click here to view and resources provided for the workshop.

GW Faculty Resources: Incorporating International Students Better into Classroom Learning
Nationally and also on GW’s campuses, the number of international students is increasing rapidly,
presenting new challenges and opportunities for GW students and faculty alike. This compilation of
resources includes the latest research in best practices for teaching in international classrooms as well as
practical tips instructors can implement in their own classrooms.
A. Online Resources for Integrating International Students into U.S. Classrooms
American Council on Education, Internationalization in Action: Integrating International
Students (2015): (ACE's
Center for Internationalization and Global Engagement (CIGE)’s online publication provides practical tips
on supporting international student integration and success).
Bowman, K. (2011, Nov-Dec). Easing the Transition: Building Academic Support for the
International Graduate Students, 46-49: (Useful
tips on providing academic support for international graduate students).
Carnegie Mellon University, Teaching in an Increasingly Multi-cultural Setting: A Guide for
Faculty; Recognizing and Addressing Cultural Variations in the Classroom; Eberly Center for
Teaching Excellence and Educational Innovation (2015):
tions.pdf (Practical tips on working with cultural variations in the classroom as well as background
information and resources).
Drexel University, Handbook for Faculty and Advisors: Best Practices in Teaching and Advising
International and EFL Students (2013): (Practical, hands-on
strategies on teaching international students).
University of Michigan, Teaching International Students: Pedagogical Issues and Strategies;
Center for Research on Teaching and Learning (2015). (Online strategies for teaching international students
from the University of Michigan’s Center for Research on Teaching and Learning).
B. Online Resources for Instructors of Multilingual Writers
Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC) – CCCC Statement on Second
Language Writers and Writing (2014): (Guidelines for second language in
writing courses and programs; comprehensive reference list includes empirical studies).
The Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) Clearinghouse (Multilingual
Section): (Reference list of important books and articles on the
Oregon State University, Writing Across Borders
(2012): (30-minute film produced by Oregon State
University featuring practice tips for faculty who work with international students on writing projects).
C. Online Resource for Multilingual Writers
Purdue University, The Purdue Online Writing Lab (OWL): (A great site for all academic writers, but with some
especially key insights for multilingual writers).
D. Further Resources for Integrating International Students into U.S. Classrooms
Deardorff, D. K. (2004). Internationalization: In search of intercultural competence.
International Educator, 13(3), 13-15.Retrieved from (Article includes a widely-disseminated
intercultural competence model).
Faculty Focus, First Person Explanation of Why Some International Students are Silent in the
US Classroom, (2011): (First person narrative by an
international student relating her academic experiences).
Glass, C. R. (2012). Educational Experiences Associated with International Students' Learning,
Development, and Positive Perceptions of Campus Climate, Journal of Studies in International
Education: (Study of international undergraduates’ learning,
development, and perception of campus climate as measured by the Global Perspective Inventory).
Glass, C. R., S. Buus, and L. A. Braskamp. (2013). "Uneven experiences: What’s missing and
what matters for today’s international students." Chicago, IL: Global Perspective Institute: (Survey results from a sample
of over 36,000 international and US students at over 130 colleges).
Korobova, N., & Starobin, S. (2015). A Comparative Study of Student Engagement, Satisfaction
and Academic Success among International and American Students. Journal of International
Students, 5 (1), 72-85. (Comparative study of international and US students).
Redden, E (2014). Teaching International Students, Inside Higher Ed. (In-depth article that includes effective teaching practices as well as a discussion
of international student classroom challenges).
National Education Association (NEA). The Changing World of International Students (Baron,
UNLV): (Contextual information and useful tips for teaching
international students).
Streitwieser, B. (2014). College Classroom Culture. [Webinar]. U.S. Department of State
EducationUSA Interactive. interactive-understanding-the-uscollege-classroom/ (Webinar features a discussion of US classroom culture in the context of international
student academic achievement).
Telbis, N., Helgeson, L., Kingsbury, C. (2014). International Students’ Confidence and Academic
Success. Journal of International Students, 4 (4), 330-341. (Study on international student success).
E. Further Resource for Instructors of Multilingual Writers:
Bruce, S., & Rafoth, B., Eds. (2009). ESL Writers: A Guide for Writing Center Tutors. Portsmouth,
NH: Boynton/Cook Publishers (Although directed in title to tutors, this text includes excellent strategies
and perspectives for helping non-native writers):
F. Additional Resources – General – Integrating International Students into the U.S. Classroom
Abel, C. F. (2002). Academic Success and the International Student: Research and
Recommendations. New Directions for Higher Education, 117, 13-20.
Agnew, M. (2013). Strategic Planning: An Examination of the Role of Disciplines in Sustaining
Internationalization of the University. Journal of Studies in International Education,17(2), 183-202.
Retrieved March 5, 2015, from Sage.
Andrade, M. S. (2006-2007). International student persistence: Integration or cultural integrity. Journal of
College Student Retention: Research, Theory & Practice, 8(1), 57-81.
Association of American Colleges and Universities (2014). Preparing faculty to facilitate global
learning at Montgomery College.
Beyer, S., Deschamps, E., Green, J., McGillicuddy, D., & Orr, D. (2011, March 7).
Responding to a crisis in a student’s/scholar’s home country. Retrieved from
Dessoff, A. (2011, March). Supporting international students from countries dealing with
trauma. International Educator. Retrieved from
Deumert, A., Marginson, S., Nyland, C., Ramia, G., & Sawir, E. (2008). Loneliness and
international students: An Australian study. Journal of Studies in International
Education, 12(2), 148-180.
