Develop a scene using the information below.

Develop a scene using the information below.
Be sure to include the camera shots, a proper entrance and exit, a proper voice
over, camera cuts, and camera transitions.
Camera Shots to include:
__________ Extreme Wide Shot (XWS) - establishing shot. In the extreme wide shot, the view is so far from
the subject that she/he isn't even visible. The point of this shot is to show the subject's surroundings.
__________ Wide Shot (WS) - In the wide shot, the subject takes up the full frame. The feet are at the
bottom of frame and the head is almost at the top.
__________ Long Shot (LS) - can be interchanged with a wide shot. The subject is shown from the knees up
to the head.
__________ Medium Shot (MS) - The medium shot shows some part of the subject in more detail, while still
showing enough for the audience to feel as if they were looking at the whole subject. Used to show a conversation
or to display an action.
__________ Medium Close Up (MCU) - The medium close up is half way between a medium shot and a
close up. This shot shows the face more clearly, without getting uncomfortably close.
__________ Close Up (CU) - In the close up shot, a certain feature or part of the subject takes up most of the
frame. Close-ups are useful for showing detail and can also be used as a cut in.
__________ Extreme Close Up (ECU) - The ECU gets right in and shows extreme detail.
__________ Point of View (POV) - This shot shows a view from the subject's perspective. Use a wide shot to
establish the scene, shot a POV from the subject’s eyes, continuing action, and then shot a medium shot
continuing the action. This shot involves 3 separate shots.
Name _______________________( )
Media 1
March 14, 2013
Mr. Bastos/Ms. Tooch
Period ______
Proper Entrance/Exit and POV Camera Shot
Develop a scene using the information below.
Be sure to include the camera shots, a proper entrance and exit, a proper voice
over, camera cuts, and camera transitions.
POV Including a proper entrance and exit
MUST use a Wide Shot (WS)
Show the subject completely entering the scene from completely off camera
Show the subject completely exiting the scene from completely ON camera
__________ Point of View (POV) - This shot shows a view from the subject's perspective. Use a wide shot to
establish the scene, shot a POV from the subject’s eyes, continuing action, and then shot a medium shot
continuing the action. This shot involves at least 3 separate shots.
Wide Shot (WS) of the person entering the scene (clean entrance)
Medium Shot (MS) of the person passing a paper to another person
POV shot the person looking at the sheet of paper (remember to match POSITIONS and EYE PLACEMENT)
Medium Shot (MS) of the person folding the piece of paper (remember to match POSITIONS and EYE
Wide Shot (WS) of the person exiting the scene with the piece of paper. (clean exit)
__________ RECORD a proper voice over
Use indicator – large vertical line for audio level
Should peak before the red
Voice Over is typically used to explain information
Can be off-camera or off-scene commentary
Can be a narrative
Should detail for scene above
Name _______________________( )
Media 1
March 19, 2013
Mr. Bastos/Ms. Tooch
Period ______
Develop a scene using the information below.
Be sure to include the camera shots, a proper entrance and exit, a proper voice
over, camera cuts, and camera transitions.
Camera Cuts to include:
__________ Match cut (2 are in the example below)
Shots that look like they were taken at the same time
Looks like the action is continuing from first shot to next (effectively masks the cut – connects the shots)
Change angle between EVERY cut – make sure the cameras CAN’T block one another. Like it’s LIVE!
1. Wide Shot (WS) of the subject, establishing the subject, and BEGINNING an action.
2. Medium Shot (MS) of the subject continuing the action.
3. Extreme Close Up (XCU) of the subject finishing the action – and showing a detail.
Not a bad idea to shoot the same action from THREE different shots, and then match
__________ Cut in (specialized Match cut)
Same subject
Different angle
Closer shot
1. Medium Close Up (MS) of the subject doing an action
2. Extreme Close Up (ECU) of the subjects hands continuing the action(different angle than MS)
__________ Cut away
Different subject
Related to first shot
1. Medium Shot (MS) of the subject performing an action – and talking
2. ANY shot of something or someone COMPLETELY different (but related and illustrating the first
3. Medium Shot (MS) of the shot one subject continuing the action – and talking.
Usually a cut away would illustrate an example of the discussion while continuing to run the discussion
like a voice over.
Develop a scene using the information below.
Be sure to include the camera shots, a proper entrance and exit, a proper voice
over, camera cuts, and camera transitions.
Camera Transitions to include:
__________ Swish pan
Circle to one direction.
While spinning, stop recording.
Go to new location.
Start recording while spinning in the same direction.
Slowly stop spinning.
__________ Blank surface
Zoom into something.
Stop recording.
Go to new location.
Zoom into similar surface, and start recording.
Slowly zoom out into new scene.
__________ Defocus/Refocus
Passage of time
Passage of place
__________ Through camera
Best with dark clothes
Best with solid colors
Walk into the camera.
Completely cover lens.
Remember to pad shot on second shot and first, as well.