DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 The use of agrobiodiversity by indigenous peoples and rural communities in adapting to climate change A discussion paper prepared by the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research Contents 1. Introduction 1.1 The context 1.2 Indigenous people and rural communities – maintainers and users of agrobiodiversity 1.3 Indigenous peoples, rural communities and climate change 2. Charting experiences of indigenous peoples and rural communities 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Crops and agroforestry 2.3 Livestock 2.4 Soil and water management 2.5 Associated agrobiodiversity 2.6 Community and other perspectives 3. Expected and possible changes in agriculture 3.1 Introduction 3.2 Climate change phenomena 3.3 Extent of change 3.4 Effects on agricultural production 3.5 Adaptation and mitigation 4. Issues for discussion, areas for research and the need for new perspectives 4.1 Agrobiodiversity maintenance and use 4.2 Wider perspectives 4.3 Alliances and approaches 5. References 1 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 1. Introduction 1.1 The context During the period 1995 to 2050, the world's population is projected to increase by some 72 percent, from 5 700 million to 9 800 million people. These demographic changes mean that food requirements of developing countries as a whole may have to double in terms of plant-energy by 2050. Sub-Saharan Africa may have to more than triple plant energy production. (WFS 1996). At the same time climate change scenarios suggest temperatures may rise by 2-3 C with associated rise in sea levels of 1 – 2m. The changes in agricultural production that will result from the changing production environments and the increased demand will be substantial and possibly dramatic. Agriculture uses 70% of the world’s fresh water and is responsible for about 15 percent of global GHG emissions (Figure 1). Increasingly, there are calls for the development of a more sustainable agriculture and for food and agricultural production practices that respond to concerns about the environment. Fig. 1 from “Navigating the Numbers: Greenhouse Gas Data and International Climate Policy” WRI, 2005 The Millennium Development Goals adopted at the World Summit on Sustainable Development in Johannesburg include agreements to "Eradicate extreme poverty & hunger" (MDG1) and "Ensure environmental sustainability" (MDG7) (http://www.un.org/millenniumgoals/) These challenges often lead to contradictory and conflicting actions by different groups as illustrated by a continuing emphasis on “fertilizer and seed” types of solutions for increasing global crop production and productivity and a continuing emphasis on the importance on managed protected areas by those concerned with environmental issues and biodiversity conservation. The global perspective, dealing as it does in worldwide production scenarios and global averages, tends to obscure the central role of small-scale farming, of pastoralists and of traditional rural communities in food production and environmental management. IFAD figures suggest that about 50% of developing country rural populations are smallholders (farming less than 3ha of land). In W and S Africa and Pacific countries, smallholders are responsible for cultivating about 70% of arable and permanent cropland although this figure varies enormously across the world (Morton, 2007). It also does not adequately reflect the importance of indigenous peoples and rural communities and the role they play in the maintenance of key agro- 2 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 ecosystems and centres of cultural and biological diversity and in the continuing provision of vital ecosystem services. Indigenous and other traditional peoples and rural communities are having to cope with many interlocking stresses that result from different aspects of global change. They have to confront the problems that result from population increase, insecure and changing land ownership, environmental degradation, market failures and market globalization, protectionist and inappropriate policy regimes, state fragility and armed conflict and disease problems from HIV/AIDS and new pandemics (Morton, 2007). Climate change presents an additional major challenge to indigenous peoples and rural communities which brings with it new problems, often interacting with or exacerbating existing problems. It makes new demands for adaptation and coping strategies by farmers and rural communities and presents new challenges for the management of their environment and agro-ecosystems. 1.2 Indigenous people and rural communities – maintainers and users of agrobiodiversity Agrobiodiversity includes all the components of biological diversity of relevance to food and agriculture as well as the variety and variability of animals, plants and micro-organisms, at the genetic, species and ecosystem levels that sustain the functions, structure and processes of the agro-ecosystem. Maintained by farmers, rural communities and indigenous peoples, the nature and character of agrobiodiversity in agro-ecosystems reflects the interactions between people, their environment and their available biological diversity. The continued use and adaptive management of agrobiodiversity is central to sustainable production to improving the livelihoods, food security, and health of poor farmers throughout the world. At the global level, humanity depends upon the adaptability of agriculture to cope with challenges such as climate change and to meet basic needs. Significant agrobiodiversity has already been lost from many production systems leaving them impoverished, vulnerable, dependent on external inputs and increasingly unsustainable. However, much of the world’s agrobiodiversity is still being used by indigenous and traditional agricultural communities that depend on agrobiodiversity for their livelihoods. In this role they act as custodians of a diversity of crops, forages, livestock, agroforestry products, and fish, and the other plant, animal and microbial species found in and around their production areas that are managed and maintained to provide food, fuel, medicine and many other products necessary to their wellbeing. 1.3 Indigenous peoples, rural communities and climate change Indigenous and other traditional peoples and rural communities confront many interlocking stresses that result from different aspects of global change. The have to confront the problems that result from population increase, insecure and changing land ownership, environmental degradation, market failures and market globalization, protectionist and inappropriate policy regimes, state fragility and armed conflict and disease problems from HIV/AIDS and new pandemics (Morton, 2007). Climate change is one problem among many which interacts with others in different and often complex ways compelling rural communities to adapt and change. Climate change means that many communities are having to cope with specific trends such as increased temperature or decreased rainfall under increasingly 3 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 variable, unpredictable and fluctuating production conditions. The burden is higher considering an increase in the world's population and a decrease in food production a global study showed that the production of rice and wheat could fall by eight per cent and 32 per cent respectively by the year 2050 (IPCC Fourth Assessment Report 2007 - http://www.ipcc.ch/, Climate change 2007: Impacts, Adaptation and Vulnerability). That traditional knowledge and materials built up over generations of observation, experimentation and adaptation are often inadequate in the face of these changing circumstances. In addition, climate change also affects many other related aspects of livelihood and well-being of indigenous peoples and rural communities including their health, non-agricultural work opportunities, labour availability, and the characteristics of their environment leading to conflict over increasingly scarce resources. Indigenous and other traditional peoples have been largely ignored in discussions on climate change and its consequences. As Salick and Byg (2007) note, reports from the IPCC make little mention of indigenous peoples and then only in Polar Regions as helpless victims of changes beyond their control. This is now being challenged by indigenous peoples as shown by the recent Guide on Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples prepared by Tebtebba foundation (De Chavez, R. and TauliCorpuz 2009) and by the debates and outcomes of the Indigenous Peoples' Global Summit on Climate Change which took place in Anchorage, Alaska from 20-24 April 2009 – (Anchorage Declaration: http://www.tebtebba.org/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=4 02&Itemid=27). In their synthesis report of a symposium held in Oxford, UK on indigenous peoples and climate change, Salick and Byg (2007) emphasize that indigenous peoples observe, adapt to and interpret climate change in ways that support the maintenance of the ecosystems in which they live and work, help maintain biodiversity, particularly agrobiodiversity and provide ways of confronting the challenges of climate change based on their own perceptions and experiences and the realities of the circumstances they confront. At the same time, Salick and Byg note that indigenous peoples will also need the support of international community, providing new experiences, knowledge and materials to help them continue their roles and secure their livelihoods and sustainable development. They report that the Symposium called for a conjoined, collaborative research and action agenda linking IP and rural communities with researchers The global processes that drive climate change may often be best met with local level responses that are embedded in local cultures and based on agrobiodiversity. Agrobiodiversity not only provides a ‘portfolio effect’ to buffer risks, it provides landscape, species, and genetic diversity necessary for adaptability and resilience in the face of fluctuating and variable environments. The practices and experiences being developed by indigenous peoples and traditional agrarian communities in marginal areas constitute an important element in the strategies to cope with and adapt to climate change. Because they are often embedded in local cultures of marginalized communities this experience and knowledge is often unrecognized and undervalued. The emphasis of climate change policies tends to be on macro-level global strategies which, although vital, neglect the very real practical actions being undertaken or needed by poor rural communities and by indigenous peoples seeking to maintain their culture, traditions and production base. It is becoming increasingly evident that successful global strategies for biodiversity conservation rely on local leadership and major investment in local capacity. 