SYLLABUS Pathomorphology Pathology is a science which combines the basis fields of medicine and clinical medicine. Pathology is a study of causes, mechanisms, course and consequences of the disease. The pathology is classically divided into general and organ pathology. Proper clinical diagnosis is based on clear understanding etiology, pathogenesis, morphological and functional changes in specific diseases processes. The pathology course includes lectures, and tutorials. During tutorials and lectures cell injury and cell death, inflammations, hemodynamic disorders, neoplasms, genetic and environmental diseases will be discussed first. Next the changes of diseases in particular systems will be discussed. Each of the pathology issues will be illustrated by guided and self-performed microscopic slides studies. After 4 week pathology course students are obligated to pass written test exam to obtain a credit for whole pathology course. Teachers: Prof. Andrzej Marszałek MD, PhD Łukasz Szylberg MD, PhD Joanna Maciejewska MD Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska MD Contact: - - - - I. Department of Clinical Pathomorphology Collegium Medicum Nicolaus Copernicus University, Skłodowskiej-Curie 9, 85-094 Bydgoszcz II. Head of the unit: Prof. Andrzej Marszałek MD, PhD III. Faculty of Medicine, Medical Program, 3rd year IV. Course coordinator: Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD V. Form of classes: lectures, tutorials VI. Form of crediting: Exam, 13 ECTS points VII. Number of hours: Lectures – 64 hours, Tutorials – 96 hours VIII. Aim of the course After completing the pathology course student has to know causes, pathomechanisms, clinical course and consequences of the disease and understand morphological and functional changes in specific diseases processes. IX. Topics of tutorials (THE SCHEDULE FROM PATHOMORPHOLOGY INCLUDING A LIST OF SLIDES) X. Topics of lectures IX. THE SCHEDULE FROM PATHOMORPHOLOGY INCLUDING A LIST OF SLIDES. I WEEK 1. Monday: Introduce to pathology + autopsy Łukasz Szylberg MD, PhD Topics: Legal issue related to autopsy and to the pathologist. Rules of writing a pathological diagnosis. Audiovisual presentation of autopsy techniques Autopsy demonstration with discussion of autopsy techiques. Signs of death. Autopsy techniques for haed, neck, chest, abdominal and pelvis examination. Autopsy in special cases – e.g. emphysema, embolisms, poisoning etc. Practical performed by students. Neonatal autopsy techniques 2. Tusday: a) Adaptive changes. Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD Topics to prapare: Atrophy, hyperplasia, hypertrophy, metaplasia – definition, division, causes, examples Dystrophic and metastatic calcification Fatty change and cellular swelling Necrosis – definition, types, morphology Topics of tutorials: Adaptive changes Intracellular accumulations Pathologic calcification Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Brown atrophy of the heart atrophia fusca myocardii Cardiac muscle hypertrophy (hypertrophia musculi cordis) Endometrial hyperplasia (hyperplasia glandularis endometrii) Vacuolar degeneration (hydropic change) of hepatocytes (degeneratio parenchymatosa hepatis) Epidermal hyperkaratosis (hyperkeratosis epidermis) Corpus albicans ovarii Liquefactive necrosis (brain encephalomalacia) (necrosis colliquativa; na przykładzie rozmiękania mózgu [encephalomalatio cerebri]) Coagulative necrosis (liver and lung tuberculosis) (necrosis coagulativa; na przykładzie: gruźlicy płuc i wątroby [tuberculosis pulmonum et hepatis]) 146 138,150 085, 085a, 085c, 085d 134 135 143 152 026 b) Hemodynamic disorders. Łukasz Szylberg, MD, PhD Topics to prapare: Pulmonary thrombosis Infarction pale and red Hyperemia passive Topics of tutorials: Edema Hyperemia Embolism Thrombosis Hemmorhage Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Hemorrhagic cerebral infarction (focus haemorrhagicum cerebri) Hemosiderosis whitish ovarian body (haemosisderosis corporis albicantis ovarii) Passive congestion of liver (hyperaemia passiva hepatis) Chronic venous stasis in the lungs (venostasis chronica pulmonum) Pale infarction of kidney (infarctus pallidus renis) Hemorrhagic