Aspiration • Ambition • Achievement Helston Community College Quality Improvement Plan 2013/14 Objective - to enable students to fulfil their potential by achieving the following targets: KS3 KS4 KS5 Meet FFTD targets for 2 levels of progress, Level 5+ and Level 6+ in Core subjects. FSM6 students to meet FFTB target for 2 levels of progress in Maths and narrow the gap. 72% 5 A*-C inc EM 77% expected progress English 77% expected progress Maths. (Service family students to exceed) 62% 5 A*-C inc EM FSM6 67% expected progress English FSM6 67% expected progress Maths FSM6 and achieve a VA of 1000. To achieve ALPS Teaching & Learning average of 3 for Year 13 and 4 for Year 12. Literacy and Numeracy Areas for Improvement Raise levels of student literacy and numeracy across the curriculum Actions: Bud. PD Success Criteria To continue to improve literacy at KS3 through the Curriculum Support Unit, incorporating the Read, Write Inc programme for Year 7 with a reading age of less than 10yrs and SS of 95 or less. To support low levels of literacy through the DRIVE program. Action plans for those students receiving support to be placed on SPOT. Opportunities for teachers delivering RWI to moderate assessments and to disseminate good practice. Implement a consistent approach towards marking of spelling and grammar across the College Literacy group to disseminate information to their subject areas on a regular basis to ensure it continues Improvements in reading age to be better than the chronological time period. To close the gap between reading age and chronological age. All exercise books to be annotated in the same way for correction of spelling, punctuation and grammar. Resp. Progress SMi Current cohort progressing at a faster rate than chronological time period. Currently 32 yr 7 students being supported on RWI and 77 KS3 students being supported on DRIVE to improve reading and spelling. HoFs Literacy group have produced and circulated expectations for all classroom teachers Aspiration • Ambition • Achievement Helston Community College Quality Improvement Plan 2013/14 Objective - to enable students to fulfil their potential by achieving the following targets: KS3 KS4 KS5 Meet FFTD targets for 2 levels of progress, Level 5+ and Level 6+ in Core subjects. FSM6 students to meet FFTB target for 2 levels of progress in Maths and narrow the gap. 72% 5 A*-C inc EM 77% expected progress English 77% expected progress Maths. (Service family students to exceed) 62% 5 A*-C inc EM FSM6 67% expected progress English FSM6 67% expected progress Maths FSM6 and achieve a VA of 1000. To achieve ALPS Teaching & Learning average of 3 for Year 13 and 4 for Year 12. Literacy and Numeracy Areas for Improvement Actions: Key subject vocabulary to be prominently displayed in all classrooms and referred to during lessons. ‘Literacy Lead’ from each subject area to disseminate agreed consistent practice for the delivery of literacy within their subject area. Bud. PD Success Criteria Key word displays to be relevant, updated and checked by HOF during learning walks. Opportunities for literacy group to meet regularly to identify current issues and monitor literacy action plan. Key words evident and discussed in lessons. Effective dissemination of literacy group action plans as a regular agenda item at subject meetings. Resp. HOF’s AHT Literacy. Progress Key words in majority of classrooms. SMi to draw up list of classrooms without prominent displays. Literacy Literacy update now to group lead & be added to subject Literacy agendas and progress reps checked against action plans, Aspiration • Ambition • Achievement Helston Community College Quality Improvement Plan 2013/14 Objective - to enable students to fulfil their potential by achieving the following targets: KS3 KS4 KS5 Meet FFTD targets for 2 levels of progress, Level 5+ and Level 6+ in Core subjects. FSM6 students to meet FFTB target for 2 levels of progress in Maths and narrow the gap. 72% 5 A*-C inc EM 77% expected progress English 77% expected progress Maths. (Service family students to exceed) 62% 5 A*-C inc EM FSM6 67% expected progress English FSM6 67% expected progress Maths FSM6 and achieve a VA of 1000. To achieve ALPS Teaching & Learning average of 3 for Year 13 and 4 for Year 12. Literacy and Numeracy Areas for Improvement Actions: Design a Y7 and Y8 Numeracy Curriculum to be delivered by the maths department. 1. Identify and extract appropriate content from the existing KS3 maths Schemes of Work 2. Create a teaching schedule for Numeracy to run parallel with maths lessons 3. Collate maths resources to enable delivery of Numeracy skills 4. Collate Numeracy application contexts from other subjects for use in Numeracy lessons Bud. PD Success Criteria Opportunities for Numeracy leads in STEM subjects to meet to identify contexts in which Numeracy is used in their subjects. Teaching schedule and resources in use in Y7 and Y8 Numeracy lessons from Sept 2014 Bank of skills resources available for Sept 2014. STEM subjects to provide contexts in which Numeracy is used in Y7 and Y8 by Sept 2014. Resp. JHt /ASt ASt/Maths Dept Subject leaders Progress Curriculum content agreed. Teaching schedule set up. Flexi-INSET / department time used to start collating maths resources for teaching Numeracy skills. Plan for cross-curricular approach to Numeracy shared with HoFs. ASt working with IT technicians to set up an effective system to share Numeracy resources across all subjects. Aspiration • Ambition • Achievement Helston Community College Quality Improvement Plan 2013/14 Objective - to enable students to fulfil their potential by achieving the following targets: KS3 KS4 KS5 Meet FFTD targets for 2 levels of progress, Level 5+ and Level 6+ in Core subjects. FSM6 students to meet FFTB target for 2 levels of progress in Maths and narrow the gap. 72% 5 A*-C inc EM 77% expected progress English 77% expected progress Maths. (Service family students to exceed) 62% 5 A*-C inc EM FSM6 67% expected progress English FSM6 67% expected progress Maths FSM6 and achieve a VA of 1000. To achieve ALPS Teaching & Learning average of 3 for Year 13 and 4 for Year 12. Literacy and Numeracy Areas for Improvement Actions: Create a Numeracy resource bank for use in all subjects to demonstrate: 1. standard methods used in maths and Numeracy operations 2. potential misconceptions and mistakes made by students Literacy Curriculum Bud. PD Success Criteria Whole school training session on Numeracy strategy Consistent practice observed through monitoring procedures. Resp. JHt/HoFs PRe/GGo Progress Flexi-INSET / department time used to start collating maths resources to show standard teaching methods.