4 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 Climate change and agrobiodiversity Despite its importance for the livelihoods of rural communities throughout the world, and for the development of adequate adaptation and mitigation strategies for agriculture, agrobiodiversity has also been largely ignored in discussions on climate change. The IPCC report more or less completely ignores the role of diversity in production systems and its treatment of agriculture and of biodiversity conservation ignores the central role that agrobiodiversity will have to play in both adaptation and mitigation at country, landscape, community and farmer levels. Some recognition of the importance of agrobiodiversity has recently been given at an international level by FAO and other partners in inputs to the recent FAO High Level Summit on Food Security, Climate Change and Bioenergy and there are signs of increasing recognition of the importance of agrobiodiversity by international bodies. One problem is that the information on the importance of agrobiodiversity and the ways it is being used by farmers, communities and, particularly, indigenous people is scattered and not easily accessible and the roles of small scale farmers are not appreciated. Over the last year the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (see Box 1), with the support of The Christensen Fund and Bioversity International, has undertaken a project aimed improving our understanding of the central role that agrobiodiversity plays in coping with climate change and the ways in which indigenous peoples and rural communities are already using agrobiodiversity as part of their coping strategies for climate change. The work has the following objectives: 1. To bring together and make available information on the use of agrobiodiversity by rural and indigenous communities to cope with climate change, and relevant research work on effect of climate change on agriculture and agrobiodiversity 2. To support enhanced communication among agrobiodiversity researchers, maintainers and users 3. To prepare a synthesis and assessment on the maintenance and use of agrobiodiversity by indigenous peoples and rural communities under conditions of climate change 4. To identify new cross-cutting multidisciplinary research activities in those regions where the impacts of climate change are likely to be greatest on agricultural systems and livelihoods and where indigenous peoples and traditional communities reside. In this discussion paper, prepared by the Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (see Box 1), the focus is how indigenous peoples and rural communities can, and do, use agrobiodiversity to meet the challenges of climate change. Ways in which indigenous farmers around the world are already using agrobiodiversity to help cope with climate change are described and discussed in the context of their needs and expectations. The ways in which it is expected that agriculture around the world will have to adapt to climate change are summarized. From these analyses some areas of agriculture are identified where agrobiodiversity is particularly important in climate change adaptation and mitigation. Areas of research are suggested where collaboration between indigenous people, rural communities and the research community is likely to make a significant contribution to the well being of small-scale farmers, sustainable production and the maintenance of agrobiodiversity. The research will also contribute evidence of potential contribution that indigenous people can make to improve global understanding and responses to climate change impacts. 5 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 Box 1. The Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research The Platform for Agrobiodiversity Research (the Platform) brings together researchers, civil society, international organizations and others to share knowledge and experiences that can improve the maintenance and use of all aspects of agrobiodiversity. The Platform’s guiding principles include a concern with research of potential global significance; a focus on work that complements existing research efforts and addresses more than one component or level of agrobiodiversity; a commitment to working with poor farmers, local communities and indigenous peoples on agendas of relevance to their needs. It aims to work in ways that link custodians, managers and beneficiaries of biodiversity. Currently hosted by Bioversity International, the Platform’s objectives are: - - - To collate and synthesize agrobiodiversity data and information and disseminate knowledge, making available relevant tools and practices that support improved use of agrobiodiversity and identifying areas where collaborative knowledge generation is needed. To identify ways in which the use of agrobiodiversity can contribute to addressing major global challenges, to make relevant information easily available and to provide options on the contribution of agrobiodiversity in these areas. To identify and facilitate relevant new and innovative research partnerships that strengthen cross-cutting, multidisciplinary and participatory research and to contribute to agrobiodiversity research capacity building in developing regions. 6 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 2: Charting experiences of indigenous peoples and rural communities 2.1 Introduction The emphasis of the section is on providing examples of the different ways in which agrobiodiversity and response to climate change intersect at community and farmer level. In this way it is hoped to identify the main types of response and the most important stresses or problems that have confronted indigenous peoples and rural communities where agrobiodiversity has been used. The information comes from reports, reviews, books, websites and information sent directly to, or gathered by the Platform over the past year. While collecting and reviewing the information it has been useful to distinguish two broad types of response: (a) those in which the information suggests that communities themselves are finding ways of dealing with particular climate change problems, and (b) those where the information comes from reports on project interventions where it is not so clear whether the change is internally or externally initiated and driven. Information on the first may come from the communities or their spokesmen or it may result from analyses by researchers or others. Of course, the distinction between project and non-project interventions and between “researchers” and the communities and farmers is somewhat arbitrary but may help explain the different kind of information gathered. The information obtained on responses involving use of agrobiodiversity has been grouped around different components of agro-ecosystems (crop and agroforestry, livestock and pastoral, water and soil, associated agrobiodiversity) using examples to illustrate the particular approaches adopted. It should be noted however that, at community and farmer level, different responses are often combined in a more or less integrated way and that there are other important perspectives as noted in the final section. 2.2 Crops and agroforestry Many changes in crop production practices and in the crops and varieties grown by indigenous peoples and rural communities have been described as resulting from climate change. These include: changes in varieties and the variety characteristics of crops, changes in crops and crop combinations, and alterations in agronomic practices. The importance of traditional varieties or crops in confronting change is often described. There is abundant evidence that communities and farmers are already involved in selecting new varieties or varieties with altered traits and in adopting new crops. Thus the development of short duration rice varieties formed part of the adaptation strategies of people living in Gaibandha district of the Char islands, northern Bangladesh where there have been an increasing number, magnitude, and duration of flash floods during the last few decades. The land area affected by major floods has increased from 35% in 1974 to 68% in 1998. In Niger and Mali the amounts of intra-crop diversity of traditional varieties of pearl millet and sorghum have remained broadly similar throughout the drought periods of the last 30 years suggesting that these materials show sufficient adaptability to enable farmers to cope, at least partially, with periods of significant rainfall shortage (Bezançon, G. et al. 2009) and that farming practices and local institutions have favoured maintenance of diversity. Interestingly, in both countries, there was some 7 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 loss of long duration types with an apparent increasing preference for rapidly maturing varieties. Reports suggest that participatory plant breeding has become increasingly important as a method by which different rural groups can ensure that their preferred materials remain adapted to changing production environments and to changes in other areas such as market requirements. Thus, as noted above, in Sri Lanka, participatory plant breeding using traditional varieties played an important part in communities’ efforts to cope with post-Tsunami soil salinity. Often, adaptation and selection of traditional