File - Kinross Curling

Kinross Curling Trust
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
Held at Windestrae Hotel, Kinross
on 2nd February 2014
Welcome and Apologies
Blair Melville, the Chairman, welcomed 58 members to the meeting.
Margaret Baird, Catherine Ballantyne, Jane Barr, Jim Barton, Phil Barton, Ian Borland,
Alec Bowie, Enid Brown, Wilson Brown, Sarah Bruce Jones, Mike Caffyn, Stuart Carnegie,
Julia Cormack, Elizabeth Glennie, Tom Graham, Sheila Harley, Margaret Elspeth Harman,
Gavin Hughes, Iain Keddie, Steven Kinninmonth, Graham Lindsay, Bill Linton, John Liston,
Alistair Low, Colin Low, Anne Malcolm, Alistair McCabe, Pat McFarlane, Blair Melville,
Elizabeth Mill, Liz Mills, Alan Muirhead, Barbara Nicholson, Robin Park, Ken Paterson,
Irene Lloyd, Jim Porter, Doug Ritchie, Douglas Rodger, Maggie Saunderson, David Scott,
Karin Scott, Willie Scott, Liz Smith, Bob Smith, Malcolm Strang Steel, John Swan, Maria
Tait, Bob Tait, Eileen Thomas, Gareth Thomas, Mike Thomson, Neil Upham, Debbie Weir,
Morag Wellman, Leslie Wilson, Maureen Wilson, Ken Young.
Apologies were received from:
Annette Bennie, David Bruce, Jim Brydie Sue Cameron, Tony Dumbreck, Karen Gibb,
Helen Gordon, Mike Hudspeth, Hugh Hunter-Gordon, Ian Macdonald, Elain Maclachlan,
David Miller, Ann Mitchell, Bob Mitchell, Harry Mitchell, John Morrison, Carole Muir, Ross
Muir, Edna Nelson, Sandy Nelson, Willie Nicoll, Alan Paterson, Elaine Paterson, Hugh
Raymond, Elinor Ritchie, Eric Robertson, Jim Saunderson, Ena Stevenson, Robbie
Stevenson, Robert B Stevenson, Angela Wilcox, Steve Wilcox, James Wyse.
Minutes of Annual General Meeting held on 14 April 2013
2013 AGM minutes had been circulated to all members with the 2014 AGM material.
Approval was proposed by Alistair McCabe and seconded by Gareth Thomas. Carried.
Matters Arising – Nil
Report of the Independent Financial Examiner
Members noted that the report of the Independent Financial Examiner (page 9 of the 2013
accounts) provided a clean bill of health.
Approval of Accounts to 31 July 2013
a. Approval of the Accounts was proposed by Douglas Rodger and seconded by Bob Smith.
b. Report on the financial position to end January 2014 was given by Mike Caffyn, the
 Bank balances (Current and Deposit Accounts) total £286,000 of which £4,700 is
due to the Green Hotel. Invoices from some utilities are not yet available.
Estimates £17,000 for electricity, £7,000 for water and an unknown amount for gas.
 Sales amounting to £54,000 are required for the rest of the year to match the
budget. Anticipated sales are: ice £30,000; bar £18,000, leaving a likely shortfall of
 The shortfall is largely due to a decrease in prepaid ice bookings for the first half of
the season, thought to be due to clubs booking elsewhere while the rink’s future
was uncertain. It is hoped to remedy this situation next year.
Robin Park asked what interest rate was being paid by the Deposit Account and
whether a better rate could be found for a 3 month notice internet account. The
Treasurer thought the interest rate was approximately 0.5% and that the minimal
amount to be gained through switching did not justify the effort involved.
Jim Barton pointed out that the amount of £6,000 shortfall on budget related to
turnover and overall a profit looked likely. The Treasurer agreed that, despite the
fact that utility costs had still to be accounted for, it was anticipated that an
operating profit would be achieved for the year.
Sarah Bruce Jones (Fossoway Ladies) asked about staffing costs. The Treasurer
stated that these were only slightly higher than budgeted but they would settle out
next year.
Robin Park asked if draft Accounts for the first four months of trading might not
have been produced for the meeting. The Treasurer stated that the first meaningful
accounts would be those to end January 2014 but that these were not yet ready.
Robin Park asked what percentage of personal pledges had been received. Bob
Tait reported that 20 out of 22 clubs had paid approximately £27,000 to date.
