English III Dual Credit The Glass Castle Essay topics (You must use


English III Dual Credit The Glass Castle

Essay topics

(You must use examples from ALL three parts of the story: “The Desert,” “Welch,” and “New

York.”) Each topic listed here provides questions which should inspire you to think. These thoughts should provide you with a basis for your essay. The possible theses which are provided are a guide to your introduction. They should not be copied literally word for word, but they can be used as a model for your own introduction. You do NOT have to provide word for word quotes from the text

BUT you do have to provide clearly explained examples to support your thesis.


Individual vs. Society (Jeannette):

Society dictates what is “normal.” Children learn how to behave based on what they see in society.

Consider that family is the first society a child is exposed to. This society shapes the way a person sees the world before he actually see the world for himself. How does Jeannette’s family influence her struggle with Individual vs. Society? Write an essay in which you explain how/why Jeannette (an individual) struggles with her family (society). Does Jeannette grow up to become a member of this society or does she become an individual?

*Possible Thesis: In The Glass Castle , Jeannette Walls describes her experiences growing up with parents who are non-conformist, often acting in ways that society would see as irresponsible. As a result, Rex and Rose Mary create their own society which creates problems when the children are expected to function outside of the family. Jeannette struggles with Individual vs. Society, in this way, throughout her childhood. These conflicts influence how Walls fits into society as an adult because __EXPLANATION__.


Chaos vs. Order (Rex):

Rex Walls is a non-conformist. He rejects a “traditional” lifestyle, choosing to keep his family in constant chaos. Rex is comfortable in chaos, comfortable to the point that he fails to see how his children are often in danger because of his attitude and his beliefs. Even when his children attempt to create order, Rex finds a way to disrupt it. Write an essay in which you explain how Rex’s desire for chaos is actually his attempt to be in control. Why might it be necessary for him to feel in control of his family in this way? (INFERENCE: HIS CHILDHOOD) How does Rex’s chaotic ways manifest in the adult lives of his children?

*Possible Thesis: In The Glass Castle , Jeannette Walls describes growing up with a father who sees himself as a non-conformist. An outsider, however, would see his lifestyle as chaotic. Rex chooses to live this way because____________. Rex’s chaos affects the adult lives of his children in both positive and negative ways because ___EXPLANATION___.


Coming of age (Rose Mary):

Coming of age refers to the transition between childhood/adolescence and adulthood. Becoming an adult means taking on responsibilities that a person might not always enjoy. It means being selfless rather than selfish. Often, responsible adults have to make sacrifices and consider what is best for everyone rather than what is best for themselves. A true adult demonstrates qualities of

Transcendentalism. Rose Mary Walls does not act like a true adult. Her attitudes and behaviors are childlike to the point that her children must assume adult responsibilities because she refuses to.

Write an essay in which you explain how Rose Mary never properly matured into adulthood. What might be reason for this? How does Rose Mary’s childlike ways affect her children?

*Possible Thesis: In The Glass Castle , Jeannette Walls describes growing up with a mother who saw herself as a free-spirit, but who was actually very childlike. Rose Mary refuses to nurture her children in a way that is typical for a mother. \As a result, the Walls children must ___________ This affects how the adult Jeannette feels about her mother because EXPLANATION__.



Symbolism is when an author uses a person, place, object, idea, or action to represent something larger than itself. Symbolism is used as a tool that helps the writer establish theme, meaning, or an idea that he wants the reader to understand without saying it directly. A motif is when that symbol or idea is repeated throughout the story so that the theme is well-established. Think of a symbol that is repeated throughout The Glass Castle . Then write an essay in which you follow the progression of the symbol throughout the story (the symbol becoming a motif) and explain how that motif sets up a larger idea (theme).


Having a solid foundation (Rex and Rose Mary do not provide this) or significant danger)

*Possible Thesis: A motif is when a writer repeats certain symbols or ideas in order to establish a thematic idea. In The Glass Castle , Jeannette Walls uses motif to establish an understanding about her childhood and her parents. One motif is the repetition of________. This can be seen when ____.

As a result, Jeannette sends the message that ___EXPLANATION_____.


Nature vs. Nurture (Jeannette, Lori, Brian vs. Maureen):

Although, Maureen grows up with the same parents and in the same environment as her siblings, her experiences and how she matures into an adult is very different from her siblings. Lori, Jeannette, and Brian seem to have it in their nature to break free from the cycle of abuse and poverty set into motion by their parents, whereas Maureen seems to be nurtured by her parents and environment.

Write an essay in which you explain how the struggle between nature and nurture applies to

Jeannette and her siblings. Why do three of the siblings end up successful, while one ends up struggling? How much does one’s environment really affect a person compared to their natural instincts?

Possible Thesis :

In The Glass Castle , Jeannette Walls tells the story of how she and her siblings grow up with parents who, because of their non-conformist ways, fail to provide their children with the nurturing that one expects from parents. As a result, the three older children _______ ___, while the youngest child

____________. Examples of this can be seen when _____________. These examples show that

___EXPLANATION (something about the relationship between nature and nurture).
