weeks 6 - 7 SPACE AND SHAPE 3.2 Properties of 3-D objects Objects learners need to know and name; similarities and differences between cubes and rectangular prisms Distinguish, describe, sort and compare shapes Unit 1: Recognise and name 3-D objects Unit 2: Construct models of 3-D objects Unit 3: Work with diagrams of 3-D objects LEARNING TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Duration: 120 minutes Unit 1: Discuss the properties of 3-D objects. Recognise and The focus of this lesson is on identifying 3-D objects. name 3-D shapes Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 15.1 (LB page 83) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 40) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Construct models of 3-D objects Duration: 180 minutes Have models already constructed with copies of each face pasted onto the face. Try to make the models much bigger than those described in the exercise so that learners can see the faces clearly. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 15.2 (LB page 85) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 168) LESSON 3: Duration: 60 minutes Unit 3: Work This lesson focuses on visualising different views of 3-D objects. with diagrams Mental Maths (TG page 180) of 3-D objects Exercise 15.3 (LB page 86) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 168) REVISION: Topics: 14-15 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 71 27 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 3-D objects, square grid paper, cardboard, scissors, sticky tape, rulers, pencil, boxes Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 16: Geometric patterns Duration: 4 hours CAPS Content Term 2, Weeks 7 - 8 PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 2.2 Geometric patterns Investigate and extend patterns: investigate and extend geometric patterns looking for relationships or rules of patterns Input and output values: determine input values, output values and rules for the patterns and relationships using flow diagrams Equivalent forms: determine equivalence of different descriptions of the same relationship or rule Unit 1: Describe and extend geometric patterns Unit 2: Investigate geometric patterns LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Describe and extend geometric patterns LESSON 2: Unit 2: Investigate geometric patterns TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 120 minutes This section consists of a worked example of a problem that learners will be required to solve. Ensure that the learners understand what is expected of them, especially identifying the rule for the pattern of matchsticks required. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 16.1 & 16.2 (LB pages 89 - 90) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 172) Duration: 120 minutes Ensure that the learners understand the pattern in each example displayed in the Learner’s Book. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 16.3 (LB page 91) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 172) 28 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Matchsticks, counters, bottle tops, small stones Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 17: Symmetry Duration: 2 hours CAPS Content Term 2, Week 8 SPACE AND SHAPE 3.3 Symmetry Recognise, draw and describe lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes Unit 1: Line symmetry Unit 2: Rotational symmetry LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Line symmetry TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 60 minutes This lesson revises the learners’ existing knowledge of line symmetry. Ensure that all the learners understand the concepts of symmetry and lines of symmetry. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 17.1 (LB page 92) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 70) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Rotational symmetry Duration: 60 minutes Explain the terms ‘rotational symmetry’ and ‘order of rotational symmetry’, using practical demonstration. REVISION: Topics:16 -17 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 77 Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 17.2 & 17.3 (LB page 94) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 70) 29 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Dotted grid paper, small mirrors, stiff paper, pliable cardboard, shapes, stickers, drawing pins Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 18: Division Duration: 8 hours CAPS Content Term 2, Weeks 8 - 10 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers, division Number range for calculations: division of at least whole 3-digit by 2-digit numbers Counting, ordering and representing, and place value of digits Number range for multiples and factors: multiples of 2-digit numbers to at least 100;factors of 2-digit whole numbers to at least 100 Multiplication facts Properties of whole numbers: recognise and use the commutative; associative; and distributive properties Solving problems Unit 1: Work with factors and multiples Unit 3: Divide by a two-digit number Unit 5: Compare two quantities by dividing Unit 2: Use multiplication facts to divide Unit 4: Division with remainders Unit 6: Solve problems that involve division LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Work with factors and multiples TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 60 minutes Revise how to find factor pairs for a number. Point out that when factors are written in ascending order, the factor pairs are formed from the outside in. Remind learners of the divisibility rules given in Topic 14. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 18.1 (LB page 96) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 18) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Use multiplication facts to divide Duration: 120 minutes LESSON 3: Unit 3: Divide by a two-digit number Duration: 120 minutes LESSON 4: Unit 4: Division with remainders Duration: 60 minutes LESSON 5:Unit 5: Compare two quantities by dividing Duration: 60 minutes LESSON 6: Unit 6: Solve problems that involve division Duration: 60 minutes This is revision of the division work done in Topic 5. Remind learners how to estimate an answer and then how to use multiplication facts to divide by single digit numbers. Show the learners how to use multiplication to check their final answer. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 18.2 (LB page 97) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 20) Remind learners of the inverse relation between division and multiplication. Remind them to start with the division number times 10, and then use doubling and halving to find more multiplication facts. Remind learners how to estimate an answer. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 18.3 (LB page 98) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 76) Remind learners of process on board. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 18.4 (LB page 99) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 24) Revise rate work covered in Topic 14.The main idea is that if the learners know the value for one unit, they can multiply to find the value for more units. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 18.5 (LB page 100) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 24) Remind learners of the steps to solve word problems. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 18.6 (LB page 101) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 22) FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK 60 Minutes Exam Practice: TG page: 82 30 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 Wall charts of factors and multiples, clue board charts, newspapers, magazines Subject: Mathematics TERM 3: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 19: Common fractions Duration: 5 hours CAPS Content Term 3, Weeks 1 - 2 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.2 Common fractions Describing and ordering fractions Calculations with fractions: addition and subtraction of common fractions with same denominator Solving problems Equivalent forms: recognise and use equivalent forms Unit 1: Add and subtract common fractions Unit 2: Mixed numbers Unit 3: Add and subtract mixed numbers Unit 4: Solve problems that involve fractions LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Add and subtract common fractions LESSON 2: Unit 2: Mixed numbers TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 60 minutes Revise adding fractions with the same denominator and then introduce the subtraction of fractions with the same denominator. Once you have done enough practical examples of addition and subtraction with the class, move on to the exercises in the Learner’s Book. Remind learners to read the fractions in words as they work, to help them understand what they are doing. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 19.1 (LB page 104) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 36) Fruit, chocolate bars, cardboard shapes, shapes cut into equal pieces, fraction number lines Duration: 90 minutes Take the time to establish the concept of mixed numbers clearly, as much of the later fraction work depends on this work. Show that a number can have a whole part and a fraction part added together. When working with mixed numbers, the learners should again use concrete apparatus as much as possible. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 19.2 (LB page 105) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 44) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Add and subtract mixed numbers Duration: 90 minutes Encourage learners to add the whole numbers and then the fraction parts. Show that we sometimes have to break down a whole number to provide enough fractions for subtraction. Explain how to simplify an improper fraction in an answer. Mental Maths (TG page180) Exercise 19.3 (LB page 106) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 44) LESSON 4: Unit 4: Solve problems that involve fractions Duration: 60 minutes This is further practice in adding and subtracting mixed numbers, in the context of word problems. Mental Maths (TG page180) Exercise 19.4 (LB page 107) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 46) 31 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 20: Mass Duration: 5 hours CAPS Content Term 3, Weeks 2 - 3 MEASUREMENT 4.2 Mass Practical measuring of 3-D objects: estimating, measuring, recording, comparing and ordering Calculations and problem-solving related to mass Converting Unit 1: Estimate, measure and compare masses Unit 2: Convert units of mass Unit 3: Calculate with units of mass Unit 4: Solve problems that involve mass LEARNING TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Duration: 90 minutes Unit 1: The learners need to be able to identify units of mass, which they could use to measure the mass of the objects you have on display. Estimate, Discuss the concept of mass. measure and Discuss the units of mass. compare masses Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 20.1 & 20.2 (LB pages 108 - 109) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 42) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Convert units of mass Duration: 60 minutes Remind your learners how many grams make up 1 kg and how much 1 000 is. In this lesson, learners build on their ability to convert from grams and kilograms and vice versa. Learners are introduced to converting using decimal numbers. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 20.3 (LB page 110) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 140) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Calculate with units of mass Duration: 60 minutes Allow learners to suggest strategies which allow them to add numbers (include mixed units). LESSON 4: Unit 4: Solve problems that involve mass Duration: 90 minutes The focus of this unit is on using the four basic operations together with the units of mass. Learners have to apply their knowledge of the four basic operations together with decimal numbers. Learners have to convert between units of mass as they work with the calculations. Remind your learners to read each problem through carefully. