EYCS Bulletin 7

No' 7
Dear Colleagues,
Welcome to the 7th edition of the e-bulletin.
We hope that you find the information and advice in this edition helpful.
Please do not hesitate to contact us with your feedback and ideas for future issues or any articles you would
like to share with us.
If you have any good news, achievements or
anything you would like to put into the next
bulletin just email to
Max of 200 words
Government Childcare Commission
On 19 June the Prime Minister announced a review of childcare looking at how to reduce the costs for working
families, and burdens on childcare providers, without compromising the safety or quality of provision.
4Children are working with the Department for Education and the Department for Work and Pensions to help
inform the review. As part of this process we are undertaking a survey of 4Children members with results
being given directly to the commission
The survey should take no longer than 10 minutes to complete and will remain open until 13 September.
The questions in this survey are specifically aimed at those who provide childcare for children aged five
and above, or those who use childcare for children aged five and above.
We would appreciate the survey being circulated to any parents who use childcare.
You can complete the survey here;
Worcestershire Pathway Profile
We are pleased to tell you that we have updated the electronic Worcestershire Pathway Profile to reflect the
EYFS reforms. The electronic version will allow you to record and track individual children's progress over time
and create graphs in the Areas of Learning to help you analyse strengths and areas for development in
individuals, groups of children, e.g. boys, your whole group and in your resources and practice. If you have
never used it before or haven't used it for a while there are simple guidance instructions to support you.
It is optional and there is no expectation that this will be the format you need to use, but we know that some
practitioners liked the original version and we did not want you to spend your own time trying to amend it to
make it relevant.
As with the paper copies of the Worcestershire Pathway Profile they are designed to be used in conjunction
with the Development Matters book, using the Unique Child, Positive Relationships and Enabling
Environments columns and to support your planning.
The Worcester Pathway Profile database will be sent via email to early years providers
Information from NCMA
We have been contacted by NCMA about the webinar courses below. Please click on the website to find out
more: http://www.ncma.org.uk/training/revised_eyfs_published/new_eyfs_training.aspx
EYFS Webinars - NCMA has created seven 45 minute webinar courses, designed to help childcare
practitioners understand the upcoming changes to different aspects of the EYFS. They are especially
designed to prepare them ahead of time for the new EYFS implementation in September 2012. This will help
childcare professionals to continue to offer high quality learning and care under the revised framework.
Out of school club forums
(Formerly known as Playwork Forums.)
We have decided on a name change to make it clearer who these forums are aimed at. We now hold 3
Forums each term, across the district to make them more accessible for staff and Managers of After school,
and Holiday clubs.
Our forums are networking and information sessions which give you the opportunity to meet and chat with
other providers, aswell as seek advice from our Improvement Advisors.
We bring you up to date information regarding OFSTED, and other guidance and legislation relating to good
practice and meeting the legal requirements of the EYFS, aswell as the Playwork Principles – which now
feature in the EYFS September 2012. All content is specific to Out Of School Provision.
To book onto a Forums please call our helpline on 01905 822672
Dates are; 8.9.12 – Kidderminster Town Hall 7-9pm
10.9.12 – Worcester County Hall 7-9pm
11.9.12 - Bromsgrove Finstall Centre 7-9pm
On the agenda is Ofsted Inspection guidance, The new Disclosure & Barring Service, and Planning, plus other
We receive very positive feedback from our forums and find that those who attend have found them useful and
informative. Should you wish to comment on forums attended or have any ideas and suggestions for future
forums please contact me at ckendrick@worcestershire.gov.uk I welcome your contributions.
We are very keen to raise the profile of out of school clubs and the value of the work you do.
Hope to see you there at YOUR forum!
Updates from other services areas in Children's Services
Important Information - RE: School Admission and School Transfers
To support your families on how to apply for school places and to find information about School Admissions or
School Transfers September 2013 visit
On this website you will be able to access the 2012/2013 'Admission and Transfer to Schools Information for
Parents book', which is relevant to the current academic year and also the 2013/2014 'Admission and Transfer
to Schools Information for Parents Book', which details applicable information for applications and admissions
for the 2013/2014 academic year.
