Personality Traits

Name _____________________________ Date ____________ Advisory ______
TCOMW index
“The Colors of Power” Reading Tracker (94-125)
Today’s Reading Focus: Look for things Guario does, says or thinks
that give us insight into his moral character (morality) or personality.
Before Reading: Review the list of personality and moral traits.
Personality Traits:
Moral Traits:
a reaction or a trait that stands out in a pattern of behavior that reflects your
a specific situation
long-term values or guiding principles
1. Aggressive: competitive and willing
to fight (synonym: hostile)
2. Bossy: always telling others what to
3. Brave: taking risks or facing danger
or pain without showing fear
4. Passive: obediently doing what
others want
5. Arrogant: thinking you’re better than
6. Competitive: always wanting to be in
a contest with others
7. Conceited: full of yourself
8. Cowardly: not brave or courageous
9. Decisive: making bold decisions
10. Defiant: boldly not doing what you’re
11. Devious: very sneaky, up to no good
12. Emotional: easily getting happy, sad,
angry, etc.
13. Impulsive: acting without thinking
14. Irrational: not thinking clearly
15. Obedient: doing what you’re told
16. Outgoing: not shy
17. Patient: able to wait without
becoming annoyed
18. Suspicious: not trusting others
19. Supportive: supports your ideas
20. Straightforward: telling it like it is
21. Timid: shy
22. Open-minded or tolerant: accepting
new ideas, listening to others' ideas
Ambitious: wanting to go far, wanting
to succeed or achieve
Benevolent: wanting to do good
Compassionate: thinking and caring
about others
Conscientious: thoughtful, aware of
Dishonest: not honest
Honest or Sincere: telling the truth
Passionate: really believing in
Ruthless: having no pity, totally
Selfless: being unselfish, putting other
people’s needs before your own needs
Selfish: caring only about yourself
Sensitive: caring or emotional
Trustworthy: reliable
Kindhearted (compassionate,
considerate, generous, understanding,
Self-Reliant (responsible, independent,
Humble (not bragging, admitting your
Respectful (towards your parents,
elders, country, other people, etc)
Cooperative: working with others
towards a common goal
Which traits can be both a personality trait and a moral trait?
Read the following situations, classify them as moral or personality traits, and explain why.
1. Claire is shy in class is very ruthless and has no pity for other people.
a. What is Claire’s personality trait? _shy______________________________
b. What is Claire’s moral trait? ___ruthless________________________________
c. Which trait is more obvious if you were in Claire’s class? Personality trait or moral trait?
Why? _______________________________________________________________
2. Angel is very hardworking and dedicated to his job all the time. He is also very flirtatious
(he flirts a lot) with the girls.
a. What is Angel’s personality trait? ___flirtatious_____________________
b. What is Angel’s moral trait? ______ Hardworking/Dedicated_______________________
c. Which trait more obvious (not subtle)? Personality trait or moral trait? Why?
3. Ana Rosa worries about Guario losing his job so she returns the notebook.
a. Circle one:
Moral Trait
Personality Trait
b. Why did you circle moral or personality? This reflects her values, she has always been
aware of others’ feelings and caring, it’s not a temporary thing.
c. What trait does she show (use the word bank) _ conscientious, compassionate
AS A CLASS: As you read “The Color of Power,” summarize what Guario says, does or thinks
(SAYS). Then, decide what this reveals about his personality or morality (DOES).
SAYS: Summarize in your own
words: What does Guario say, do or
think on these pages? What are his
actions or reactions?
Look back at the text!
On page 95,
DOES: How does the author reveal information about his
personality or moral character?
The author uses Guario’s thoughts/speech/actions/reactions to
show he is _______ (trait from use word bank), which reveals his
(personality/moral character). Explain what you already know
about him.
The author uses Guario’s thoughts/speech/actions/reactions to
After Ana Rosa found out about her show he is ___ compassionate___trait).
father, Guario tells her she is the same
(his “sister”).
Explain how this trait relates to his personality or moral character:
Does this give us insight to his moral
character or personality?
Guario cares deeply about his younger sister and is worried about
how she will handle the shocking news about her father. From
prior chapters, we know that he is busy with his job and trying to
make a future for himself. He always takes the time to comfort his
sister, therefore his compassion is a moral value, not just a
temporary personality trait.
