
Name ___________________________________________Date_________________________Hr_________
Chapter 6, The Progressives- Reading Guide, p. 168
Key Terms and People: Section 1: Progressivism pp.170-176, wbp.37
What is Progressivism?
Why do you think it is called Progressivism?
What is a muckraker?
Who is Ida Tarbel?
Who is Lincoln Steffens?
Who is Jacob Riis?
What did the Seventh Amendment do?
What is initiative?
What is a referendum?
What is a recall?
1. Name some problems that came with industrialism.
2. Name three people who focused attention on the problems in American society.
3. What inspired New York to pass fire safety laws?
Read and find 3 main ideas. Write them below. We will take notes on a separate sheet.
Goals of Progressivism
Reforming Society
Reforming the Workplace
Reforming Government
Progressives focused on easing the suffering of the urban ________________, improving
__________________________ conditions, and reforming __________________________________.
American History ~ Chapter 6
Coach Taylor
Ch.6, Section 2: Women and Public Life p.177; wbp.39
What is prohibition?
Why did they want to prohibit alcohol?
Women’s Christian Temperance Union
What did Francis Willard do?
Why was Carry Nation famous?
What did the Eighteenth Amendment do?
What did the National Association of Colored Women campaign against?
What did Susan B. Anthony do that drew national attention to her cause?
1. What new opportunities did the late 1800s bring for women?
2. What political causes did women campaign for?
Opportunities for Women
Gaining Political Experience
Women’s Suffrage Movement
Women during the Progressive Era actively campaigned for reforms in _____________________________,
Children’s __________________________, _________________________and________________________.
American History ~ Chapter 6
Coach Taylor
Ch.6, Section 3: Theodore Roosevelt’s Square Deal p. 183, wbp. 41
Who was Theodore Roosevelt?
What was the Bully pulpit?
What did the Square Deal mean?
Who was Upton Sinclair?
What was the Meat Inspection Act
What was the Pure Food and Drug Act
What did the Newlands Reclamation Act do?
What is Gifford Pinchot known for?
1. Why would political bosses want to silence Roosevelt?
2. What example does the section give for using a bully pulpit?
3. What was Roosevelt’s Square Deal??
4. Which trusts and monopolies did Roosevelt go after?
5. How was Roosevelt’s view of conservation different from John Muir’s?
Roosevelt’s View of the Presidency
Regulating Big Business
Environmental Conservation
Theodore Roosevelt used the power of the presidency to push for ________________ ________________.
American History ~ Chapter 6
Coach Taylor
Ch.6, Section 4: Taft and Wilson p. 189, wbp. 43
Who is William Howard Taft?
What did the Sixteenth Amendment do?
Who was Hiram W. Johnson?
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
What did New Freedom mean?
What did the Federal Reserve Act do?
What did the Clayton Antitrust Act do?
Who is Alice Paul?
What did the Nineteenth Amendment do?
Describe the Brownsville incident?
1. What were some of President Taft’s reforms?
2. Why did conservationists stop trusting Taft?
3. What is a graduated income tax?
4. Beginning in 1914, what new tactics did the woman suffragists use?
Progressivism under Taft
Wilson’s New Freedom
Women Gain the Right to Vote
Progressivism and the Rights of African Americans
Progressive reforms continued during the ________________ and ______________________ presidencies.
American History ~ Chapter 6
Coach Taylor