Approximately £97,000 from personal pledges had been received. Of those still
outstanding, all were for less than £1,000. He thanked all the curlers for their
tremendous support.
Phil Barton asked if an interim financial report could be given at future AGMs. The
Treasurer stated that the Trustees are considering bringing the AGM date forward
to November which would significantly reduce the period after the financial year
Ken Young asked for information about the grants position. Bob Tait reported as
a) Loans from curlers: £95,500 of which £34,200 have been honoured; some are
interest free.
b) Perth & Kinross Council: grant of £125,000 conditional on Sports Scotland
c) Kinross Partnership: grant of £2,500
d) World Curling Federation: approval in principle of an interest free loan of up to
e) Sports Scotland: Stage 2 application for a grant of £460,000 was submitted on
5 December 2013. A decision is expected by mid February. The upgrading
contract cannot be signed until this decision is made.
Appointment of Independent Financial Examiner
The Trustees recommended that Andrew Croxford of Thomson Cooper be re-appointed as
Independent Financial Examiner.
This was proposed by Malcolm Strang Steel and seconded by Steve Kininmonth. Carried.
Special Resolution (1) to amend Articles 36, 37 and 38
Details had been circulated to all members with the 2014 AGM material. The change is
required to shift the balance of Trustees to encourage more local involvement.
Robin Park suggested that as there were no nominations for new Trustees this change
was superfluous. Malcolm Strang Steel replied that the change would keep the Trust’s
options open and might encourage individuals to come forward.
Approval of Special Resolution (1) was proposed by Malcolm Strang Steel and seconded
by Phil Barton. Carried by a show of hands.
Chairman’s Report on Activities of the Trust
The last AGM and subsequent special meetings in the Spring/Summer of 2013 instructed
the Board of Trustees to proceed with the plans to take over, run and improve the Kinross
Curling Rink. I can fairly say that we have carried out the first two of these tasks and are
tantalisingly close to commencing the third.
It has, therefore, been a year of immense hard work by many people, a year of huge
progress, and a year containing the promise of yet more success to come. For that, I have
to thank my fellow Trustees for their unwavering commitment and effort. I must also pay
tribute to the staff, permanent and part-time, who have taken the leap of faith with us and
worked tirelessly to get the curling business up and running. And I must also say a huge
thank-you to all the volunteers who have given their time, knowledge and skills helping with
the mountain of tasks required.
The ultimate test of success will be whether you, the curlers, are happy. My sense is that
99% of the comments and feedback we receive is positive. Of course as a fledgling
business we are learning as we go and we cannot possibly get everything right, but local
curlers are continuing to use the rink, spend money in the bar and mostly say very
complimentary things about the operation. Comments from visitors to the rink are equally
It is worth remembering that the Trust only finally took the decision, based on a long and
careful assessment of the prospects for raising the money to refurbish the building and the
feasibility of putting in place all the administrative requirements for running a business, in
August last year. Between then and the start of the season a huge effort went into
securing the lease, transferring employees, setting up administration systems and carrying
out improvements to the public areas and car park, to name but a few of the biggest tasks.
Since then, we have been shifting our focus to running a business. Our projections for
year 1 were based on sustaining the activity levels and turnover of the last 2 – 3 years and
I am delighted to say that, two thirds of the way through our first season, revenues and
expenditure are on target. Thanks to the commitment of Donald and the bar team, we are
beginning to see custom in the bar rising, with our food offer developing too.
Steven and the ice team continue to make excellent ice in difficult conditions, and the
largest task facing us now is to see through the renovation works. We are very close –
tenders are in, all permissions are secured, we are down to a choice of two possible
contractors. The final piece of the puzzle is confirmation of SportScotland’s level of grant
support, which we expect to know within 2 – 3 weeks. The works are scheduled for mid
April to mid August and both tenderers are happy with that timescale. In subsequent
seasons, we will consider whether we can use the enhanced facility to restructure our ice
times and season dates to provide a better experience for everyone, but more of that next
Our other problem looking ahead is the small number of people on whom the burden is
falling. Earlier, we explained why we were seeking to make it possible to have more
Trustees, in order to share the work around. Whether it is elected Trustees or volunteers,
we need you to come forward and help us with fresh ideas and energy. The Board is
assisted by a series of working groups and there is scope within these for more volunteers
to contribute their skills, knowledge and enthusiasm.
