Senior Registration Form (Age 18 and above) Welcome to Carol Anne Netball Club! Carol Anne Netball Club is a thriving club with 11 senior teams and 5 junior sections. Seniors play in the North Devon Netball League, the East Devon County League and the South West Regional 2 League. NDNL senior matches are Monday nights 6.55pm or 8.20pm at Park School, Barnstaple. Carol Anne training sessions are also at Park School on Tuesday evenings, please see the website for a downloadable training sheet and fixtures. Joining: Senior members can train and play free for 3 weeks but thereafter must be registered with the club and affiliated to England Netball (for insurance purposes) by returning the attached form and paying the fees. By returning this form you are confirming that you have read and agree to the club rules, codes of conduct and constitution. You can find all these on the club website : . Fees: You must also set up your Standing Order for the fees. The fees for 2012/13 are as follows: Full Member Substitute Member Family Member All training and winter match fees, use of kit, use of courts, coaching, EN affiliation etc For those only playing occasionally, not a full member of a team For senior members who also have one or more children at the club aged under 21 £30 in the first month (for England Netball affiliation), then £12 thereafter. £30 in the first month then £2 per match and £2 per training session Please ask for details The fees include your England Netball affiliation which you must have for insurance purposes. Each August you must re-affiliate and will be asked that month for a top-up fee (in 2012 this was £18). Full members also receive Carol Anne match kit but this remains the property of the club and must be returned if you no longer play in matches. You can find Standing Order instructions on the website. Club contact details: Head Coach & Chair Secretary & Web Vice Chair Sally King – 077779049015 Elaine Norton – 07772215499 Laura Manley – 07810355039 1 Membership Secretary Elaine Norton 07772 215499 Affiliation number (office use) Senior Registration Form (Age 18 and above) Please fill out and return this and the following two pages. You may email the form to or return by hand to your coach. To complete the registration you must also set up your Standing Order pay your fees–details are on the website: We will then be able to make your England Netball affiliation, without which you cannot play or train beyond the first three weeks (which are covered by the club’s insurance) Member Details: Title: First name(s): Surname: DOB: Daytime phone (required): Evening phone (required): Email address (required): Home Address: Member Information (for club development purposes): Students only: what school, college or university do you attend? Non students: What is your occupation? Would you be interested in learning to coach and/or umpire? (Please state) Would you be interested in being a team manager, committee member or officer? (Please state) What skills do you have that could help us develop as a club, eg web design, accountancy, paper printing, news etc. 2 Emergency Contacts and Medical Information ( In case of emergency and as part of Carol Anne Netball Club’s responsibility to its members, ALL members must complete this medical and emergency contact information as accurately as possible. Details are held securely with access restricted to authorised members only. Emergency contacts: 1. Relationship: 1. Contact numbers: 1. 2. 2. 2. Doctors name: Surgery: Doctor’s contact no: Are you allergic to any medication? (Please state) Are you taking any regular medication? If so, for what reason? Please state any long term illnesses, injuries or physical or learning impairments that we should be aware of. Declaration and Consents: Please read carefully and indicate your consents in the boxes. Medical declaration: I consider myself to be physically fit and capable of full participation, and agree to notify Carol Anne Netball Club of any changes to the medical information provided. (Indicate YES or NO) Medical consent: In the event of an injury, I give my permission for the team managers/coaches/first aiders appointed by Carol Anne Netball Club to obtain emergency medical treatment on my behalf. (Indicate YES or NO) Photography: Where the club authorises photographs and videos by approved agents I consent to its use in accordance with Safeguarding and Protecting Young People policies and the Photography Policy including for local newspapers, promotional articles and the club website. (Indicate YES or NO) Signed: Date: Please also print name: Now please complete the additional, optional information for club development purposes on the next page. 3 For club development purposes only Optional Member Information Please indicate YES as appropriate: White British Asian or Asian British Pakistani Asian or Asian British – Bangladeshi Asian or Asian British – Other Black or Black British – Caribbean Black or Black British – African Black or Black British – Other Chinese Other Ethnic Group (State) White Irish White Other Mixed – White and Black Caribbean Mixed – White and Black African Mixed – White and Asian Mixed – Other Asian or Asian British - Indian Please indicate YES as appropriate: Deaf Visually impaired Hearing impaired Physical disability Learning disability Multiple disability Please use this space to tell us any additional information: 4