LIST OF CHAMPIONS IN ALL SECTIONS OF AGRICULTURAL SHOW. OVERALL CHAMPION IN AGRICULTURAL SECTION : The Gowstone Cup R & J GRAHAM AIRTHREY KERSE BRIDGE OF ALLAN’S LIMOUSIN COW, GRAHAM’S BUTTERFLY CATTLE CHAMPION HOLSTEIN FRIESIAN: PRIZE: Society Cup Champion: Jack Brewster Boclair Farm Milngavie OVERALL CHAMPION IN DAIRY: The Hugh Wyllie Cup. Champion: J Brewster Boclair Farm Bearsden CHAMPION ABERDEEN ANGUS: Caledonian Marts Perpetual Trophy Champion: W & D McLaren Netherton Blackford Netherton Fluer CHAMPION HIGHLANDER: Finnich Malise Cup: Reserve: Mary Bannerman Memorial Quaich Champion: J & C McKechnie France Farm Gartocharn Morag 4th of Woodneuk Reserve: Ms P Smith & Mr P Burns Craigengelt Farm Stirling Alexandra of Bien Esk CHAMPION GALLOWAY (black & dun):B.O.C.M. Pauls Cup Champion: D & M Gall Gall-way Herd Boquhan Estate Kippen Stirling CHAMPION GALLOWAY (belted or white): B.O.C.M. Pauls Tankard Champion: J & S Kinloch Walton Farm Cardross Cairnsmore Chelsea CHAMPION HEREFORD: : The Glenfinlas Cup Champion: W & J Andrew Oaklea Farm Auchincruive Ayrshire Arranview Regina BEST ANIMAL IN OTHER NATIVE BREEDS: The Calley Shield Champion: Mr G R Brooke Linton Wold Farm Wintringham Malton Holmeere Millicent CHAMPION LIMOUSIN: Trophy presented by Cooler Air Services Limited Champion: R & J Graham Airthrey Kerse Bridge of Allan Stirling Grahams Butterfly CHAMPION CHAROLAIS: The Alan McCaig Perpetual Trophy Champion: Mr A Hornall Falleninch Farm Stirling Falleninch Fiona CHAMPION COMMERCIAL: : Sir Hugh Fraser Perpetual Cup Champion: Mr S Bett & Mr C Malone 6 Corbiewood Bannockburn Stirling Pussy Galore Best Beef Animal bred by exhibitor: Buchanan Castle Cup Champion J & C McKechnie France Farm Gartocharn Razzle Dazzle HEAVY HORSES CLYDESDALE CHAMPION: Silver (Perpetual) Cup, gifted by the late J Anderson Service Champion: Charles Carrick Littleward Farm Thornhill Yeld Mare CHAMPION TURNOUT IN HEAVY HORSE SECTION: The Oakwood Cup Champion: R Brewster & H Carr's Bandirran Ben. Reserve Mr Alex Fitzpatrick 20 Dundonald Rd Irvine Ayrshire Wullum & Laddie HIGHLAND PONIES CHAMPION HIGHLAND PONY: Bannerman Perpetual Trophy Champion: Miss L Cushnie 2 Links Farm Meileour Perthshire Lochlands Fiery Angel Reserve: Messrs G Baird West Whitefield Blairgowrie Foal SHEEP CHAMPION BLUEDFACED LEICESTER: The Claylands Cup Champion: Mr Jamie Pirie Blairnavaid Farm Drymen Ewe hogg CHAMPION SCOTCH MULE: The Quinloch Cup Champion: Neil Laing Perryflats Farm Biggar Ewe lamb CHAMPION SUFFOCK: The Campbell Cup Champion: Donny Allan Ballochneck Farm Buchlyvie Gimmer CHAMPION BLACKFACE: The Montrose Cup, The Royal Highland Society Jubilee Perpetual Trophy Champion: J McGregor The Dyke Milton of Campsie Ewe hogg CHAMPION SHETLAND SHEEP: Kilgour Perpetual Trophy Champion: J C & R Steven Rosebank Farm Currie Midlothian 2 shear ram CHAMPION TEXEL: : The Wards Trophy Champion: Mr D Steel for (James & Douglas Jnr) Braevalloch Balfron Ewe lamb CHAMPION CONTINENTAL: Bottle of Whisky. Champion: L Daff Greenside Farm Uplawmoor Blue Du Moine CHAMPION OTHER NATIVE BREEDS: Bottle of Whisky Champion: Mrs M Blanchard Newlees Farm Avonbridge Stirlingshire Hampshire Down shearlling CHAMPION PEN COMMERCIAL: The Little Drumquharn Trophy Champion: Mr J McLaren Hardiston Farm Arnprior Stirling OVERALL CHAMPION IN SHEEP SECTION: Trophy presented by Humber Fertilisers Plc Champion: Jamie Pirie Blairnavaid Farm Drymen CHAMPION EXHIBITOR (most points in agricultural section excluding poultry): The G & J Campbell Trophy Winner: J C & R Steven Rosebank Farm Currie W.Lothian PRIZE: The Tudur Shield