Class 3 programme of study

Cycle 2
English (Genres)
English (Phonics/spellings)
English (Grammar and
Stories with familiar settings
Y3 - To consolidate understanding of
adding suffixes and to investigate
conventions related to the spelling
pattern –le
Y4 - To distinguish between the spelling
and meaning of homophones
Word: Use of the forms a or an according
to whether the next word begins with a
consonant or a vowel
Sentence: Expressing time, place and
cause using conjunctions
Text: Introduction to paragraphs as a
way to group related material
Stories with historical settings
Dialogue and Plays
Stories form other cultures
Explanation texts
Y3 - To spell regular verb endings and
to learn irregular tense changes
Y4 - To investigate, collect and classify
spelling patterns related to the
formation of plurals
Y3 - To know what happens to the
spelling of nouns when -s is added
Y4 - To investigate and learn to spell
words with common letter strings
Word: The grammatical difference
between plural and possessive –s
Sentence: Noun phrases expanded by
the addition of modifying adjectives,
nouns and preposition phrases (e.g.
the teacher expanded to: the strict
maths teacher with curly
Text: Use of paragraphs to organise
ideas around a theme
Text: Appropriate choice of pronoun
or noun within and across sentences
to aid cohesion and avoid repetition
Punctuation: Introduction to inverted
Punctuation: Use of inverted commas
commas to punctuate direct speech
and other punctuation to indicate
Text: Headings and sub-headings to
direct speech [for example, a comma
aid presentation
after the reporting clause; end
Sentence: Expressing time, place and
punctuation within inverted commas:
cause using conjunctions [for example, The conductor shouted, “Sit down!”]
when, before, after, while, so,
Word: Standard English forms for verb
because], adverbs [for example, then,
inflections instead of local spoken
next, soon, therefore], or prepositions forms [for example, we were instead
[for example, before, after, during, in,
of we was, or I did instead of I done]
because of]
Text: Paragraphing in fiction and non
A: Counting, partitioning and calculating
B: Securing number facts, understanding shape
C: Handling data and measures
D: Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
E: Securing number facts, calculations and relationships
States of matter: Solids, liquids and
Forces and Magnets: How magnets
gasses, heating and cooling,
attract some materials, floating and
evaporation and condensation.
A: Counting, partitioning and calculating
B: Securing number facts, understanding shape
C: Handling data and measures
D: Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
E: Securing number facts, calculations and relationships
How rocks are formed, different kinds of rocks, fossils
Computer science – controlling devices using algorithms and pre-controlled
Digital Literacy – E-Safety
IT – Multimedia presentations including sound recording and animation.
Study of an aspect or theme in British History beyond 1066:
Hitler’s invasion of Poland and its impact on Britain
A study of prominent artists in WW2 and their techniques
A study of WW2 propaganda posters and the role they played.
A study of how war is represented through music.
A study of the role music played in building the morale of people affected by war.
A study and performance of popular WW2 songs.
Y3 - To understand how words change
when suffixes are added
Y4 - To understand how suffixes
change the function of words
Computer science – debugging existing programs
Digital Literacy – Familiarisation with digital content and storage systems
(school network, Wi-Fi at school/home, cloud networks, internet, media
storage) IT – Multimedia presentations including sound recording and digital
Earliest Civilisations:
Shang Dynasty
Benin (West Africa) c900 - 1300
 Adventure and mystery
 Instructions
Y3 - To embed the correct use and
spelling of pronouns
Y4 - To understand the use of the
apostrophe in contracted forms of
Text: Use of the present perfect form
of verbs instead of the simple past [for
example, He has gone out to play
contrasted with He went out to play]
Word: Word families based on
common words, showing how words
are related in form and meaning [for
example, solve, solution, solver,
dissolve, insoluble]
Y3 - To develop knowledge of prefixes
to generate new words from root
Y4 - To revise and investigate links
between meaning and spelling when
using affixes
Sentence: Fronted adverbials [for
example, Later that day, I heard the
bad news.]
Punctuation: Use of commas after
fronted adverbials
Punctuation: Apostrophes to mark
plural possession [for example, the
girl’s name, the girls’ names]
A: Counting, partitioning and calculating
B: Securing number facts, understanding shape
C: Handling data and measures
D: Calculating, measuring and understanding shape
E: Securing number facts, calculations and relationships
Plants: Functions of different parts of
Animals including humans: Digestive
plants, what plants need to flourish,
system, teeth.
journey of the food in a plant, life cycle
of a plant.
Computer science – an introduction to coding
Digital Literacy – Staying safe online How to deal with inappropriate content
Introduction to search engine technologies and developing search techniques to
refine searches for specific content
IT –Collecting, Analysing, Evaluating and Presenting Data
Study of an aspect or theme in British History beyond 1066:
Crime and punishment, leisure and entertainment in 20th Century.
What did you do after school in 20th Century?
River Study and City Locations: Settlement land use and economic activity
including natural resources especially water supplies:
UK City study: Use maps, atlases, globes and digital computer mapping to locate
countries and describe features studied.
A study of architects who have impacted on London.
A study of cityscapes.
Printing techniques.
A study of great artists in 20th Century.
Landscape painting.
A study of Chinese music and the contrasts between instruments and harmonies
of the Chinese and western cultures.
A study of the rise of popular music in 20th Century with prominent songs and
What do different people believe
about God?
What are the deeper meanings of
Why is prayer important for believers?
Going for Goals
Getting on and falling out.
New beginnings
What do religions teach about the
natural world and why should we take
care of it?
Good to be me
Design and build models and representations of artefacts associated with WW2
Design and create representations of prominent buildings in a well known city.
Food and nutrition
A study of rationing and how it compares with food available today. Who had a
healthier diet? Children today or children in WW2?
A study of the food associated with China and Africa. How does it differ and
compare nutritionally with the food we eat lots of?
An introduction to Spanish
Forest Schools
What can we learn from religions
about what is right and wrong?
What do religions say to us when life
gets hard?
Say no to Bullying
Design and build moving models associated with the functions of the digestive
Design and build products to sell for the hanging basket enterprise scheme.
Grow your own food. A study of locally grown food and the nutritional benefits of
food we produce ourselves.
PE/Sport including extracurricular available and
(Topics, spellings, times
tables and poetry)
Keeping Safe (E-safety,
fire safety, road safety,
drugs, stranger danger
Learning outside the
classroom (Visitors/trips
Citizenship – community
Theme days
Tag rugby and cross country
Net games and dance
Hockey, athletics and rounders
Topic study and regular reading practise.
Consolidation of number work and times tables.
Fire safety
Evacuation experience and evacuee interview.
Pantomime trip.
Christmas market.
How World War 2 affected the Jewish community across the world.
Community Christmas Fayre and Carol
Community Harvest Festival
Evacuee Experience.
Fire safety
Drugs awareness and road safety
Fire safety
Anti-Bullying and stranger danger
City trip.
Trip to the Museum of Childhood, parks and/or a leisure facility.
Easter Farmers Fayre
African communities today in Africa
Chinese New Year
and abroad.
Chinese New Year
Easter Farmers Fayre
Chinese New Year Celebration
Hanging basket enterprise.
Different religions present in our community and nearby towns.
Spring time celebrations
Village ‘Bunny Run’.
Village Carnival Celebration.
School Community Enterprise project.
1960’s Day.