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 20.4 (LB page 111) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 140) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 20.5 (LB page 112) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 140) REVISION: Topics:19 -20 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 94 32 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Teabag, paper clip, tomatoes, bananas, scales, box of matches, a wad of cotton wool, small ball of wool, brick, textbook, shoe, packet of flour Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 21: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers Duration: 1hour CAPS Content Term 3, Week 3 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers Counting Ordering Comparing Representing Place value of digits Unit 1: Round off numbers Unit 2: Expand and compare whole numbers LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Round off numbers TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 30 minutes Revise rounding off to the nearest 10, 100 and 1 000. Ensure that the learners have a sound understanding of the rounding off rules. Revise, which the significant digit is when rounding to a whole number. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 21.1 & 21.2 (LB page 114) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 4) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Expand and compare whole numbers Duration: 30 minutes This lesson has two parts: writing numbers in their expanded form and then comparing whole numbers using the symbols < and >. Explain the concept of expanding the number by addition. Revise the concept of ‘greater than’ and ‘less than’. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 21.3 & 21.4 (LB page 115) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 2) 33 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Number lines marked in 10s, 100s and 1 000s, dice, number lines marked in single spaces, place value table, place value cards Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 22: Addition and subtraction Duration: 5 hours CAPS Content Term 3, Week 3 - 4 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers, addition and subtraction Number range for calculations: addition and subtraction of whole numbers with at least 5-digit numbers Calculation techniques: using a range of techniques to perform and check calculations Properties of whole numbers: recognise and use the commutative, associative and distributive properties Solving problems Unit 1: Add numbers in columns Unit 2: Subtract numbers in columns Unit 3: Solve addition and subtraction problems LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Add numbers in columns TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 120 minutes In this lesson, the learners revise the partitioning method and then they are introduced to the column method. Explain the column method using place value cards or place value apparatus. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 22.1 (LB page 116) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4(page 6) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Subtract numbers in columns Duration: 90 minutes In this lesson, the learners revise the partitioning method and then they are introduced to subtraction using the column method. Explain the column method using place value cards or place value apparatus. Remember to start off using examples with no exchanging. Explain now how to use exchanging with the column method. Make sure they understand this method. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 22.2 (LB page 117) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 74) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Solve addition and subtraction problems Duration: 90 minutes Reinforce the correct setting out of the ‘column method’ by writing up a variety of addition and subtraction calculations for learners to complete. Revise the correct method of setting out a problem solving calculation. REVISION: Topics:21-22 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 101 Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 22.3 (LB page 118) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 48) 34 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Place value cards, place value apparatus Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 23: Viewing objects Duration: 3 hours CAPS Content Term 3, Weeks 4 - 5 SHAPE AND SPACE 3.5 Viewing objects Position and views: Link the position of viewer to views of single everyday objects, collections of everyday objects or scenes from everyday life Unit 1: Identify objects from different viewpoints Unit 2: Match the view with the position of the viewer LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Identify objects from different viewpoints LESSON 2: Unit 2: Match the view with the position of the viewer TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 60 minutes This unit gives learners the chance to engage with the position of the viewer. Learners sort various pictures or photographs according to views or according to the images of each object. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 23.1 (LB page 120) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 164) Duration: 120 minutes This unit gives learners another chance to engage with the position of the viewer of different photographs. Discuss plan views with learners and what they are used for. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 23.2 (LB page 121) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 166) 35 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Photographs, pictures, wall chart displaying different viewpoints, floor plan, 3-D objects Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 24: Properties of 2-D shapes Duration: 4 hours CAPS Content Term 3, Week 5 SPACE AND SHAPE 3.1 Properties of 2-D shapes Shapes learners need to know and name are regular and irregular polygons Distinguish, describe, sort and compare shapes Unit 1: Identify, describe and compare 2D shapes Unit 2: Draw 2-D shapes LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Identify, describe and compare 2-D shapes LESSON 2: Unit 2: Draw 2-D shapes TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 120 minutes Revise the basic features of polygons. