Licence Terms Document

incorporated in England and Wales and limited by guarantee whose registered office is at Ground Floor,
Brettenham House South, 5 Lancaster Place, London WC2E 7EN ("JISC Collections")
THE HIGHER EDUCATION FUNDING COUNCIL FOR ENGLAND, a body corporate established under The
Further and Higher Education Ace 1992 whose principal place of business is at Northavon House,
Coldharbour Lane, Bristol, BS16 1QD, UK (“HEFCE”)
OFFERS to you, the Sub-Licensee, the permission to access and use the Licensed Material on the terms
and conditions as set out in this Sub-Licence. Upon completion of the Subscription Order and
Acceptance Form (as hereafter defined) as part of the JISC Collections Online Ordering Service your
institution will become a non-exclusive Sub-Licensee of JISC Collections.
Acceptance of this Sub-Licence will be by receipt of the Order Confirmation Email (JISC Collections) (as
hereafter defined) by JISC Collections as part of the JISC Collections Online Ordering Service. Acceptance
shall be acceptance of all terms of this Sub-Licence and no variation or counter offer will be accepted by
JISC Collections. In the event that no or partial compliance is made as to the manner or form described
for acceptance, no sub-licence will be granted and this offer is deemed withdrawn.
1. JISC Collections and MIMAS (as hereafter defined) have received funding to develop JISC Journal
Archives which brings together on one platform the material from the digital journal archive collections
that JISC Collections and HEFCE have licensed on behalf of the UK academic community; and JISC
Historic Books which brings together on one platform the historic digital book collections that JISC
Collections and HEFCE have licensed on behalf of the UK academic community. JISC Journal Archives and
JISC Historic Books are part of the JISC eCollections service. This Sub-Licence covers both JISC Journal
Archives and JISC Historic Books.
2. JISC Journal Archives and JISC Historic Books and all intellectual property rights therein are owned by
or duly licensed to JISC Collections or HEFCE and its Publishers (as defined below).
3. JISC Collections and HEFCE are permitted to sub-license the access and use of JISC Journal Archives
and JISC Historic Books to Sub-Licensees in accordance with the terms of this Sub-Licence.
In this Sub-Licence, the following expressions shall have the following meanings:
"Authorised Users"
means an individual who is authorised by the Sub-Licensee to
have access to its information services (whether on-site or off-
site) via Secure Authentication and who is:
a current student (including undergraduates and
a member of staff (whether permanent or temporary
including retired members of staff and any teacher who
teaches Authorised Users registered in the United Kingdom);
a contractor of the Sub-Licensee in the scope of their
engagement with or for the benefit of Sub-Licensee; or
a Walk-In User.
Walk-In Users are persons who are allowed by the SubLicensee to access its information services from computer
terminals or otherwise within the physical premises of the SubLicensee. For the avoidance of doubt, Walk-In Users may be
given access to the Licensed Material by any wireless Secure
Network. Walk-In Users are not allowed off-site access to the
Licensed Material.
"Service Charges"
means the charges as set out in Clause 8.
"Commercial Use"
means use of the Licensed Material for the purpose of
monetary reward (whether by or for the Sub-Licensee or an
Authorised User) by means of the sale, resale, loan, transfer,
hire or other form of exploitation of the Licensed Material. For
the avoidance of doubt, neither the recovery of direct cost by
the Sub-Licensee from Authorised Users, nor use by the SubLicensee or Authorised Users of the Licensed Material in the
course of research funded by a commercial organisation is
deemed to constitute Commercial Use, provided that the
resulting project or research does not benefit a commercial
organization through the granting of a license or right to use
data or other elements contained in or derived from the
Licensed Material.
"Educational Purposes"
means use for the purpose of education, teaching, distance
learning, private study and/or research.
means the Higher Education Funding Council for England.
"JISC Collections Online
means the online subscription ordering service developed by
Ordering Service"
JISC Collections. The JISC Collections Online Ordering Service
can be found at
"Licensed Material"
means the material licensed in this Sub-Licence known to the
parties as ‘JISC Journal Archives’ being a collection of digital
journal archive collections and any associated Metadata
licensed by JISC Collections / HEFCE from Publishers on behalf
of UK Higher and Further Education Institutions and Research
Councils; and ‘JISC Historic Books’ being a collection of digital
historic book collections and any associated Metadata licensed
by JISC Collections / HEFCE from Publishers on behalf of UK
Higher and Further Education Institutions and Research
Councils. A list of the digital journal archive collections and the
historic digital book collections included in the Licensed
Material is detailed in Schedule 1.
means the textual information that describes the creation,
content, or context of a part of the Licensed Material (e.g. date
of creation, subject matter, location of digital file, ownership).
Unless otherwise specified, Metadata includes both the
Publisher Metadata and Supplemental Metadata.
“Publisher Metadata”
means the metadata supplied by the Publisher as part of the
Licensed Material
means the metadata created by Authorised Users, the SubLicensee, JISC Collections and Mimas for works contained in
the Licensed Material.
means alterations, additions to, deletion from, manipulations
and/or modifications of parts of the Metadata in accordance
with section 21 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
means to alter, add to, delete from, manipulate and/or modify
parts of the Metadata.
“Enhance /
means the use of Supplemental Metadata to increase or
improve upon in value and quality of the Publisher Metadata.
means Optical Character Recognition, the manual, mechanical
or electronic translation of scanned images of handwritten,
typewritten or printed text into machine-encoded text.
"Order Confirmation
Email (Institution)"
means the email to the Sub-Licensee, automatically generated
by the JISC Collections Online Ordering Service after the SubLicensee has completed the Subscription Order and
Acceptance Form, confirming that the Sub-Licensee has placed
the order, the start and end date of the subscription period
and that JISC Collections has agreed to the terms and
conditions of the Sub-Licence.
"Order Confirmation
Email (JISC Collections)"
means the email to JISC Collections, automatically generated
by the JISC Online Ordering Service after the Sub-Licensee has
completed the Subscription Order and Acceptance Form,
confirming that the Sub-Licensee has placed the order, the
start and end date of the subscription period and that the SubLicensee has agreed to the terms and conditions of the SubLicence.
"Order Confirmation
Email (Publisher)"
means the email to the Publisher, automatically generated by
the JISC Online Ordering Service after the Sub-Licensee has
completed the Subscription Order and Acceptance Form,
confirming that the Sub-Licensee has placed the order, the
start and end date of the subscription period and that the SubLicensee has agreed to the terms and conditions of the SubLicence.
means the publishers and suppliers of the digital journal
archive collections and the historic digital book collections as
listed in Schedule 1.
"Secure Authentication"
means access to the Licensed Material by UK Access
Management Federation compliant technology, Internet
Protocol (“IP”) ranges or by another means of authentication
agreed between the Publisher and JISC Collections.
