PARE Spring School 2014-annex - Hokkaido University PARE

Graduate Program for Fostering Frontiers of Practical Solutions in a Populations-Activities-ResourcesEnvironments (PARE) Chain
PARE Spring School 2014
(PARE Core Subject)
Graduate Program for Fostering Frontiers of Practical Solutions in a Populations-ActivitiesResources- Environments (PARE) Chain
(PARE Program)
“Graduate Program for Fostering Frontiers for Practical Solutions in a Population-ActivitiesResources-Environments Chain” (hereinafter referred to as “PARE Program”) was accepted in
September 2012 as one of the “Re-Inventing Japan Project” - Support for the Formulation of
Collaborative Programs with ASEAN Universities -1, funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture,
Sports, Science & Technology (MEXT) in Japan.
Hokkaido University initiated to create the concept of PARE Program in collaboration with six (6)
distinctive ASEAN universities, which are:
Bogor Agricultural University (IPB), Republic of Indonesia
Chulalongkorn University (CU), Kingdom of Thailand
Institute of Technology in Bandung (ITB), Republic of Indonesia
Kasetsart University (KU), Kingdom of Thailand
Thammasat University (TU), Kingdom of Thailand
University of Gadjah Mada (UGM), Republic of Indonesia
PARE Program is expected to produce leaders and create a network to support development in
Asia. To the end, through collaborative education with the PARE consortium, quality assurance for
multidisciplinary education, creation of an educational collaboration model that coordinates
between educational field works and lab work, and establishment of a PARE alumni network that
assembles experts in dissimilar fields and research will be achieved.
“Re-Inventing Japan Project” - Support for the Formulation of Collaborative Programs with ASEAN Universities- is a
funding project that aims to foster human resources capable of being globally active, and to assure the quality of
mechanisms for the mutual recognition of credits and grade management through an international frameworks, by
giving financial support to efforts for the formation of collaborative programs with ASEAN universities that conduct
study abroad programs for Japanese students and undertakes the strategic acceptance of foreign students.
Graduate Program for Fostering Frontiers of Practical Solutions in a Populations-Activities-ResourcesEnvironments (PARE) Chain
PARE Program will foster human resources with the four requisites: “Field Research Capacity”,
“Cross Cultural Capability”, “Frontier Spirit” and “Problem Solving Competencies” which are
essential for practical resolutions in the PARE chain.
PARE Program officially started in October 2012 and will be subsidized by MEXT until the end of
Japanese fiscal year of 2016 (March 2017).
What is “PARE”?
Human population growth and excessive human activities cause unprecedented demands of
natural resources (fossil, water, land resources, etc.), the intensification of agriculture, the rapidly
growing and globalizing economy and urbanization, which contribute to environmental
degradation and climate change.
Environmental degradation and climate change also cause insufficient supply of natural resources
and food shortages adversely affects people’s nutritional wellbeing.
“PARE” means such linkages among “Population-Activities-Resources-Environment” explained
PARE Program consists of following three (3) components:
(1) Core Subjects (Introduction to PARE & Summer/Spring School)
(2) Comprehensive Subjects
(3) Specialized Subjects
For whom?
This program is offered to those who are master program students in one of six (6) ASEAN
partner universities or Hokkaido University, especially those who are aspiring to become
researchers or technical experts engaged in the sustainable use of fossil fuel, metal, water,
land and marine resources in consideration of public health and environmental conservation.
1) Core Subjects “Introduction to PARE”
To be prepared later
2) Core Subjects “Summer School/Spring School”
For what?
Those who participate in this summer/spring school are expected to gain basic knowledge of
PARE-relating issues in Asia. In addition, participants are expected to be engaged in a group
work with participants from various academic background and countries to find possible
solutions for PARE-relating issues.
In Summer/Spring School, participants are expected to develop a deeper understanding of
actual situations from on-the-field work and lectures given by individuals with relevant
business experience, and are expected to develop the ability to organize better ideas
through the group discussion on subject matters handled in field work.
Graduate Program for Fostering Frontiers of Practical Solutions in a Populations-Activities-ResourcesEnvironments (PARE) Chain
Participants shall have opportunities to be engaged in field work in Indonesia/Japan/Thailand
and group discussion during summer/spring school.
3) Comprehensive/Specialized Subjects
To be prepared later