varieties is associated with some conservation work. In Honduras, farmers organized community-based agricultural research teams (CIALs), to diversify their plant genetic resources and to develop hardier plant varieties that grow well on their soils. Responding to the hurricanes that recently and more frequently hit the area in Santa Cruz, through a participatory breeding process, farmers were able to produce improved maize varieties that are shorter and capable to withstand the physical trauma brought by the hurricanes, with a higher yield and still adapted to high altitude conditions. The selection process was accompanied to a conservation effort, as the seeds of the selected species are stored in a community seed bank assuring availability of healthy and resistant plants (http://usc-canada.org/UserFiles/File/Pathways-Case01Honduras.pdf?PHPSESSID=cdd31020d18395656e32413090eac2bc) The Indian organization, Navdanya, has been supporting the establishment of community seed banks across India. A special emphasis is put on indigenous stressresistant varieties such as millets, drought- and flood-resistant rice varieties, drought resistant native wheats, as well as many varieties of other crops. The idea behind the seed banks is that the diversity can serve as insurance in times of uncertainties and unpredictability, as diversity gives the basis to evolve and adapt under changing conditions that cannot be anticipated. (www.navdanya.org) The Potato Park in Peru is a locally managed community conserved area using the model of an Indigenous Biocultural Heritage Area (IBCHA) developed by Andes NGO (Argumedo, A. 2008). While not developed only as a response to climate change, it provides an important resource for coping with change for the communities involved. The park has organised indigenous technical experts to monitor biodiversity changes and identify responses and innovations that are consistent with the cultural imperatives and livelihood needs of Andean communities. Crop diversification and the introduction of new crops can complement use of intracrop variation when existing diversity appears to be no longer adapted. This may occur as a local or community response (as with the increasing importance of grapevine and developing wine production in the Tibetan highlands (Salick, 2008) or in a more planned way, as in the case of Practical Action’s project in Nepal where crop diversification is an identified strategy supporting community action. The increasing importance of traditional crops is illustrated by the continuing dependence in the Bellary district in Northern Karnataka, India on foxtail millet. The amount of rainfall has continuously dropped during the last four years in this part of the country. It was below 300 mm in 2003. The finger millet varieties grown and conserved by the villagers have excellent drought resistance. (Bala Ravi 2004). The introduction of new crops is often characteristic of project interventions and raises questions about the management of change strategies by the communities themselves. Often the new crops and the materials needed are developed elsewhere 8 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 and handed to the communities with little involvement on their part in choice of materials or its improvement. In other cases there is clearly a strong participatory component. Examples of projects that have been reported in the literature include selection of planting material of Sona Mukhi (Cassia angustifolia), a drought resistant cash crop by the Arid Forest Research Institute for use in the Thar Desert, Rajasthan (Bhagat, B. 2002), assistance by the Red Cross for diversifying crops in to provide improved drought resistance in El Salvador (IFRC 2003) and planting drought resistant fruit trees (mango and jujube) in the Barind tract of Bangladesh with T. Aman [Transplanted (Oryza sativa L.)] and boro (or winter) rice as well as with vegetables (http://www.fao.org/climatechange/laccproject/en/). Associated with changes in the varieties and crops grown are changes in agronomic practices. These may involve increased use of traditional practices such as use of seed storage practices in Egypt and elsewhere (Parrish, 1994), seed priming to increase germination in arid areas (Harris, 1999), and tree nurseries or floating vegetable gardens in Bangladesh (Practical Action 2009). Adoption of such practices often responds to changing circumstances and may be the result of moving from a local specific response to a single event to a more widely used adaptation. Thus, farmers from India, Nepal, Pakistan, Botswana, Malawi and Zimbabwe are said to have reported that, in the past, seed soaking was only done to "catch up" on time lost to drought. However, it appears that this emergency situation is becoming normal practice and is being widely adopted An integrated approach that builds on traditional practices and materials in a project framework is that undertaken by the World Resource Institute in Yemen which seeks to enhance coping strategies for adaptation to climate change for farmers who rely on rain fed agriculture in the Yemen highlands, through the conservation and utilization of biodiversity important to agriculture (particularly the local land races and their wild relatives) and associated local traditional knowledge. (http://projects.wri.org/adaptation-database/yemen-adaptation-climate-change-usingagrobiodiversity-resources-rainfed-highlan) There is considerable evidence that links changes in the maintenance and use of medicinal plants and other useful wild species with climate change. Often this relates to the increasing difficulty in finding particular species and their declining abundance. Alterations in distribution and availability may result from a combination of climate change and over-harvesting. Salick et al. (2009) describe the changes affecting occurrence of useful plants in Meili Mountains, China and note that alpine vegetation, that has the highest frequency of useful plants, is particularly vulnerable. Agroforestry can be described as a land use systems where woody perennials (trees, shrubs, palms, bamboos, etc.) are deliberately used on the same land management unit as agricultural crops and/or animals, either in some form of spatial arrangement or temporal sequence. Among other benefits, agroforestry contributes to better utilization and conservation of soil and water resources. It has potential to simultaneously buffer farmers against climate variability and changing climates, and to reduce atmospheric greenhouse gases (http://www.worldagroforestrycentre.org/es/climate_change.asp). Most indigenous and traditional farming systems use agroforestry approaches to provide livelihood and other benefits. The diversity of the system is increased and a number of ecosystem benefits provided. Thus, the Quezungal people in Honduras plant crops under trees to fix the soil and reduce crop damage during natural disasters (Bergkamp et al., 2003) and FAO have reported that areas of Honduras 9 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 with higher levels of diversity recovered more quickly from hurricanes than those with lower levels. A number of projects with indigenous peoples have been described which involve support to agroforestry, mostly in the form of provision of new planting materials for income generation and local nutritional benefits. Examples include development of mango production systems in Bangladesh and planting of orange and lemon trees planted in Baharwala, Pakistan to promote agroforestry and multiple cropping (Ensor and Berger, 2009). Some communities are also trying different approaches to resource management as a specific response to recent environmental changes. Examples in the Wajir District in Kenya include rainwater harvesting and tree planting. Schools throughout the district are being provided with drought-resistant Neem-tree seedlings for plantation. In the Kalahari there seems to be a shift from rain-fed agriculture to manually watered homestead gardening and from cattle to goats. (Tebtebba Foundation, 2008) 2.3 Livestock “The mobility of pastoralists and their herds is necessary for the care of the rangelands. The herds stomp the soil, transport seeds of wild species, and fertilise the land. Nomadic pastoralists have learned to conserve rangelands through sophisticated techniques embedded in cultural institutions.” http://www.cenesta.org/projects/Pastoralism.htm Over the past few decades greater pressure has been put on pastoralist grazing lands and water resources, as populations have increased and grazing land has been taken for cultivation, conservation areas, and state use (Oxfam, 2008). The emergence of crops that can withstand drier conditions has increased competition from arable farming. Key resource areas, for example dry-season grazing lands, are a target for agricultural use because of their productive potential. Once pastoralists lose these key resource areas, their whole strategy for dealing with drought is compromised. In addition, lack of scarce resources increases conflict amongst community members. An IDRC project “Enhancing Adaptation to Climate Change among Pastoralists in Northern Kenya” is addressing the issue of access to resources of pastoralists by seeking for practices that improve herd movement, such as livestock corridors, while securing pastoralists' right to water and forage, stressing the importance of mobility and access to resources. (http://www.idrc.ca/en/ev-118881-201_104752-1-IDRC_ADM_INFO.html) A number of different approaches were identified which included livelihood diversification, herd management and improvement, and altered social practices. Thus, in times of drought the Rendille pastoralists in northern Kenya which generally rely on their herds of camel, cattle, sheep and goats for their primary means of subsistence look out for wild fruits and vegetables for consumption. Some of these alternative sources of food are available during the drought itself (depending on severity) and others having to be collected prior to the drought during the rainy season and then preserved for use later. Switching eating habits in