"Secure Network"
means a network which is only accessible by Secure
means the sub-licensee whose details are set out in the
Subscription Order and Acceptance Form, which can be found
at A sample copy of the form is
attached hereto and made a part hereof.
means the form used by JISC Collections as part of the JISC
"Subscription Order and Collections Online Ordering Service. A sample copy of the form
Acceptance Form"
is attached hereto in Annex 1. Once the completed form has
been received by the JISC Collections Online Ordering Service,
the system automatically generates an Order Confirmation
Email (Institution) to the Sub-Licensee, Order Confirmation
Email (JISC Collection) to JISC Collections and an Order
Confirmation Email (Publisher) to the Publisher repeating the
information on the form regarding the name of the SubLicensee, the resource, the start and end date of the
subscription period and confirming the date on which the SubLicensee accepted the terms and conditions of the SubLicence.
Headings contained in this Sub-Licence are for reference purposes only and shall not be deemed
to be an indication of the meaning of the clause to which they relate.
Where the context so implies, words importing the singular number shall include the plural and
vice versa and words importing the masculine shall include the feminine and vice versa.
The Sub-Licensee agrees to pay the Service Charges as set out in Schedule 1, in consideration of
which JISC Collections and/ or HEFCE agrees to grant to the Sub-Licensee a non-exclusive sublicence to access and use the Licensed Material, Metadata and OCR, and to allow Authorised
Users to access and use the Licensed Material, Metadata and OCR throughout the term of this
Sub-Licence by Secure Authentication for Educational Purposes only.
This Sub-Licence permits the Sub-Licensee for Educational Purposes only to:
supply to another library in the United Kingdom (whether by post, fax or secure
electronic transmission provided the electronic file is deleted immediately after
printing) a single paper copy of an electronic original of an individual document for any
Educational Purposes other than collection building purposes;
provide single printed or electronic copies of single articles at the request of individual
Authorised Users;
display, download and print parts of the Licensed Material for the direct purpose of
promoting or testing the Licensed Material or for training Authorised Users;
make and distribute copies of training material as may be required for the purpose of
using the Licensed Material in accordance with this Sub-Licence;
3.1.5. mount and use Metadata and OCR in bespoke and commercially available library
systems to manage library operations except as otherwise limited by Publisher;
allow Authorised Users for Educational Purposes only to: access the Licensed Material, Metadata and OCR by Secure Authentication in
order to search, retrieve, view and display the Licensed Material; create Supplemental Metadata and Modify Supplemental Metadata; Enhance the Publisher Metadata supplied as part of the Licensed Material; deposit and publish Supplemental Metadata and Enhancements to Publisher
Metadata in JISC Historic Books and JISC Journal Archives; electronically save parts of the Licensed Material, OCR, Metadata, Modifications
to the Supplemental Metadata and Enhancements to the Publisher Metadata; print out copies of parts of the Licensed Material, OCR, Metadata, Modifications
to the Supplemental Metadata and Enhancements to the Publisher Metadata;
5 incorporate parts of the Licensed Material, OCR, Metadata, Modifications to the
Supplemental Metadata and Enhancements to the Publisher Metadata in
printed and electronic course packs to be used in the course of instruction
and/or in virtual learning environments hosted on a Secure Network. Authorised
Users must specify the title and copyright owner of the Licensed Material used
in the course packs. Course packs in other formats, such as Braille, may also be
offered to Authorised Users; incorporate parts of the Licensed Material, OCR, Metadata, Modifications to the
Supplemental Metadata and Enhancements to the Publisher Metadata in
printed or electronic form in assignments and portfolios, theses and in
dissertations (“the Academic Works”), and to make reproductions of the
Academic Works for personal use and library deposit. Reproductions of the
Academic Works can be provided to sponsors of those Academic Works.
Authorised Users must specify the title, author, Publisher and if different than
the author or Publisher, the copyright owner of the Licensed Material used in
the Academic Works; publicly display or publicly perform parts of the Licensed Material OCR,
Metadata, Modifications to the Supplemental Metadata and Enhancements to
the Publisher Metadata as part of a presentation at a seminar, conference, or
workshop, or other similar event; the Licensed Material, OCR, Metadata, Modifications to the Supplemental
Metadata and Enhancements to the Publisher Metadata to perform and engage
in text mining/data mining activities for non commercial, academic research and
other Educational Purposes upon completion of the following procedure;
the Sub-Licensee and / or Authorised User will email with a request to perform text mining/ data mining
activities detailing the purpose of the mining activity, how much text/data is
to be mined and the Licensed Material on which the mining activity will take
JISC Collections will liaise with the Publisher on behalf of the Sub-Licensee /
Authorised User to seek agreement for the requested mining activity to take
place. The Publisher shall be entitled to request any further information that
it requires to make its decision and JISC Collections shall promptly seek and
obtain such information for the Publisher and the Publisher, acting
reasonably, shall be entitled to refuse any such request
assuming that the Publisher agrees to the request and upon written
agreement by the Publisher, JISC Collections will notify the Sub-Licensee /
Authorised User and Mimas that the mining activity has been agreed and
may proceedonly on the agreed terms
6 use parts of the Licensed Material, OCR, Metadata, Modifications to the
Supplemental Metadata and Enhancements to the Publisher Metadata for any
other uses provided such uses are approved in writing by the Publisher/ JISC
Collections / HEFCE and Mimas; and
This Sub-Licence shall be deemed to complement and extend the rights of the Institution and
Authorised Users under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and the Copyright (Visually
Impaired Persons) Act 2002 and nothing in this Sub-Licence shall constitute a waiver of any
statutory rights held by the Institution and Authorised Users from time to time under these Acts
or any amending legislation.
Except where this Sub-Licence states otherwise, the Sub-Licensee and Authorised Users may
sell or resell the Licensed Material, OCR, Publisher Metadata unless the Publisher has
given the Sub-Licensee or an Authorised User permission in writing to do so;
remove, obscure or alter copyright notices, acknowledgments or other means of
identification or disclaimers;
alter or adapt the Licensed Material (save for Metadata as allowed for under Clause 3),
except to the extent necessary to make it perceptible on a computer screen, or as
otherwise allowed under this Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, no Modification
of the Publisher Metadata, alteration of the words or their order is allowed;
display or distribute any part of the Licensed Material, OCR and Publisher Metadata on
any electronic network, including the internet other than by a Secure Network;
use all or any part of the Licensed Material, OCR and/or Metadata(save for
Supplemental Metadata) for any Commercial Use or for any purpose other than
Educational Purposes; and
provide access and/or allow use of the Licensed Material, OCR and/or Metadata by
anyone other than Authorised Users and Authorised Demonstrators.
This Clause will continue to apply after termination of this Sub-Licence for any reason.
