1 Geography Syllabus Miss Folan Room D-105 Miss Folan: FolaJen@lenape.k12.pa.us Ext: 3356 **Syllabus May and Can Change throughout Trimester** Course description Throughout the trimester we will cover the world’s five major religions, Judaism, Islam, Christianity, Hinduism, and Buddhism along with world geography. We will be discussing creation stories, doctrines, beliefs, geography and more. I ask you to be respectful of other’s beliefs and views. Your “#” Every student will be assigned an even number for the entire trimester. This helps me to be organized and makes alphabetizing students easier when I enter grades. You must put your name and number on every paper or you will lose points! Students who fail to include at least one of these things, will find their homeless paper on the filing cabinet by the door. Missing Class Students who miss class for whatever reason (sickness, excused appointments, vacation, field trips, discipline, etc.) will find that it is THEIR responsibility to make up the work and find out what they missed. There are filers by the windows in the classroom: o One is for late work you need to submit, please put ANY assignments that you need to turn outside of regular collection time in this filer. Things placed on my desk tend to get lost! o The other is for work you missed from the day before. I will make every effort to list what we did previously on my Targets on the board as a reminder. However, please check with a classmate if you were absent and ALWAYS check the absent folder before you ask about missed work. 2 Journals Students will keep daily journals that center on the day’s topic/lesson. Students will be asked to fill all lines AND write 50 words per day. You must count each of these words and circle the total you wrote – this is worth 1-4 points. Students must have their agenda and ID every day – this is an additional one point each day. Journals are graded for completion, but I also grade one random entry per week for spelling, grammar, punctuation and content. Journals are to help you prepare mentally for a lesson, but they should also be completed neatly with complete sentences and proper paragraph form. If it is obvious you are scribbling for the sake of filling up space, you will lose points. If you miss a prompt due to absence, field trip, etc, you must make them up to be graded. Complete a free write for the missing entry. You can write about your shop, your home life, your hobbies, interests…anything. Scoring Date: : 11 / 16 Word Count: Topic:_____________________________________________________ ID & Agenda: } 1 pt Response:_____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1 pt __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2 pts __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3 pts __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 4 pts 3 Participation Policy Students begin the trimester with 26 out of 25 points as a participation grade. Students lose points for various infractions. I will initiate with a warning for classroom disruptions. After, violations will result in a loss of points. o Disrespectful actions, words, comments towards fellow students, teachers, or school property may result in heavier penalties. o Disrespect of a substitute will result in a ten point deduction and a discipline referral. No pencil No textbook/journal/class materials Talking with a classmate/inappropriate sidebar conversations Causing a disruption in instruction Calling out Inappropriate/off-task behavior Inappropriate cell phone usage Cursing/Inappropriate Language – this includes such derogatory terms as “gay” and “retarded.” Working on assignments/homework for another class. Playing or goofing off Improper iPad Usage These are just examples; other infractions are at my discretion! Late to class/Class Sign Out When late sign the Tardy Book. The Tardy book is under the bulletin board on the same side as the room entrance—be sure to sign it completely when you are late. 3 unexcused tardies = detention. If your I.D. tag is not worn at chest height, we are required to record it. 3 no I.D.s = detention. You must have your agenda book to sign out of class. Use the sign-out sheet at the front of the room when you leave. 4 Homework Policy: Homework assignments are worth 5 points unless otherwise noted. Symbol (grade) Description of student behavior + (4-5 points) Student correctly completed the assignment. (2-3 points) Student completed the assignment with a few problems, but put forth effort. - (1-0 points) Student did not complete the assignment and/or had major problems. All assignments are considered late if they are not ready at the start of class. I am happy to answer any questions about homework grades or my homework policy. Please do not hesitate to contact me regarding questions, concerns, or need for clarification! Absent and Late Work Policy: Late work (projects, larger assignments): 1 day 10% off (a letter grade) 2 days 25% off 3 days Half credit 4 days No credit Missed work due to absences 1 day out 1 day to make up 2 days out 2 days to make up 3 days out 3 days to make up 3+ days out Consult with Miss Folan 5 Homework Assignment #1: 5 pts due by Monday, Friday November 20, 2015 I, have read these classroom procedures, and will do my best to (student name – printed) follow them. In so doing, I will help ensure a successful classroom experience for everyone. (signature student) I, have read the previous three pages and understand these (parent/guardian – printed) classroom procedures, and will do my best to follow them. In so doing, I will help ensure a successful classroom experience for everyone. . (signature – parent/guardian) Most preferred method to reach parent/guardian? Cell phone#: Email address: Home phone#: For assignment purposes it is important for me to know: Does your son or daughter have access to the following technology? Circle ALL that apply: smart phone internet at home Other: personal computer at home tablet printing capabilities at home