Cycle 1 English (Genres) English (Phonics/spellings) English (Grammar and punctuation) Maths Science Computing History Geography Art Music RE PSHE DT Autumn N - Stories set in imaginary worlds N- Myths and legends NF -Persuasive texts and non N- Plays chronological reports. Y3 - To consolidate understanding of Y3 - To spell regular verb endings and adding suffixes and to investigate to learn irregular tense changes conventions related to the spelling Y4 - To investigate, collect and classify pattern –le spelling patterns related to the Y4 - To distinguish between the spelling formation of plurals and meaning of homophones Word: Use of the forms a or an according Word: The grammatical difference to whether the next word begins with a between plural and possessive –s consonant or a vowel Sentence: Noun phrases expanded by Sentence: Expressing time, place and the addition of modifying adjectives, cause using conjunctions nouns and preposition phrases (e.g. Text: Introduction to paragraphs as a the teacher expanded to: the strict way to group related material maths teacher with curly hair) Text: Use of paragraphs to organise ideas around a theme Text: Appropriate choice of pronoun or noun within and across sentences to aid cohesion and avoid repetition Place value Multiplication and division Addition and subtraction Fractions, decimals and percentages Multiplication and division Measures Fractions and Decimals Shape and space Statistics Electricity: Alternative sources of electricity. How could we cope without electricity? Y3 Bringing it to life Ancient Greece European Country: holiday destinations, Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tsunamis famous cities. – The power of the Earth. Why do so many people shoose to go to What makes the Earth angry? the Mediterranean for their holidays? Pieces inspired by Volcanoes. Art from Ancient Greece. Brass tuition Rhythm and pulse Ensemble singing in parts Christmas production Greek songs What do different people believe about God? What are the deeper meanings of festivals? Rules and Views – including class rules, school rules (rewards and sanctions), Choices – making the correct choices democracy (voting for school, sports and ECO council), Models and artefacts linked to ancient Greece. Product to sell for Christmas. N- Stories which raise issues/dilemmas P- Creating images Y3 - To know what happens to the spelling of nouns when -s is added Y4 - To investigate and learn to spell words with common letter strings Spring Punctuation: Introduction to inverted commas to punctuate direct speech Text: Headings and sub-headings to aid presentation Sentence: Expressing time, place and cause using conjunctions [for example, when, before, after, while, so, because], adverbs [for example, then, next, soon, therefore], or prepositions [for example, before, after, during, in, because of] Text: Paragraphing in fiction and non fiction Place value Addition and subtraction Multiplication and division Fractions, decimals and percentages Time Light: Sources including the sun and electricity, shadows, reflection. How far can you throw a shadow NF- Information texts P- Shape poetry and calligrams Summer N- Authors and letters P- Poems to perform NF- Recounts: newspapers/magazines Y3 - To understand how words change when suffixes are added Y4 - To understand how suffixes change the function of words Y3 - To embed the correct use and spelling of pronouns Y4 - To understand the use of the apostrophe in contracted forms of words Punctuation: Use of inverted commas and other punctuation to indicate direct speech [for example, a comma after the reporting clause; end punctuation within inverted commas: The conductor shouted, “Sit down!”] Word: Standard English forms for verb inflections instead of local spoken forms [for example, we were instead of we was, or I did instead of I done] Text: Use of the present perfect form of verbs instead of the simple past [for example, He has gone out to play contrasted with He went out to play] Word: Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning [for example, solve, solution, solver, dissolve, insoluble] Numbers and the number system Multiplication and division Measures Shape and space Statistics Sound: Sources, vibration, loud and faint, pitch, volume. Why do people enjoy music? Place value Addition and subtraction Fractions, decimals and percentages Statistics Shape and space Animals (including humans) Nutrition linked to what we eat, skeletons and muscles. How can athletes move so quickly? Y4 Games and information The Roman Empire and its impact on Stone Age to Iron Age – including Britain: hunter gatherers, early farmers, Julius Caeser, Hadrian’s Wall, Boudicca Bronze age and Iron Age. and Romanisation of Britain. Who first lived in Britain? Why were the Romans so powerful and what did we learn from them? Y3 - To develop knowledge of prefixes to generate new words from root words Y4 - To revise and investigate links between meaning and spelling when using affixes Sentence: Fronted adverbials [for example, Later that day, I heard the bad news.] Punctuation: Use of commas after fronted adverbials Punctuation: Apostrophes to mark plural possession [for example, the girl’s name, the girls’ names] Multiplication and division Fractions, decimals and percentages Measures Measure/Number All living things: Identify and name a variety of living things (plants and animals) in the local and wider environment. Which wild plants and animals thrive in your locality? Y3 Move it and sort it Local History: A study of local history taking into account a period of history which shaped the locality. How did Sir Richard Arkwright, John Smedley, Florence Nightingale and Alison Utley affect the area? Local Area and a contrasting locality. Early art Shadow art Art inspired by The Romans Art inspired by music Brass tuition Rhythm and pulse Ensemble singing in parts Why do people enjoy music? Famous local artists Landscapes Animals in art Environmental sculptures. Brass tuition Rhythm and pulse Ensemble singing in parts Local folk songs Compositions inspired by nature Why is prayer important for believers? What do religions teach about the natural world and why should we take care of it? What can we learn from religions about what is right and wrong? What do religions say to us when life gets hard? Belonging – including friendships, families, homophobia & bullying My Body – including medicines, smoking and alcohol Our World – including multiculturalism, pollution People – including mutual respect and individual liberty, multi cultualism To create working toy models of Roman inventions. Making and marketing products for sale in the local area. Food and nutrition MFL Forest Schools PE/Sport including extracurricular available and competitions Homework (Topics, spellings, times tables and poetry) Keeping Safe (E-safety, fire safety, road safety, drugs, stranger danger etc) Learning outside the classroom (Visitors/trips etc) Enterprise Global Dimension/Multicultural Festivals/celebrations Citizenship – community participation Theme days An introduction to French Rugby, Hockey, Football and Cross Country Outdoor pursuits (Lea Green activity days Net and invasion games. Dance Outdoor pursuits (Lea Green activity days) Rounders and athletics Outdoor pursuits (Lea Green activity days) Topic study and regular reading practise. Consolidation of number work and times tables. E-Safety Water Safety Forest Schools – pond safety, tool safety, fire safety, stranger danger, weather safety First Aid & what to do in an emergency Harvest E-Safety Forest Schools – pond safety, tool safety, fire safety, stranger danger, weather safety First Aid & what to do in an emergency E-Safety Water Safety Forest Schools – pond safety, tool safety, fire safety, stranger danger, weather safety First Aid E-Safety Water Safety Forest Schools – pond safety, tool safety, fire safety, stranger danger, weather safety E-Safety Sun Safety Forest Schools – pond safety, tool safety, fire safety, stranger danger, weather safety E-Safety Forest Schools – pond safety, tool safety, fire safety, stranger danger, weather safety Science day trip Pantomime trip. Possible visit to iron age or roman settlement. Excursion into local areas Christmas market. Easter Farmers Fayre Hanging basket enterprise. Christmas Community Christmas Fayre and Carol Community Harvest Festival concert. Mediterranean festival and Science day. Children in Need Chinese New Year Easter Easter Farmers Fayre Sport Relief Spring time celebrations Village ‘Bunny Run’. School Community Enterprise project. Ramadan Village Carnival Celebration. TBC