The Sub-Licensee will:
give passwords or other access information only to Authorised Users and use all
reasonable efforts to ensure that Authorised Users do not give their passwords or other
access information to anyone else;
provide lists of valid IP addresses to JISC Collections and update those lists on a regular
basis as agreed by the parties from time to time;
use all reasonable efforts to ensure that only Authorised Users are permitted access to
the Licensed Material;
use all reasonable efforts to ensure that all Authorised Users are made aware of and
undertake to abide by the terms of this Sub-Licence;
use all reasonable efforts to monitor compliance with the terms of this Sub-Licence and
notify the Publisher and JISC Collections / HEFCE immediately and provide full
particulars on becoming aware of any of the following:
(a) any unauthorised access to or use of the Licensed Material or unauthorised
use of any of the Sub-Licensee's password(s); or
(b) any breach by an Authorised User of the terms of this Sub-Licence.
As soon as the Sub-Licensee is aware of any breach of the terms of this Sub-Licence, the
Sub-Licensee further agrees promptly to fully investigate and initiate disciplinary
procedures in accordance with the Sub-Licensee's standard practice and use all
reasonable effort to ensure that such activity ceases and to prevent any recurrence; and
comply with all computer security procedures required by JISC Collections /HEFCE
and/or a third party duly appointed by JISC Collections / HEFCE and take all reasonable
steps to ensure the security of the Licensed Material.
JISC Collections / HEFCE shall use all reasonable efforts to ensure access and use of the Licensed
Material in accordance with the provisions as laid down in this Sub-Licence.
JISC Collections / HEFCE shall use all reasonable efforts to cause customer support services to be
provided to the Sub-Licensee and to Authorised Users.
The parties shall co-operate in gathering any data on usage of the Licensed Material that is
available to them during the term of this Sub-Licence, and shall provide such data to each other
upon request. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties shall neither assemble nor provide
data from which an individual user could be identified.
The Sub-Licensee will pay to JISC Collections the total sum of the Service Charges for the whole
term of this Sub-Licence in accordance with the applicable JISC Collections charging band. JISC
Collections will invoice the Sub-Licensee annually for the applicable service charge as set out at
8 All prices are exclusive of VAT, which will be
payable by the Sub-Licensee where applicable.
The Service Charges shall be subject to review on the expiry of the period specified in Clause 9.
JISC Collections shall act reasonably in seeking to agree an appropriate level of Service Charges
for the following subscription period.
In the event that the Sub-Licensee completes the Subscription Order and Acceptance Form
during a given year, the Sub-Licensee shall pay JISC Collections that part of the applicable charge
which represents the period covering the date as set out in the Subscription Order and
Acceptance Form up to the date where the next 12 months subscription period starts.
Thereafter the Sub-Licensee will pay JISC Collections the full applicable charges for subsequent
years as and where applicable.
Invoices shall be due and payable no later than thirty (30) days after being issued by JISC
The term of this Sub-Licence will commence upon the start date as set out in the Subscription
Order and Acceptance Form (and subsequently in the Order Confirmation Email (Institution) and
Order Confirmation Email (JISC Collections) and will remain in full force and effect until the end
date as set out in such Subscription Order and Acceptance Form, unless terminated earlier as
provided for in this Clause 9.
The Sub-Licensee may terminate this Agreement at any time without cause on the anniversary
date as set out on the Subscription Order and Acceptance Form (and subsequently in the Order
Confirmation Email (Institution) by giving JISC Collections not less than sixty days’ prior written
notice to that effect.
JISC Collections may terminate this Agreement without cause on the anniversary date as set out
in the Subscription Order and Acceptance Form by giving the Sub-Licensee not less than sixty
days’ prior written notice to that effect.
Either party may terminate this Sub-Licence at any time on the material breach or repeated
other breaches by the other of any obligation on its part under this Sub-Licence by serving a
written notice on the other identifying the nature of the breach. The termination will become
effective thirty days after receipt of the written notice unless during the relevant period of thirty
(30) days the defaulting party remedies the breach.
Further, notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, upon a breach by the Sub-Licensee,
on-line access to the Licensed Material shall be terminated.
Upon termination of this Sub-Licence, copies of parts of the Licensed Material, OCR, Metadata,
Modifications to the Supplemental Metadata and Enhancements to the Publisher Metadata
made by the Sub-Licensee or Authorised Users may be retained. Such copies may be used after
termination of this Agreement subject to the terms of Clauses 3 and 4 of this Sub-Licence, which
terms shall survive any termination of this Sub-Licence.
The Sub-Licensee acknowledges that the Intellectual Property Rights in the Licensed
Material(including the Publisher Metadata) are the sole and exclusive property of the Publisher
or are duly licensed to the Publisher and that this Sub-Licence does not assign or transfer to the
Sub-Licensee any right, title or interest therein except for the right to use the Licensed Material
(including Metadata)in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Sub-Licence.
Any and all Intellectual Property Rights in the Supplemental Metadata generated by the SubLicensee and/or Authorised Users shall be the property of the Sub-Licensee and/or such
Authorised Users.
Any and all Intellectual Property Rights in the Supplemental Metadata generated by the SubLicensee and/or Authorised Users but deposited by such Sub-Licensee and/or Authorised Users
in JISC Journal Archives or JISC Historic Books shall be the property of JISC Collections / HEFCE
and MIMAS.
JISC Collections / HEFCE and Mimas shall have the right to license without restriction
Supplemental Metadata generated by the Sub-Licensee and/or Authorised Users and deposited
by such Sub-Licensee and/or Authorised Users in JISC Journal Archives or JISC Historic Books to
the Publisher.
The Sub-Licensee represents and warrants that it has sufficient authority and rights to enter into
and perform its obligations under this Sub-Licence.
JISC Collections / HEFCE represents and warrants that it has the right to grant the Sub-Licence
and that the use of the Licensed Material by the Sub-Licensee and Authorised Users in
accordance with the terms of this Sub-Licence shall not infringe the copyright of any third party.
The foregoing shall not apply to improper usage of the Licensed Material by the Sub-Licensee or
Authorised Users. JISC Collections / HEFCE makes no representation or warranty, and expressly
disclaims any liability with respect to the content of the Licensed Material, including but not
limited to errors or omissions contained therein, libel, infringement of rights of publicity,
privacy, trademark rights, moral rights, or the disclosure of confidential information.
The Sub-Licensee agrees to notify the Publisher and JISC Collections / HEFCE within 48 hours and
provide full particulars in the event that it becomes aware of any actual or threatened claims by
any third party in connection with any works contained in the Licensed Material. It is expressly
agreed that upon such notification, or if the Publisher becomes aware of such a claim from
other sources, the Publisher may remove such work(s) from the Licensed Material. At the
request of the Publisher, the Sub-Licensee will make all reasonable efforts to remove such
work(s) from any copies of the Licensed Material maintained by the Sub-Licensee. Failure to
report knowledge of any actual or threatened claim by any third party shall be deemed a
material breach of this Sub-Licence.
