RECYCLING: Conserving Natural Resources 1. From where do all of the materials we depend on come? THE EARTH 2. Unfortunately, most of these resources are LIMITED . 3. Renewable resources are resources that can be replenished by natural processes within ONE HUMAN LIFESPAN 4. EXAMPLES OF RENEWABLE RESOURCES: FORESTS, CROPS, WATER 5. Nonrenewable resources are FINITE. Once they are used, none will be created FORESEEABLE FUTURE . IN THE . 6. EXAMPLES OF NONRENEWABLE RESOURCES: FOSSIL FUELS IRON, BAUXITE, MANGANESE, GOLD, . 7. The 4 major steps in processing aluminum are a. MINING b. MILLING c. REFINING d. SMELTING 8. The name of ORE that Aluminum comes from is BAUXITE a nonrenewable resource. 9. Write the ratio of BAUXITE needed to create ALUMINUM and ROCK needed to create GOLD: a. 4,000 kg : 1,000 kg b. 1,000 kg : 1 g 10.Once the ore is taken to the mill it is crushed and the valuable part is separated from the waste, which is called TAILINGS 11.Tailings may contain HEAVY METALS and ACID FORMING SULFIDES which can pollute nearby streams and rivers and kill aquatic life. 12.It takes HUGE AMOUNTS OF ELECTRICITY to make Aluminum. This electricity comes from nearby COAL BURNING POWER PLANTS. 13.Of the trees logged in the United States, PAPER PRODUCTS 25% . are used to make a multitude of 14.The 5 major steps in creating paper products are: a. HARVESTING b. CHIPPING c. PULPING d. BLEACHING e. FORMING _ 15.Clear-cutting forests has several major environmental impacts. List two: a. SOIL EROSION b. FLOODING c. HABITAT DESTRUCTION 16.What is the problem with dioxins that are produced by bleaching paper? CANCER AND ARE DUMPED INTO STREAMS HARMING WILDLIFE AND HUMANS THEY CAUSE 17.How much trash or MUNICIPAL SOLID WASTE do Americans throw away every year? TWO- HUNDRED MILLION TONS 18.Where is MOST of our trash put? IN A LANDFILL 19.Fill-in the percentages of garbage types found in landfills: a. b. c. d. PAPER: 38% FOOD/YARD WASTE: 25% METALS/PLASTICS/GLASS: 23% OTHER MATERIALS (wood/rubber): 14% 20.Why are more than half of the landfills in the US closed or closing? THEY’RE FULL OR THEY DO NOT MEET HEALTH STANDARDS 21.Burning trash has the positive effect of but also the negative effect of . REDUCING THE VOLUME OF TRASH RELEASING TOXIC SUBSTANCES INTO THE AIR 22.Recycling reduces 3 things. What are they? a. MINING b. HARVESTING c. AMOUNT OF WASTE GOING TO LANDFILLS 23.Collected recyclables are taken to a MATERIALS RECOVERY FACILITY MRF. 24.How are ferrous or steel materials separated? A MAGNET 25.Once materials are sorted and baled, where do they go? BACK TO THE FACTORIES 26.How much energy is saved by recycling Aluminum? 95% 27.Why? THE MINING, MILLING AND REFINING STEPS ARE REMOVED FROM THE PROCESS 28.How many trees would be saved annually if all Americans recycled their newspapers? 250,000,000 29.List THREE ways YOU can reduce waste: a. BUY FEWER DISPOSABLES b. BUY IN BULK c. REPAIR BROKEN ITEMS 30.What are the THREE R’s? a. REDUCE b. REUSE c. RECYCLE or a