


Developing a Nuclear Model of the Atom o The model of an atom has drastically changed from a lawn-bowling ball, to plum pudding, to a planetary system, to a quasi-particulate entity surrounded by even smaller fundamental entities that are neither particles nor waves

Thomson first discovered the presence of electrons through the use of a cathode ray tube which sent an electric current from the cathode to the anode and that energy stimulated the gas particles in the tube and gave off a colour

Rutherford tested this theory by shooting alpha particles (which are positively charged) at a piece of gold foil with a zinc sulfide coated screen near the gold o The alpha particles bounced off at odd angles leaving him to believe electrons must be travelling around a core of positive charges that he called the nucleus

Deflections caused by intense electric field

However if his model was correct

An electron in motion around a central body MUST continuously emit radiation o Therefore, we should see a continuous spectrum of light energy

Also because electrons should lose energy the radius of the orbit should decrease spiralling into the nucleus obliterating the atom entirely

OR Rutherford did not have the whole picture yet o Light is a form of energy called electromagnetic radiation

Energy transmission in which electric and magnetic fields are propagated as waves through empty space (vacuum) or through a medium

Ex. radio waves, microwaves, infrared, visible, UV, x-rays, gamma rays o As wavelength decreases, frequency increase o Electromagnetic waves come in contact with matter as packets or quanta of energy called photons

The energy of a photon depends on the wavelength or frequency

Ex. long wavelength, have low frequency and lower energy photons o λ = c/f

 where c = 3.0 x 10 8 m/s

Planck discovered a relationship between the energy of a photon and its frequency o E = h/f

Where h = 6.626 x 10 -34 Js (Planck’s constant)

o Finally Bohr came along and using Planck’s and Einstein’s previously designed theories determined the following:

Electrons exist in circular orbits and are held by electrostatic forces with the protons in the nucleus

 Electrons can exist only in “allowed” orbits

Have different amounts of total energy in each orbit o Means that energy of electrons in atoms is quantized

While electrons remain in 1 orbit it does not radiate energy

Electrons can jump between orbits (energy levels) by absorbing or emitting photons

Must have the same amount of energy as the difference in the energy levels of the electrons o Therefore, if an atom absorbs or removes energy equivalent to the level the electrons are in it moves from a ground state to an excited state, which then emits colour when it returns to ground state

If this colour produced passes through a prism, dispersion occurs emitting a specific set of colours related to that element

Called emission spectrum or line spectrum

Bright line spectrum - transition from high energy state to a lower causes energy to be released as a photon of light

Dark line spectrum – energy is absorbed and moves from low to high energy state o When electrons are attracted to the nucleus and confined to the orbit, the electron energy becomes negative

En = -R


/n 2

Where R


= 2.179 x 10 -18 J o As energy approaches zero, the electron can be in an infinite number of orbital’s

 Ionization energy also increases

 Bohr’s model is only representative of a single electron in orbit

His theory also had difficulty explaining the effect of magnetic fields

Subatomic particles: o Protons – positively charged particles with a relative mass of 1 o Located in the nucleus o Electrons – negatively charged particles with a relative mass of approximately 1/1836 o Found travelling in regions of space around the nucleus o Neutrons – neutral particles with a relative mass of 1 o Located in the nucleus o Quarks – make up the protons and neutrons o Gluons – stick the quarks together o Photons – light is made of these particles o Leptons – make up electrons and particles like electrons o Neutrinos – are neutral particles produced in nuclear reactions

Decays into a proton and electron o Bosons – carriers of the weak nuclear force o Hardons – have a strong interaction that assists in forming a lot of the particles

In the end there are hundreds of subatomic particles and new ones always being discovered

The Quantum Mechanical Model of the Atom o Louis de Broglie suggested light interacts with matter as individual photons

Therefore, reasoned that light can behave as a wave and particles based off observable properties

 λ = h/mv o Ek = hf (kinetic energy – energy of motion)

He concluded that the radius of the orbit would equal an integer number of wavelengths or the waves would cancel out

 Helped back Bohr’s model o Schrodinger later produced a wave equation to explain elements with more than 1 electron

The wave function contains 3 variables that are called quantum numbers

 n, l, m l

When you sub specific combinations of integer values for the variables you get different solutions to the wave equation