Please note: Applications for entry September 2013 are open now and the closing dates are detailed in full
on the website and are briefly as follows:
Reception (First/Primary) School applications
15 January 2013
(Children born between 01/09/2008 and 31/08/2009 )
Workforce Audit 2012
Between end of June and start of August each setting including childminders and all children's centres will
have received a Workforce Development Plan Update 2012 via email or post.
As the last Workforce Audit was undertaken in 2010, this update will ensure:
 That we hold accurate data in relation to all staff and their qualifications.
 That we have accurate baseline data to work from if targets are set by Government in relation to the
Nutbrown review.
 Support the development of our Provider Portal for settings, those offering Nursery Education Funding
will already be aware of this site. We are aiming to develop this portal further over the next 12 months
and offer the facility for online booking and management of staff records.
Thank you to those that have already returned an updated Workforce Audit by post or email, however for
those that we are still outstanding we would be grateful if you could return it by 28th September 2012.
Due to Worcestershire County Council policy we will not be able to access returned audits that are sent via
If you have lost the original email with your audit on or require a postal copy then please contact Rachael
Oakley on 01905 822658 or eycc@worcestershire.gov.uk
Journey to Excellence:
Your Role in supporting Early Development in the EYFS
This course was originally publicised in the June edition of Training Opportunities. Below is an
updated course description and details of who the training is intended for.
This course will help you to:
 Develop your relationships with children and their families
 Increase your ability to use the Development Matters to inform your knowledge of children
 Use the positive relationships and enabling environments to inform your practice
Within the context of the course we will discuss the reformed Development Matters focusing on:
 The characteristics of effective learning
 How children learn – theories of learning and brain development
 The role of the key person
 The use of learning journeys to record observations and track progress
 Quality observations
 Analysing observations
 Addressing any misconceptions
 The role of the environment – especially outdoors in children's development
This course is suitable for:
 Those new to early years working in either schools or group settings
 Newly qualified teachers working within the Early Years Foundation stage
 Childminders and childminding assistants who are new to early years
 All staff who would like refresh their thinking around these issues
The course is NOT suitable for:
 Experienced practitioners
 Managers
 Head Teachers
 Experienced childminders and childminding assistants
NOTE: If you have already booked places, you may wish to reflect on which members of staff you wish to
attend to make the most impact to their professional development.
23.10.12 (Tu)
23.10.12 (Tu)
24.10.12 (We)
24.10.12 (We)
25.10.12 (Th)
25.10.12 (Th)
Wyre Forest
Cost: £12.50
This is a large event. Book up to 3 delegates. - How to book - If you have internet access, please use the
on-line booking form at www.worcestershire.gov.uk/earlyyearstraining or email
If you do not have internet access and have an urgent course to book, please call the Training Team on 01905 740197,
otherwise please send your requests in the post.
Booking procedures, terms and conditions can be found at www.worcestershire.gov.uk/earlyyearstraining
Settings with a staff team of 20 or more members may apply for further places on a pro-rata basis. Please call
the training team on 01905 740197. Book early to avoid disappointment. Courses are offered on a strict
'first come, first served' basis.
Paediatric First Aid
Are you aware that the reformed EYFS2012 section 3.24 states that "At least one person who has a current
paediatric first aid certificate must be on the premises at all times when children are present, and must
accompany children on outings. First aid training must be local authority approved and be relevant for workers
caring for young children. Childminders, and any assistant who might be in sole charge of the children for any
period of time, must hold a current paediatric first aid certificate."
This means if you don't have at least one person on the childcare premises and one accompanying the
children during outings (should the group be divided) at all times of operation you will be acting illegally. This
means unless you are able to fulfil this requirement you are unable to accept children into your care.
As a local authority we therefore recommend and encourage you to book your Paediatric First Aid training a
minimum of 6 months prior to the end of the current certificate to ensure that you've attended, completed all
sessions and received your new certificate before the current one lapses.
Details of our current Paediatric First Aid courses can be found in the June edition of Training Opportunities
found at www.worcestershire.gov.uk/earlyyearstraining . Please book on line where possible or telephone
01905 740197 if this is not possible.