times of crisis is possible for these pastoralists only if the knowledge on wild fruits and vegetables is accessible and transmitted amongst the group members. (Langill, S. and Ndathi, A.J.N. 1998) 10 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 In the Char islands, northern Bangladesh improved goat breeding and an insurance scheme allows goat breeders to safeguard their financial assets in case of loss of livestock. The development of a fixed point or permanent base has been part of the strategy developed by Practical Action working with the semi-nomadic Tamasheq people of central Niger. This responds to the increasing vulnerability to a drying climate and encroachment of agriculture. Practical Action reports that it helps to organize and perform community based activities, regenerate degraded land, diversify livelihoods and engage in political processes to fight for a policy environment that will allow them to continue to adapt to climate change (Ensor, J. and Berger, R. 2009). Morton (2007) provides a general overview and argues that pastoralists’ adaptation to change, especially climate change, involves a range of activities which are part of traditional risk-management systems. These include: Mobility - Movement and migration Herd accumulation (Stocking up the herd) as an insurance against drought Destocking by salvaging some animals before they lose condition or die in order to provide funds for other activities or necessities Herd management: This covers various strategies including: Changing herd diversity and maintaining different mixtures of cattle, camels, goats, and sheep. Diversity also allows pastoralists to take advantage of the labour of men, women and children. Maintenance of female-dominated herds to offset long calving intervals and thus stabilise milk production. (ILRI, 2000) Herd accumulation in recovery periods between droughts Herd splitting to prevent over-grazing and maintain the long-term productivity (ILRI, 2000) Livestock feed supplementation: is common during drought. (ILRI, 2000). Management of diseases to reduce parasites destroy unpalatable grass species and shrubs and encourage the growth of favoured species. Livelihood diversification: Sharing, loaning, and giving of livestock as gifts Collective action to provide a social safety net that can carry vulnerable families through drought and flood events. Of these diversification seems to be a particularly important strategy but for the many pastoralists that undertake some farming activities, it is crucial to make sure that the scope and space for mobile livestock herding is not compromised. Pastoralists’ needs are distinct from other farming groups and the potential returns from farming are limited (CENESTA, 2004). 2.4 Soil and water management By far the largest numbers of reports of responses to climate change were concerned with water management; increasing or improving availability, coping with excess or dealing with problems of water quality. Responses focus on both chronic and increasing problems such as increasing aridity and with specific events such as increased frequency of floods. Linked to water quality was the management of soil and of soil properties which, to a significant extent, affect water availability and quality. 11 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 In arid areas people and ecosystems are particularly vulnerable to decreasing and more variable precipitation due to climate change. There are many cases where farmers and communities have revived traditional water management practices or adopted new approaches. Thus, Aymara communities in the Andes have a long established system of rainwater harvesting in the mountains and pampas based on constructing small dams (qhuthañas) which may help them to respond to the increased desertification of the last 50 years (UNFCCC, 2007). (http://www.unisdr.org/eng/public_aware/world_camp/2003/english/17_Article_BOLIV IA_eng.pdf) Micro-catchment rainwater harvesting systems in forms of terraces, earth or rock bunds, tied ridges, rock dikes, stone lines, planting pits or basins are found in different parts of the world. Planting pits or basins are commonly used including the Zai in Burkina Faso and Mali, and also Tassa and half moon in Niger. Associate particularly with the Yatenga province, in N W Burkina Faso, the zai system has been revived and adopted by farmers, resulting by 1989, in rehabilitation of over 8000 hectares of degraded land in over 400 villages in Burkina Faso. Illustrating the integrated nature of many climate related responses, the zai approach includes replenishment with soil organic manure that attracts termites which dig underground galleries that facilitate the deep infiltration of rainwater and limit runoff resulting in an overall improved soil structure. Sorghum is the preferred crop because of its greater adaptation to possible temporary hydromorphic conditions in the hole. (http://terrapreta.bioenergylists.org/taxonomy/term/579; Barro, A. et al., 2005) Spate irrigation is an ancient type of flood irrigation management that is widespread in semi-arid environments in the Middle East, North Africa, West Asia, East Africa and parts of Latin America. Flood water from mountain catchments is diverted from river beds and spread over large areas. Substantial local knowledge can be involved in organizing spate systems and managing both the flood water and the heavy sediment loads that go along with it. Sudden floods, or spates, originate from sporadic rainfall in macro-catchments. After the land is inundated, crops are sown – sometimes immediately, but often the moisture is stored in the soil profile and used later. http://www.ifad.org/english/water/innowat/topic/irrigation.htm http://www.spate-irrigation.org/ An example of the revival of a traditional rainwater harvesting system in Rajasthan that has been revived has been described by Scherr and McNeely (2007). For most of the past century, drought and environmental degradation severely impaired the livelihood security of local communities within Rajasthan’s Arvari Basin. Twenty years ago, the Tarun Bharat Sangh, a voluntary organization based in Jaipur, India, initiated a community-led watershed restoration programme which reinstated ‘johads’. Johads are simple concave mud barriers, built across small, uphill river tributaries to collect water. They encourage groundwater recharge and improve forest growth, while providing water for irrigation, wildlife, livestock and domestic use. Over 5000 johads now serve over 1000 villages in the region, and are coordinated by village councils. (Narain et al. 2005). In northern Tigray, Ethiopia, daldals (dams) are built by the Irob people on step-like terraces developed where the landscape is very rugged and stony, with steep slopes and deep narrow valleys. These provide a more stable water supply replenish groundwater reserves, combat erosion and improve soil fertility (Reij, C. and WatersBayer, A. (eds) 2001). 12 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 There are many other traditional water management and irrigation systems developed and maintained by rural communities. These include for example the use of bamboo pipes by the tribal communities in the Khasi and Jaintia hills in Meghalaya, India who have been using the bamboo drip system for the last 200 years. Similar bamboo pipes are used for harvesting drinking water from small streams in Bangladesh (http://www.rainwaterharvesting.org/methods/traditional/bamboo.htm). While these water management techniques may not seem directly inked to agrobiodiversity maintenance and use, they can certainly increase the extent and use of agrobiodiversity, and in a number of cases agrobiodiversity plays a role in the water management techniques. Soil and water management are closely inter-related. Improved soil management usually results in better water holding capacity, availability and drainage. A number of traditional techniques (e.g. those involving mulching or green manuring) that achieve these objectives have become more important under increased climate stress or climate change. In Burkina Faso, where many soils have become severely degraded, famers have responded by applying mulch to attract termites that then help to rehabilitate the soil. The mulch consists of dry straw and shrubs applied usually at the rate of 2-4 t/ha on the bare impenetrable soil. The termites, attracted by mulch, open burrows through the sealed surface of the soil and slowly improve soil structure and water infiltration and drainage. (http://www.ileia.org/index.php?url=show-blobhtml.tpl&p[o_id]=209106&p[a_id]=211&p[a_seq]=1). In Jaffna, Sri Lanka, green manure is seen as an essential input for cultivating crops. Green manures are grown in situ (sunn hemp, green gram, black gram and grasses) or green leaf manure is obtained from trees and bushes around the fields (e.g.Thespesia and Gliricidia, Jackfruit, Neem and Palmyrah). By applying appropriate green manures, farmers succeeded in reclaiming the soil within 4-6 months of the tsunami disaster of 2004 (http://www.leisa.info/index.php?url=showblob-html.tpl&p[o_id]=209099&p[a_id]=211&p[a_seq]=1) Increasing salinity in the paddy rice fields in Sri Lanka due to sea level rise, increased temperature and the failure of irrigation systems has also been addressed by a project in which farmers selected and reintroduced traditional rice varieties. The project involved joint work by farmers and researchers in assessing and selecting rice performance, linking the farmers involved in participatory plant breeding with the National Federation for Conservation of Traditional Seeds and Agricultural Resources (NFCTSAR) an NGO dedicated to the conservation of traditional seeds (Ensor, J. and Berger, R. 2009). 