Each solution describes a region of space around the nucleus of an atom o Each quantum number represents a specific characteristic of the electron occupying that space

The quantum mechanical model describes electrons treated as waves

Heisenberg developed an uncertainty principle that could help determine the probability of finding an electron within a region of space described by the wave equation

 ∆x∆mv ≤ h/4π o Where x is the position of the particle, mv is the momentum, and h/4π = 5.2728 x 10 -35 Js

Therefore an atomic orbital appears more as a fuzzy cloud in which its density at any point is proportional to the probability of finding the electron at that point

 i.e. like throwing darts at a dart board o Quantum numbers describe electrons in atoms; 3 types

First quantum number, n

Describes distribution of electron in atom

 Determines specific energy level (shell) of atomic orbital’s and its relative size

 All orbital’s that have the same value of n are said to be in the same sell

 n can range from 1 to infinity

 high n value refers to high energy level/shell

Second quantum number, l

Refers to the orbital shape

Refers to energy sublevels (or subshells) within each principal energy level

Values are dependent on n

Values are positive integers that range from 0 to (n-1)

 Therefore, if n =2; l = n-1 = 1 o If l=0 it is s orbital o If l = 1 it is p orbital o If l = 2 it is d orbital o If l = 3 it is f orbital

 Depict the shape and orientation of density region of space in which electrons can be found

To identify energy sublevel combine n and l o Ex. n = 3, l = 2 --- 3d

Magnetic Quantum number, m l

Indicates the orientation of the orbital in the space around the nucleus

Depends on the value of l o m l

= 2l + 1

Ranges from –l to +l o Ex. if l = 0, m l

= 0; m l

= 2l + 1 = 1

 If l = 1, m l

= -1, 0, +1; m l

= 2l + 1 = 3

Spin Quantum number, m s

Electrons spin on their axis and the spinning charge generates a magnetic field

Specifies direction in which axis of electron is oriented and only has 2 possible values: + ½ or – ½

A pair of electrons with opposing spins has no net magnetic field

 + ½ is represented by ↑ and spins clockwise, - ½ is represented by ↓ and spins counter clockwise

o The Pauli exclusion principle states that only 2 electrons of opposite spin could occupy an orbital

Therefore, an orbital can only have a maximum of 2 electrons which must have opposite spins

Can have 1 electron with either spin or no electrons in the orbital

Each electron in an atom has its own unique set of 4 quantum numbers

Ex. if n is considered a city, in the city there is a finite number of streets, each street is represented by l, each street has a finite number of buildings each with its own number which can be represented by m l

, finally the name of the person at the address is represented by m s o Ex. lithium --- electrons – 3

 Electron 1 – n=1, l= 0, m l

= 0, m s

= + ½

Electron 2 – n =1, l= 0, m l

= 0, m s

= - ½

Electron 3 – n = 2, l = 1, m l

= -1, 0, +1, m s

= + ½ o Ex. What are n, l, and ml for a 5d orbital?

 n= 5, l= 2, m l

= -2, -1, 0, +1, +2

 For a 3f orbital?

 n= 3, l =3, m l

= -3, -2, -1, 0, +1, +2, +3

Electron Configuration and the Periodic Table o Electrons in different orbital’s within the same energy level will have different energies

If only 1 electron then only attractive forces exist; if more than electron then both attractive and repulsive forces exist o Regardless of energy absorbed and electron excitation there will be no difference in the energy of 1 electron whether it is in s, p, d, f for any specific n

 With more electrons s, p, d, f orbital’s have different energies for any specific n

Can be seen in an energy level diagram o s orbital’s are closer to the nucleus, and therefore require less energy

 Keep in mind all orbital’s within the same sublevel have the same energy

 Ex. 2px, 2py, 2pz o s orbital’s have 1 plane o p orbital’s can be found in x, y, z planes o d orbital’s can be found in x 2 -y 2 , xy, xz, yz, and z 2

An atoms electron configuration shows the number and arrangement of electrons in its orbital’s

 Ex.

o Orbital diagrams:

A box with no electrons is a unoccupied orbital

A box that is half filled has 1 electron

A box that is filled has 2 electrons in opposite directions, i.e. spin

Ex. 1s 2

Can only have a max of 2 electrons o Aufbau principle states that each electron occupies the lowest energy orbital available