intestinal infartion (infarctus haemorrhagicus intestini) Adhering thrombus (thrombosis parietalis) Recanalization of thrombus (thrombosis recanalisatus) Pulmonary edema 127, 133 154 + żelazo 155 153, 157 059 160 097, 193 233 062/256 3. Wensday: Chronic and acute inflammation. Joanna Maciejewska, MD Topics to prapare: Definition of acute and chronic inflammation Characteristics of cells and processes with their participation in acute and chronic inflammation. Outcome of acute inflammation systemic and local symptoms of acute inflammation Granulomatous inflammation - definition Types of granulomas Topics of tutorials: Morphology of inflammation Vascular changes in acute inflammation Lymphatic vessels and lymph nodes in acute inflammation Pathogenesis, morphology and clinical changes in syphilis and tuberculosis Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. Lymphnode sinus histiocytosis (histiocytosis lymphonoduli) Nonspecyfic lymphadenitis Lymphonodulitis reactiva Fibrinoid necrosis on the example of chronic peptic ulcer (degeneratio fibrinoidea; na przykładzie przewlekłego wrzodu trawiennego żołądka [ulcus chronicum pepticum ventriculi]) Lung abscess (abscessus pulmonis) Serum acute appendicitis, appendicitis with lymphoid follicles hyperplasia, suppurative appendicitis, gangrenous appendicitis (appendicitis; [acuta serosa] [follicularis], [purulenta], [phlegmonosa], [gangrenosa],[obliterativa]) meningitis purulenta Miliary tuberculosis of lung (tuberculosis miliaris pulmonis) Adrenal tuberculosis (tuberculosis glandulae suprarenalis) Tuberculous meningitis (meningitis tuberculosa) Lymph node sarcoidosis (sarcoidosis lymphonoduli) Leprosy (lepra) Inflammatory granulation tissue, foreign body reaction (granulatio, granuloma) 188 Scarring after myocardial infarction Cicatrisatio post infarctum myocardii) 069 226 144 034 262, 027, 266, 268 167 025 151 102 111 229 4. Thursday: Diseases of immunity. Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD Topics to prapare: Organ changes in systemic lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis, amyloidosis. Polyarteritis nodosa Topics of tutorials: Systemic lupus erythematosus Scleroderma Rheumatoid arthritis Inflammatory myopathies Sjogren syndrome Vasculitides Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Renal amyloidosis (amyloidosis renis) Rheumatoid nodule (nodulus rheumathoideus) Rheumatoid arthritis (ang. rheumatoid artritis) Periarteritis nodosa (polyarteritis nodosa) Sclerodermia (scleroderma localisata) Lupus erythematosus – renal changes (lupus erythematosus) Helictotrichon (oxyuriasis) 077 + amyloid 174 082 124 173, 196 Włókna sprężyste 033, PAS 276 5. Friday: Neoplasms. Joanna Maciejewska, MD Topics to prapare: Morphological and clinical characteristic of benign and malignant neoplasms. Precancerous lesions. Metaplasia.Dysplasia. Carcinoma in situ. Microinvasion and early cancer. Pareneoplastic syndromes and kachexia Grading i stading. Tumor markers. Topics of tutorials: Abnormal differentiation and maturation of tissues. Intraepithelial neoplasia. Benign epithelial neoplasms Malignant and locally malignant tumors. Epidemiology and diagnostic of neoplasms. Clinical features of neoplasms. Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Epidermal actinic keratoses (keratosis senilis) Lichen sclerosus; (kraurosis) Benign mammary dysplasia (mastopathia fibroso-cystica; dysplasia benigna mammae) Seborrheic skin whart (verruca seborrhoica) Eversion in the cylindrical epithelium of the vaginal cervix, glandular erosion of the vaginal cervix (ectropion) Neoplasia intraepithelialis cervicalis CINI/ LSIL (neoplasia intraepithelialis cervicalis; ang. CIN – cervical intraepithelial neoplasia) CIN I/ LSIL 177 168 050, 179 243 237 178 7. Neoplasia intraepithelialis cervicalis CIN III/HSIL 176 8. Bowen’diseases (morbus Boweni) Basal cell carcinoma of the skin (carcinoma basocellulare cutis) Squamous cell carcionoma of the skin (carcinoma planoepitheliale/ carcinoma sinocellulare cutis) Urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (carcinoma urotheliale) Colorectal adenocarcinoma (adenocarcinoma coli) Lipoma (lipoma) Liposarcoma (liposarcoma) Astrocytoma (astrocytoma) Glioblastoma multiforme (glioblastoma multiforme) Sarcoma synoviale – lung metastasis (sarcoma synoviale) 166 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. II WEEK 1. Monday : Pathology of the gastrointestinal tract. Łukasz Szylberg.MD, PhD Topics to prapare: Gastritis. Peptic chronic ulcer. Colon cancer – morphologic and clinical features Topics of tutorials: Congenital anomalies of gastrointestinal tract Esophagitis and tumors of esophagus Inflammation of gastrointestinal tract Peptic ulcer disease Neoplasms of stomach Intestinal vascular disease Diverticular disease Intestinal obstruction Tumors of the large and small intestine 110 022 186 279 195 049 053, 244 204, 260 214 Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Ulcerative colitis (colitis ulcerosa) Crohn disease (morbus Lesniowski-Crohn; także: ileitis terminali, ang: Crohn disease) Celiac disease (celiakia) Adenomatous polyp of the sigmoid colon (polypus adenomatosus) Gastric adenocarcionoma (adenocarcinoma ventriculi) Mucous degeneration on the example of mucinous adenocarcionoma Carcinoid of the appendix (carcinoidum appendicis) Colorectal leyomyosarcoma (leyomyosarcoma coli) Hemorrhagic intestinal infarction (infractus haemorrhagicus intestini) Barret esophagus 003, 008 228 165 042 041 068 + śluz 270 006 160 283 2. Tusday: Pathology of the liver, bile ducts and pancreas. Łukasz Szylberg, MD, PhD Topics to prapare: Patterns of hepatic injury Acute and chronic viral hepatitis Drug and toxin-induced liver disease. Cirrhosis. Hemochromatosis Primary sclerosing choalngitis Circulatory disorders Malignant tumors of liver Cholelithiasis Acute pancreatitis Topics of tutorials: Infectieous disorders Autoimmune hapatitis Alcoholic liver disease. Insufficiency of liver. Impaired blood flow into and through the liver. Metabolic liver diseases Cholestasis and disorders of the intrahepatic bile ducts Nodules and tumors of liver Fine and core needle biopsy Cholecystitis Tumors of the gallbladder Pancreatitis Neoplasms of pancreas Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Intrahepatic cholestasis (stasis bilis intrahepatica) Viral hepatitis (hepatitis viralis) Alcoholic cirrhosis (cirrhosis hepatis alcoholica) Postinflammatory cirrhosis (cirrhosis hepatis postinfectiosa) Centrilobular necrosis (necrosis centrolobularis hepatis) Liver cancer (carcinoma hepatocellulare) Cholecystitis (cholecystits) Gallbladder cancer infiltrating the liver 148 227 105, Masson, vanGiesson 162 070 277 280 269 3 Wensday.: Pathology of the respiratory tract part I. Joanna Maciejewska, MD Topics to prapare: Pneumonia – morphology and clinical features Pulmonary vascular diseases Chronic obturative disorders of lung. Pathology changes in pleura Topics of tutorials: Etiology, pathogenesis, division and morphology mouth, throat, nose and trachea mucosa inflammations Bronchiectases Pneumonia – etiology, pathogenesis, morphology Pneumoconioses Obturative and restrictive disease of lung Cor pulmonale Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Pulmonary artery embolism (embolia thrombotica ramorum arteriae pulmonalis) Hemorrhagic lung infarction (infarctus haemorrhagicus pulmonis) Lobar pneumonia (pneumonia lobaris) Bronchopneumonia (bronchopneumonia) Chronic bronchitis (bronchitis chronica) Fungal pulmonary infection (pneumonia mycotica) Mixed salivary gland tumor (tumor mixtus; edenoma pleomorphum) Pnemoconioses (pneumoconioses) 156 060 198 067, 058 076 115 031 272 4. Thursday: Pathology of the respiratory tract part II. Joanna Maciejewska, MD Topics to prapare: Lung cancer Cancer of larynx Malignant tumors of the salivary glands Nosopharyngeal cancer Topics of tutorials: Precancerous lesions and neoplasms of respiratory tract (including nasal cavity, larynx, trachea, bronchus, pleura) Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Squamous cell lung cancer (carcinoma planoepitheliale pulmonis) Lung adenocarcinoma (adenocarcinoma pulmonis) Lung small cell carcionoma (carcinoma microcellulare pulmonis) Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (carcinoma planoepitheliale laryngis) Bronchial carcinoid and carcinoid of the