Community Infrastructure Levy Revised Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (February 2015) Comments Form Please return by 9:00am on 30th March 2015 to: or South Worcestershire Development Plan Team, Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Drive, Pershore, Worcestershire WR10 1PT Ref: (For official use only) How we will use your details The personal information you provide on this form will be held and processed in accordance with the requirements of the Data Protection Act 1998. Please note that your name, postal address and comments may be made publicly available when displaying and reporting the outcome of this consultation and cannot be treated as confidential. Any other details, including signatures, private telephone numbers and email addresses will not be published on the Council’s website, but the original representations with personal details redacted will be available in full for inspection on request. 2. Agent’s details (if applicable) 1. Personal details Title Full name Mr John Morgan Job title (if applicable) Organisation (if applicable) Stratford Rail Transport Group Address 189 Dovehouse Drive Wellesbourne Warwick Postcode CV35 9NW Telephone number E-mail address In parallel with the South Worcestershire Development Plan, the South Worcestershire Councils (Worcester City, Malvern Hills and Wychavon District Councils) are synchronising the process of preparing a Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Each authority intends to submit a Draft Charging Schedule in due course in 2015 for examination. At this is a re-run of the first consultation stage, the Councils are inviting representations on the Revised Preliminary Draft Charging Schedule (PDCS). Consultation on the Revised PDCS has been necessary due to the uplift of the Objectively Assessed Housing Need provided by the South Worcestershire Development Plan (SWDP) Inspector from his interim conclusions to the Stage 1 Examination published in March 2014. Please submit your representation by using this form and answering the questions below. Question 1: Should the South Worcestershire Authorities introduce a CIL Charging Schedule? Yes Yes No Question 2: Do you have any views on the indicative draft Regulation 123 list and the split between s.106 and CIL? No Question 3: Do you agree that the Levy should be set at a cautious level? Yes Yes No Question 4: Do you think that the South Worcestershire Councils should maintain the use of planning obligations as the principal way of funding infrastructure on strategic sites? Yes No Yes Question 5: Do you think that the South Worcestershire Councils should introduce a site specific rate for strategic sites, where this is supported by evidence on economic viability? Yes Yes No Question 6: Should the SWC review CIL in 2019 in conjunction with the proposed SWDP review? Yes Yes No Question 7: Should the South Worcestershire Authorities introduce an instalments policy? Yes Yes No Question 8: Should the South Worcestershire Authorities apply exemptions to any further types of development? Yes No No If yes, which further types of development should also be exempt? Question 9: Do you agree with the proposed CIL rates for each Council area and each use? Yes Yes No Question 10: Do you agree with the proposed rates for the SWDP strategic sites? Yes Yes No Question 11: Would like to explain your choices for the questions in further detail? If so, please make your comments below, as clearly and concisely as possible. For instance, if you are referring to any particular text, please state the relevant paragraph number. Please continue on an additional sheet securely attached, if necessary. Appendix A fails to include reference to the Stratford- Honeybourne –Oxford/Worcester/ Broadway railway reinstatement, including the costs of reinstating platforms 3 and 4 of Honeybourne station, the Oxford facing chord line at Honeybourne Junction and upgrading the existing single line railway from Long Marston-Honeybourne from freight to passenger standards. The former Stratford-Honeybourne-Oxford/Worcester railway line has been the subject of a feasibility study conducted by ARUP in 2012, for local authorities including Worcestershire County Council, the rail industry and rail groups, on the reopening of this route as part of the national network. Proposed services include Stratford-Oxford and Stratford-Worcester. The study concluded that, “the Line is a promising candidate for reinstatement." The railway line is protected in ‘saved’ Wychavon Local Plan Policy SR6, which safeguards that section of the former Stratford-Oxford/Cheltenham/Worcester railway including the Honeybourne Junction chord lines, for reinstatement of the railway. This policy approach is continued in the submission South Worcestershire Joint Core Strategy, 2013, currently under examination, Policy SWDP 4: Moving Around South Worcestershire. The scheme is also supported in the Worcestershire Local Transport Plan, 2011-26, Policy SW21. The comments will be registered and acknowledged and will then be carefully considered in preparing the final documents to go forward for consideration and adoption by the respective Council. A summary of the comments received and officer response will be reported to the relevant Planning Committee and Cabinet/ Executive meeting. Signature J. Morgan Date 28 March 2015 Responses to this consultation should be sent to the e-mail contact address and postal address shown at the top of this form. Please ensure all responses are marked for the attention of the South Worcestershire Development Plan Team