Fast Fabulous Friday News May 12th -16th, 2014 Ms. Hogeveen, Mrs. Malleck and Ms. Camacho Monday We went to the park with both kindergarten classes. We had a lot of fun playing and exploring, “I liked going down the slides”, say E.W. and V.K. “I liked the swings”, says M.W. In math we represented numbers in different ways and wrote down a number sentences for each combination. Tuesday A lot went on today! First we made tissue Paper flowers for Mother Mary’s Crowning Mass on Thursday morning. We also wrote about our favourite thing we did at the park. “I liked seeing the ants and I like how they were so little”, says J.A. We watched a play that Mr. Rintche put on with Mrs. Brown’s class. These were the narrators. At library time we used our numeracy skills to take a vote on which ‘Blue Spruce’ books we liked the very best. Here are a few photos on our human graph. We watched a video clip on ‘Austin’s Butterfly’ from the school board. In the video a boy named Austin makes several drafts of a butterfly, his Grade One friends kept giving him feedback on how to improve his butterfly and Austin took their ideas and made his look just like the actual Tiger Butterfly in the end. Here is M.M.’s Tiger Butterfly. Wednesday In our growing inquiry we have been wondering why plants need flowers. We had many different theories. . from they just don’t seem necessary to we can’t live without them. Stay tuned to find out more! Can you guess what we are doing here? Some of the children were talking about their holidays and going to wonderland. Then they decided to make a roller coaster! The challenge.. can you make the flower into a pattern? Thursday We put our tissue paper flowers around the statue of Mary at the church this morning at the ‘Crowning of Mary’ mass. Jump Rope for Heart Assembly was in the afternoon. Friday We were having fun running, skipping, and jogging around the school track this morning. Later we learned what a relay race was and we practised with a team on running around the track with a shovel instead of a baton. Some of us talked about different ways to travel this morning; “By airplane, by train”, says J.P. “By car and by motor boat”, says B.D. We ‘Google’ searched some ways to travel and learned a lot of new things, especially about trains. Did you know that there is a crew on a train consisting of several men including, the conductor and the engineer. Sharing some of our best work this afternoon. WORKING HARD and IMAGINATION are Included in our best work!!! Wish List and things to remember: Book Orders are due Friday May 23rd. Fresh flowers for our inquiry… tulips or daffodils, would be great (clear shape for drawing) or white carnations for our colour inquiry Food colouring for our colour inquiry More coloured chalk would be great.. outdoor days are coming Get lots of sleep, learning takes lots of energy!