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 24.1 – 24.3 (LB pages 122 - 124) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 34) Duration: 120 minutes To create a geometric pattern, demonstrate the steps for the class to ensure that all the learners understand what to do. Encourage learners to be as creative as possible. Encourage learners to present their patterns to the class and to verbalise their plan and which shapes have been included in the pattern and where the lines of symmetry would be. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 24.4 & 24.5 (LB pages 125 - 126) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 64) REVISION: Topics:23 -24 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 107 36 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Paper, square grid paper, scissors, coloured paper, rulers, pencil crayons Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 25: Transformations Duration: 3 hours CAPS Content Term 3, Weeks 5 - 6 SHAPE AND SPACE 3.4 Transformations Use transformations to create composite shapes Use transformations to create tessellations Describe patterns Unit 1: Use transformations to describe the movement of shapes Unit 2: Use transformations to make composite shapes LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Use transformations to describe the movement of shapes LESSON 2: Unit 2: Use transformations to make composite shapes TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 60 minutes It is important that the learners grasp the differences between the different transformations. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 25.1 (LB page 128) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 66) Duration: 90 minutes In this unit, the learners will make interesting patterns and tessellations from different geometric shapes. Show learners how to construct patterns for themselves. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 25.2 (LB page 129) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 106) 37 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Pictures of patterns, squared grid paper, rulers, fabric, quilts, knitting patterns Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 26: Temperature Duration: 2 hours CAPS Content Term 3, Week 6 MEASUREMENT 4.5 Temperature Practical measuring of temperature Calculations and problem-solving related to temperature Unit 1: Estimate temperature Unit 2: Measure temperature Unit 3: Read and order temperatures LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Estimate temperature LESSON 2: Unit 2: Measure temperature TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 30 minutes Display pictures and ask learners which pictures they associate with each of the four seasons of the year. Ask the learners to identify words that relate directly to temperature. Introduce and explain the notation of °C. Make sure that the learners understand the melting point of ice and the boiling point of water. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 26.1 (LB page 130) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 122) Pictures of different seasons, thermometers, map of South Africa Duration: 60 minutes Explain the purpose and use of thermometers. Discuss the weather forecast and what the learners think a weather forecast shows us. Explain the terms, minimum and maximum temperatures. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 26.2 (LB page 131) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 124) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Read and order temperatures Duration: 30 minutes Explain how temperatures can be shown as negative numbers using the ‘-‘ symbol. Discuss temperatures below 0 and its relation to freezing point if this was not dealt with in unit 1. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 26.3 (LB page 132) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 124) REVISION: Topics: 25-26 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 113 38 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 27: Data handling Duration: 9 hours CAPS Content Term 3, Weeks 7 - 8 DATA HANDLING 5.1 Collecting and organising data Collect data using tally marks and tables for recording; order data 5.2 Representing data Draw a variety of graphs to display and interpret data 5.3 Analysing, Interpreting and reporting data Critically read and interpret data Analyse data Summarise data verbally and in short written Unit 1: Collect, organise and display dataUnit 4: Interpret and analyse data Unit 2: Find the modeUnit 5: Compare graphs Unit 3: Work through a data cycle LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Collect, organise and display data LESSON 2: Unit 2: Find the mode TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 150 minutes Revise the concepts covered in Topic 7. Let the learners work through Exercise 7.1 individually. Check their answers to make sure each one has mastered the basic concepts. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 27.1 & 27.2 (LB pages 134 - 135) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 174) DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Duration: 90 minutes Remind the learners what the mode is. Introduce the term bimodal. Make sure everyone can order data sets and find the mode of a set of data. Check that the learners are able to work with two sets of numbers. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 27.3 &27.4 (LB pages 136 - 137) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 176) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Work through a data cycle Duration: 120 minutes Revise the steps in the data cycle. Point out that they also need to interpret and summarise the data that they collect. LESSON 4: Unit 4: Interpret and analyse data Duration: 60 minutes In this unit the learners will practise interpreting data shown in different graphs, in words and in tables. Learners will also answer questions about the data and represent the same data in different ways. