Brian Borland Defensive Coordinator University of WI-Whitewater (262) 472-1058 Email: Coverage concepts described are in addition to playing or adjusting with the “cover 3” or “cover 1” coverage concepts. UW-W’s 4-3 defense’s base zone coverages are mainly the ¼’s (cover 4) and cover 2 concepts. Adjustments described spin off these coverage alignments & responsibilities. You’ll have to determine if/how these adjustments can fit into your scheme. Corner & Safety key #2: If #2's route is 5 yards or less: QB T Z X R W Curl and #3 flat or wheel Read vs. no #2 to flat: Play cover 4 as normal C FS Go to #1 vertical Cover #2 to flat Gold Can be used vs. any 2 or 3 removed recievers by game plan. T #3 C S This side plays Cover 2 - MIke LB no 3 vertical rule SS $ T QB N M R W C FS Cross key to #3 strong This side plays Cover 4 Silver QB #2 T #3 #1 $ M LB and SS key #3 S LB responsible for #2 or #3 to flat If #2 and #3 both vertical, LB has #2 C m/m #1 unless under route N T Cover 4 R W C This side plays cover 2 or 4 SS FS SS has #3 vertical, If #3 not vertical, SS has #2 vertical (if applicable) Silver QB #2 #3 #1 $ LB and SS key #3 S LB responsible for #2 or #3 to flat If #2 and #3 both vertical, LB has #2 C m/m #1 unless under route SS T N R M W Cover 4 Wall Wall FS SS has #3 vertical, If #3 not vertical, SS has #2 vertical (if applicable) C This side plays cover 2 or 4 STRESS QB #3 $ S Sam: curl to flat C T N M Hook to curl Wall SS C & SS: key #3 for vertical match-ups If #3 vertical, SS matches, C responsible for #1 & #2 If #3 not vertical, SS and C play "Cover 4" on #1 & #2 R W Wall FS C This side play 4 or 2