2015 CCHS Prom - Cabarrus County Schools

2015 CCHS Prom
Prom Rules
The prom will be held on Saturday, April 25, 2015 from 8 pm to midnight at the Vintage Auto Club at
Gibson Mill.
2. The prom is a school event, so school rules will be enforced. Students and their guests will be expected to
dress and behave with all due appropriateness, and may be asked to modify their dress or behavior at any
time during the evening.
3. Only Central Cabarrus junior and senior students in good standing (no outstanding fees, no suspensions
during the week of prom, and no long-term behavioral issues) may attend prom, along with one guest. All
outstanding fees must be paid in full before purchasing a prom ticket or tickets.
4. All guests accompanied by a Central Cabarrus junior or senior must owe no outstanding fees to Central
Cabarrus High School and is a CCHS student of good standing, or must be a student in good standing at
their home school, or a citizen of good standing at their university or place of employment.
5. No guest may be 21 or older on April 25, 2015. All outside guest of CCHS must bring a legal ID to
present at check in.
6. Prom tickets will be sold during Power A & B in the Norse Cove area from February 2 through March 6.
After March 6, no tickets will be sold.
7. Juniors and seniors may purchase tickets only during POWER A&B with the Prom Committee members
from February 2 through March 6 in the Norse Cove. Juniors and seniors and guest may not purchase
tickets from other students or try to give their money to the office or to other teachers.
8. No refunds will be given for any tickets purchased. No tickets may be transferred or resold to any other
student at any time for any reason. These resold tickets will not be honored at the door.
9. Once a student has purchased a ticket or tickets, he or she must take a copy of the prom rules (and one for a
guest too, if applicable) and must sign that he or she has read, understood, and agrees to abide by all prom
10. Students and guests will sign their names to the guest list when the tickets are purchased. All students
should ensure their name and their guest’s name is spelled correctly.
11. Prior to the prom, all students will receive a prom ticket for themselves and their guests. Students must
bring their ticket and their guests’ tickets to the prom for admission. This, along with the names on the
guest list, will ensure admission to the event.
12. No student or guest may leave the venue and then return. If a student or guest needs something from his or
her vehicle, an officer or teacher chaperone will escort them to their vehicle.
Dress Code
The prom is a formal event. All dress for men and women should be appropriate formal attire, such as
tuxedos; jackets, button-down shirts, ties, and trousers; and appropriate evening gowns.
Evening gowns should not be too low-cut, high-cut, or too revealing. No lower backs or stomachs may
be exposed; no see through material on stomachs, lower backs, or sides, no cut out sides.
CCHS teachers and staff reserve the right to ask anyone to cover up or to return home and come back with
more appropriate dress.