SWDP 4: Moving Around South Worcestershire

Main proposed modifications shown
Deletions in red
Additions in blue
SWDP 4: Moving Around South Worcestershire
Managing Travel Demand
A. Proposals must demonstrate that: the locationlayout of development will minimise
demand for travel, they offer genuinely sustainable travel choices, improvethey
address road safety and supportthey are consistent with the delivery of the
Worcestershire Transport Plan objectives.
B. Travel Plans will be required for all major developments9. These must set out
measures to reduce the demand for travel by private cars and stimulate cycling,
walking and public transport through agreed targets and monitoring arrangements.
C. New development should accord withhave regard to the design criteria and
principles set out in Manual for Streets;, Worcestershire County Council's Local
Transport Plan 3, and Worcestershire County Council’s Highways Design Guide for
new developments; the Design Guide Supplementary Planning Document; and the
Parking Standards in New Development Supplementary Planning Document.
Providing alternative modesAlternative Modes of travelTravel
D. Priority will be given to improving public and community transport provision,
walking and cycling infrastructure during the plan period. All newIn accordance with
policy SWDP 7, developments will be expected to contribute to the provision of
sustainable transport infrastructure necessary to support them, either through
direct investment in facilities or by financial contributions.
E. In order to promote more transport choice in rural areas, community transport and
innovative transport projects, including those that promote the use of new vehicle
technology, will be encouraged in conjunction with new development proposals.
F. All town centre development will need to show that the needs of alternative powered
vehicle usersvehicles have been considered.
Delivering transport infrastructureTransport Infrastructure to support economic
prosperitySupport Economic Prosperity
G. The following major transport schemes, as identified within the Worcestershire
Local Transport Plan 3, will be prioritised, are the most significant for the successful
implementation of the SWDP:
i. Worcester Transport Strategy Phase 1;.
ii. Worcestershire Parkway Station;.
iii. Evesham Abbey Bridge;
iv.iii. Urban transport packages for the towns of Malvern, Tenbury Wells, UptonuponSevern, Pershore, Evesham and Droitwich Spa.
H. Development proposals thatwill not be permitted if they are likely to prejudice the
future development of these strategic implementation of the transport schemes, or
that have an adverse impact on existing or proposed public transport facilities and
set out in clause G, the implementation of identified highway improvements or
traffic management schemes - such as those along the A4440 (Southern Link) at
Worcester - will not be permitted.
With respect to growth at Worcester, , or the highway authority has indicated
thatoperation of existing or proposed public transport facilities.
I.H. Phase 1 of the Worcester Transport Strategy Phase 1 only addresses existing
transportation needs at 2010 along with projected background growth forin travel
demand. The implementationprovision of 9,40012,200 dwellings and 120ha of
employment land in the Wider Worcester Area up to 2030 will, therefore, be
dependant upon the development and satisfactoryrequire the phased
implementation of additional elements of the Local Transport Plan 3 Worcester
Transport Strategy, including:
i. Partial duallingDualling of the A4440 Southern Link Road between Powick
Hams and Whittington, including Carrington Bridge;.
ii. Multi-modal enhancements on all the remaining key radial and orbital
transport corridors in Worcester City;.
iii. Additional walk and cycle route enhancements;.
iv. Upgrade of Worcester Shrub Hill station and associated improvements to the
local highway network;.
v. Smarter Choices (Choose How You Move) measures at all new developments
(traffic generation increases by approximately 10%10 without these
J.I. The following sites and corridors, as shown on the ProposalsPolicies Map, will be
safeguarded from any development that mightwould prejudice future enhancements
to the local and national rail network:
i. Worcestershire Parkway Station;.
ii. Cotswold and Malvern Line;.
iii. Droitwich Spa to Stoke Works;.
iv. Stratford to Cheltenham Line including the former Chord Lines at
Honeybourne Junction;.
17. Transport Assessment Strategy;
K.J. Transport Assessments are required for all major developments12 and must be
carried out to the requirements of Worcestershire County Council and as set out
inrequired by the Local Transport Plan 3 and associatedthe following supporting
policies and guidance including:
i. Worcestershire Local Transport Plan 3 Development Control (Transport)
ii. Worcestershire County Council Guidance onLocal Transport Plan 3
Requirements for Transport Assessments and Statements;.
iii. Worcestershire County Council HighwayLocal Transport Plan 3 Highways
Design Guide;.
iv. Worcestershire County Council Sustainable Urban Extension Developments
Transport Requirements.
Car parking standards
L. Locally determined car parking standards will apply to all development proposals,
which will be set out in Supplementary Planning Documents.
M.K. Financial contributions from development towards strategic transport infrastructure
will either be secured either through the Community Infrastructure Levy charging
schedule or the Developer Contributions Supplementary Planning
Documentdeveloper contributions as appropriate to the circumstances of the
development. New development will need to be incorporated into a co-ordinated
infrastructure and service delivery programme agreed with the south
Worcestershire authorities and Worcestershire County Council. The Infrastructure
Delivery Plan provides additional guidance about how this co-ordination will be
achieved. Where appropriate site-specific transport improvements may be sought
through s.106 or other agreements in accordance with Worcestershire County
Council’s Highway Design Guidance.
The Local Authoritypartner authorities will work closely with itstheir partners,
especially the County Council, to bring forward the necessaryappropriate and
proportionate crucial infrastructure that is required in order to deliver the Spatial
Strategy as set out in the Plan.
The current assessment of crucial infrastructure requirements is set out in Annex I
to this Plan, and is explained in more detail in the South Worcestershire
Infrastructure Delivery Plan._
C. Development will be required to provide or contribute towards the provision of
infrastructure needed to support it. Developers will also need to contribute towards
community benefits related to the development.
D. Where new infrastructure is needed to support new development, the crucial
infrastructure must be operational no later than the appropriate phase of
development for which it is needed.
E. The council intends to introduce a co-ordinated Community Infrastructure Levy by
March 2014.
F. The partner authorities intend to explore a range of funding mechanisms in order to
finance necessary and proportionate crucial infrastructure, and these are set out in
more detail in the Infrastructure Delivery Plan.
SWDP 62: Implementation
A. SWDP 62/1: Planning obligations through Section 106 agreements will continue to
be sought to provide funding to mitigate negative impacts relating to specific
developments. A S106A Developer Contributions SPD will be produced for this
purposeto provide detailed guidance to be used in conjunction with the Community
Infrastructure Levy charging schedule.
B. SWDP 62/2: Progress on the delivery of the SWDP will be reviewed at intervals
throughoutmonitored annually and a partial or whole Plan review commenced if the
Plan period withis significantly failing to meet its objectives, or if the firstpolicy
context requires a review to take place by 2019.