
The Medieval Era 500 – 1500 A.D. – Interactive notes #1
The Norman Conquest -
Led by William, Duke of Normandy, the Normans (from _________)
invaded in the year 1066. The King of England was killed in the Battle of Hastings, and William emerged
During the next several centuries, the Old English language and culture ___________with Old French.
They continued to be two separate languages, but many French words and customs were incorporated
into the English way of life.
The Feudal System
Other influences: language/learning
 1454 Johann Gutenberg – the __________ ____________
 1476 William Caxton – the first English printing press
Result: literature no longer ______________________________________________
Literature of the Middle Ages
 the first true ____________ emerged – acting out in scenes
 the poet Geoffrey Chaucer wrote The Canterbury Tales
 romances portrayed the deeds of ____________
 balladeers sang of love and deeds of outlaws
Medieval Drama
 church sponsored plays as part of ____________ _____________
 plays gradually moved into the marketplace
 miracle plays or mystery plays – retold stories from the Bible / lives of saints
 morality plays – depicted lives of ordinary people and taught _______ ___________
Medieval romances
 tales describing the adventures of ______________
 many about the Arthurian legends (King Arthur and the knights of the round table)
Lyrical poetry
 poets often _________ __________ (a harp like instrument) as they recited their verse
 led to lyrical poetry
 folk song that ________ __ __________
 many were about the hero Robin Hood
Geoffrey Chaucer (1343? – 1400)
 grew up amid the bustle of a successful international business (his dad was a wine merchant)
 he served the nobility as an administrator  his position in society gave him a perfect
vantage point for observing all types of people
 well-respected in his own day
 a.k.a “the ________ of ________ _________”
 buried in the Poet’s Corner of Westminster Abbey
Literary Terms
 Direct characterization –the author comes right out and ________ ________ about the
 Indirect characterization – the author gives you “_________” about the characters based on
what they do and what the other characters say about them.
 Couplet – two lines of poetry that ___________.
 Ballad – folk songs that _______ ____ _________.
 Folk tale – tales involving talking animals . These tales often have a ___________ or lesson to
be learned at the end of them.
 Miracle plays – plays depicting ____________ _____________
 Morality plays – plays teaching _____________of the time
 Frame story – a story _______________a story.
Other Terms – Review of Vocab #1
 Decentralized Government
 Feudalism
 Self-sufficient
 Manor
 Barter
 Medieval