Nothing in this Sub-Licence shall make the Sub-Licensee liable for breach of the terms of this
Sub-Licence by any Authorised User provided that the Sub-Licensee did not cause, knowingly
assist or condone the continuation of such breach after becoming aware of a an actual breach
having occurred.
Subject to the above and to the extent permitted by law, JISC Collections / HEFCE shall not be
liable to the Sub-Licensee for any loss or damage including any loss of profits, goodwill, contract
or any indirect or consequential loss including loss or damage suffered by the Sub-Licensee as a
result of an action brought by a third party.
JISC Collections / HEFCE reserves the right to remove content, or to change the content,
Metadata, presentation, user facilities or availability of parts of the Licensed Material and to
make changes in any software used to deliver the Licensed Material at their sole discretion. JISC
Collections / HEFCE will notify the Sub-Licensee of any substantial change to the Licensed
Other than the express warranties stated in this Clause 11, the Licensed Material is provided on
an “as is” basis, and JISC Collections / HEFCE disclaims any and all other warranties, conditions,
or representations (express, implied, oral or written), relating to the Licensed Material or any
part thereof, including, without limitation, any and all implied warranties of quality,
performance, merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. JISC Collections / HEFCE further
expressly disclaims any warranty or representation to Authorised Users, or to any third party.
JISC Collections / HEFCE accepts no liability for loss suffered or incurred by the Sub-Licensee or
Authorised Users as a result of their reliance on the Licensed Material.
The Sub-Licensee represents to JISC Collections / HEFCE that its computer system through which
the Licensed Material will be used is configured, and procedures are in place, to prohibit access
to the Licensed Material by any person other than an Authorised User; that it shall inform
Authorised Users about the conditions of use of the Licensed Material; and that during the term
of this Sub-Licence, the Sub-Licensee will continue to make all reasonable efforts to bar nonpermitted access and to convey appropriate use information to its Authorised Users.
JISC Collections / HEFCE and the Sub-Licensee do not seek to exclude liability under this
Agreement for fraud or for personal injury or death caused by its negligence and the negligence
of its employees, authorised sub-contractors and agents.
Either party’s failure to perform any term or condition of this Sub-Licence as a result of
circumstances beyond the control of the relevant party (including without limitation, war,
strikes, flood, governmental restrictions, and power, telecommunications or Internet failures or
damages to or destruction of any network facilities) ["Force Majeure"] shall not be deemed to
be, or to give rise to, a breach of this Sub-Licence.
If either party to this Sub-Licence is prevented or delayed in the performance of any of its
obligations under this Sub-Licence by Force Majeure and if such party gives written notice
thereof to the other party specifying the matters constituting Force Majeure together with such
evidence as it reasonably can give and specifying the period for which it is estimated that such
prevention or delay will continue, then the party in question shall be excused the performance
or the punctual performance as the case may be as from the date of such notice for so long as
such cause of prevention or delay shall continue.
Neither this Sub-Licence nor any of the rights and obligations under it may be assigned or sublicensed by the Sub-Licensee without obtaining the prior written consent of JISC Collections /
HEFCE and Publisher with such consents not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. In any
permitted assignment, the assignor shall procure and ensure that the assignee shall assume all
rights and obligations of the assignor under this Sub-Licence and agrees to be bound to all the
terms of this Sub-Licence.
This Sub-Licence shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the
parties irrevocably agree that any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Sub-Licence
will be subject to and within the jurisdiction of the English courts.
Where the parties agree that a dispute arising out of or in connection with this Sub-Licence
would best be resolved by the decision of an expert, they will agree upon the nature of the
expert required and together appoint a suitable expert by agreement. In default of agreement
upon whom to appoint as a suitable expert, such expert shall upon the request of either party
be appointed by the Chair for the time being of Universities UK (
Any person to whom a reference is made under Clause 14.2 shall act as expert and not as an
arbitrator and his decision (which shall be given by him in writing and shall state the reasons for
his decision) shall be final and binding on the parties except in the case of manifest error or
Each party shall provide the expert with such information and documentation as he may
reasonably require for the purposes of his decision.
The costs of the expert shall be borne by the parties in such proportions as the expert may
determine to be fair and reasonable in all circumstances or, if no determination is made by the
expert, by the parties in equal proportions.
All notices required to be given under this Sub-Licence shall be given in writing in English and
sent by courier, or special delivery to the relevant addressee at its address set out below, or to
such other address as may be notified by either party to the other from time to time under this
Sub-Licence, and all such notices shall be deemed to have been received three (3) days after the
date of posting in the case of special delivery or despatch in the case of courier:
if to JISC Collections:
Lorraine Estelle
Chief Executive Officer
JISC Collections
Brettenham House South
5 Lancaster Place
London WC2E 7EN
if to HEFCE
Lorraine Estelle
Chief Executive Officer
JISC Collections
Brettenham House South
5 Lancaster Place
London WC2E 7EN
If to the Publisher:
Linda Empringham
Head of Library and Consortia Sales - Europe
Koninklijke Brill NV,
Plantijnstraat 2, 2321 JC,
Leiden, The Netherlands
Cambridge University Press
Kevin Taylor
Director of Strategy and IP
Legal Services
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building
Shaftesbury Road
Cambridge CB2 2RU
Andrew Robinson
Group Sales Director
Cengage Learning EMEA
Cheriton House
North Way
SP10 5BE
IOP Publishing
Sarah Fricker
Senior Group Legal Adviser
IOP Publishing Limited
Temple Circus
Temple Way
Oxford University Press
Chris Bennett
Journals Division
Oxford University Press
Great Clarendon Street
Oxford OX2 6DP
Gareth Williams
Director of Sales UK and Ireland
The Quorum
Barnwell Road
With copy to:
General Counsel
ProQuest LLC
789 E. Eisenhower Pkwy
Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Taylor & Francis
Ashleigh Bell
Journal Sales Director
Taylor & Francis
4 Park Square
Milton Park
OX14 4RN
The British Library
Ms Rachel Marshall
The British Library
96 Euston Road
London NW1 2DB
Fax number: 020 7412 7166
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Key Account Manager
The Royal Society of Chemistry
Thomas Graham House
Science Park
Milton Road
Fax: 01223.423429
Thomas Telford (Institution of Civil Engineers)
Mike Cookson
Thomas Telford Ltd
1 Heron Quay
London E14 4JD
if to the Sub-Licensee:
[As stated in the Subscription Order and Acceptance
This Sub-Licence, its Schedules and Annexes constitute the entire agreement between the SubLicensee and JISC Collections / HEFCE relating to the Licensed Material and supersede all prior
communications, understandings and agreements (whether written or oral) relating to its
subject matter and may not be amended or modified except by agreement of both parties in
The Schedules shall have the same force and effect as if expressly set in the body of this SubLicence and any reference to this Sub-Licence shall include the Schedules.