2.5 Associated agrobiodiversity In addition to crop, livestock and soil biotic diversity, traditional agro-ecosystems all possess large amounts of associated diversity of plant and animal species. These are often functionally important components of the agro-ecosystem providing a number of key ecosystem services. Often the value of this diversity is not fully realized or is associated directly with crop, livestock and soil characteristics and therefore not recognized separately. A classic example is the increased importance of mangrove systems in providing “bioshields” (MSSRF) which protects shorelines and improves fish abundance. Two other examples where there are reports on changes in diversity associated with climate change are the role of pollinators and the use of diversity to support timing of agronomic practices. 13 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 The ecosystem services rendered by pollinators are of great importance providing not only pollination of useful plants but also, in the case of bees, useful products and income. Plant species diversity in agricultural ecosystems is also often crucial for the maintenance of the birds, bats and insects that are the principal pollinators of many crops (McNeely, J.A. and Scherr, S. 2001). During the past few years apple production in Himachal Pradesh, in the north-west Indian Himalayas of Nepal has been declining continuously. A study conducted by the Beekeeping Project of ICIMOD has shown that this decline in productivity is due to pollination failure. The reasons are lack of pollinisers (i.e. trees that can provide fertile compatible pollen) and lack of pollinators (bees, butterflies and moths). To overcome the lack of insect pollinators farmers are renting honeybees (Apis cerana and Apis mellifera), decreasing the numbers of pesticide sprays and carrying out hand pollination. It is reported that climate change during the past eight years has played a critical role in apple pollination failure. There are rains during the flowering season which affect pollination by wind and insects. Low temperatures also adversely affect fruit set in apple. http://www.beesfordevelopment.org/info/info/pollination/successful-pollinationof.shtml As farmers, livestock keepers and rural dwellers need to deal with uncertainty, forecasting is of major importance. It has been reported that many IK based forecasting techniques have become less reliable due to increasing climate variability leading to a declining confidence amongst community members in the traditional, and often solely available, forecasts. In some cases modern weather forecasting and IK based approaches are being combined. The importance of traditional methods to predict weather has been recognized by the Australian's Government bureau of meteorology who include the knowledge that indigenous Australians have on the local sequence of natural events (http://www.bom.gov.au/iwk/about/index.shtml) Some of this knowledge is of a purely observational type, which records how various plants and animals react to the weather around them at the time. Other types of observations are linked to seasonal expectations such as behavioural patterns of animals, leaf fall, growth of particular plant species, water level in streams and ponds, length of a cold season, astronomic observations such as phases of the moon, and appearance of certain stars (See Box). Box: Some examples of indigenous forecasting In Australia Flying foxes move from the inland bush to the rivers during the dry season and nest in the Pandanus palm trees. When this happens the onset of rains is imminent. (Yarralin area of the Northern Territory) White breasted wood swallows are only found together with mudlarks for two short periods each year. These occasions signal the beginnings of the wet and dry seasons. (Northeast Arnhem Land area) (http://www.bom.gov.au/iwk/climate_culture/Clim_Cult.shtml) In Bangladesh ants carrying their eggs with their mouths, crabs rising up to the houses of the community's houses, earthworms emerging indicate a flood will occur If the sarashi (a small insect) bites people a storm or a cyclone is about to come along 14 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 (Ensor, J. and Berger, R. 2009) In Burkina Faso production of fruit by certain local trees and time in which leaves fall from certain plant species are used as indicators of a good rainy season - good yields from the taanga (Butyrospermum parkii) and sibga (Anogeissus leiocarpus) - or drought, abundant fruit production by nobga (Schlerocarya birrea) and sabtuluga (Lannea acida) trees predicts a drought. When the sibga begins fruiting and the sabtuluga loses its leaves, the farmers prepare for planting. nesting of small quail-like bird (known as koobre in Moré) and believe that when nests hang high on trees then the rains will be heavy; when nests hang low, the rains will be scarce. (Roncoli, C. et al. 2001) 2.6 Community and other perspectives The information in the preceding sections illustrates the ways in which communities are using particular components of agrobiodiversity to cope with climate change. There are no doubt many other cases but, so far, unless they are associated with particular research or particular projects, information on them does not become widely available. The changes described often involve more than just one component of agrobiodiversity. Changes in livestock management practices are associated with changes in crop production and in water management. While the examples reported have been characterized in terms of one particular component it is important to recognize that this can present an oversimplified story of complex and integrated changes in management practices which also involve linked changes in labour use and non-farm activities. Some changes involve the development of new production systems such as floating vegetable gardens in Bangladesh or new home gardens. Salick and Byg (2007) list some of the environments which are most sensitive to climate change related stresses. This allows them to identify areas of the world where there are some climate change commonalities: polar regions, alpine areas, deserts, tropical rainforests, islands and temperate ecosystems. This is also a useful way of looking at coping strategies since it allows identification of similarities in response from similar agro-ecosystems in different parts of the world. By far the greatest numbers of stories identified related to arid and semi-arid landscapes although indigenous peoples and rural communities from upland (or alpine) and coastal areas are also developing adaptation strategies appropriate to the changes they are experiencing. Many commentators stress the importance of social structures and institutions in the responses of indigenous peoples and rural communities to climate change. Examples cited by researchers include the maintenance of seed systems, common management of water resources, information sharing, community support in livestock management systems and the maintenance of social networks. A number of project interventions have supported these aspects of climate change coping and added additional ones such as community genebanks and information management and participatory plant breeding. 15 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 Social networks support the flow of information, exchange of experiences and knowledge, of new materials and new techniques. They can provide the opportunity for vertical communication that happens with the next level of the government as well as horizontal communication that allows sharing of adaptation practice/s amongst community members. The cases presented by Practical Action in the book "Understanding Climate Change Adaptation" by Jonathan Ensor and Rachel Berger (2009) highlight the fact that adaptation projects can support development of leadership, provide training on climate change and the skills needed to address the impacts. They can support experimentation (trial fields) build the confidence of communities to employ alternative technologies. While the emphasis of most of the reports is on adaptation, a number of the ways in which people are adapting also contribute to mitigation (in the sense in which IPCC uses this word). Jackson (2008) pointed out that the difference between adaptation and mitigation is not something necessarily recognized by farmers and communities in California. 16 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 3. Expected and possible changes 3.1 Introduction This section is concerned with available evidence from the scientific community on the effect of climate change on agriculture. It briefly outlines some of the changes in agricultural environments that are either possible or likely as a result of climate change, and the likely changes in agricultural production and production practices. As in the previous section, the emphasis is on the effects on small-scale or smallholder agriculture and on the ways in which climate change might affect agrobiodiversity and its maintenance and use in such production systems. A number of studies and reports provide comprehensive and complete information on the changes in productivity that might result from changes in CO2, temperature and moisture levels and the effects of climate change on food security more generally, including the 4th Report of IPCC and the FAO report “Climate change and food security: a framework document”. 