Duke University, Intercultural Skills Development Program (ISDP);
Eland, A., Isensee, B., Yefanova, D., & Yu, X. (2014). Seeking Best Practices for
Integrating International and Domestic Students. Retrieved from
Fischer, K. (2014). Campuses Focus More on Meeting International Students’ Needs. The
Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from
Fischer, K. (2014). Retention Is a Growing Issue as More International Students Come to U.S. The
Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from
Fischer, K. (2011). College 101 for Non-Native Speakers. The Chronicle of Higher Education.
Retrieved from International/128535/
Forbes-Mewett, H., & Nyland, C. (2008). Cultural diversity, relocation, and the security of international
students at an internationalised university. Journal of Studies in International Education, 12(2), 181-203.
Fusch, D. (2012, July 13). International Student Success: The Missing Piece. Academic Impressions.
Retrieved from
Gareis, E. (2012). Intercultural friendship: Effects of home and host region. Journal of International and
Intercultural Communication, 5(4), 309-328. doi:10.1080/17513057.2012.691525
Gresham, R., & Clayton, V. (2011). Community connections: A programme to enhance
domestic and international students’ educational experience. Journal of Higher Education Policy and
Management, 33(4), 363-374.
Hanassab, S. (2006). Diversity, international students, and perceived discrimination: Implications for
educators and counselors. Journal of Studies in International Education, 10(2), 157-172.
Humber College Teaching Center. (2015). Instructional videos. #1 Better reading and note taking:; #2 Missing tests:; #3 Class participation; #4 Plagiarism:; and #5 Negotiation as Communication Tool
Institute for International Education. (2014). Open Doors -- Fast Facts: International students in the U.S.
Kaur, G., Melnick, G. A., & Yu, J. (2011). Social integration and academic outcomes: The case of an
international public policy and management program. Journal of Public Affairs Education, 17(4), 569-584.
Retrieved from
Lacina,J. (2003). Preparing International Students for a Successful Social Experience in Higher
Education. New Directions for Higher Education, 117, 21-27.
Lee, J. J., & Rice, C. (2007). Welcome to America? International student perceptions of discrimination.
Higher Education: The International Journal of Higher Education and Educational Planning, 53(3), 381409.
Lewis, N. (2013). Faculty: the link between underrepresented students and study abroad. Retrieved from: between-underrepresented-students-and-studyabroad
Luo, J. (2013). Career Services as a Bridge to International Student Acculturation and Success.
The Vermont Connection, 34, 60-68.
Marmolejo, F. (2011). International Mobility of Students: Beyond the Numbers. The Chronicle of
Higher Education. Retrieved from
Mathew, R. (2008, May – June). Counseling: forging a cultural bridge. International Educator, 80-83.
Retrieved from
McCarthy, J. (2014). Supporting and integrational international students into the
academic community. College Services. Retrieved from
Mori, S. (2000). Addressing the mental health concerns of international students. Journal of Counseling &
Development, 78(2), 137-144.
Nadler, B. (2014). Focusing on International Students. Illinois International Review, (18).
Retrieved from
Owens, A R., & Loomes, S. L. (2010). Managing and resourcing a program of social integration initiatives
for international university students: What are the benefits? Journal of Higher Education Policy and
Management, 32(3), 275-290.
Paige, R. M. (2015). To Intervene or Not to Intervene: Student Learning and Development Abroad. UMN
Workshop Powerpoint.
Paltridge, T., Mayson, S., & Schapper, J. (2012) Covering the gap: Social inclusion, international students
and the role of local government. Australian Universities' Review, 54(2), 29-39.
Purdue University. (2014, January 26). Purdue recognized for programs integrating
international, American students. Retrieved from,-american-students.html
Redden, E. (2014). Integrating International Students. Inside Higher Ed.
Redden, E. (2013). Strangers in a strange land. Inside Higher Ed.
Sewall, M. (2010). US colleges focus on making international students feel at home. The
Chronicle of Higher Education, 1-5. Retrieved from
Shelley G., personal communication, Tuesday, March 3.
Streitwieser, B. (2014, Nov 26). U.S. student
body grows ever more international, but inequality persists. The Conversation. Retrieved from inequality-persists34468
Thomas, D. (2012, June 13). Overseas students in USA struggle to integrate. The PIE News
Retrieved from
Trice, A. G. (2003). Faculty Perceptions of Graduate International Students: The Benefits and Challenges.
Journal of Studies in International Education.
University of Denver. (2014). Tips for teaching Chinese students (Blog):
University of Montana. (2010). International students in your classroom.
Urban, W. L. & Palmer, L. B. (2013). Int’l Students as a Resource for Internationalization of higher
education. Journal of Studies in International Education.
US News and World Report. (2013). Ways International Students can Participate in Class.
Vande Berg, J., Connor-Linton, J., & Paige, R.M. (2009). The Georgetown consortium project:
Interventions for student learning abroad. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, XVIII,
Wang, K. T., Heppner, P. P., Fu, C., Zhao, R., Li, F., & Chuang, C. (2012). Profiles of acculturative
adjustment patterns among Chinese international students. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 59(3), 424-
Wang, K. T., Li, F., Wang, Y., Hunt, E. N., Yan, G. C., & Currey, D. E. (2014). The international friendly
campus scale: Development and psychometric evaluation. International Journal of Intercultural Relations,
42(0), 118-128. doi:
Weiss, S., Rossetti, A.,and Pecoraro, L. (2012). Preparing International Students for Success.
BizEd, 11 (5), 40-45.
West, C. (2012). 2+2=Success for Many International Students. International Educator, 21 (5), 52-55.