Fill orbitals of the same energy level before going to the next orbital

When electrons are added in the same energy sublevel each orbital gets 1 electron before pairing occurs o Electrons in different orbitals of same energy have the same spin

 Hund’s rule:

Single electrons with the same spin must occupy each equal energy orbital before additional electrons with opposite spins can occupy the same orbitals

 s block elements group 1 and 2 (max 2 electrons)

 p block elements group 13-18 (max 6 electrons)

 d block elements group 3-12 (max 10 electrons)

 f block elements are for inner transitional metals (max 14 electrons) o Ex. Mg – 12 electrons

1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2

Superscripts add to 12 o Ex. Br – 35 electrons

 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6 4s 2 3d 10 4p 5

Or we can use a previous period noble gas to give a short form o Ex. argon – 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 3s 2 3p 6

 Due to its stability and no charge

[Ar]4s 2 3d 10 4p 5

For ions:

It is easier to remove electrons from lower energy orbitals or orbitals that are not complete

When adding electrons we fill orbitals or move to the next highest energy level o Ex. N – 7 electrons, charge of -3

1s 2 2s 2 2p 3 ---- becomes 1s 2 2s 2 2p 6 o Ex. Pb – 82 electrons, charge of +4

[Xe]6s 2 4f 14 5d 10 6p 2 ---- becomes [Xe]4f 14 5d 10 o Periodic table trends

Atomic Radii

Determine size of an atom by measuring distance between the nuclei of adjacent atoms o For metals: between atoms in a crystal; for molecules: between atoms bonded together

Increases as you go left and down the periodic table o However reduced force of attraction for larger radii due to distance of electrons from nucleus

 The reason it increases left is because as you go right in period ore protons are added, therefore increasing the force of attraction causing electrons to be closer

Pattern not as observable in transitional metals due to the d-orbital electrons (shape)

Ionization energy

Energy required to remove an electron from a ground state atom in a gaseous state o To remove an electron energy is needed to overcome the force of attraction

The first ionization energy is the least amount of energy required to remove an electron from the valence shell o Is closely linked to its chemical reactivity

Low IE usually from cations (group 1); high IE usually from anions (group 17)

Opposite property to atomic radius o Increase as you go right and up the periodic table o Some variations in IE with B, Al, O, S because by removing 1

Electron affinity electron it can make for a stable filled or half filled orbital

Change in energy that accompanies the addition of an electron to an atom in the gaseous state o Addition of 1 mol of electrons to 1 mol of gaseous atoms/ions

First electron affinity results in an anion o Energy is released when the first electron is added because it is attracted to the atoms nuclear charge

Second electron affinity is always positive because energy must be absorbed

Large negative numbers mean high EA; low negative numbers and positive numbers mean low EA

Models of Chemical Bonding o Electronegativity

Ability of atoms to attract shared electrons in a chemical bond

Increases as you go up and right on periodic table

The valence shell becomes smaller across a period because the effective nuclear charge increases pulling electrons closer to the nucleus

 If ∆EN between bonding atoms is large the atom with high EN will attract shared electrons

 If ∆EN is small or zero the atoms will attract the electrons nearly equal o Bonds with ∆EN between:

1.7 – 3.3 are mostly ionic

0.4 – 1.7 are polar covalent

0 - 0.4 are mostly covalent (also called non-polar covalent)

Not an accurate scale as there may be variations

o Ex. hydrogen halides (HF, HI, HCl, HBr) range from 0.4-1.9 and behave like covalent bonds but can ionize in water to form strong acids

Ex. MgO ---- ∆EN = 3.4 – 1.3 = 2.1; therefore would be ionic o Types of bonding:

Metallic Bonding

Have low EN and valence shells that are less than half filled

Have trouble attracting and holding electrons of other atoms well enough to form filled valence shells

Metal atoms attract their own electrons so weakly that the valence electrons of solid or liquid metals can move somewhat freely to other atoms

 Electrons are said to be delocalized because they don’t remain in 1 location or in association with one specific atom o Described by an electron sea model

 The model is an array of cations in a “sea” of freely moving electrons with the positively charged ions attracted to many of the electrons in the “sea” simultaneously

Atoms of metals form uniform crystalline patterns o Atoms of the crystal form precise, regularly repeating patterns but atoms at the boundaries of the crystal are arranged randomly