The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Sub-Licence shall not affect the
continuation in force of the remainder of this Sub-Licence.
The rights of the parties arising under this Sub-Licence shall not be waived except in writing. Any
waiver of any of a party's rights under this Sub-Licence or of any breach of this Sub-Licence by
the other party shall not be construed as a waiver of any other rights or of any other or further
breach. Failure by either party to exercise or enforce any rights conferred upon it by this SubLicence shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any such rights or operate so as to bar the
exercise or enforcement thereof at any subsequent time or times.
JISC Journal Archives
Brill – Brill Journal Archive Online
Cambridge University Press – Cambridge Journals Digital Archive
Institute of Physics Publishing – IOP Journal Archive 1847 – 1998
Oxford University Press – Oxford Journals Archive
Proquest – Periodical Archive Online: JISC Collections selection
Taylor & Francis – Taylor & Francis Geography, Planning, Urban and Environment Online
The Royal Society of Chemistry – RSC Journal Archive
Thomas Telford (Institution of Civil Engineers) - ICE Virtual Library Archive
JISC Historic Books
9. Cengage – Eighteenth Century Collections Online Parts 1 and 2
10. Proquest – Early English Books Online
11. The British Library - British Library 19th Century Books Collection
The full list of Licenced Material is available at:
This list will be updated as new collections are added to JISC Journal Archives and JISC Historic Books.
company incorporated in England and Wales and limited by guarantee whose registered office is at
Ground Floor, Brettenham House South, Lancaster Place, London WC2E 7EN ("JISC Collections")
OFFERS to you, the Sub-Licensee, the permission to access and use the Licensed Material on the terms
and conditions as set out in this Sub-Licence. Upon completion of the Subscription Order and Acceptance
Form (as hereafter defined), as part of the JISC Collections Online Ordering Service your institution will
become a non-exclusive Sub-Licensee of JISC Collections.
Acceptance of this Sub-Licence will be by receipt of the Order Confirmation Email (JISC Collections) (as
hereafter defined) by JISC Collections as part of the JISC Collections Online Ordering Service.
Acceptance shall be acceptance of all terms of this Sub-Licence and no variation or counter offer will be
accepted by JISC Collections. In the event that no or partial compliance is made as to the manner or form
described for acceptance, no sub-licence will be granted and this offer is deemed withdrawn.
WHEREAS the Mediahub is an online information service providing discovery and access to a range of
high-quality content for use in teaching, learning and research. Mediahub focuses on the needs of UK
Higher and Further Education;
AND WHEREAS the Mediahub and all Intellectual Property Rights (as hereafter defined) therein are
either owned by or licensed to JISC Collections and/or the Publishers;
AND WHEREAS JISC Collections has developed an online ordering service; the ‘JISC Collections Online
Ordering Service’, whereby nominated persons can place, order, and manage subscriptions online on
behalf of their institution, which will be used in connection with this Agreement;
AND WHEREAS by agreements between a variety of Publishers (as hereafter defined)and JISC
Collections, JISC Collections is permitted to sub-license the access and use of the material in the
Mediahub to Sub-Licensees in accordance with the terms of this Sub-Licence.
In this Sub-Licence, the following expressions shall have the following meanings:
"Authorised Users"
means individuals who are authorised by the Sub-Licensee to
access the Sub-Licensee’s information services whether on-site
or off-site via Secure Authentication and who are affiliated to
the Sub-Licensee as a current student (including but not limited
to undergraduates and postgraduates), member of staff
(whether on a permanent or temporary basis including retired
members of staff and any teacher who teaches Authorised
Users) or contractor of the Sub-Licensee. Persons who are not
a current student, member of staff or a contractor of the SubLicensee, but who are permitted to access the Sub-Licensee’s
information services from computer terminals or otherwise
within the physical premises of the Sub-Licensee ["Walk-In
Users"] are also deemed to be Authorised Users, only for the
time they are within the physical premises of the Sub-Licensee.
Walk-In Users may not be given means to access the Licensed
Material when they are not within the physical premises of the
Sub-Licensee. For the avoidance of doubt, Walk-In Users may
not be given access to the Licensed Material by any wireless
network provided by the Sub-Licensee unless such network is a
Secure Network.
means the charges and payment terms as set out in Clause 8.
"Commercial Use""
means use of the Licensed Material for the purpose of
monetary reward (whether by or for the Sub-Licensee or an
Authorised User) by means of the sale, resale, loan, transfer,
hire or other form of exploitation of the Licensed Material For
the avoidance of doubt, neither the recovery of direct cost by
the Sub-Licensee from Authorised Users, nor use by the SubLicensee or Authorised Users of the Licensed Material in the
course of research funded by a commercial organisation is
deemed to constitute Commercial Use.
means for the purpose of education, teaching, distance
learning, private study and/or research.
means the Higher Education Funding Council for England.
"Intellectual Property
means patents, trademarks, trade names, design rights,
copyright (including rights in computer software and moral
rights), database rights, rights in know-how and other
intellectual property rights, in each case whether registered or
unregistered and including applications for the grant of any of
the foregoing and all rights or forms of protection having
equivalent or similar effect to any of the foregoing which may
subsist anywhere in the world.
"ITN Archive"
means the Newsroom online ITN and Reuters news archive of
video and other films as selected by HEFCE in 2003. .
"ITN Archive Third
Party Material"
means the material as selected by the Sub-Licensee from the
ITN archive in respect of which rights of use or exploitation by
the Sub-Licensee for the purposes as envisaged by this
Agreement are not owned by or licensed to ITN, including (a)
footage obtained by ITN from third parties; (b) all other
materials expressly stated in the records of the ITN Archive to
be owned and controlled by a third party; and (c) all still
photographs, artistic works, musical works, lyrics, sound
recordings and performances contained in the ITN Archive.
"JISC Collections
Online Ordering
means the online subscription ordering service developed by
JISC Collections The JISC Collections Online Ordering Service
can be found at
"Licensed Material"
means the material licensed in this Sub-Licence being a range
of high-quality multimedia content for use in teaching, learning
and research.
means the textual information that describes the creation,
content, or context of an image (e.g. date of creation, subject
matter, location of digital file, ownership). Metadata refers to the
metadata supplied by Publishers and/or created by Authorised
means alterations, additions to, deletion from, manipulations
and/or modifications of parts of the Metadata in accordance
with section 21 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act
means to alter, add to, delete from, manipulate and/or modify
parts of the Metadata.
"Order Confirmation
Email (Institution)"
means the email to the Sub-Licensee, automatically generated
by the JISC Online Ordering Service after the Sub-Licensee
has completed the Subscription Order and Acceptance Form,
confirming that the Sub-Licensee has placed the order, the start
and end date of the subscription period and that the Licensee
has agreed to the terms and conditions of the Sub-Licence.