Finance and fundraising (M S-S)
Media and Communications (AM)
Building (BT)
Business Support (DR)
Business Development (BM)
We have come a huge distance in a few short months. We all share a common purpose
here – to make this one of the best curling facilities in Scotland. Please consider how you
can help to make this a reality.
b. Doug Ritchie, who is responsible for the day to day running of the business, gave a brief
 The 3 week build up from taking over the rink from the Green Hotel to the Opening
Bonspiel was hectic as were the initial weeks of operation. Many thanks are due to
the staff and all the volunteers who helped in many different ways.
 The drinks licence is currently through the Green Hotel but the Trust will apply for
its own licence for next year.
 Donald McGregor was appointed Bar Supervisor and has performed well. Every
month sees an increase in the daily average bar takings.
Power supply to the kitchen is a problem but this should be improved by next
Staff have produced excellent ice.
There have been several very successful weekend events and the Trust hopes to
increase participation in these next year. Event sponsors for these are being
sought. The Trust also hopes to improve participation in the Green Hotel curling
Doug asked all clubs to think about making more use of weekend ice next year.
c. Anne Malcolm who is responsible for the Communications Working Group gave a brief
 The website is now up to date.
 Thanks to Andy McPherson, the first monthly e-mail Newsletter has now been sent
out. This has been sent to all Trust members who have e-mail addresses but the
next issue (mid February) will only be sent to those who have subscribed.
Subscriptions can be taken out through the website or by filling up a slip available
at the ice rink. Trust members were asked to let non-members know about this
Newsletter and how to subscribe.
 Liz Fleming suggested that the Newsletter be publicised at each Club’s AGM.
 Information for the Newsletter should be given to Andy McPherson by the 15th of
the month.
Special Resolution (2) re Sports Scotland Grant
Details had been circulated to all members with the 2014 AGM material. The proposed
change was not an amendment to the Articles of Association but was required to authorise
Trustees to grant securities in connection with a Sports Scotland grant.
Approval of Special Resolution (2) was given by a unanimous show of hands apart from
one abstention.
Special Resolution (3) re World Curling Federation Loan
Details had been circulated to all members with the 2014 AGM material. The proposed
change was not an amendment to the Articles of Association but was required to authorise
Trustees to grant securities in connection with a Sports Scotland grant.
Approval of Special Resolution (3) was given by a unanimous show of hands apart from
one abstention.
Alistair Low asked what form the security will take. The Chairman stated that it is
anticipated that Sports Scotland would be satisfied with a 25 year minimum lease, but they
might require a security over it. WCF could be offered a floating charge over the
company’s assets, but if that was not satisfactory to them, Another had offered to give a
personal Guarantee.
Sarah Bruce-Jones asked if trust members were financially liable. The chairman stated
that trust members guaranteed the sum of one pound each in the event of the trust being
wound up, but had no liability beyond that.
Election of Trustees
No nominations had been received.
Malcolm Strang Steel and Bob Tait retired by rotation but indicated they were willing to
stand for re-election. They were duly re-elected.
It was noted that Anne Malcolm is appointed as a Trustee by the RCCC.
Membership Subscription
It was proposed that the status quo for existing members continue, with new members
invited to make a donation of £25.
At the next AGM, the Board intend to propose a new arrangement.
Jim Barton expressed disappointment that the issue of membership had not been
progressed. Doug Ritchie stated that the priority next season was to be as inclusive as
possible and to increase ice usage especially by clubs who curl at several rinks. Phil
Barton asked that all the options be examined so that a proposal can be brought to the
next AGM and this was agreed.
Approval of the £25 donation was proposed by Blair Melville, seconded by Mike Thomson
and carried by a unanimous vote of hands.
Any Other Competent Business
Leslie Wilson, on behalf of the(Kinross Curling School, reported that the 2nd Come & Try
Session had been well attended with 19 participants joining the Beginners’ Class. He
asked that the Trust liaise with the Curling School. The Chairman stated that the Kinross
Curling School is well represented on the Business Development Working Group and is a
key element.
Sarah Bruce Jones asked if there was to be some provision in the bar area for curlers to
watch the Olympics. Installing a TV had been considered but rejected as it was not an
expenditure priority
Mike Caffyn was standing down as Secretary due to a heavy workload – he will continue to
be the Treasurer of the Trust. A request was made for a volunteer to take over the
Secretary’s role. There is no requirement to become a Trustee.
On behalf of the members, Phil Barton gave a vote of thanks to the Trustees for all their
work in the preceding year.
The Meeting closed at 15.15 hours.