Some properties of metals include: m.p., b.p., electric and thermal conductivity, malleability, ductility, and hardness

Alloys are the most commonly used metals o Mixture of 2 or more different types of metal atoms

 Substitutional alloy

If atoms are the same size it can take the place of an atom in a pure metal

Interstitial alloy

If atoms are smaller than the pure metal they may fit between the larger pieces

Ionic Bonding

Only found between interactions of metals and non-metals

Although some sharing occurs, 1 atom essentially loses 1 or more valence electrons and the other atom gains

Ionic crystals form due to the attraction of the positive and negative atoms trying to be as close as possible o i.e. crystal lattice

 for ionic compounds to be soluble in water the attractive forces between ions and water molecules must be stronger than the attractive forces on the ions themselves o ex. salt in water

 the higher the m.p. the less likely it is for an ionic compound to dissolve in a solvent

Covalent Bonding

Sharing of electrons between atoms of non-metal elements so that both valence shells are complete

2 types: polar and non-polar o Polarity is how a charge is distributed throughout a compound o Polar covalent bonds do not share electrons equally

 Electrons tend to be near the atom with higher EN o Non-polar covalent bonds almost share electrons equally

Negatively charged atom is labelled, ᵟ


Positively charged atom is labelled, ᵟ


Show bond polarity by placing an arrow from positive to negative end

The nuclei of both atoms exert attractive forces on the shared electrons o Distance and shape are determined by repulsive forces between nuclei and between electrons

A network solid is a substance in which all atoms are covalently bonded together in a continuous 2 or 3 dimensional array; no natural beginning or end exists o Allotrope – 1 of 2 or more compounds consisting of the same element but having different physical properties

Shapes, Intermolecular Forces and Properties of Molecules o Each atom, bonding pair of electrons, and lone pair of electrons takes up space and has its own position in space relative to other atoms and electrons

Different forces of attraction and repulsion determine these positions

o Ways to predict molecular shape:

Lewis Structures

Allows you to see how many electrons are involved in each bond o Also how many lone pair electrons are present

 Gives a 2-D image

Steps for drawing o Position the least EN in the centre, place the other atoms around the central atom and draw a single bond between each

Always place H or F at the end position o Determine total number of valence electrons (V) for all atoms

 For polyatomic ions be sure to add or subtract charge o Determine the total number of electrons (T) needed for each atom to have a full electron configuration

 i.e. octet rule o Calculate shared electrons (S) in bonding. S = T-V

We divide by 2 to get number of bonds

Double bonds count as 2, triple as 3 o Calculate the number of non-bonding electrons (NB). NB= V-S

 Add these electrons to the atom to fill the electron configuration

Exceptions in Lewis structures o Co-ordinate covalent bonds

One atom contributes both electrons to the shared pair of electrons

Ex. NH


+ o Expanded octet/valence

 Atoms of the third period and higher can form hybrid orbitals

Ex. SF


o Incomplete Octet

 Boron and beryllium can form covalent bonds with halogens

Ex. BCl


Ex. BeF



1. NF

3 o Resonance structures

Show same relative position of atoms but different positions of electron pair

Ex. O


Ex. CO



2. PO

3. CCl





VSEPR Structures (valence shell electron pair repulsion theory)

A molecules shape affects its physical and chemical properties

Bond length and angle determine the shape o Angle is formed by 2 atoms that surround the central atom

VSEPR theory states that electron groups around an atom are positioned as far as possible from the others to minimize repulsion o An electron group is a single, double, or triple bond, or lone pair


A is central atom, X is other atoms, E is lone pair o Linear, AX


Bond angle of 180 o Trigonal Planar, AX


 Bond angle of 120

V-shaped or bent, AX



Bond angle less than 120

o Tetrahedral, AX


 Bond angle of 109.5

Trigonal pyramidal, AX



Bond angle less than 109.5

 V-shaped or bent, AX




Bond angle less than 109.5 o Trigonal Bypyramidal, AX


Bond angle of 90 up and down, 120 on the sides

 Seesaw, AX



Bond angles less than 90 up and down, less than

120 on the sides

T-shaped, AX




Bond angle less than 90

Linear, AX




Bond angle of 180 o Octahedral, AX


Bond angle of 90

 Square Pyramidal, AX



Bond angle less than 90

 Square Planar, AX




Bond angle of 90 o Hybridization

Valence bond theory suggests that a covalent bond forms when the atomic orbital’s of 2 atoms overlap to share a common region in space and a pair of electrons occupies that region overlap