"Order Confirmation
Email (JISC
means the email to JISC Collections, automatically generated
by the JISC Online Ordering Service after the Sub-Licensee
has completed the Subscription Order and Acceptance Form,
confirming that the Sub-Licensee has placed the order, the start
and end date of the subscription period and that the SubLicensee has agreed to the terms and conditions of the SubLicence.
"Order Confirmation
Email (Publisher)"
means the email to the Publishers, automatically generated by
the JISC Online Ordering Service after the Sub-Licensee has
completed the Subscription Order and Acceptance Form,
confirming that the Sub-Licensee has placed the order, the start
and end date of the subscription period and that the SubLicensee has agreed to the terms and conditions of the
means the publishers that have agreed to have their material
included in the Mediahub, being; Educational and television
Films Ltd, Scottish Screen, St George's Hospital Medical
School, John Lowenthal, Imperial War Museum, University of
Sheffield, Healthcare Productions Ltd, IWF Wissen und Medien
GGMBH, The Biochemical Society, Amber Films, Brian
Culverhouse Productions, Endeavour London, The North
Highland College, KINDIT Limited, The Royal Geographical
Society, Gov Ed, The University of Brighton, The Fitzwilliam
Museum, Imperial War Museum, Endeavour Film, Associated
Press, Independent Television News Limited.
means access to the Licensed Material by Athens
authentication or Security Assertion Mark-up Language (SAML)
technology based authentication, Internet Protocol (“IP”)
ranges or by another means of authentication agreed in writing
between the Publishers and JISC Collections from time to time.
"Secure Network"
means a network which is only accessible by Secure
means the sub-licensee whose details are set out in the
Subscription Order and Acceptance Form, as part of the JISC
Collections online ordering service which can be found at a sample copy of the form is
attached hereto and made a part hereof.
"Subscription Order
and Acceptance Form"
means the form used by JISC Collections as part of the JISC
Collections Online Ordering Service. A sample copy of the form
is attached hereto in Annex 1. Once the completed form has
been received by the JISC Collections Online Ordering Service,
the system automatically generates an Order Confirmation
Email (Institution) to the Sub-Licensee, Order Confirmation
Email (JISC Collection) to JISC Collections and an Order
Confirmation Email (Publisher) to the Publishers repeating the
information on the form regarding the name of the SubLicensee, the resource, the start and end date of the
subscription period and confirming the date on which the SubLicensee accepted the terms and conditions of the SubLicence.
Headings contained in this Sub-Licence are for reference purposes only and shall not be deemed
to be an indication of the meaning of the clause to which they relate.
Where the context so implies, words importing the singular number shall include the plural and
vice versa and words importing the masculine shall include the feminine and vice versa.
The Sub-Licensee agrees to pay the Charges, in consideration of which JISC Collections agrees
to grant to the Sub-Licensee a non-exclusive sub-licence to access and use the Licensed
Material and to allow Authorised Users to access and use the Licensed Material throughout the
term of this Sub-Licence by Secure Authentication for Educational Purposes only.
Throughout the term of this Sub-Licence the Sub-Licensee may for Educational Purposes only:
make such temporary local electronic copies of all or part of the Licensed Material as are
necessary to ensure efficient use by Authorised Users, provided that such use is subject
to all the terms and conditions of this Sub-Licence
allow Authorised Users to access the Licensed Material, Modifications and Metadata by
Secure Authentication in order to search, retrieve, view, display and otherwise use the
Licensed Material in accordance with this Sub-Licence;
allow Authorised Users to Modify the Metadata supplied as part of the Licensed Material
and to create new Metadata of the Licensed Material;
allow Authorised Users to download and electronically save parts of the Licensed
Material, Metadata and Modifications;
allow Authorised Users to print out parts of the Licensed Material, Metadata and
supply to an authorised user of another library (whether by post, fax or secure electronic
transmission, using Ariel software or its equivalent, whereby the electronic file is deleted
immediately after printing) a single paper copy of an electronic original of parts of the
Licensed Material;
incorporate parts of the Licensed Material, Metadata and Modifications for use by
Authorised Users in printed and electronic course packs, study packs, resource lists and
in any other material (including but not limited to multi-media works) to be used in the
course of instruction and/or in virtual and managed environments (including but not
limited to virtual learning environments, managed learning environments, virtual research
environments and library environments) hosted on a Secure Network. Each item shall
carry appropriate acknowledgement of the source, listing title and copyright owner.
Course packs in non-electronic non-print perceptible form, such as Braille, may also be
offered to Authorised Users;
allow Authorised Users to incorporate parts of the Licensed Material, Metadata and
Modifications in printed or electronic form in assignments and portfolios, theses and in
dissertations (“the Academic Works”), including reproductions of the Academic Works for
personal use and library deposit, if such use conforms to the customary and usual
practice of the Sub-Licensee.Reproductions in printed or electronic form of Academic
Works may be provided to sponsors of such Academic Works. Each item shall carry
appropriate acknowledgement of the source and copyright owner;
allow Authorised Users to incorporate parts of the Licensed Material, Metadata and
Modifications in printed or electronic form in showreels, resumes and competition entries
within an educational setting. Each item shall carry appropriate acknowledgment of the
source and copyright owner;
3.1.10 use or allow Authorised Users to use parts of the Licensed Material, Metadata and
Modifications in any electronic or print media, including advertising and editorial use.
Each item shall carry appropriate acknowledgment of the source and copyright owner;
3.1.11 display, download and print parts of the Licensed Material for the purpose of promotion of
the Licensed Material, testing of the Licensed Material, or for training Authorised Users;
3.1.12 allow Authorised Users to publicly display or publicly perform parts of the Licensed
Material and Modifications as part of a presentation at a seminar, or workshop. Each item
shall carry appropriate acknowledgment of the source and copyright owner;
3.1.13 make such copies of training material and network such training material as may be
required for the purpose of using the Licensed Material in accordance with this SubLicence;
3.1.14 deposit in perpetuity the learning and teaching objects as referred to in Clause 3.1.7 in
electronic repositories operated by the Sub-Licensee on a Secure Network. The access
and use of such learning and teaching objects shall be governed by the terms and
conditions of the applicable repository;
3.1.15 deposit in perpetuity the learning and teaching objects as referred to in Clause 3.1.7in the
JORUM Repository. The access and use of such learning and teaching objects shall be
governed by the terms and conditions of the JORUM Repository;
3.1.16 mount and use the Metadata in bespoke and commercially available library systems to
manage library operations; and
3.1.17 use parts of the Licensed Material, Metadata and Modifications for any other uses
provided such uses are approved in writing by the Publishers.
This Sub-Licence shall be deemed to complement and extend the rights of the Institution and
Authorised Users under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988 and the Copyright (Visually
Impaired Persons) Act 2002 and nothing in this Sub-Licence shall constitute a waiver of any
statutory rights held by the Institution and Authorised Users from time to time under these Acts or
any amending legislation.