appendix. (carcinoidum bronchit et appendicis) (barw.chromograniną A) 5 Friday.: Childhood and infancy diseases. Łukasz Szylberg, MD Topics to prapare: Neonatal respiratory distress syndrome Fetal hydrops Necrotizing enterocolitis Wilms tumor Neuroblastoma Rethinoblastoma Rhabdomyosarcoma Topics of tutorials: Congenital anomalies Respiratory distress syndrome Tumors of infancy and childhood Prasotic infections 245 046 040 210 090, 249 Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. !! TEST Testicular hypoplasia (hypoplasia testis) Neonatal respriratory distress syndrome (membranae hyalinae pulmonum) Trichinosis (trichinellosis) Echonococcosis (echinococcosis cystica pulmonum) Cerebral toxoplasmosis toxoplasmosis cerebri) Craniopharyngioma (craniopharyngeoma) Retinoblastoma (retinoblastoma) (exercises 1-10 and lectures 1,2) 145 159 164 106 139, PAS 208 202 III WEEK 1. Monday : Pathology of heart and vascular diseases Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD Topics to prapare: Morphology of infarction Hypertensive heart disease Bacterial endocarditis Topics of tutorials: Atherosclerosis Aneurysms and varicoses Ischemic heart disease Myocardial infarction Right sided heart failure Endocarditis Slides 1. Arteriosclerosis (arterioclerosis centralis) 2. Arteriosclerosis of renal arteries (renes arteriosclerotici) 3. Myocardial infarction (infractus myocardii) 4. Myocardial scarring (cicatrisatio postinfractosa myocardii) 5. Heart valve endocarditis (endocarditis valvularis) 6. Fibrinous pericarditis (pericarditis fibrinoidea) 7. Acute myocarditis (myocarditis acuta) 8. Hemorrhoids (varices haemorrhoidales ani) 9. Hemangioma (haemangioma) 128, 131, 132 212 +PAS 255 069 216 096 163, 250 251 099 2. Tusday : Pathology of the urinary tract. Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD Topics to prapare: Nephritic syndrome Acute and chronić pyelonephritis Vascular lesions in benign and malignant hypertension Urolithiasis Hydronephrosis Renal cel carcinoma Urothelial carcinoma of bladder Topics of tutorials: Nephritic syndrome and associated glomerulonephritis Tubulointestinal nephritis induced by grugs and toxins Nefropatia poanalgetyczna. Acute tubular necrosis Diseases of blood vessels Cystic diseases of kidney Tumors of the kidney and urinary tract Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Changes in diebetic kidney (degeneratio glycogenica renum) glomerulosclerosis intercapillaris Glomerular sclerosis (glomerulonephritis sclerosans) Pyelonephritis (pyelonephritis) Renal cell carcinoma (carcinoma clarocellulare renis) Urothelial carcinoma of the bladder (carcinoma urotheliale) Kidney transplant – rejection (ang. Kidney rejection) 092, glikogen 030, PAS 169, PAS 199, PAS 002, 247, PAS 186 273, PAS 3. Wensday: Hemopathology. Joanna Maciejewska, MD Topics to prapare: Reactive lymphadenitis Definition of lymphoma and leukemia Clinical manifestations of proliferative diseases of the lymphatic system Hodgkin lymphoma – definition, types, morphology, clinical manifestation Topics of tutorials: Non-neoplastic diseases of lymphatic system Hematological malignances – leukemias and lymphomas Neoplasms of histiocytes Slides: 1. 2. acute myelogenous leukemia; AML Lymphoma 063 180,183 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. (lymphoma malignum) Hodgkin lymphoma, lymphocyte depletion type Hodgkin lymphoma, mixed cellularity type Hodgkin lymphoma, nodular sclerosis type Multiple myeloma (myeloma multiplex) Solitary myeloma- rib tumor (plasmocytoma; plasma cel myeloma) Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation DIC (microangipatia thrombotica, ang. DIC) 220 089 007 055 231 211 4 Thursday.: Pathology of the endocrine system. Łukasz Szylberg, MD Topics to prapare: Graves diseases Hashimoto thyroiditis Neoplasms of the thyroid Pheochromocytoma Neuroblastoma Topics of tutorials: Morphological causes of hypothalamic-pituitary axis failure Morphological causes of failure of anterior and posterior lobe of the pituitary gland Nowotwory przedniego płata przysadki mózgowej Tumors of the anterior pituitary gland Parathyroid glands – hyperparathyroidism and hypoparathyroidism Thyroiditis Benign and malignant