3.2 Climate change phenomena The FAO report (FAO, 2008) identifies the following climate change variables as being of importance to food systems: CO2 fertilization effect of increased gas concentrations Increased mean, maximum and minimum temperatures Changes precipitation with effect on (a) dry spells and droughts, and (b) timing location and amounts of rainfall Increase in frequency and intensity of storms and floods Greater seasonal weather variability and changes in the start and end of the growing season These include changes which are continuing (such as increasing temperature), are associated with increasing variability of specific phenomena (amounts of rain, temperature fluctuation) or involve sudden extreme events (flash floods, fires). These changes affect agricultural production and its various components and agrobiodiversity in the sense of the extent and distribution of the diversity found in and around production systems at genetic, species and ecosystem levels. The ways in which rural communities can or do respond to the different changes and uncertainties will be complex involving many different components of agrobiodiversity that may be used in different combinations and ways. Similarly the different changes themselves lead to different responses in the components of production systems (e.g. soil biota, insects, pollinators) Although there remains a tendency to think of climate change as always being in the future, significant changes have occurred in many regions of the world. Average temperatures have risen, glaciers and snow lines have retreated, prolonged droughts have occurred and there has been a marked increase in extreme events (storms, floods, hurricanes etc.) The extent and nature of change is unequal, particularly evident in high latitudes and mountainous areas. It has largely been described in terms of temperature and moisture but its effects have also been measured with respect to biodiversity. Thus, in the Northern hemisphere the range of terrestrial plants and animals has shifted, on average 6.1 km per decade northward or 6.1 m per decade upward, with an advance of seasonal phenomena by 2.3 – 5.1 days per decade over the last 50 years. (Thuiller W, 2007). 17 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 There is evidence of similar changes in patterns of agricultural production leading e.g. to introduction of new crops, reduced use of long duration varieties of sorghum and millet in Mali and Niger (Kouressy et al., 2003, Bezançon, G. et al. 2009) and, at community level, many of the kinds of changes described in section 2. 3.3 Extent of change It is important to appreciate how variable the effects are likely to be globally and how large they may be in some areas. Thus, the different scenarios suggest that change in E Africa will be very much less than that in Southern Africa. Some scenario analyses of the future have pointed out that by the end of this century the lowest average summer temperatures will exceed the current highest average temperatures of the last 100 years i.e. the average coolest conditions in 60 years will exceed the average warmest conditions today Williams et al. (2007) analyzed multi-model ensembles for the A2 and B1 emission scenarios produced for the fourth assessment report of the IPCC, with the goal of identifying regions projected to experience (i) high magnitudes of local climate change, (ii) development of novel 21st-century climates, and/or (iii) the disappearance of existent climates. Novel climates are projected to develop primarily in the tropics and subtropics, whereas disappearing climates are concentrated in tropical montane regions and the poleward portions of continents. Interestingly, disappearing climates seem most likely to occur in at least three primary centres of crop diversity (Ethiopia, Mexico, Andes and likely in SE Asia). A recent analysis by Burke et al. (2009) argues that “the majority of African countries will have novel climates over at least half of their current crop area by 2050. Of these 75% will have novel climates with analogs in the current climates of at least 5 other countries”. Thus there will be substantial change – often to environments that already exist but, in significant areas, also to production environments that are novel. One of major problems that have faced analysis of likely effects of climate change is the great variability in expected magnitude of change and vulnerability of agriculture, especially smallholder agriculture. Mapping approaches have been used to identify vulnerability hotspots (ILRI, 2006). Hotspots may describe areas of particularly vulnerability for communities (socio-economic) or for agricultural production. Mostly the scale of these studies is quite coarse. This Lobell et al’s (2008) analysis is regional and identifies Southern Africa and S Asia as areas in which key crops for food security crops are likely to show substantially reduced production. It might be useful to explore further the effect of different degrees of climate change specifically focusing on agrobiodiversity in order to identify areas with different degrees of vulnerability. There are some entry points for this kind of analysis in the studies by Jarvis et al on effects of climate change on future distributions of crop wild relatives and by Jarvis and Lane (2008) on future crop patterns. 3.4 Expected effects on agriculture There is a substantial literature which describes the different effects that climate change is expected to have on agriculture. These effects have been explored from the perspective of different components (crops – Lobell, 2008, livestock, fish, agroforestry, soil, insects – Menendez, 2007, pollinators etc) inputs (water, fertilizer) and from the interactions between different components or from a food systems perspective (e.g. Schmidhuber and Tubiello, 2007; Challinor et al., 2007). While some have considered the effects of particular climate changes on agriculture (FAO, 18 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 2008, IPCC), others have focused on specific components such as crops or livestock (Jarvis and Lane, 2008). Much of the literature combines some exploration of changes are expected with an exploration of the adaptation strategies that are used or might be adopted to cope with climate change (Howden et al, 2007 or Niggol Seo et al., 2008a and 2008b for crops and livestock in Africa). These studies tend to be global or continental though there are also some more localized studies (e.g. Molua, 2002 for S Cameroon). Crop production is expected to benefit in higher latitudes with higher yields of food and cash crops mainly in temperate regions. While higher levels of CO2 and higher temperatures can be expected to increase yields these effects are expected to be offset by crop losses due to heat and water stress or undesirable changes in water availability and temperature patterns. Lobell et al’s (2008) study suggested that for a number of different models and a range of assumptions Southern African and South Asia were areas where food security was particularly threatened through negative effects on key crops. They suggest that crops which might be most negatively affected include: Southern Africa – maize, Sahel – sorghum, S Asia – wheat, millet groundnut. As noted below, most major crops are adapted to an extremely wide range of production environments. While it might be suggested that some crops like sorghum and millet are hardier, characterized by a plasticity and great adaptability, the ecological envelope of the full range of modern varieties of crops such as maize and wheat is just as wide although the individual varieties may often seem to be much less adaptable, requiring reasonable inputs of fertilizer and water to perform adequately. Jarvis and Lane (2008) used 2 different climate prediction models and suggested that crops such as wheat, rye, apple and oats were likely to experience significant reduction in areas suitable for their cultivation In their study of crops listed in Annex 1 of the ITPGRFA twenty-three crops are projected to suffer decreases in suitable area, on average, whilst some 20 crops gain suitable area. The biggest gains are in areas suitable for pearl millet, sunflower, common millet, chick pea and soybean, although many of the gains in suitable area occur in regions where these crops are currently not an integral component of food-security in temperate areas of Europe. Jarvis and Lane’s study reinforces the general view that areas of higher food insecurity will suffer most from climate change while agriculture in developed countries may well benefit. Other problems that have been identified include changed labour requirements, increased storage demands as a result of increased temperature and pest activity, and associated effects described below such as changed availability of pollinators and other beneficial insects. Problems may also be exacerbated where cropping practices involve use of other ecological indicators whose timing and properties change as a result of altered climate. Many crops (and most major food staples) are adapted to a wide range of production environments (see e.g. www.ecoport.org). This is the case for crops such as wheat, maize, potato and rive. Many different varieties are available for many different types of production conditions. The varieties themselves, however, may not be widely adapted and the development and availability of materials adapted to new production conditions may cause problems. Other crops, important for local communities, such as fonio or buckwheat are more narrowly adapted and the crops itself may cease to be appropriate. In some cases, hardiness and plasticity of many traditional crops such as fonio, finger millet, or cowpea may lead to increases in their growing areas, 19 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 provided agricultural policies do not create disincentives to their expansion and development. The rate and extent of change, the process of identifying and maintaining adaptability and the development of new adapted materials all become important elements in crop production. Coping with increased variability in climate and with extreme events is not usually possible simply through the development and use of specific varieties (though some do show higher resilience than others). As shown in Section 2, and noted by Morton (2007), communities in marginal rural environments often have a range of coping and adaptation strategies that can be more widely adopted as instability increases. For livestock significant losses in production and productivity are expected, especially in tropical and semi-arid production environments, due to temperature and water stress or changed water and temperature patterns. Lower yields are predicted for dairy cattle. It is likely that in a number of production systems the composition of livestock kept will change in favour of those more adapted to hotter, drier conditions (Niggol Seo et al., 2008). Other changes expected include change in stocking rate and pasture management, altered pasture rotation and timing of grazing and change of forage species and livestock breeds (Howden et al, 2007). Coping strategies identified by Morton (2006) for pastoralists