Save as provided herein, the Sub-Licensee and Authorised Users may not:
sell or resell the Licensed Material, Metadata and Modifications unless the Sub-Licensee
or an Authorised User has been granted prior written consent by Publishers to do so;
remove, obscure or modify copyright notices, text acknowledging or other means of
identification or disclaimers as they appear other than Metadata;
alter, adapt or modify the Licensed Material (save for the Metadata), except to the extent
necessary to make it perceptible on a computer screen, or as otherwise permitted in this
Agreement. For the avoidance of doubt, no alteration of the words or their order is
display or distribute any part of the Licensed Material, Metadata and Modifications on any
electronic network, including without limitation the Internet and the World Wide Web, and
any other distribution medium now in existence or hereinafter created, other than by a
Secure Network;
use all or any part of the Licensed Material for any Commercial Use or for any purpose
other than Educational Purposes.
This Clause 4 shall survive termination of this Sub-Licence for any reason.
The Sub-Licensee will:
issue passwords or other access information only to Authorised Users and use all
reasonable efforts to ensure that Authorised Users do not divulge their passwords or
other access information to any third party;
use all reasonable efforts to ensure that only Authorised Users are permitted access to
the Licensed Material;
use all reasonable efforts to ensure that all Authorised Users are made aware of and
undertake to abide by the terms of this Sub-Licence;
use all reasonable efforts to monitor compliance with the terms of this Sub-Licence and
notify Publisher and JISC Collections immediately and provide full particulars on
becoming aware of any of the following(a) any unauthorised access to or use of the
Licensed Material or unauthorised use of any of the Sub-Licensee's password(s); or(b)
any breach by an Authorised User of the terms of this Sub-Licence. Upon becoming
aware of any breach of the terms of this Sub-Licence the Sub-Licensee further agrees
promptly to fully investigate and initiate disciplinary procedures in accordance with the
Sub-Licensee's standard practice and use all reasonable effort to ensure that such
activity ceases and to prevent any recurrence;
5.1.10 comply with all computer security procedures required by JISC Collections and/or a third
party duly appointed by JISC Collections and take all reasonable steps to ensure the
security of the Licensed Material; and
5.1.11 provide lists of valid IP addresses to JISC Collections and update those lists on a regular
basis the frequency of which will be agreed by the parties from time to time.
JISC Collections shall use all reasonable efforts to ensure access and use of the Licensed
Material in accordance with the provisions as laid down in this Sub-Licence.
JISC Collections shall use all reasonable efforts to cause customer support services to be
provided to the Sub-Licensee and to Authorised Users.
The parties shall co-operate in gathering any data on usage of the Licensed Material that is
available to them during the term of this Sub-Licence, and shall provide such data to each other
upon request. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the parties shall make reasonable endeavours to
comply with relevant data protection legislation.
The Sub-Licensee will pay to JISC Collections the total sum of the Charges for the whole term of
this Sub-Licence in accordance with the applicable JISC Collections charging band. JISC
Collections will invoice the Sub-Licensee annually for the applicable charge as set out below. All
prices are exclusive of VAT, which will be payable where applicable.
The Charges shall be subject to review on the expiry of the period specified in paragraph 1. JISC
Collections shall act reasonably in seeking to agree an appropriate level of Charges for the
following subscription period.
In the event that the Sub-Licensee completes the Subscription Order and Acceptance Form
during a given year, the Sub-Licensee shall pay JISC Collections that part of the applicable
charge which represents the period covering the date as set out in the Subscription Order and
Acceptance Form up to the date where the next 12 months subscription period starts. Thereafter
the Sub-Licensee will pay JISC Collections the full applicable charges for subsequent years as
and where applicable.
Invoices shall be due and payable no later than thirty (30) days after being issued by JISC
The term of this Sub-Licence will commence upon the start date as set out in the Subscription
Order and Acceptance Form (and subsequently in the Order Confirmation Email (Institution) and
Order Confirmation Email (JISC Collections) and will remain in full force and effect until the end
date as set out in such Subscription Order and Acceptance Form, unless terminated earlier as
provided for in this Clause 9.
The Sub-Licensee may terminate this Agreement without cause on the anniversary date as set
out in the Subscription Order and Acceptance Form (and subsequently in the Order Confirmation
Email (Institution) by giving JISC Collections sixty days notice to that effect
JISC Collections may terminate this Agreement without cause on the anniversary date as set out
in the Subscription Order and Acceptance Form by giving the Sub-Licensee sixty days notice to
that effect
Either party may terminate this Sub-Licence at any time on the material breach or repeated other
breaches by the other of any obligation on its part under this Sub-Licence by serving a written
notice on the other identifying the nature of the breach. The termination will become effective
thirty days after receipt of the written notice unless during the relevant period of thirty (30) days
the defaulting party remedies the breach.
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, this Sub-Licence will be treated as if terminated if
an agreement between one of the Publishers contributing to the Mediahub and JISC Collections
terminates until JISC Collections or the Publisher remedies the breach. JISC Collections will
notify the Sub-Licensee of such termination and when it has remedied the breach. JISC
Collections shall make reasonable endeavours not to cause the agreements between the
Publishers and JISC Collections to terminate.
Further, notwithstanding anything to the contrary herein, upon a breach by the Sub-Licensee, online access to the Licensed Material shall be terminated.
Upon termination of this Sub-Licence, Metadata, Modifications, and copies of parts of the
Licensed Material, modifications and Metadata made by the Sub-Licensee or Authorised Users
may be retained. Such copies may be used after termination of this Agreement subject to the
terms of Clauses 3 and 4 of this Sub-Licence, which terms shall survive any termination of this
Save for the ITN Archive Third Party Material and save as provided in Clause 10.2, the SubLicensee acknowledges that the Intellectual Property Rights in the Licensed Material are the sole
and exclusive property of the Publishers or are duly licensed to Publishers and that this SubLicence does not assign or transfer to the Sub-Licensee any right, title or interest therein except
for the right to use the Licensed Material in accordance with the terms and conditions of this SubLicence.
Any and all Intellectual Property Rights in the metadata generated by the Sub-Licensee and/or
end-users shall be the property of the Sub-Licensee and/or such end-users.
The Sub-Licensee represents and warrants that it has sufficient authority and rights to enter into
and perform its obligations under this Sub-Licence.
Save as provided for 10.1 and in 10.2, JISC Collections represents and warrants that it has the
right to grant the Sub-Licence and that the use of the Licensed Material by the Sub-Licensee and
Authorised Users in accordance with the terms of this Sub-Licence shall not infringe the copyright
of any third party. The foregoing shall not apply to improper usage of the Licensed Material by the
Sub-Licensee or Authorised Users. JISC Collections makes no representation or warranty, and
expressly disclaims any liability with respect to the content of the Licensed Material, including but
not limited to errors or omissions contained therein, libel, infringement of rights of publicity,
privacy, trademark rights, moral rights, or the disclosure of confidential information.