 Molecular orbital theory states that when atomic orbital’s overlap they combine to form new orbital’s called molecular orbital’s o Have new shapes and energy levels

Electrons are delocalized throughout the new orbital

Orbital overlap has max capacity of 2 electrons that have opposite spin o i.e. Pauli Exclusion Principle

The greater the orbital overlap the stronger and more stable the bond

Types of hybridization:

Single bond o When a new molecular orbital forms the bond is called a sigma bond, ϭ

 It is a bond that is symmetrical around the bond axis of the two nuclei

Which means you can rotate the bond around the bond axis and nothing will change

o A hybrid orbital is formed by the combination of 2 or more orbitals in the valence shell of an atom

 1s and 3p orbitals combine to form sp3 orbitals

Ex. CH


– 1s 2 2s 2 2p 2

Double bonds o A double bonded compound contains a sigma bond and a pi bond, π

 The π bond is constantly shifting in space around the compound and because of this movement they are easier to break

1s and 2p orbitals combine to form sp2 orbitals o Ex. C




Sometimes may draw pi bonds as lobes around the molecule showing the region of space the electrons in the pi bond have to move

Triple bonds o P orbitals exist in 3 planes; x, y, and z which therefore allows for the possibility of triple bonds

 1s and 1p orbital combine to form sp orbitals

Ex. C




General shapes and names for hybrid orbitals

Linear, sp

Trigonal planar, sp 2

Tetrahedral, sp 3

Trigonal bipyramidal, sp 3 d

Octahedral, sp 3 d 2

o Influence of molecular shape on polarity

Recall a covalent bond is polar when 2 atoms have an EN difference between


A partial negative charge on 1 atom and a partial positive charge on the other atom form a bond dipole o Ex. H-F

Polarity can be determined by adding the vectors o Identical polarities around a central atom tend to form non-polar molecules










3 o So far we have examined intramolecular forces in covalent bonds

Force that holds atoms or ions together

Influence chemical properties of substances o Chemical changes involve overcoming these forces in order for bonds to break and new substances to be synthesized o Intermolecular forces

A force that exerts between molecules or between ions and molecules to influence the physical properties of substances

It is the force of attraction and repulsion between molecules


Dipole-Dipole o The partial positive and negative charges of a polar molecule form permanent dipoles which are always present in the molecule

 Neighbouring molecules align themselves so that oppositely charged regions are directed toward each other

Strength depends on polarity o Main reason for difference between m.p. and b.p.

Hydrogen bonds o Are dipole-dipole interactions

When covalently bonded to a high EN atom it draws the electrons away from the H o i.e. N, O, F

 lone pairs on EN atom enhance attractive forces

Ex. Why is water a liquid at room temperature, while ammonia is a gas?

Both are similar size, polar, and have H bonding

However forces holding ammonia together are weaker because N is less EN than 0

N-H bonds are less polar than O-H; therefore weaker H bonds

N has 1 lone pair and O has 2

A single O atom of 1 water molecule can be Hbonded to as many as 6 H atoms at different water molecules at the same time; ex. gives snowflakes their characteristic six-sided shape

Ion-Dipole o Ions and dipoles are attracted to 1 another by electrostatic forces o 2 types:

Polar molecule and a cation

Polar molecule and a anion o Strength depends on charge and size of the ion and on magnitude of dipole and size of molecule

 If the charges have the same magnitude the cations will

Induced Dipoles interact more strongly with dipoles o Dipole induced dipole forces is when the charge on a polar molecule is responsible for inducing the charge on the non-polar molecule o Ion induced dipole force is when a nearby ion can induce a dipole in a non-polar molecule

Dispersion forces o A weak attraction between all molecules , including non-polar, due to temporary dipoles

 Therefore only force in non-polar molecules o Attraction becomes larger as the mass of the molecule increases

Greater number of electrons also increases force strength

Probability of temporary dipole forming increases as electron number increases

 Shape of the molecule also effects the strength