Alternatively you can organise an In-House course for up to 12 delegates to discuss this further contact 01905
Worcestershire SLCN Training Plan and Language for Learning
Following the launch of the Worcestershire Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN) Pathway in
July 2011 we have been working towards developing one training plan for SLCN. Using national guidance and
the Speech, Language and Communication Framework (SLCF) we have reviewed and mapped all of the
training available in Worcestershire to support all those working with children and young people with SLCN.
The training plan will go live on the SLCN website www.worcestershire.gov.uk/slcnpathway over the coming
weeks. Entry/universal level training includes SLCN Pathway workshops available locally and use of the
Inclusion Development Programme. Language for Learning offers universal and enhanced level training.
Language for Learning is a not for profit national project jointly owned by Worcestershire Health and Care NHs
Trust and Worcestershire County Council. It is recognised nationally as offering high quality training and
support for all those working with children and young people with speech, language and communication
needs. Developed originally in 2000 by Sue Hayden, specialist teacher and Emma Jordan, specialist speech
and language therapist, Language for Learning training is provided to the wider workforce in early years
settings and schools, equipping practitioners to support children and young people effectively.
Language for Learning courses are all led by a speech & language therapist and a specialist teacher providing
a dual perspective and specialist knowledge. All courses support theory into practice through reflective tasks
and aim to develop use of strategies at a universal and a targeted level. All courses are mapped on to the
Speech, Language & Communication Framework (SLCF) and meet a range of competencies at both a
universal and enhanced level. A participant handbook containing useful information and photocopiable
materials to support strategy suggestions is supplied with each session.
Language for Learning is an integral part of the Every Child a Talker programme, developing enhanced level
competencies for the Early Language Lead Practitioners in each setting.
‘An Introduction to Speech, Language and Communication Needs’ is a half day course and provides
participants with:
An understanding and awareness of typical development and the Language for Learning Model of
Speech, Language and Communication.
Knowledge of the incidence of SLCN and the impact of such needs on behaviour, progress at school
and social development.
Identification tools to help recognise children with SLCN.
Simple strategies to support children with SLCN in early years settings.
Emma Jordan
Language for Learning Project Manager
Local news and articles
Family Feast and Fusion cook up a meal to remember!
Worcestershire County Council's Orchard and Spring Vale Children’s
Centre and celebrity chef Felice Tocchini held a family feast in Evesham
on August 1. Approximately 40 families attended the event and families
were treated to a locally sourced and freshly cooked feast to celebrate
the Olympics.
As part of Love British Food 2012, Orchard and Spring Vale Children's
Centre was one of the lucky children's centres in the country to be
chosen to take part in a Family Feast, as part of the London 2012
Festival. Local celebrity chef Felice Tocchini and his son Dan Tocchini
volunteered their time at the very last minute to help the children's centre
staff serve and cook a feast of strawberry and lavender lemonade, roast
turkey terrine with summer vegetables and baked New York cheesecake
with fresh local berries.
All ingredients were donated by local food producers and included Quality British Turkey, Blue Gecko Plants
and Spring Hill Farm in Pershore, Kanes Foods, Vale Fresco, GS-Fresh/Sandfields Farm, Evesham Vale
Growers and Prima Fruit all based in Evesham and the Evesham Market Town Partnership also donated
Karen Green, Orchard Vale Children's Centre Manager said: "The feast went really well and families
enjoyed the food and watching the chef's at work. We are very grateful to Felice and his Son Dan for saving
the feast and stepping in at the last minute to cook for us and to all the donations of ingredients we received.
We really opened the families eyes to what lovely food can be created with fresh, local ingredients, some of
which were also taken home on the day."
Felice owns two award winning restaurants, Fusion Brasserie and Fusion too, both in the Evesham and
Pershore area. He specialises in using fresh, local produce to create delicious food with an Italian Twist. He
was very keen to make sure this feast was a success as he spends much of his time working with growers and
producers as well as schools and colleges to help promote Worcestershire food and drink.