in N Kenya and S Ethiopia include mobility, herd accumulation, multispecies herds, supplementary feed, disease management, accepting need to pay for water, livelihood diversification, use of bank accounts to store wealth, intracommunity mechanisms to support poorer and destitute community members (but these appear to be breaking down). Insects contribute to 7 of the 17 Ecosystem Services recognized by Turner et al 2007. These include food production, soil formation, nutrient cycling, pollination, biological control, waste treatment, raw materials production (Gordon, 2008). The review by Menendez (2007) identified and discussed changes in phenology (adult and larval emergence, migration), distribution (latitude, altitude including expansion of tropical species into temperate areas), and evolutionary response. Changes in species interactions (the utilization of a new host plant, maladaptive early hatching before host bud burst, phenological mismatches) or, more generally trophic interactions, are likely to be of particular importance and may be largely unpredictable. Changes in soil properties and in soil microflora are likely to have a substantial effect on production. These will include changes in water availability, soil moisture retention and in the rate of acquifer recharge. Changes in soil microflora can be expected to affect both individual species and the interactions between them. Thus, trophic interactions will be important including trophic decoupling of the food web, potential disruptions of mutualisms, mismatches and new encounters. Soil related problems associate with climate change are likely to reflect continuing over-use of fertilizers in some parts of the world, increased erosion, and land degradation which reflect continuing use of non-sustainable production practices in an increasingly challenging (or different) production environment. However, it is worth noting that the picture is very uneven. The amount of fertilizer used by small-scale farmers in Africa is below that required to maintain soil fertility resulting in continuing nutrient depletion and loss of soil organic matter (Bellarby et al., 2008). Water management has received significant attention in discussions of the effects of climate change and adaptation to change (see also above Section 2). It is expected 20 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 that problems of water supply will be increased in many parts of the world. Supply of adequate water has been repeatedly shown to be a major constraint on agricultural production for many poor and marginal communities. Improved techniques of water harvesting and irrigation have been identified as important and agricultural practices such as conservation agriculture may gain in importance. In other areas of the world water management under excess or changing patterns of rainfall will become important. There are expected to be increased problems of waterlogging and nutrient leaching and of soil erosion (Howden et al, 2007). In coastal areas there will be major problems associated with increasing salinity as sea levels rise. Studies that explicitly explore possible changes in extent and distribution of agrobiodiversity in the context of agricultural production are limited (but see Kotschi, 2006 and Jarvis et al, 2009 for an analysis of effects of climate change on plant genetic resources). This is particularly the case with respect to agrobiodiversity and agricultural production in smallholder production systems. FAO (2008b) describes some effects of climate change on agrobiodiversity and some potential uses of agrobiodiversity as part of adaptation strategies. Climate change is expected to increase the rate of loss of traditional crop varieties although it may not reduce the overall diversity of a crop in a cropping system (e.g. sorghum and millet in Niger, Bezançon, G. et al. 2009). While many traditional varieties contain significant diversity and may adapt to changed environments, many do not and, without active breeding of some kind will cease to be adapted to the changed production conditions. A study of the impact of climate change on crop wild relatives suggested that by 2050 as much as 16-22% of wild relatives of peanut, cowpea and potato will be threatened with extinction and that potential range size will be reduced for 97% of the species. More than 50% of peanut relatives are expected to become extinct under these scenarios. In the case of tree species and livestock there is very real concern that it will not be possible to maintain existing varieties and diversity. Rates of evolution are likely to be exceeded by climate change with resultant loss of diversity and reduction in distribution. As discussed above, these identifiable changes are likely to be accompanied by changes in extent and distribution of below ground diversity, insects and other pollinators, pests and diseases and other diversity of species associated with agricultural production systems (agroforestry and hedgerow species, weeds etc.) While it is helpful to identify some of the major factors likely to affect different elements or components of agricultural production, most small-scale farming involves integrated management of these different components. Effects in one sphere affect others and management decisions and response strategies need to take an integrated approach. Most analyses of the potential effects of climate change on agriculture look only at specific components or explore very broad and general predictions at a global scale. While these give suggestions for areas or issues to be aware of they are less relevant to the realities of small-scale farmers in particular regions or agro-ecosystems. 3.5 Mitigation and Adaptation Responses to climate change usually distinguish between mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation involves activities designed to reduce CO2, methane and nitrous oxide emissions from agriculture while adaptation involves activities aimed at maintaining sustainable production under changing environment conditions. Most discussions of the use of agrobiodiversity have focused on adaptation activities but it is worth noting 21 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 that agrobiodiversity is also relevant to mitigation. Thus, the most prominent options for mitigation described by Bellarby et al (2008) are: Avoiding leaving land bare (catch and cover crops, , increased use of perennial crops) Using appropriate amounts of nitrogen fertilizer and reducing using through rotation and legume crops. Avoid burning crop residues Reducing tillage through e.g. conservation agriculture. All of these involve the appropriate use of agrobiodiversity. A more general approach that reflects current discussions in UNFCCC has been recently prepared by Ecoagriculture Partners (www.ecoagriculture.org) who have issued a report in which they identified six principles for action to tap the full potential of land use mitigation: Include the full range of terrestrial emission reduction, storage, and sequestration options in climate policy and investment; Incorporate farming and land use investments in cap-and-trade systems; Link terrestrial climate mitigation with adaptation, rural development, and conservation strategies; Encourage large, area-based programs; Encourage voluntary markets for greenhouse gas emission offsets from agriculture and land use; Mobilize a worldwide, networked movement for climate-friendly food, forest, and other land-based production. Adaptation responses described in various documents (e.g. FAO, 2008) are often rather general and can be quite difficult to relate to local realities. However, the most commonly mentioned are: The need to develop new crop and livestock varieties adapted to changed (and changing) environmental conditions. This is likely to be an ongoing process and adaptation needs to include the maintenance of adaptability as a specific objective whether through multiple varieties or the continuing maintenance of traditional materials. The effective maintenance and use of agrobiodiversity, both within production existing systems and through its deployment in different production systems, to meet the needs of communities facing changed production environments. Promotion of agroforestry integrated farming systems and adapted forest management practice. As well as providing food, fodder, energy and income these can contribute to soil moisture retention and improve land quality. Improved infra-structure for small-scale water capture storage and use. Improved soil management practices including improving water infiltration and water retention capacity, maintenance of high levels of soil organic matter. Adaptation of farming systems, technology, infrastructure and market systems to rapidly changing agroecological conditions Adaption of aquatic resources management through increased emphasis on static fishing technologies (fish farming). As Morton (2007) suggests, smallholder subsistence and pastoral systems – especially those in marginal environments with high variability e.g. in rainfall and high risk of natural hazard - are characterized by livelihood strategies that have evolved (i) to reduce overall vulnerability (adaptive strategies) and (ii) to cope with shocks and 22 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 their impacts (coping strategies). The division between these two is often blurred and coping strategies in exceptional years may develop into adaptive strategies as climate changes. Examples of adaptation strategies cited by Morton (2007) include: Labour management (managing labour to follow unpredictable rainfall, working land harder or differently) Making use of agrodiversity in cultivated crops, wild plants and associated biodiversity Increased integration of livestock into production systems Diversifying livelihoods Crop planting strategies to cope with uncertain rainfall On-farm storage of food and feed Based on her analysis of the experience and perceptions of Californian farmers, Jackson (pers. comm.) suggested that the distinction between mitigation and adaptation was regarded by farmers as artificial and they adopted an integrated approach in the development of their responses to climate change. There is a need for the further development adaptation and mitigation strategies relevant to agriculture. The approaches identified are strongly biased towards technological perspectives. There has been little discussion or consideration of wider social and economic aspects which might include the ways in which cultural and social institutions might help adaptation to climate change, the policy changes that will be needed and the importance of more appropriate economic environments. The importance of social institutions and of knowledge exchange and of effective local social networks has been noted in Section 2. 