tumors of thyroid Acute and chronić adrenal insufficiency Adrenocortical neoplasms Neoplasms of adrenal medulla Morfologiczne przyczyny niewydolności części endokrynnej trzustki Diabetes - pathogenesis and morphology Pancreatic endocrine neoplasms Multiple endocrine neoplasia syndromes Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Diffuse toxic goiter (degeneratio colloidea glandulae thyreoideae) Lymphocytic thyroiditis (thyreoiditis lymphocytaria) Invasive thyroiditis with fibrosis (struma Riedl) Thyroid adenoma (adenoma glandulae thyroideae) Papillary carcinoma of thyroid gland (carcinoma papillare glandulae thyroideae) Follicular carcinoma of thyroid gland (carcinoma folliculare glandulae thyroideae) Parathyroid carcinoma 141 175 189 021 035 274 281 (carcinoma glandulae parathyroideae) 5. Friday: Pathology of the female reproductive system, part I Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD Topics to prapare: Cervical neoplasia Risk factors in cervical carcinoma and carcinoma of the endometrium Carcinoma of the endometrium – pathogenesis, morphology and clinical aspects Leiomyomas of uterus Topics of tutorials: Neoplasms and inflammations of cervix Neoplasms and inflammations of uterus Endometriosis Dysfunctional endometrial bleeding Slides: 1. 2. 3. Invasive cervical cancer (carcinoma colli uteri) Uterine adenocarcionoma (adenocarcinoma endometrii) Purulent salpingitis (salipingitis purulenta) 101 010 038 IV WEEK 1. Monday: Pathology of the female reproductive system part II. Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD Topics to prapare: Tumors of ovary epithelium Topics of tutorials: Inflammations and neoplasms of ovaries Inflammation and neoplasms of fallopian tube Slides: 1. 2. 3. Simple ovary cyst (cystis simplex ovarii) Ovary cystadenoma (cystadenocarcinoma ovarii) Ovary cystadenocarcinoma (cystadenoma ovarii) 2 Tusday.: a) Pathology of the breast Łukasz Szylberg, MD, PhD Topics to prapare: Fibroadenoma – morphology and clinical featurs Phyllodes tumor - morphology and clinical featurs 142 019 181 Histioklinika brodawczaka wewnątrzprzewodowego Breast cancer - morphology and clinical featurs Topics of tutorials: Inflammation of the breast Fibrocystic changes and prolifarative disease of breast Benign neoplasms of breast Malignant neoplasms in situ and infiltrate Stromal tunors Slides: 1. 2. 3. Infiltrating ductal carcinoma of the breast (carcinoma ductale invasivum mammae) Mucinous carcinoma (carcinoma gelatinosum mammae) Intraductal papilloma of the breast (papilloma intraductale mammae) 048 219, śluz 224 b) Pathology of the skin. Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD Topics to prapare: Basal cel carcinoma and squamous cel carcinoma of the skin – morphology and clinical features Melanocytic nevus Melanoma – morphology, pathogenesis and clinial characteristic Topics of tutorials: Neoplasms and tumor-like conditions of the skin Slides: 1. 2. Pigmented nevus (nevus pigmentosus) Melanoma malignum (melanoma malignum) 109 122, 057, 242 melanina 3 Wensday.: Pathology of the male genital system. Natalia Skoczylas-Makowska, MD Topics to prapare: Neoplasms of testis – morphology and clinical features Prostate – adenocarcinoma and hyperplasia Topics of tutorials: Congenital anomalies and tumors of penis Congenital anomalies, vascular disturbances and tumors of testis Tumors of prostatę and prostatic benign enlargement Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. Embryonal carcinoma of testis (carcinoma embrionalne testis) Seminoma (seminoma) (seminoma) Benign prostatic hyperplasia (hyperplasia nodularis prostatae) Prostate cancer (carcinoma prostatae) 051, 230 271 264 282 4. Thursday: Central nervous system Joanna Maciejewska, MD Topics to prapare: Bacterial meningitidis – causes, morphology Cerebral infarction Glial neoplasms of CNS Topics of tutorials: Trauma of central nervous system Edema and hernation Cerebrovascular diseases Infections Slides: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Neurilemmoma, Schwannoma (neurilemmoma; Schwannoma) Malignant epipheral nerve sheat tumor 184 Oligodenroglioma (oligodenroglioma) Ependymomoma (ependymoma) Ganglion cells tumor (ganglioneurocytoma) 209 Meningioma (meningeoma) meningeoma malignum Medulloblastoma (medulloblastoma) 5. Friday: Classes in the laboratory. Sections. !! TEST (exercises 11-20 and lectures 3,4) 045 206 235, Masson, vanGiesson 246 074 207 Practical skill chart in Pathology Year of study ……… group ………. Academic year ……………………. After graduation Pathomorphology course student should: Type of practical skills Know the pathological terms and the knowledge of the basic mechanism of cell and tissue damage Describe the processes of regeneration of tissues and organs Recognize the pathological images of diseases of the immune system, genetic diseases, infectious and environmental disorders Define the clinical course of specific and nonspecific inflammation Know the etiology of hemodynamic, progressive and regressive changes, Recognize the pathological images of diseases of the immune system, genetic diseases, infectious and environmental disosders Recognize the pathological images of childhood diseases Know the issues of specific organ pathology, images of macro-and microscopic, and clinical course of pathological changes in various organs Replace and pathogens internal and external, modifiable and unmodifiable Replace the clinical forms of the most common diseases of particular organs and systems, metabolic diseases and disorders of water-electrolyte and acidbase Be able to link images of tissue and organ damage with symptoms of the diseases, a history and results of laboratory determinations and to describe the consequences of developing lesions to adjacent organs topographically Analyze the phenomenon of reactive, defensive and adaptive control and disturbance caused by an etiological factor date Signature of the authorized person Comments Lectures: 1. Introduction to pathology. Pathology as a basis for therapeutic decisions. Apoptosis. Processes of cel aging. 2. Basics of immunopathology. Amyloidosis. Sarcoidosis. 3. Molecular basis of carcinogenesis and correlation with morphological image. Morphological features of tumor-host reaction. 4. Morphological characteristics: thromboembolic disease, shock, and disseminated intravascular coagulation syndrome (DIC). Haemorrhagic diathesis. Anemia. 5. Pathology of genetically determined diseases. 6. Pathology of environmental diseases. 7. Pathology of infectious diseases (with discussion about hepatitis) 8. Pathology of heart and vascular part 1 (congenital heart disease, pericarditis, myocarditis, etiopathogenesis of atherosclerosis) 9. Pathology of the heart and blood vessels part 2 (vasculitis, neoplasms of the heart and blood vessels). 10. Pathology of interstitial lung diseases. Atypical pneumonia. 11. Pathology of oral cavity and esophagous 12. pathology of the upper respiratory tract. Tumors of salivary gland and larynx. 13. Non-neoplastic diseases of the lymphatic system. Pathology of the spleen and thymus. Classification system of proliferative diseases. 14. Test includes lectures 4-14 15. Idiopathic inflammatory bowel disease. 16. Pathology of glomerulonephritis - general issues. 17. Pathology of the vulva and vagina. Non-neoplastic gynecological pathology. 18. Pathology of pregnancy and placenta. Pathology of the fetus and newborn. 19. Pathology of the genitourinary system (malformations, inflammation, and cancer of penis). Pathology of sexually transmitted diseases. 20. The pathology of selected diseases of the breast (inflammatory, proliferative lesions of the breast, selected aspects of the molecular basis of breast cancer and their significance). 21. Pathology in daily practice - clinical cases. 22. Pathogenesis and histopathology of diabetes. 23. Pathology of endocrine system. Neuroendocrine tumors. 24. pathology of inflammatory skin diseases. Bullous skin disorders. 25. Pathology non-neoplastic diseases of the muscles, joints, and bones. 26. Aspects of soft tissue pathology 27. Malformations of the central nervous system. 28. The pathology of selected diseases of the nervous system (CNS viral infections, spongiform encephalopathies, primary myelin diseases and neurodegenerative diseases). 29. Pathology in daily practice - clinical cases. 30. Test includes lectures 16-30