Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate Professor
Electrical Engineering or Closely Related Fields
Starting August, 2013
Please refer to 103495 on all correspondence and inquiries regarding this position.
Sonoma State University is one of the 23 campuses of the California State University. Located in
the Sonoma County wine country, 48 miles north of San Francisco, the University has an
enrollment of approximately 8,000 students with 500 faculty members. The University is
organized into six schools: Arts and Humanities, Business and Economics, Education, Extended
Education, Science and Technology, and Social Sciences. Within the traditional structure is an
interdisciplinary program of liberal studies. The University offers bachelor's degrees in 42 fields
and master's degrees in 15.
The Department of Engineering Science offers a master’s degree with specialization in
Communication and Photonics and Computer Hardware & Software Systems, and a bachelor’s
degree in Electrical Engineering with specialization in electronics and communication. The
department has strong support from the telecom industries in Sonoma County, in particular
Agilent Technologies, Parker, Medtronic, Solmetric, Cyan, and many individual local scientists
and engineers. Housed in the Cerent Engineering Science Complex in Salazar Hall, the
department has eight fully-networked state-of-the art laboratories including the W.M. Keck
Microanalysis lab, Rolf Illsley Photonics lab, Agilent Technologies Communications lab, Tellabs
(formerly AFC) Access Technologies lab, Networking lab, Human-Computer Interaction lab,
Software Engineering lab and Electronics lab. These labs are equipped with a wide variety of
modern instrumentation, ranging from 130MHz-20GHz Lightwave Component Analyzer, 13.5
Gb/s Serial Bert, Digital Communication Analyzers, to Widebandwidth Oscilloscope and
Scanning Electron Microscope with X-ray Imaging, with a total value of more than $3 million.
All labs are used for undergraduate and graduate instruction in science and engineering, faculty
and graduate research and development and as incubators for testing new ideas.
Working towards ABET accreditation, the department is actively engaged in developing strong
partnership programs with its collaborating industries to enrich the department’s teaching and
research activities, enhance professional development of its faculty and benefit multidimensional
development of the engineering students. One such successful partnership is SSU-Agilent
Technologies Partnership program, which provides scholarship, mentorship, and internship
opportunities to engineering students, adjunct faculty and distinguished lecturers.
Prospective applicants are encouraged to visit web sites of the ES department
(http://www.sonoma.edu/engineering) and Faculty Affairs (http://www.sonoma.edu/aa/fa).
The successful candidate will teach electrical engineering courses in the BS and MS programs
and supervise students’ theses and projects. The course assignment will cover the foundation
courses in electrical engineering and advanced topics in the candidate’s specialty areas.
Examples of the advanced courses include: Analog and Digital Communications, Engineering
Application of Probability Theory, Linear System Theory and Digital Signal Processing.
In addition to teaching, the successful candidate is expected to establish publishable scholarly
activities involving both graduate and undergraduate students, and become involved in student
advising, curriculum development, university and community service, creating new laboratory
experiments utilizing the hardware instrumentation in the department, and industry-collaborative
research and scholarly activities.
To be recommended for appointment, the candidate must have a Ph.D. in electrical engineering or a
closely related field by the time of appointment.
While all areas of electrical engineering are welcome, the successful candidate should have specialization
complimentary to our current expertise in the department. Favorable consideration will be given to the
candidates in the fields of Analog and Digital Communications, Digital Signal Processing, Control
Systems, and Embedded Systems. Student-centered research and scholarly activities are expected of all
candidates. A strong theoretical foundation with practical hands-on design experience is highly desirable.
In addition to the qualifications above, preference will be given to candidates with experience in teaching
undergraduate and graduate courses, interests and demonstrated ability in program growth and leadership,
and experience in industrial collaboration and association.
To be recommended for tenure, the candidate must demonstrate satisfactory performance in four
areas: teaching effectiveness; scholarship, research, creative achievement and professional
development; service to the University; and public service and service to the community.
Although tenure may be granted at any time, contract provisions specify that "the normal period
of probation shall be a total of six (6) years of full-time probationary service and credited service,
if any. Any deviation from the normal six (6) year probationary period shall be the decision of
the President following his/her consideration of recommendations from the department or
equivalent unit and appropriate administrator(s).” Tenure is required for promotion above the
level of Associate Professor.
Tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor, depending on qualifications. Actual salary is
compatible within the range of the CSU system wide pay rate, and is dependent on the
candidate’s educational preparation and experience. This appointment includes eligibility for
benefits. Startup funds are negotiable.
Please submit:
Letter of interest
Complete and current curriculum vitae
Full citations of major publications
Statement of teaching philosophy (one page)
Research proposal involving student participation (two pages)
Contact information, including email, for three references
Unofficial graduate transcripts (official transcripts are required at time of hire)
Sonoma State is required to collect and report race and ethnicity data to comply with State, Federal, and
University reporting requirements. Please complete the Voluntary Self-Identification Form
All applications should only be submitted electronically to facultysearch@sonoma.edu by Wednesday,
October 31, 2012. Please do not email material to the Engineering Department.
Questions concerning the application process may be directed to: facultysearch@sonoma.edu
Questions concerning this position may be directed to:
Meng-Chih Su
Engineering Science Department
103495 Please refer to this number on all correspondence and inquiries regarding this position.
The University is an Equal Opportunity Employer and does not discriminate against persons on the basis
of age, disability, disabled veteran or Vietnam-era veteran status, gender, marital status, national origin,
race, religion, or sexual orientation.
Jeanne Clery Act – Annual Security Report: Sonoma State University's Annual Security Report includes
statistics for the previous three years concerning reported crimes that occurred on campus, in certain off-campus
buildings or property owned or controlled by Sonoma State University and on the public property within, or
immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus. The report also includes institutional policies
concerning campus security, alcohol/drug use, crime prevention, reporting of crimes, sexual assault and other
matters. You can download a copy of this report by accessing the Police and Parking Services web site: Jeanne
Clery Act - Annual Security Report, or receive a copy by contacting Police and Parking Services at (707) 6642143.
Campus Housing Fire Safety Report: Sonoma State University’s Annual Campus Housing Fire Safety
Report, in compliance with The Campus Fire Safety Right-to-Know Act, contains information about fire
statistics, fire safety systems, and safety practices and standards for campus housing. The Campus Housing Fire
Safety Report is available at the Housing Services website or you can contact Housing Services at (707) 6642541 to receive printed information or additional information.
Engineering Science Department
1801 East Cotati Avenue
Rohnert Park, CA 94928-3609