JISC Collections does not warrant or make any representation of any kind to the Sub-Licensee
and its Authorised Users in respect of the ITN Archive Third Party Rights.
The Sub-Licensee agrees to notify the respective Publisher and JISC Collections within 48 hours
and provide full particulars in the event that it becomes aware of any actual or threatened claims
by any third party in connection with the works of such Publisher contained in the Licensed
Material. It is expressly agreed that upon such notification, or if a Publisher becomes aware of
such a claim from other sources, such Publisher may remove such work(s) from the Licensed
Material. At the request of such Publisher, the Sub-Licensee will make all reasonable efforts to
remove such work(s) from any copies of the Licensed Material maintained by the Sub-Licensee.
Failure to report knowledge of any actual or threatened claim by any third party shall be deemed
a material breach of this Sub-Licence.
Nothing in this Sub-Licence shall make the Sub-Licensee liable for breach of the terms of this
Sub-Licence by any Authorised User provided that the Sub-Licensee did not cause, knowingly
assist or condone the continuation of such breach after becoming aware of an actual breach
having occurred.
Subject to the above and to the extent permitted by law, JISC Collections shall not be liable to the
Sub-Licensee for any loss or damage including any loss of profits, goodwill, contract or any
indirect or consequential loss including loss or damage suffered by the Sub-Licensee as a result
of an action brought by a third party.
JISC Collections reserve the right to remove content, or to change the metadata, presentation,
user facilities or availability of parts of the Licensed Material and to make changes in any software
used to deliver the Licensed Material at their sole discretion. JISC Collections will notify the SubLicensee of any substantial change to the Licensed Material.
Other than the express warranties stated in this Clause 11, the Licensed Material is provided on
an “as is” basis, and JISC Collections disclaims any and all other warranties, conditions, or
representations (express, implied, oral or written), relating to the Licensed Material or any part
thereof, including, without limitation, any and all implied warranties of quality, performance,
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. JISC Collections further expressly disclaims
any warranty or representation to Authorised Users, or to any third party. JISC Collections
accepts no liability for loss suffered or incurred by the Sub-Licensee or Authorised Users as a
result of their reliance on the Licensed Material.
The Sub-Licensee represents to JISC Collections that its computer system through which the
Licensed Material will be used is configured, and procedures are in place, to prohibit access to
the Licensed Material by any person other than an Authorised User; that it shall inform Authorised
Users about the conditions of use of the Licensed Material; and that during the term of this SubLicence, the Sub-Licensee will continue to make all reasonable efforts to bar non-permitted
access and to convey appropriate use information to its Authorised Users.
JISC Collections and the Sub-Licensee do not seek to exclude liability under this Agreement for
fraud or for personal injury or death caused by its negligence and the negligence of its
employees, authorised sub-contractors and agents.
Either party’s failure to perform any term or condition of this Sub-Licence as a result of
circumstances beyond the control of the relevant party (including without limitation, war, strikes,
flood, governmental restrictions, and power, telecommunications or Internet failures or damages
to or destruction of any network facilities) ["Force Majeure"] shall not be deemed to be, or to give
rise to, a breach of this Sub-Licence.
If either party to this Sub-Licence is prevented or delayed in the performance of any of its
obligations under this Sub-Licence by Force Majeure and if such party gives written notice thereof
to the other party specifying the matters constituting Force Majeure together with such evidence
as it reasonably can give and specifying the period for which it is estimated that such prevention
or delay will continue, then the party in question shall be excused the performance or the
punctual performance as the case may be as from the date of such notice for so long as such
cause of prevention or delay shall continue.
Neither this Sub-Licence nor any of the rights and obligations under it may be assigned or sublicensed by the Sub-Licensee without obtaining the prior written consent of JISC Collections, such
consent not to be unreasonably withheld or delayed. In any permitted assignment, the assignor
shall procure and ensure that the assignee shall assume all rights and obligations of the assignor
under this Sub-Licence and agrees to be bound to all the terms of this Sub-Licence.
This Sub-Licence shall be governed by and construed in accordance with English law and the
parties irrevocably agree that any dispute arising out of or in connection with this Sub-Licence will
be subject to and within the jurisdiction of the English courts.
Where the parties agree that a dispute arising out of or in connection with this Sub-Licence would
best be resolved by the decision of an expert, they will agree upon the nature of the expert
required and together appoint a suitable expert by agreement. In default of agreement upon
whom to appoint as a suitable expert, such expert shall upon the request of either party be
appointed by the Chair for the time being of Universities UK (
Any person to whom a reference is made under Clause 14.2 shall act as expert and not as an
arbitrator and his decision (which shall be given by him in writing and shall state the reasons for
his decision) shall be final and binding on the parties except in the case of manifest error or fraud.
Each party shall provide the expert with such information and documentation as he may
reasonably require for the purposes of his decision.
The costs of the expert shall be borne by the parties in such proportions as the expert may
determine to be fair and reasonable in all circumstances or, if no determination is made by the
expert, by the parties in equal proportions.
All notices required to be given under this Sub-Licence shall be given in writing in English and
sent by electronic mail, fax or first class registered or recorded delivery to the relevant addressee
at its address set out below, or to such other address as may be notified by either party to the
other from time to time under this Sub-Licence, and all such notices shall be deemed to have
been received (a) 24 hours after successful transmission in the case of electronic mail or fax; (b)
fourteen (14) days after the date of posting in the case of first class registered or recorded
if to JISC Collections/Publisher:
Lorraine Estelle
Chief Executive Officer
JISC Collections
Brettenham House South
5 Lancaster Place
London WC2E 7EN
if to the Sub-Licensee:
[As stated in the Subscription Order and Acceptance
This Sub-Licence, its Schedules and Annexes constitute the entire agreement between the
parties relating to the Licensed Material and supersede all prior communications, understandings
and agreements (whether written or oral) relating to its subject matter and may not be amended
or modified except by agreement of both parties in writing.
The Schedules shall have the same force and effect as if expressly set in the body of this SubLicence and any reference to this Sub-Licence shall include the Schedules.
The invalidity or unenforceability of any provision of this Sub-Licence shall not affect the
continuation in force of the remainder of this Sub-Licence.
The rights of the parties arising under this Sub-Licence shall not be waived except in writing. Any
waiver of any of a party's rights under this Sub-Licence or of any breach of this Sub-Licence by
the other party shall not be construed as a waiver of any other rights or of any other or further
breach. Failure by either party to exercise or enforce any rights conferred upon it by this SubLicence shall not be deemed to be a waiver of any such rights or operate so as to bar the
exercise or enforcement thereof at any subsequent time or times.
JISC eCollections Sub-Licence