SAYS: Summarize in your own
words: What does Guario say, do or
think on these pages? What are his
actions or reactions?
Look back at the text!
On pages 96-98,
DOES: How does the author reveal information about his
personality or moral character?
The author uses Guario’s thoughts/speech/actions/reactions to
show he is _______ (trait from use word bank), which reveals his
(personality/moral character). Explain what you already know
about him.
The author uses Guario’s thoughts/speech/actions/reactions to
show he is ___ brave___trait).
-Guario says they can’t make us leave
our homes- they can’t make us (97)
Explain how this trait relates to his personality or moral character:
-meets with govt
When Guario is around other people in the town meeting, he stands
out for his courage and becomes the official spokesperson for the
town. Because his bravery comes out when he discusses things with
other people, it seems like this is a personality trait and not a longDoes this give us insight to his moral term moral value.
character or personality?
SAYS: Summarize in your own
words: What does Guario say, do or
think on these pages? What are his
actions or reactions?
Look back at the text!
On pages 99-107
-G feels he needs to live up to his
name (102)
-G comes to talk to Mr. Moreno
- G is angry when Mr. Moreno
explains they all have to leave their
homes (104)
- G rips up leaflet in his face (105)
-Guario speaks up to Mr. Moreno
and says they will not move (106)
DOES: How does the author reveal information about his
personality or moral character?
The author uses Guario’s thoughts/speech/actions/reactions to
show he is _______ (trait from use word bank), which reveals his
(personality/moral character). Explain what you already know
about him.
Two possible answers:
1. The author uses Guario’s thoughts/speech/actions/reactions
to show he is defiant, aggressive, and straightforward when
he confronts Mr. Moreno with his ideas. He has not shown a
defiant attitude before, therefore his defiance is a short
term, personality trait.
2. The author uses Guario’s thoughts/speech/actions/reactions
to show he is passionate about supporting his family. He has
been passionate about his family before, therefore his
passion is a long-term, moral trait.
Does this give us insight to his moral
character or personality?
**See two possible answers in Does
SAYS: Summarize in your own
words: What does Guario say, do or
think on these pages? What are his
actions or reactions?
Look back at the text!
DOES: How does the author reveal information about his
personality or moral character?
The author uses Guario’s thoughts/speech/actions/reactions to
show he is _______ (trait from use word bank), which reveals his
(personality/moral character). Explain what you already know
about him.
On pages 108-111
-Guario comes up with an idea to
spread the word about what the
govt wants to do (108)
-Guario tells the people “we must
fight with our words” (111)
Does this give us insight to his moral
character or personality?
On pages, 112- 115
-Guario goes to work, makes
speeches, travels talking to people
-G tells AR that the engineers are
coming tomorrow (113)
-G says “our words aren’t enough”
And starts to give up (114)
Two possible answers:
1. Decisive (making bold decisions), aggressive (ready to
fight) –a short-term trait that has only come up in this
particular situation
2. Selfless –an ongoing, moral trait that’s been shown
before in other situations
Does this give us insight to his moral
character or personality?
SAYS: Summarize in your own
words: What does Guario say, do or
think on these pages? What are his
actions or reactions?
Look back at the text!
DOES: How does the author reveal information about his
personality or moral character?
The author uses Guario’s thoughts/speech/actions/reactions to
show he is _______ (trait from use word bank), which reveals his
(personality/moral character). Explain what you already know
about him.
Pages 116-120
-Gives a speech to people in the
village about fighting for family
and homes- says “We will not give
up!” (117)
-Tells AR he is going to take her
for a bday ice cream (117)
-G stands with neighbors holding
makeshift weapons (120)
Does this give us insight to his moral _____________________________________________________
character or personality?
On pages, 121- 125
Does this give us insight to his moral ______________________________________________________
character or personality?
After reading:
Take a few minutes to process what just happened. Answer the following guided questions.
Use your mood and tone word bank (Permanent Notes #6)
 What is the mood of this chapter? How are you feeling? Why?
 Why did Guario die? How will he be remembered?
 How do you think Ana Rosa is feeling? Why?