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 27.5 (LB page 138) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 54) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 27.6 (LB page 139) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 56) LESSON 5: Compare graphs RESOURCES Duration: 120 minutes In this lesson, we aim to formalise and develop the concept that the source of data and the ways in which it is collected can affect the results. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 27.7 & 27.8 (LB pages 141 - 142) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 58) FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK Project: Data handling: TG page: 119 39 Statistics Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 28: Numeric patterns Duration: 5 hours CAPS Content Term 3, Weeks 8 - 9 PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 2.1 Numeric patterns Investigate and extend patterns: investigate and extend numeric patterns looking for relationships or rules of patterns Input and output values: determine input values, output values and rules for patterns and relationships Equivalent forms: determine equivalence of different descriptions of the same relationship or rule presented Unit 1: Create number patterns Unit 2: Find the rule for a number pattern Unit 3: Investigate number sequences LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Create number patterns TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 90 minutes Give learners a few examples of simple sequences for them to continue so that they are familiar with using a rule to calculate outputs from inputs as well as with continuing a sequence. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 28.1 (LB page 146) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 120) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Find the rule for a number pattern Duration: 90 minutes Explain to learners what the possibilities are that they need to try in order to find the rule. LESSON 3: Unit 3: Investigate number sequences REVISION: Topics: 27-28 Duration: 120 minutes Explain to learners what a sequence of numbers is. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 28.2 (LB page 147) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 122) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 28.3 (LB page 148) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 80) Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 123 40 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 29: Multiplication Duration: 7 hours CAPS Content Term 3, Weeks 9 - 10 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers, multiplication Number range for calculations: multiplication of at least whole 3-digit by 1-digit numbers Calculation techniques: use a range of techniques to perform and check calculations Counting, ordering, representing and place value of digits Number range for multiples and factors: multiples of 2-digit numbers to at least 100; factors of 2-digit whole numbers to at least 100 Multiplication facts Properties of whole numbers: recognize and use the commutative, associative and distributive properties Solving problems Unit 1: Multiples and factors Unit 2: Multiply three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers Unit 3: Compare quantities Unit 4: Solve multiplication problems LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Multiples and factors TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 60 minutes Remind the learners that special numbers have an inverse relation, so that if 3 × 5 forms the multiple 15, we can also write 15 ÷ 5 = 3 so that 3 is a factor of 15. Revise the division rules given in Topic 14 to help learners to identity factors. Revise how to multiply by 1 000. Show how to use factors to multiply by a multiple of 1 000. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 29.1 & 29.2 (LB page 150) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (pages 5, 10, 12) Wall lists of multiples and factors LESSON 2: Unit 2: Multiply three-digit numbers by two-digit numbers Duration: 120 minutes This unit provide more practice in multiplying by two-digit numbers. Learners will break down numbers to multiply in steps. Remind learners how to round off numbers to estimate the final answer. LESSON 3: Unit 3: Compare quantities Duration: 120 minutes Revise work done in Topic 14. Introduce the ‘/’ notation for a rate. LESSON 4: Unit 4: Solve multiplication problems Duration: 120 minutes Revise the steps for solving word problems. Ensure that all the steps are followed and no short cuts taken. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 29.3 (LB page 151) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 14) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 29.4 (LB page 152) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 24) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 29.5 (LB page 153) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 16) 41 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Subject: Mathematics TERM 4: PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 30: Count, order, compare and represent whole numbers Duration: 1 hours CAPS Content Term 4, Week 1 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers Counting Ordering Comparing Representing Place value of digits Unit 1: Round off large numbers Unit 2: More practice with whole numbers LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1:Unit 1: Round off large numbers LESSON 2: Unit 2: More practice with whole numbers TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 30 minutes Ask the learners to explain the rules that need to be followed when rounding off, and then apply the rules. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 30.1 (LB page 156) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 72 ) Duration: 30 minutes In this chapter learners work with larger six digit numbers. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 30.2 & 30.3 (LB page 157) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 84) 42 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Number line, dice, place value table, place value cards Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 31: Addition and subtraction Duration: 5 hours CAPS Content Term 4, Weeks 1 - 2 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers, addition and subtraction Number range for calculating: addition and subtraction of whole numbers of at least 5 digits Calculation techniques: use a range of techniques to perform and check calculations Number range for multiples and factors: multiples of 2-digit numbers to at least 100 Properties of whole numbers: recognise and use the commutative and associative properties Solving problems Unit 1: Add numbers in columns Unit 2: Subtract numbers in columns Unit 3: Solve addition and subtraction problems LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Add numbers in columns TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 120 minutes In this lesson, the learners revise the column method and inverse operations. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 31.1 (LB page 158) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 56) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Subtract numbers in columns Duration: 90 minutes In this lesson, the learners revise the column method for subtraction. Start by using examples that require no exchanging. LESSON 3: Unit 3: Solve addition and subtraction problems Duration: 90 minutes Reinforce the correct setting out of the ‘column method’. Remind learners to show all their working out. REVISION: Topics:30 -31 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 135 Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 31.2 (LB page 159) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 64) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 31.3 (LB page 160) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 72) 43 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Place value cards, place value apparatus Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 32: Properties of 3-D objects Duration: 5 hours CAPS Content Term 4, Weeks 2 - 3 SPACE AND SHAPE 3.2 Properties of 3-D objects Objects learners need to know and name; similarities and differences between cubes and rectangular prisms Distinguish, describe, sort and compare shapes Unit 1: Recognise and name 3-D objects Unit 2: Sort and compare 3-D objects LEARNING TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Duration: 120 minutes Unit 1: The focus of this unit is on revising the names and features of 3-D objects. Recognise and Ensure that you have models of some of these shapes available for name 3-D learners to work with. objects Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 2180) Exercise 32.1 (LB page 162) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 28) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Sort and compare 3-D objects Duration: 180 minutes Discuss that all 3-D objects have three dimensions in common, but there are certain other features that make some of them more alike than others. Learners are to identify similarities and the differences – the things the objects have in common and the features that distinguish them. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 32.2 & 32.2 (LB page 165) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 30) 44 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Wall chart showing 3-D objects, 3-D models Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 33: Common fractions Duration: 5 hours CAPS Content Term 4, Weeks 3 - 4 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.2 Common fractions Describing and ordering fractions Calculations with fractions Solving problems Equivalent forms: recognise and use equivalent forms Unit 1: Compare and order fractions Unit 2: Calculate fractions of whole numbers Unit 3: Solve problems that involve fractions LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Compare and order fractions TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 60 minutes Revise the meaning of ascending and descending order. Ensure that the learners understand when the numerator is 1; a larger denominator means a smaller fraction, because the whole is being divided into more pieces. Revise the meaning of the symbols < and >. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 33.1 (LB page 166) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 86) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Calculate fractions of whole numbers Duration: 120 minutes Learners are to practise sharing counters or buttons into equal groups, to find a fraction of the whole number. The idea of sharing and choosing groups is emphasised, rather than the technique of dividing by the denominator and multiplying by the numerator. LESSON 3: Unit 3: Solve problems that involve fractions Duration: 120 minutes Refer to the wall chart of steps in solving problems and revise the steps. Point out that they must also remember how to add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. REVISION: Topics: 32-33 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 141 Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 33.2 (LB page 167) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 148) Mental Maths (TG page180) Exercise 33.3 (LB page 168) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 46) FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK Assignment: Travelling times and distance TG page: 142 45 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Fraction wall, fraction strips, fraction number lines, coins, matchsticks, buttons Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 34: Division Duration: 7 hours CAPS Content Term 4, Week 4 - 5 NUMBERS, OPERATIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS 1.1 Whole numbers, division Number range for calculations: division of at least whole 3-digit by 2-digit numbers. Calculation techniques: use a range of techniques to perform and check calculations Counting, ordering and representing, and place value of digits Number range for multiples and factors: multiples of 2-digit numbers to at least 100; factors of 2-digit whole numbers to at least 100 Multiplication facts Properties of whole numbers: recognise and use the commutative; associative and distributive properties Solving problems Unit 1: Factors and multiples Unit 2: Inverse operations Unit 3: Use a clue board for division Unit 4: Solve division problems LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Factors and multiples TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 60 minutes Revise how to find a factor pair for a number. Point out to learners that if they have one factor pair, they can use division and multiplication to form another factor pair. Show how you can write a number as a product of its smallest factors. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 34.1 (LB page 172) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 12) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Inverse operations Duration: 60 minutes Revise that multiplication and division are inverse operations. Remind learners that they can use an inverse operation to check an answer. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 34.2 (LB page 173) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 20) LESSON 3: Unit 3: use a clue board for division Duration: 180 minutes Remind learners of how important it is to estimate an answer first and also to use an inverse operation to check their answer. Ensure that learners can write down an inverse statement. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 34.3 (LB page 174) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 22) LESSON 4: Unit 4: Solve division problems Duration: 120 minutes Remind learners of the steps that they should follow to solve word problems, including estimating and checking their answers. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 34.4 (LB page 175) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 26) 46 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 and Term 3 and 4 Factors and multiples wall chart, clue board wall charts, problem solving steps chart Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 35: Perimeter, area and volume Duration: 7 hours CAPS Content Term 4, Week 6 - 7 MEASUREMENT 4.6 Perimeter, area and volume Perimeter: measure perimeter Measurement of area: find areas of regular and irregular shapes Measurement of volume: find volume/capacity of objects Unit 1: Measure perimeterUnit 4: Volume Unit 2: Calculate perimeterUnit 5: Find the volume of a container Unit 3: Area LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Measure perimeter LESSON 2: Unit 2: Calculate perimeter TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 90 minutes Revise the concept of measuring perimeter by demonstrating how to do so. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 35.1 (LB page 176) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 158) Duration: 60 minutes Ensure that the learners understand the concept of scale drawing. Work through the worked example with the class to make sure they remember and understand this concept. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 35.2 (LB page 177) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 158) LESSON 3: Unit 3: Area Duration: 120 minutes Revise what the learners learnt in Grade 5. Read through the introductory text and work through the worked examples with them. Remind them to follow the procedure you have taught them for estimating. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 35.3 & 35.4 (LB pages 178 - 179) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 114) LESSON 4: Duration: 120 minutes Unit 4: Volume Remind the learners that volume and capacity are related. Revise the terms and the concepts. Remind the learners that two differently shaped objects can have the same volume. Ensure that the learners are able to work with diagrams of objects, and not just concrete objects. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 35.5 & 35.6 (LB pages 180 - 181) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 116) LESSON 5: Find the volume of a container Duration: 60 minutes Explain that you can find the volume of a box in cube units by packing it full of cubes. You can also do it by building a model of the same volume next to it and then counting the cubes. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 35.7 (LB page 182) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 118) REVISION: Topics: 34 35 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 151 47 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 and Term 3 and 4 Rulers, grid paper, containers, blocks, unifix cubes Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 36: Position and movement Duration: 2 hours CAPS Content Term 4, Week 7 SHAPE AND SPACE 3.6 Position and movement Location and directions Unit 1: Locate positions on a grid Unit 2: Locate positions on a map LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Locate positions on a grid TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 60 minutes This unit introduces the learners to locating positions on a grid consisting of labelled columns and rows. Guide learners to ‘read’ the grid by using the given letter to locate the column and then use the given number to find the row. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 36.1 (LB page 184) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 170) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Locate positions on a map Duration: 60 minutes Learners already have the basic knowledge needed for this unit; they will need to know how to trace between positions. Ensure that learners are able to describe grid references. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 36.2 (LB page 187) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 170) 48 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Square grid paper, highlighters, rulers Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 37: Transformations Duration: 4 hours CAPS Content Term 4, Week 7 - 8 SHAPE AND SPACE 3.4 Transformation Use transformations to make composite shapes Use transformations to make tessellations Describe patterns Unit 1: Use transformations to create tessellations Unit 2: Describe patterns around us LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Use transformations to create tessellations TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 120 minutes Make a display of pictures of objects with tessellations on them. Discuss with the class which shape is being tessellated for each pattern. Point out particular parts of the pattern and try to get learners to describe the type of transformation that is being used. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 37.1 (LB page 189) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 62) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Describe patterns around us Duration: 120 minutes Show learners the display of tessellating patterns that you have put up and discuss the shapes or objects being tessellated in each pattern. Allow learners to recreate the pattern. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 37.2 (LB page 190) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 64) REVISION: Topics: 36 - 37 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 157 FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK 60 Minutes Investigation – Palindromes TG page: 158 49 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Brochures, pictures, honeycomb, wooden flooring, square grid paper Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 38: Geometric patterns Duration: 2 hours CAPS Content Term 4, Week 8 - 9 PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 2.2 Geometric patterns Investigate and extend patterns: investigate and extend geometric patterns looking for relationships or rules of patterns Input and output values: determine input values, output values and rules for the patterns and relationships Equivalent forms: determine equivalence of different descriptions of the same relationship or rule presented Unit 1: Extend a geometric pattern Unit 2: Change the shape of a geometric pattern Unit 3: A different type of geometric pattern Unit 4: Another type of pattern LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Extend a geometric pattern TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 30 minutes The exercises have been structured along the same requirements that were used in Topic 16. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 38.1 (LB page 194) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 82) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Change the shape of a geometric pattern LESSON 3: Unit 3: A different type of geometric pattern Duration: 30 minutes The exercises have been structured along the same requirements that were used in Topic 16. LESSON 4: Unit 4: Another type of pattern Duration: 30 minutes The exercises have been structured along the same requirements that were used in Topic 16. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 38.2 (LB page 195) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 82) Duration: 30 minutes The exercises have been structured along the same requirements that were used in Topic 16. Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 38.3 (LB page 196) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 106) Mental Maths (TG page 180) Exercise 38.4 (LB page 197) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 106) 50 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Matchsticks Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 39: Number sentences Duration: 3 hours CAPS Content Term 4, Week 9 PATTERNS, FUNCTIONS AND ALGEBRA 2.3 Number sentences Write number sentences to describe problem situations; solve and complete number sentences by inspection, trial and improvement Check solution by substitution Unit 1: Use number sentences to solve problems Unit 2: Multiple choice questions LEARNING ACTIVITY LESSON 1: Unit 1: Use number sentences to solve problems TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH RESOURCES Duration: 120 minutes When teaching, encourage learners to read the question carefully, preferably aloud. Associate the numbers given in the question with the quantities that the numbers represent. Explain all the steps required when solving problems. Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 39.1 (LB page 198) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 52) LESSON 2: Unit 2: Multiple choice questions Duration: 60 minutes The emphasis here is on a particular way of testing learners’ knowledge and understanding; and also the concept of equivalent statements. Ensure that learners give the answer as the letter representing the answer, and not the answer itself. Show learners how to recognise when there might be more than one correct answer. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 39.2 (LB page 200) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 84) REVISION: Topics:38 -39 Duration: 30 minutes TG page: 165 51 DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 3 and 4 Subject: Mathematics PLATINUM LESSON PLANS – GRADE 5 Grade: 5 Topic 40: Probability Duration: 2 hours CAPS Content Term 4, Week 10 DATA HANDLING 5.2 Probability Perform simple repeated events and list possible outcomes Unit 1: List possible outcomes of experiments Unit 2: Record outcomes of experiments LEARNING ACTIVITY Unit 1: List possible outcomes of experiments TEACHING METHODS / APPROACH Duration: 30 minutes Remind the learners that they did experiments with coins and dice in Grade 5. Demonstrate various experimental activities and discuss possible outcomes of these experiments with the learners. Learners must be able to list possible outcomes. Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 40.1 (LB page 202) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 3 and 4 (page 108) LESSON 2: Duration: 90 minutes Unit 2: Record Revise the concept of a tally table and introduce the word frequency. outcomes of Explain that an important concept in experimental probability is that it is okay to get different results when you perform an experiment. experiments Mental Maths 10 minutes (TG page 180) Exercise 40.2 – 40.4 (LB pages 203 - 205) Incorporate the exercises in the DBOE Workbook Term 1 and 2 (page 110) FORMAL ASSESSMENT TASK 60 Minutes Exam practice: TG page: 169 NOTES 52 RESOURCES Platinum Mathematics Grade 5 Learner's Book and Teacher's Guide DBOE Mathematics Grade 5 Workbook Term 1 and 2 and Term 3 and 4 Dice, coin, cardboard, round objects, toothpicks, nails, colouring pencils NOTES 53 NOTES 54 NOTES 55 NOTES 56