MSG Agenda 08/31/11, 6pm, Shaffer I. Welcome & New Members II

MSG Agenda
08/31/11, 6pm, Shaffer
I. Welcome & New Members
II. Goals for upcoming year
a. Transparency
b. Relevance
c. Institutional memory
i. Website and manuals
ii. Gmail: // PW: wusmMSG1011
d. Class relations
i. Within MSG
ii. Broader student body
III. Dependence Health Coverage (Katie Ihnen)
IV. Committee Refocusing
a. Survey to guide initiatives
b. Ad Hoc: Advising?
c. Committee heads & membership
i. Student Life
ii. Curriculum
iii. WashU Policies
V. Constitution Revision
a. SOMSLC Representation
b. Clarification for Student Taking Years Out
VI. DSTA: Friday, 12/2 5pm
a. New Category: Yearly winners
b. Tasks
i. Select paper color
ii. Contact Medical Public Affairs
iii. Contact Bob Boston (photographer): 286-0102
iv. Arrange 3-4 student performers
VII. Position Updates
a. GPC
i. First event
b. OSR
c. MER
i. Curriculum reform
d. President
i. First year elections
VIII. New Ideas / Misc.
IX. Committee Time
a. Pick committee head
b. Identify initiatives to tackle during the year
c. Possibly create game plan
Survey Results
Class Breakdown
Class of 2014: 46 (39%)
Class of 2013: 39 (33%)
Class of 2012: 23 (19%)
MSTP V+: 11 (9%)
Qualities (1- terrible; 5- awesome)
2 (2%)
25 (21%)
42 (35%)
39 (33%)
Clarity of Mission
Being Attuned to Students’ Needs
8 (7%)
3 (3%)
1 (1%)
5 (4%)
1 (1%)
1 (1%)
14 (12%)
10 (8%)
7 (6%)
21 (18%)
5 (4%)
42 (35%)
30 (25%)
42 (35%)
42 (35%)
28 (24%)
26 (22%)
20 (17%)
33 (28%)
35 (29%)
26 (22%)
42 (35%)
39 (33%)
25 (21%)
31 (26%)
24 (20%)
14 (12%)
32 (27%)
43 (36%)
How To Improve
What do you do / keep students informed (quarterly email, email minutes, publish budget, announce mtg): 8
Make deans listen and explain: I
Forum for discussing student issues (not just email chains): I
Clarify expectations for course liaison: I
GPC events not on med campus / restaurant week in CWE: I
Curriculum brainstorm session was horrible: I
Good Things MSG Did
Coursebooks in PDF / Decreased Printing / Printing Credit: 4
Peer advising, class show
Proposed Initiatives
Making it easier to get printing credit at library (smaller denominations): I
(Unlimited) making printing free (tuition is so high): 2
Check 3rd year grades anywhere: I
Transparent and standardized evals for 3rd year: I
Make recycling more widely available / trashcan w every recycling bin: 2
Change match day format: I
Supporting international students (fin aid, visa issues during residency): 2
Health coverage for dependents: 5
Textbook selling website / marketing site: I
Update curriculum: 2
Inter-medical campus outreach (OT/PT/Etc) & Interact w other grad students: 2
Reduce free lunches / money can go elsewhere: I
Printing credit in lieu of slides: 4
P/F for second year: I
Opportunities to fund education for those with limited financial aid (TA or tutoring opportunities, etc): I
Lecture transcriptional service: I
Bicycle parking outside FLTC (racks on Scott are crowded – hard to get in and out): I
Better dental coverage / including PPO plan in student fees: II
Healthier food options in Shell: I
More transparency on fin aid policy (great change from year to year): I
Promote interaction b/w clinical and pre-clinical students: I