Earl Spencer Primary Selected topic and activities may change depending upon children’s interests. Subject Wk1 Wk2 Literacy Read, share, listen to and re-tell a range of stories, poems and action songs about journeys. Making lists of things an explorer would take on an adventure; writing secret messages to use for a treasure hunt.. Writing about a place they would like to visit either real or imagined and draw pictures to describe it. Making zigzag books about different journeys they have taken or would like to make. Phonics Phase 4,week 3 Practise recognition and recall of Phase 2 and 3 graphemes; reading the tricky words some, come, there and decodable word help ( spelling the tricky words they, are Communication & Language Make some exploring chants with story walk rhythms like ‘we’re going exploring, exploring, exploring, we’re going exploring, do you want to come? Continue with ‘we’re going to the bus stop, the bus stop, the bus stop, we’re going to the bus stop, do you want to come?’ Outcome : Communication and language DM 40-60 months, ELG Skills: talking about different ways of greeting – link to greetings in different languages Using questions – Can they explain who, what, when how in the story? Numeracy Counting; Recording no’s to 20. Counting on/back 2 or 3. Outcome: Maths DM 40-60 months, ELG/ELG+ Records, using marks that they can interpret & explain. Count reliably with numbers from one to 20. Use mathematical language to describe 3D shapes. Use everyday language to talk about size, time, direction and money & make comparisons. Phase 4,week 4 reading CCVCC words; tricky words when, what; decodable word children Measures (capacity); Direct comparison. More or less. Wk3 Phase 4,week 5 Teach reading the tricky words were, little, one. Practise reading and spelling high frequency words Counting & Comparing no’s; Reciting & reading no’s to 100. Filling in missing numbers in a track to 20. Wk4 Phase 4,week 6 As week 1 plus Treading the tricky words do, out* Teach spelling the tricky word all 3D Shape Direction; Describing cube, cuboid, cylinder, sphere, cone & pyramid. Left & Right. Following directions. Wk5 Phase 4,week 7 Assess the children in small groups Money; Recognising all coins. Very simple addition & subtraction problems involving money. Wk6 Phase 5 week 1 Teach new graphemes for reading ay ou ie. Practise reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants and words with newly learned graphemes. Days of the week; Counting actions carried out in a minute (more than 20). 60 seconds in a minute. Activities done in 1 minute. Wk7 Phase 5 week 2 ea oy ir ue; recognition and recall of Phase 2, 3 and 4; reading and spelling words with adjacent consonants and words with newly learned graphemes. Outcomes Outcome: Development matters: Literacy 40-60 months/ELG/ELG+ Skills: blending and segmenting; writing simple sentences, using capital letters, finger spaces and full stop. Writing lists, letters, short poems etc Outcome: Letters and Sounds Phase 4 Knowledge/Skills: Practise recognition and recall of Phase 2 and 3 graphemes Practise reading words containing two or three adjacent consonants , Practise spelling words containing two adjacent consonants, reading high frequency words learned so far reading two-syllable words, reading and writing captions and sentences PSED Providing experiences and support which will give children a positive sense of themselves and others, form positive relationships and respect for others, social skills and learn how to manage their feelings, understanding of appropriate behaviour in groups, and confidence in their own abilities Outcome: PSED DM 40-60 months, ELG Play co-operatively, taking account of others ideas/feelings. Confidence to try new activities. Reflection upon their own behaviour & impact upon others. Physical Development Ball skills, fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination, large movement, crawling, balancing on apparatus like ladybirds – going over, under and along. Understanding the world Discussion on similarities & differences between themselves and others and the world in which they live. Discussions on their own strengths and weaknesses. Outcome: PD DM 40-60 months, ELG Skills: Throwing, catching, bouncing, rolling, body awareness, coordination skills, control, balancing Talking about how their body feel after outdoor activities Outcome: UW DM 40-60 months, ELG/ELG+ Know that people have different beliefs & attitudes & treat them with respect. Expressive arts & design Outcome EA&D DM 40-60 months, ELG/ELG+ Using mixed media to create a collage of a jungle, an underwater scene or mountains; Using pens, chalks, crayons and other mark-making equipment to create maps and plans on a large scale ; songs about different places and different ways of travelling.