Functional Ecology Appendix S1: Additional methodological details Details of the inoculation protocol Stock tissue was generated via mechanical inoculation of a single inoculum source into several C. pepo host plants, from which pooled tissue was harvested and frozen in aliquots at -80°C. This stock was used to generate plants for the trapping and observation field experiments and the squash bug growth and choice experiments. A second batch of stock tissue was created in the same way and used to inoculate plants for the nutrient analysis and visual-cue measurements. For all inoculations frozen tissue was ground on a cold surface then combined with 15mL of chilled 0.1M potassium phosphate buffer and a small amount of carborundum powder. The solution was then applied to cotyledon surfaces using cotton swabs. Plants designated for virus-free treatments were inoculated in the same manner, but with a solution containing tissue from a healthy squash plant. Aphid and squash bug rearing Aphid colonies (Aphis gossypii Glover, collected in State College, PA) were reared on 2-3-weekold Cucurbita pepo (cv. Dixie) plants in cages exposed to ambient seasonal photoperiod (daylight) at ~24⁰C. Squash bugs (Anasa tristis) were collected as eggs laid on field-grown C. pepo in and around State College, PA, during the late summer of 2008 (~200 eggs) and again in 2011 (~200 eggs). The resulting A. tristis colony was maintained on C. pepo under artificial lighting (16:8 photoperiod) at ~24⁰C. Insect functional groups delineated in the trapping experiment Herbivores: piercing sucking (Aphididae), piercing sucking (Cicadellidae/Cercopidae), piercing sucking (Miridae and other macerate-and-flush feeding style hemiptera), rasping sucking (Thripidae), and chewing (beetles, lepidopterans - grouped together as “other herbivores”). Predators: Syrphidae, Coccinellidae, predatory Diptera (Cecidomyiidae, genus Aphidoletes and Chamaemyiidae, genus Leucopis, mostly larval forms on whole plants), parasitoids, spiders, and other assorted generalist predators that occurred in low numbers (Sphecidae, Vespidae, Carabidae, Staphylinidae, Chrysopidae, and Formicidae). Syrphids, Coccinellids, and predatory Dipterans are key predators of aphids in many systems. Other insects trapped were recorded but not classified as predators or herbivores (e.g. Hymenopteran and Coleopteran pollinators, Dipterans that could not be identified in sufficient detail to determine feeding guild, Collembolans, Acarines, and eggs that could not be attributed to a particular guild). Insect functional groups delineated in the observation experiment Herbivore guilds were delineated as piercing-sucking (Cicadellidae/Cercopidae), macerate-andflush (Miridae), and other (includes Thripidae, chewing Coleopterans, clutches of Pentatomidae Virus infection influences host plant interactions with non-vector herbivores and predators Kerry E. Mauck, Erica Smyers, Consuelo M. De Moraes, Mark C. Mescher Functional Ecology eggs [each clutch = one count], and aphids—each of which occurred in low numbers). Predator groups were similarly delineated and included the following: Chrysopidae, Syrphidae, Coccinellidae, parasitoids, spiders, and other predators (Reduviidae, Nabidae, and Formicidae— each of which occurred in very low numbers). Other insects observed included Hymenopteran and Coleopteran pollinators and Dipterans for which a feeding guild could not be assigned. Camera settings for leaf area and RGB measurements Camera make and model Exposure time FNumber ISOSpeedRatings Focal length Quality White Balance Canon EOS 5D Mark III 1/60 seconds 13 800 73mm RAW Sunny Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry protocol Chromatography employed an Agilent 6890 gas chromatograph fitted with a DB-5MS column (60m long, 0.25mm internal diameter, 0.25μm film) and an Agilent 5973 Network Mass Selective Detector. Injection volume was 1μL with an inlet temperature of 230 °C in splitless mode and a constant helium carrier gas flow set to 1 mL/ min. The temperature program began with an isothermal run at 70°C for 5 minutes, followed by a ramp of 5°C/min. up to 325°C and a final heating at 315°C for 5 minutes. The instrument was then cooled to 70°C as fast as possible (~4 minutes), and equilibrated at this temperature for one minute prior to analysis of the next sample. The transfer line to the mass spectrometer was set to 250°C and the mass spectrometer source was operated at 200°C in electron ionization mode (tuned to the manufacturer’s specifications). Scanning was set to 2 scans per second with a range of m/z 50-600. The solvent delay was 13 minutes. Syringe washes were performed using acetone and hexanes. Chemstation (2003) software was used to analyze the output. Areas of all peaks were calculated using the software’s integration program. Identification of compounds was accomplished using the NIST 2008 mass spectral library (National Institute of Standards and Technology) and verified by comparison to known standards in an amino acid standards mixture purchased from Phenomenex, and to standards of glucose, fructose, and sucrose purchased from Sigma Aldrich. Additional growth experiment with Anasa tristis We performed an additional round of the growth experiment described in the methods of the main manuscript. 37 newly hatched nymphs were distributed across two, 3-week old infected plants and 32 nymphs across two, 3-week old healthy plants (one plant and 13-19 bugs to a cage – starting numbers were initially equal but 5 nymphs died due to handling in the healthy plant treatment). Bugs were allowed to feed on the plants for 3 weeks then counted, weighed, and assessed for instar progression. Proportion surviving and proportions progressed into each instar were compared for bugs grown on infected vs. healthy plants. Weights within each instar were Virus infection influences host plant interactions with non-vector herbivores and predators Kerry E. Mauck, Erica Smyers, Consuelo M. De Moraes, Mark C. Mescher Functional Ecology compared using the Mann-Whitney test (only the 3rd, 4th, and 5th instars had sufficient numbers for statistical tests). Virus infection influences host plant interactions with non-vector herbivores and predators Kerry E. Mauck, Erica Smyers, Consuelo M. De Moraes, Mark C. Mescher