23 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 4. Issues for discussion, areas for research and the need for new perspectives In the current draft this section is deliberately left undeveloped. What follows are some relevant comments, ideas and suggestions from different sources that might be relevant for the Workshop discussions. The final version of this section will consider areas of agriculture where agrobiodiversity is particularly important in climate change adaptation and mitigation from the perspective of indigenous peoples, rural communities and small-scale farmers. It will identify areas of research are suggested where collaboration between indigenous people, rural communities and the research community is likely to make a significant contribution to the well being of small-scale farmers, sustainable production and the maintenance of agrobiodiversity. The research will also contribute evidence of potential contribution that indigenous people can make to improve global understanding and responses to climate change impacts. 4.1 Agrobiodiversity maintenance and use In early 2008, the Platform co-organized a meeting (with FAO and Bioversity International) on “Climate change and biodiversity for food and agriculture”. The report from this meeting became an input into the FAO High Level Meeting on Food Security, Climate Change and Bioenergy. The participants at this meeting identified a number of knowledge gaps and research needs. These included a number of very general questions: What is the relationship of climate change to other human-induced pressures on ecosystems – nature, extent and consequences of interactions and how one might disentangle the different pressures and consequences? Are there critical thresholds above which things change differently? What time lags can we expect to see in agro-ecosystem responses? What is the impact of species extinction on agro-ecosystem maintenance? Monitoring agrobiodiversity trends and associated risks was identified as one key area, particularly in relation to differences between different components of the agricultural landscapes (the different responses of pollinating insects and long lived perennials for example). The importance of developing useful indicators at local levels was noted and of including indicators both of status and of function in agroecosystems. Another important area of research was that of understanding and managing change. Here, too, the importance of exploring not only production and productivity aspects of change but also other ecosystem services (regulating, supporting and cultural) was noted. Also recognized was the difficulty and importance of exploring the different interactions between different components of agrobiodiversity. Other areas identified included developing a better knowledge of genetic process and the ways in which social institutions manage them (gene flow, introgression, local adaptation and distribution etc.), improving availability of adapted materials (crops and livestock), maintaining adaptability and local trait integrity, and identification of the most sensitive agro-ecosystems. Given the variability in effect of and response to climate change, the last issue and the identification of so-called “hotspots of vulnerability” seems particularly important. 24 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 From these discussions, and those at a later meeting organized jointly by the MS Swaminathan Research Foundation and FAO, the following areas of work seem particularly important: 1. Identification of peoples, communities, areas and agricultural biodiversity of greatest threat or vulnerability from climate change. 2. Ensuring the continuing availability and accessibility of adapted materials varieties, crops, livestock breeds etc.) both traditional materials continually adapted through participatory breeding and selection and new materials introduced to meet substantially changed production conditions 3. Monitoring and managing change at local levels by rural communities 4. Enhancing adaptability and resilience of production systems through support for appropriate agricultural practices, social institutions, livelihood options etc. 5. Strengthening international and national recognition of the importance of agrobiodiversity in meeting the challenges of climate change Morton (2007) suggests need for a conceptual framework to understand impact of climate change on smallholder agriculture. He suggests that such a framework should: 1. recognize complexity and location-specificity of these production systems 2. incorporate non-climate stressors and their contribution to vulnerability 3. study 3 different categories of climate change impact: biological processes affecting crops and animals environmental processes impacts of climate change on human health and non-agricultural livelihoods. This seems a useful start but may be in need of some further development to provide a more developed framework to guide the investigative or study element. Thus it would be helpful to review the biological and environmental perspectives within an ecosystem framework and to consider the ways in which the changes expected are likely to affect different ecosystem services and ecosystem function. 4.2 Wider perspectives Three types of climate hazard have been identified, each of which requires a rather different response. The continuous change from increasing temperature of increasing or declining rainfall is most commonly discussed and underpins many adaptation strategies identified. The increased variability in climate patterns has also been widely discussed. This can take two forms – the increasing ranges of hotter, cooler, drier, wetter seasons and the more frequent occurrence of extreme events – storms, hurricanes or droughts. A third climate hazard that has been noted is a shift in climate regime due, for example, to changes in ocean circulation. This would result in the “new climates” discussed above which could include significant changes in seasonality of rainfall or of the inter-relation of particular rainfall and temperature combinations. The adaptation strategies required have note been explored to any great extent for this situation. Generally, adaptation strategies involve increasing adaptability or resilience or enabling transformation. 25 DRAFT FOR CHIANG MAI WORKSHOP, 17-20 June, 2009 Increasing adaptability involves ensuring that the communities and agro-ecosystems are able to respond to changing conditions without too great a lost in livelihood, productivity or ecosystem function. There are various ways in which agrobiodiversity can underpin adaptability. It can be achieved through the use of traditional varieties which maintain sufficient diversity to respond to variable production environments. Some crops are recognized by farmers as being both more adaptable and more resilient such as sorghum, millet and fonio. Adaptability is often commonly described as a property of many neglected or underutilized crop species or of livestock and crop species that are used in marginal production environments. Adaptability also reflects the capacity of a system crop, or variety to evolve and change as conditions change. According to Resalliance (www.resalliance.org) resilience is the ability to absorb disturbances, to be changed and then to re-organise and still have the same identity (retain the same basic structure and ways of functioning). It includes the ability to learn from the disturbance. A resilient system is forgiving of external shocks. As resilience declines the magnitude of a shock from which it cannot recover gets smaller and smaller. Resilience shifts attention from purely growth and efficiency to needed recovery and flexibility. Growth and efficiency alone can often lead ecological systems, businesses and societies into fragile rigidities, exposing them to turbulent transformation. Learning, recovery and flexibility open eyes to novelty and new worlds of opportunity. Agrobiodiversity contributes significantly both to adaptability and resilience. However, even with substantially improved adaptability and resilience, some agro-ecoystems will change, or be transformed. Managing transformation will be an important 4.3 Alliances and approaches to research Exploring the research dimension – the nature and content of research needed - the Symposium on Indigenous Peoples and Climate Change (held at the Environmental Change Institute, Oxford, 2008) noted the importance of transdisciplinary bridges, linking quantitative and qualitative methods, using participatory methods and integrating indigenous peoples into all stages of research. They called for conjoined research and action with indigenous peoples and identified coordinated and concerted efforts that could be undertaken including: Self representation of indigenous people on climate change fora to build and support social capital and document traditional knowledge and insights on climate change Ethno-ecological research covering the collection of baseline data, ethnometeorology and ethnoclimatology, perceptions, effects and adaptations to climate change Joint actions in developing networks of researchers and indigenous peoples, participatory agenda setting, and exploring carbon offset strategies This need to adopt different approaches to research is also reflected in IAASTD and in the recent material provided by Pimbert (2009). 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